KT4 & IRQ problem, Password problem and TV tuner problem

I just purchaced new KT4V board and now I'm experiencing quite a few troubles. Before that I had K7T266a Pro2 board with which I was very setisfied and all the features that I will mention here that does not work with KT4 on older MSI board worked without a problem.
1st problem:
I'm unable to force IRQ for PCI slots. I manualy select which IRQ will PCI slot take but that is not accepted. IRQs are allways assigned automaticly.
2nd problem:
Wake Up with specific key, password and mouse is not working. I also updated to new bios for that board and that does not help to solve the issue
3rd problem:
ATI TV Wonder is not presenting any picture. Neither under Windows 98SE, neither under Windows XP. There is a black picture when I start ATI TV Wonder but I can hear a sound. (My friend also has this issue on KT4 Ultra board)
Changing the board back to K7T266a Pro2. All is working well!
Does any of you have some of this issues with KT4 boards? Help is appreciated!
Ciao, Davor.

I've had the Lan ver of this board now for three weeks, but have not been able to get it to run stabily.
I have recently concidered manually setting IRQs myself. However, from what I have read to do this requires both APIC and ACPI BIOS functions to be disabled first.
What I have learned is Win XP will not run or install with ACPI disabled (see Good Articles, Changing HALs).
In any case these functions must be set one way or the other prior to installing the OS.
I've also noted on mine that IRQ11 is being shared by video, LAN controller and a USB controller. This may be part of the prob. If you can try disabling ALL USB (the only way mine would not use IRQ11) and Lan if you should have it.

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    If you are the only user on your computer you probably don't have multiple user accounts set up and can disregard that.  If you are using iTunes 11 go to View>Show Sidebar.  Now see if your iPad appears under Devices on the left side when you connect it.  If it does, click on the name of your iPad on the left side and your iTunes sync settings options will appear in folders with tabbed headings to the right.
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    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements running on?
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    Is your computer authorized with the same account that you use to buy the muisc in iTunes?
    More info here: About iTunes Store authorization and deauthorization
    Did you try to transfer your music by right clicking on your ipod in the device list and choosing "transfer purchases"?
    Did you ever sync your ipod to your computer?

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    Thanks for the reply and the analogy, one can overlook the fact that it could be something other than the device that is the cause of the problem and i realise that, however frustration can creep in and cause one to overlook obvious things. I have spoken to my ISP and we have examined a number things, firstly my download speed on wireless which is a healthy 16mbps. Next the channels being used around me, which were numbers one, six and eleven, and we changed my channel to three. It would appear that those using eleven are mobile users with no fixed landline. I do not have any electrical devices anywhere near the ATV except for the TV itself, a DVD recorder and a PC computer only rrecently set up there and after the problems started anyway. I have removed the PC entirely from the room and it has no effect on the situation with the ATV. In the same room but some distance from the ATV, a lamp and the telephone base station, which has to be close to the socket which is in the same room as the TV and the ATV of course. The problem continues. I have actually tried connecting ATV by ethernet to the router, and last night that worked, today however it refuses to do anything at all.
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    Many thanks

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    If the old ID is yours, and if your current ID was created by editing the details of this old ID (rather than being an entirely new ID), go to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iDevice, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then save any photo stream photos that you wish to keep to your camera roll.  When finished go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to https://appleid.apple.com and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

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    Can anyone help me out?

    Thanks for the reply.
    What kind of specs do you need?
    I installed directx8.1b and 9.0. Both have the same problems.
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    I can't find any bios settings regarding video.
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    You must first buy Snow Leopard from Apple: 800-MY-APPLE (in the US)
    Make sure your system meets Snow Leopard's requirements:
    Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard" System Requirements
    To install Snow Leopard for the first time, you must have a Mac with:
    An Intel processor
    An internal or external DVD drive, or DVD or CD Sharing
    At least 1 GB of RAM (additional RAM is recommended)
    A built-in display or a display connected to an Apple-supplied video card supported by your computer
    At least 5 GB of disk space available, or 7 GB of disk space if you install the developer tools

  • IRQ problems?, especially with USB.... read this

    Summary: the following things are listed to help people configure or disable USB and USB IRQ related options, some steps may help diagnose/eliminate other IRQ problems. Some Operating Systems/Motherboards may have Similiar or Alternative ways to preform the following options,(Some may not be compatible with these Options):
    From initial installation problems to suddenly not working USB, cleaning up the Device manager in Safe mode is the first step. Many hardware related problems in Windows can be traced to ghost devices and duplicate device entries. Obsolete and/or duplicate devices can ONLY be seen and removed in Windows Safe Mode. This procedure MUST be performed in SAFE MODE.
    USB can only share its IRQ with other USB Host controllers (such as a USB upgrade card, if applicable) and IRQ Holder for PCI Steering. (Some of the newer motherboards can share USB Devices with their On-Board Devices,ex: K7N2 Delta
    In most cases for mother boards the First and Last PCI slot share the same IRQ as the AGP slot. This is not always the case, and is usually addressed in the motherboard's manual. In some motherboards there are other slots that share IRQ's with other on board devices, these can lead to conflicts and errors later; try changing cards in PCI slots around.
    Sometimes you may find that when you have installed a new card (or device) into the system, other devices such as the sound card may stop working. Once again, the resource configuration needs to be changed. Do so by going to Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, (Com1) ,or other port's properties, disable usage. This is also the best way of disabling hardware so that if necessary the customer can turn the hardware back on through windows rather than having to play in the BIOS.After disabling a device in the BIOS boot to Safe Mode and delete the device from the Windows Device Manager. If the device is not removed from the Windows Device Manager in Safe Mode, Windows will continue to recognize the device and Windows will continue to assign it an IRQ.
    In some versions of the Award, AMI and Phenix bios you can select Plug and Play OS installed. This option lets you decide whether windows should handle the IRQ routing of devices or if the BIOS should handle the routing. Please note that if this option is enabled windows will show a completely different setup of IRQ's then what the BIOS reports You may wish to toggle this option if you find that moving the card dosn't work. This in some cases will change the way windows will assign IRQ's. In most cases this will help but not in all.
    Another section that you might want to look at is if the IRQ's are being assigned manually or automatically. Sometimes it is better to manually assign IRQ's and other times it is better to automatically assign them.You can do so by entering your BIOS... should be listed under PNP/OS or PNP/PCI Configuration. ( You must disable Plug N Play feature for this to work!)
    Properly installed IRQ Steering is critical to correctly working USB. If IRQ Steering is disabled the likely cause is improper BIOS settings. See the section on BIOS Settings. Go to Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, System Devices, PCI Bus...If you do not have the following options, then obviously your system shouldn't be configured this way. Seek alternative means to enable/disable them. View Status, go to Settings tab, Use Hardware should be enabled, go to IRQ Steering tab... The following options should be checked... Use IRQ Steering, Get IRQ table using ACPI BIOS, GET IRQ table using MS Specification table, Get IRQ table from Real Mode PCIBIOS 2.1 call.... Under IRQ Routing Status the following should be displayed: (AMD) system should read: IRQ Steering Enabled, IRQ Table read from ACPI BIOS. (Intel) system should read: IRQ Table read from MS IRQ Routing Specification), IRQ Miniport Data processed successfully, IRQ Miniport loaded successfully. If IRQ Steering is not enabled. Reboot the system to the BIOS setup (Usually holding the DEL key at bootup) and Enable (Plug and Play Operating System). Set (Assign IRQs) AUTO or System. IRQ Steering is essential to proper USB connectivity. BIOS control of Power Management should be Disabled or set to User...
    If all the above doesn't work, you can look at the hardware in the computer and disable any that is not nessasary. This will free up some IRQs and on the next reboot the IRQs may be reshuffled to a better configuration. Common hardware that is good to disable are com ports and USB controllers.  If you are not using your serial port for anything, disable COM1. If you are not using your USB try disabling the USB controllers and hubs. If you are using a USB mouse, try pulling it into the PS/2 port if possible. All these things will free up and change the available IRQ's, and allow USB devices to automatically select them.
    Disable USB Error Detection In Windows Standard Mode, Device Manager, USB Host Controllers, (SiS, Standard, ect..)USB Open Host Controller, Advanced, Enable the function (Disable USB Error Detection).
    With some motherboards you may need to install the newest version of the motherboard drivers and also may need to flash the BIOS.An example of this is VIA motherboards. The VIA or Apollo chipset boards require an update for their IRQ routing with windows. This update helps fix problems such as loss of data and such.
    If you still cannot isolate USB to it’s own IRQ, changing the I/O range of USB sometimes works.
    Possibly your last resort upgrading to USB by PCI/USB upgrade card is a recommended solution for systems with non-functioning onboard USB host controllers. Properly Installed the USB upgrade host controller should share the same IRQ as the onboard USB host controller. Check the motherboard manual or Manufacturers Web Site and install the new card into a PCI Slot that shares it's IRQ with USB. Do NOT disable USB in the BIOS as the upgrade card may not work if you do.
    If that won't fix it, you may want to contact your mother board's manufacturer, or retailer who sold you the unoperable System components, to see if your System is under any kind of waranty/recall; then order a new motherboard and components...there is always the possibility you will  end up with same problem. Or you can contact a computer tech in your area. Goodluck...
    Misc Tips....
    Check all Physical Connections (This includes: Motherboard mounting, cables, plugs, and visibly damaged components)...
    Don't use cables longer than what you need, this can decreases efficiency and or causes System instability...
    Check your Voltages in BIOS, and on your PSU (power supply unit); make sure your system is not underpowered...
    Check your CPU/System Temperature, check airflow/fans, then check with your CPU manufacturer for acceptable settings...
    Check BIOS, Drivers, Firmware, and Software for latest settings/updates...
    Check Compatability (can find information in your Motherboard, BIOS, and Device Manuals...
    Don't Overclock or Tweak settings you don't understand, unless you like the smell of toast...
    And finally, don't me scared to ask... no one here will think less of you for seeking info/help from those who know...

    Also if this has helped you or someone else in anyway please reply.

  • Irq problems K7t133 pro 2-a (MS-6330)

    I'm no expert. Use this mobo for two years with no problems. Now I've installed Soundcard (on board was broke) and Pinnacle PCTV card. Now my system is instable. Suppliers tell me it's probably a irq problem. Tried to change the settings but devicemanger does not allowe changing the sources and switching slots has no effect. How can I change the IRQ settings?

    I've changed the cards several times but they allways share eachothers irq. For instance, at this moment Pinnacle and Terratec are sharing number 5, geforce and USB ports are sharing number 10 while numbers 3 and 9 are not used!
    The onboard sound AC'97 is disabled, makes no difference.
    Thanks for your response, but what do you mean with
    'system content' and 'power supply details'.....remember I'm no expert!

  • Windows crashes (IRQ Problem?)

    I've posted here a couple of times explaining how incredibly gay my system is.
    MSI 865pe Neo-2 Motherboard
    Intel P4 2.6c
    OCZ PC4000 Gold Dual Channel Ram (2x256mb)
    Maxtor 160gb 8mb cache HD
    Xaser-III case (7 fans installed)
    Samsung CDRW
    Samsung DVD
    Geforce MX440
    Windows XP Pro SP1
    I'm still getting random lockups/blue screen of death at random times regardless of what program i use. This is a clean install of windows, ALL windows updates have been installed, i've tried using ALL avaliable versions of the bios updates, installed the latest graphics card drivers (as well as older versions) and installed the latest intel.inf file. Nothing at all has worked. To give you an idea of how much this computer crashes, here's a brief part of my windows error reporting
    12/10/2003 09:39   Application Error   Faulting application btdownloadgui.exe, version, faulting module python23.dll, version, fault address 0x00085665.
    12/10/2003 11:56   Application Error   Faulting application kazaalite.kpp, version, faulting module kazaalite.kpp, version, fault address 0x0013c203.
    12/10/2003 13:48   Application Error   Faulting application hl.exe, version, faulting module hl.exe, version, fault address 0x0093fcfc.
    12/10/2003 14:23   Application Error   Faulting application hl.exe, version, faulting module hl.exe, version, fault address 0x009410cb.
    12/10/2003 17:02   Application Error   Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module mshtml.dll, version 6.0.2800.1264, fault address 0x000060fc.
    12/10/2003 17:15   Application Error   Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module mshtml.dll, version 6.0.2800.1264, fault address 0x0003fedc.
    12/10/2003 17:51   Application Error   Faulting application msnmsgr.exe, version, faulting module comctl32.dll, version 6.0.2800.1106, fault address 0x0002fee6.
    12/10/2003 17:51   Application Error   Faulting application msnmsgr.exe, version, faulting module comctl32.dll, version 6.0.2800.1106, fault address 0x0002fee6.
    12/10/2003 17:53   Application Error   Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module comctl32.dll, version 6.0.2800.1106, fault address 0x0002fee6.
    12/10/2003 18:14   Application Hang   Hanging application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.
    12/10/2003 23:27   Application Error   Faulting application steam.exe, version, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.1106, fault address 0x0001a37a.
    12/10/2003 23:45   Application Error   Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module browseui.dll, version 6.0.2800.1106, fault address 0x000092ac.
    12/10/2003 23:45   Application Error   Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module browseui.dll, version 6.0.2800.1106, fault address 0x000092ac.
    12/10/2003 23:45   Application Error   Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module browseui.dll, version 6.0.2800.1106, fault address 0x000092ac.
    That is only over the last  day i've bothered using the computer. Before i blow £240 of my cash on buying a 9800pro to put into my computer, i want to get it working to some degree first. I've read in a few posts about IRQ settings causing this and NovJoe seems to be the guy clued in on it so i'll post my IRQ';s here and hopefully somebody will know what i can do. (i've already noticed a few devices are sharing IRQ's).
    IRQ 0   System timer   OK
    IRQ 1   Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard   OK
    IRQ 3   Communications Port (COM2)   OK
    IRQ 4   Communications Port (COM1)   OK
    IRQ 6   Standard floppy disk controller   OK
    IRQ 8   System CMOS/real time clock   OK
    IRQ 9   Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System   OK
    IRQ 10   RAID Controller   OK
    IRQ 11   Intel(R) 82801EB SMBus Controller - 24D3   OK
    IRQ 12   PS/2 Compatible Mouse   OK
    IRQ 13   Numeric data processor   OK
    IRQ 14   Primary IDE Channel   OK
    IRQ 15   Secondary IDE Channel   OK
    IRQ 16   NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X   OK
    IRQ 16   Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2   OK
    IRQ 16   Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE   OK
    IRQ 17   C-Media AC97 Audio Device   OK
    IRQ 18   Intel(R) PRO/1000 CT Network Connection   OK
    IRQ 18   Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7   OK
    IRQ 19   Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4   OK
    IRQ 21   VIA OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 23   Intel(R) 82801EB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 24DD   OK
    If you could tell me if this is ok or causing a problem that would be great. (sorry about the length of the post)

    1st question, do you have any USB devices connected to your system. Next, to be frank with you, your IRQs are alright, unless you've got external USB devices connected to your system, causing it to share with your VGA card indirectly.
    If you do not have any external USB devices connected to your system, then, I will recommend you to increase your RAM Voltage to 2.7 and set your RAMs CAS latenices by SPD.
    Next, all the errors seems to be occurring within the dll files, see if you've got the original version of windows(which I supposed it is original) and make sure that your HDD does not have any lost clusters or bad sectors.
    All the Best... :D!!!

  • RADEON IRQ Problem

    I have a Radeon 9000 Pro vid card and an MAudio Delta 66 soundcard: http://www.midiman.com/products/m-audio/delta66.php
    I am using Windows XP
    The Radeon keeps following my sound card and won't take it's own unique IRQ.
    I moved the audio card around but it keeps being followed by the video card.
    I was told to change the computer from ASCI to standard PC mode. (I thought I did this during installation of Windows XP). See: http://www.pcaudiolabs.com/setup_tips/win2000.htm
    I have to fix the problem because the shared IRQ causes loud squelches and pops on my audio card.
    Is changing to PC mode my only option. do I have alternatives?

    Didn't try the external yet, i'll still try something with this.
    :: Do you have a home network setup, or connect straight to modem?
    straight to modem.
    i doubt it is the audigy, it worked before... and i've disabled everything i don't need like onboard audio, onboard 1394.. (never installed 'em)
    i noticed one thing: all people with similar problems are running win2000 SP4, you run XP so it's ok.
    MS knowledge base says "If one or two registry hives consistently become corrupted for no reason, the problem probably occurs at shutdown and is not discovered until you try to load the registry hive at the next restart. In this scenario, the registry hive is written to disk when you shut down the computer, and this process may stop the computer or a component in the computer before the writing is completed." http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;822705
    so something (realtek?) is writing to the registry while i shut down the pc.
    i'm gonna disable realtek before shutdown & see if it boots without errors... if it does, i'll just have to disable it *always* before shutdown.... sounds like driver error for me?

  • My computer has crushed so i have to download I tunes again,and maybe all my information will be lost.but i had I cloud and last time when i used to i tunes they have asked me to do I cloud so i did,so now when i will again setup my computer and I tunes

    my computer has crushed so i have to download I tunes again,and maybe all my information will be lost.but i had I cloud and last time when i used to i tunes they have asked me to do I cloud so i did,so now when i will again setup my computer and I tunes will i get all my Contacts and Inofrmations cause i had i have an account on I cloud

    If you used icloud for your contacts and calendar then you should have no problem. They will all come back on the phone once you put the icloud user name and password in. Itunes does not store the contact information except in a backup file and if you were backing up using icloud you can use that backup to restore with.

  • ITunes 11.0.3 asks for password again and again, have re-done my credit card details, have changed my Apple ID password, tried to log in and out of iTunes, none of thos seem to work, just keeps happening without end, please help

    I have tried to re-install iTunes 11.0.3 at least 6 times.
    I have also downloaded iTunes 11.0.3 at least 5 times.
    I have changed my Apple ID password.
    I have downloaded (again, I've done that many times) iTunes 11.0.3, then I switched off the iMac, then restarted the wi-fi modem.  Switched on the iMac, loaded iTunes, same problem.
    I tried to just switch off the wi-fi, did the same as point above, same problem.
    Even tried to change the system date to 2038, this only seemed (although I doubt it) to fix the "not responding" issue which I had this morning.
    The Apple ID password issue, where it asks me for the password loads and loads of times (probably 50 times or more), one after the other has been happening for about 3 days now.
    Here is a copy of my message problem:
    iTunes Problem, can't seem to find a solution online.
    I am running OS X 10.8.3 on an iMac, have just loaded iTunes 11.0.3 a few days ago.
    Firstly, I'd open iTunes and it would immediately say it was not responding, I'd have to force quit, try again, re-boot, try again etc.  I tried re-installing iTunes, changing password, everything to no avail, then changed my date to 2038, and voila it started responding (no, don't ask me, I just read in online and was desperate enough to try it).  Of course, I don't believe that this actually helped, I would like to know what did help or if there is something specific one needs to do to fix this.
    I have not been able to get rid of this problem:  Whenever I try to make a purchase it asks for my Apple ID password, dozens of times until I give up and press cancel, cancel, cancel.
    Why does it do this?  I don't want to purchase anything because I can't keep typing in my password again and again.  I'm not exaggerating.
    As I mentioned, I have tried to re-install iTunes, about 6 times, and I changed my password.  I still get the same problem.
    Also, my iTunes still looks like the classical iTunes and doesn't have the new interface.
    Has anyone experienced this and was able to fix it, or does anyone know what the problem is?  Please help, I'm at my wits end.

    Because too much time has passed I can't edit this into the prior comment, but here is the info regarding reverting to iTunes 11.0.2 (assuming you do have a time machine backup) from https://discussions.apple.com/message/22057703#22057703
    W. Raider wrote:
    Repairing permissions doesn't fix it.
    I reverted to the previous version, 11.0.2.
    1. Quit the new crash-prone iTunes.
    2. Delete the app.
    3. Restore v. 11.0.2 with Time Machine.
    4. In your iTunes folder look for a folder called "Previous iTunes Libraries", find the latest one.
    5. In the iTunes folder itself you'll see "iTunes Library.itl", delete it (or compress it and save a copy for later just in case.
    6. Copy the newest .itl file in Previous iTunes Libraries to the iTunes folder and rename it "iTunes Library.itl".
    7. Launch the older version of iTunes.
    My crashing has seemed to have ceased with a revert to an older version. I noticed today that the newer crashing iTunes had been launched for hours but not playing anything, when I played internet radio it crashed within 5mins, fed up I reverted to an older version.
    Btw, a simpler way to do this is to revert to older iTunes app, then hold Option when it launches and choose an older library.

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