Kt4av + 2500XP Problems

All new stuff:
2500 XP Barton
512mb Corsair XM DDR400
Motherboard defaults to 100FSB, I change it to 166 (cause the board is suppose to be 333) and the system won't post.
It did post when I changed the multiplier to 12.5/13 and FSB of 150 however SiSandra and the FuzzyLogic software that comes with the motherboard are still reporting 11x multiplier and 100 fsb. Any mhz reading I get is around 1100.  If i change any of the FSB settings with FuzzyLogic, example from 100 to 101 and then click apply, the actual FSB speed right above the clock speed changes to like 140 or so and the CPU Speed jumps to 1400 or so, it doesn't agree with the settings, etc.
I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

Originally posted by no2_wizard
Well, I don't know what all you are using it for, or the rail powers, but it sounds like you're asking a little too much of that little PSU. You might upgrade to at least a 380 by Antec.
I'll look into this...thanks!

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    i had same problems before..i think its the ram problem..just give it a small 'twitch' to align it a bit and it boots ok..sometimes when i mess up inside my mobo it occurs again and i just have to try and twitch it again untll it's ok....i think the ram slots are not so good and the rams are quite 'loose'..good luck

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    there have been lots of complaints about the 9600. i was able to get mine working perfectly by using 4x agp bus speed, and the 3.7 Cat driver and follow these directions:
    1) download and install the latest via driver.
    2) download and install latest soundblaster driver (if you are using a soundblaster audio card of course)
    3) download and install catalyst 3.7 driver/control panel/samartgart from ati.
    4) disable fast-write in bios (this was causing corrupted icons and cursor in windoze for me).
    5) go to c:\programs\ati technology\ati control panel and execute smartgart (it's a link)
    6) enable - pci read/write and agp read (probably allready is enabled).
    7) disable - agp write (default in my case was on causing lots of stability/freeze problems in games).
     "apply", reboot, then "ok".
    if the above works, then try 8x. btw - 8x vs 4x is negligable speed difference.
    if above doesn't work, then repat using the new Cat 3.10 and see if that works.

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    Originally posted by Sharp
    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe"
    + Hardware resources
    In the BIOS is APIC enabled? this will give you 23 IRQ's in total (0 to 22).
    You should re-install if you do this.
    I never have PNP aware OS enabled.
    Do you use any serial ports? NO then disable both.
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    Do you use the GAME PORT? NO then disable this too.
    I have nothing sharing.
    Do all of that then reinstall windows.
    Then the first driver you install must be the VIA 4in1 drivers.
    See if that helps you.  
    ok, I did what you said with the serial and parrallel ports.  I dont see how disabling PNP aware OS would do anything, please explaine.
    Here is my prob, I think.  When video and lan share and irq it can cause problems, this is what it looks like in system information when I have the onboard lan enabled.
    IRQ 11   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200    OK
    IRQ 11   VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 11   VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter   OK
    I also dont know how re-installing wondows is going to help when at POST is shows them at IRQ11 also.  This is shown before the OS boots (second POST screen).  Please explaine this too.

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    Ok thanks, so I read the the bit about WD jumpers...It's the only drive on the cable, so I removed the jumper entirely.  The old asus board was via km400, and this is technically (model-speaking) a different chipset, so should I uninstall drivers with the old board, then install this new board?  Sorry to ask the same question again, but I needed to know if this particular change in chipset is relevant.

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    What am I doing wrong ?
    Many thanks

    oh my gosh! I can't believe! you have to be a kind of magician, your PSU it's the weakest that I ever seen!    5a it's extremely low! I don´t how did it works now, even at the lower speed, please try another PSU ASAP! at least 400 watts,   and on the 12v rail at least 18a (at least, I mean minimal).

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    +5v    : 25A
    +12v  : 15A
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    Any ideas are gratefully recieved.
    ( I did a few forum searches and found nothing similar sorry if its a repost)

    thanks for a reply guys  
    (Deleted last post Managed to get it working
    I spent the day doing some reading and random searching and got it sorted, just had to manaually set most of the auto stuff.  I think on auto it just gets confused and goes a bit Ape.
    Got a few facts from various places (forums + AMD website) but it was your help that got me started (thinking).
    Had to set the memory Bus to 266mhz.  (PC2100)
    Increase ram voltage to 2.7v
    CPU volts to 1.65v
    and clock FSB to 166mhz.
    multiplier auto  (Barton auto locked at 11.5)
    I know its not ideal conditions but aslong as it runs happy for a few months im chuffed.
    Singing happily at 1.92ghz now
    i checked my PSU its not Q-tec.  its a QTechnology made by QuietPC. They have a warning about Q-tec on their website.

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    Ok thanks, so I read the the bit about WD jumpers...It's the only drive on the cable, so I removed the jumper entirely.  The old asus board was via km400, and this is technically (model-speaking) a different chipset, so should I uninstall drivers with the old board, then install this new board?  Sorry to ask the same question again, but I needed to know if this particular change in chipset is relevant.

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    So if a stick a 3.2 in, it'll run at 333 instead of 400?
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      Starting at the default value, try increasing the voltages in steps until it works,
    Is the default value 1.65?
    That review said 1.7 worked.

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    When I start up the system, it always go into the bios even I did not press "Del" during booting.
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  • Kt4av Bios problem

    i have via kt400a Chipset Based
                   processor 2400+ Sempron
                   the first thing  the system read the processor 1000+
                    i try the bios from here
    the last ver 5.4
    give me the same read 1000+
    but the ver 5.3 give me 3200+  
    the pc work fine i install windows me very fine and smothly
     but i am afraid about this
    the processor may be brun or some thing

    Welcome to the forum!  
    first of all, please give full system specs including PSU rails in the 12V, 3.3V and 5V.
    Did you tried setting the FSB at 133MHz?
    (to do this you need to enter your system BIOS).
    what type of ram you have?

  • KT4AV boot Problem

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    I have a bit of a problem... I finally got a PSU for another pc i decided to make for my self out of spare parts.
    The problem is i cant get it to start! I just get the damn 4 red LEDs off death!
    The processor is an Athlon XP 2400+. I cant work it out, because i know this cpu works. And i tried an Athlon 2800+ which i borrowed and it POSTed, and booted.
    But when i try the 2400+ it dont do anything. but it is running because the heatsink gets hot.
    Ive had a problem with this cpu before tho. It just decided to stop working in the previous mobo it was in (Which still works with other CPUs). But i changed mobo and it worked again.
    It seems weird to me...
    What to you guys think?
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you for the comment, Dr Stu! Knew about -V boards, but to my amazement I found initially three P4 connections. Two also to the west side of the chip sink. And the naming of these boards are very confusing.
    - Eh, another thing about the -V boards, Geroy. The manual is crap. I think this is the manual for it's mother in law, which is much better. Maybe you can learn more!http://www.msi.com.tw/program/support/manual/mnu/spt_mnu_detail.php?UID=442&kind=1

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    Check you have the jumpers on the board correctly set to direct audio out to either front  outputs or rear panel outputs - whichever you are using.

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