Lable printing in smartform

Dear All,
I am working at Lable Printing Smartform of material Document. in which  when i pass material document range in SF program then generate page accourding maetrial document.
i pass range in program............
Material Document : 460 to 465
then create 6 page in output.
i want print lable on one page and if page don't have space then print on next page........
print Tab Lable in Horizotal and vertical Both .....
Lable 1   Lable2   Lable3
Lable4   Lable5   Lable6
plz guide me.......................

Start SO10.
enter some names and CREATE.
Then INSERT--> GRAPHICS (the blue menu upside)
There you have 2 tabs.
Stored on ducmentserver (i think that is the same as SE78)
I used the second tab. Stored as text (it really works)
You can import your graphics there.
There is also another way for you. I have only a example description in dutch
so i will do it very short in English
save your logo in TIFF format (with eg. MS photo editor)
3.     SE38  /  RSTXLDMC
     File     D:/Wou/LOGO
     Type (BMON=z/w,BCOL=kleur)     BMON
     Textname     ZHEX-MACRO- LOGO
     Textt-ID     ST           
     Text language     NL           
     Texttitle     blablabla
     Line length for text     132         
     number of greytones (2,4,9)     2
4.     In sapscript
     Create new window     type CONST
                             Please note that if object name is not indicated as 'ZHEX...', the logo may not be printed!
If you need more info don't hesitate to contact
Gr. Frank

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    Do you want to print Barcode label printing in smartforms?
    You can do it by creatting character format in smartstyles. & Create a text in smartfrom & asign the character format to that particular field.

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    printer is the shortname for the printer i want, type RSPOPTYPE
    *Print Smartfomr picklist for  delivery
      data: ls_ctrl_prnt type ssfctrlop,
            ls_outp_opts type ssfcompop.
      ls_ctrl_prnt-no_dialog = 'X'.        " Suppres dialog
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          pk_orders            = sf_odrs
          pk_items             = sf_item
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          formatting_error   = 1
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    Am I missing something here?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I was able to solve my issue. The field TDIMMED (print immediate) in the parameter OUTPUT_OPTION need to be passed with the value 'X'.
    The code is pasted below.
    DATA: l_ssfctrlop TYPE ssfctrlop,
            l_ssfcompop TYPE ssfcompop,
            l_formname  TYPE tdsfname,
            l_fm_name   TYPE rs38l_fnam.
      CLEAR l_formname.
    Get the smartform name based on the output type
      SELECT SINGLE sform FROM tnapr INTO l_formname
        WHERE kschl = ysdt_dynlayout-auart
          AND nacha = '1'
          AND kappl = 'V2'.
      Get the smartform function module name
        CLEAR l_fm_name.
            formname           = l_formname
            fm_name            = l_fm_name
            no_form            = 1
            no_function_module = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          l_ssfctrlop-no_dialog = 'X'.                        " print popup dialog box is suppressed
          l_ssfcompop-tddest    = usr01-spld.         " the printer name is passed from screen to this field
          l_ssfcompop-tdimmed   = 'X'.                    " print immediate option is set
          l_ssfcompop-tdcopies  = copies_in.         " number of copies of output required
        Call the smartform
          CALL FUNCTION l_fm_name
              control_parameters = l_ssfctrlop
              output_options     = l_ssfcompop
              user_settings      = ' '                            "manual override of user settings            
              i_del_head         = likp
              i_dyn_layout       = ysdt_dynlayout
              t_del_item         = ig_lips
              t_home_address     = ig_home_address
              t_header_text1     = ig_header_text1
              t_footer_text1     = ig_footer_text1
              t_footer_text2     = ig_footer_text2
              t_footer_text3     = ig_footer_text3
              t_text4            = ig_text4
              t_text5            = ig_text5
              formatting_error   = 1
              internal_error     = 2
              send_error         = 3
              user_canceled      = 4
              OTHERS             = 5.

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    I am working on tag printing in smartforms .in tag printing i am showing
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    2.material descrption.
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    Hi Kumar,
    Let me know. is the quantity 1000.00 is fixed? if so thn you can achieve the requirement.
    For example:
    There are  A-material with 20000.00 quantity thn  u can first divide the quantity with 1000.00
                 v_ex = 20000.00/1000.00=20.
    thn  you can repeat the  print of the smartform for 20 times by passing  the parameter to  form fm.
    Please reward if  useful.

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    I am getting a problem with character formats using duplex printing in smartform. I am using a text module with a bold character to display text in a window. The problem is that on the first back page,the text is being printed normally (without bold), but on the next pages, the back pages are being printed with the bold character format.
    Can anyone know where is the problem..please.
    Points to be rewarded..

    Hi Zaheed,
    Normally this should not happen.. and also there is no internal formatting done by SAP.. it will show based on what fomatting option we have specified..
    If you are saying it is happening in ur case then
         1. Recheck whether whether you have same text module getting printed on the
             two page. If they are different then then individual check formatting option for
          2. If above point does'nt work for you ..then instead of bold char use normal
              format for text element and see if it is printing same on both page..
    Try this out and let us know your findings...
    Enjoy SAP.
    Pankaj Singh

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    DATA: output_options TYPE ssfcompop.
      output_options-tdimmed = 'X'.
      output_options-tddest = 'LOCL'.

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    *   Print parameters
        ssfcompop-tddest = tddest.
        ssfcompop-tdimmed = 'X'.
        ssfcompop-tdnewid = 'X'.
        ssfcompop-tddelete = 'X'.
    *   Control parameters
        ssfctrlop-device = 'PRINTER'.
        ssfctrlop-no_dialog = 'X'.
    * Call driver
        CALL FUNCTION fm_name
                  control_parameters = ssfctrlop
                  output_options     = ssfcompop

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    You can select Duplex printing in th epage properties of a page (D = Duplex)
    The printer STARTS duplex printing from that page. This means that the printer triggers a pagefeed on that exact moment and starts printing on a new page. So when you have 1 page that stretches over more that one sheet of paper this means trouble. after every page the flow of the program starts a new Duplex print (thus feeding the current sheet and starts at a new page) this results in a new sheet of paper every page. this is not what you want.
    You can solve this by creating 2 pages and set their respective NEXT PAGE to each other. Page 1 you set to DUplex, pagae 2 you leave blank..
    But notice that when you select duplex printing most (if not all) printers start printing on the backside of the paper. When you use pre-printed (logo) paper, you will find that it prints the front on the back etc.
    This can sometimes be corrected (if needed) by sending prescribe commands to the printer directly.
    Good luck!

  • Print the smartform to the spool

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    How to Print the smartform to the spool  ?
    Thanks in advance

    DATA: p_out LIKE ssfcompop,
    p_ctrl LIKE ssfctrlop.
    CLEAR: p_out,
    p_out-tdnoprev = 'X'.
    p_out-tdnoprint = 'X'.
    p_out-tdnoarch = 'X'.
    p_out-tddelete = 'X'.
    p_out-tddest = p_dest.
    p_out-tdnewid = ''.
    p_out-tdimmed = ' '.
    p_out-tdcopies = 1.
    p_out-tddataset = sy-repid.
    p_out-tddelete = ' '.
    CALL FUNCTION fm_name
    inv_header = tmp_header
    output_options = p_out
    control_parameters = p_ctrl
    user_settings = ' '
    t_item = tmp_item
    The lines in bold are the main key statements for spool.
    tdnewid is the name of the spool.
    awrd points if useful

  • Bar-code printing in smartforms

    Hi All,
    how to done or step by step procedure of bar-code printing in me please.
    Vishal Bhagwat.

    Have a look at below PDFs. It will give all the details abt scripts.
    Also have a look at below links:

  • Ukrainian text on preview is fine but gives junk char on print in smartform

    HI All,
    I am trying to print hardcoded ukrainian text in smartform. In preview it is coming correctly but while printing it gives some junk charecters.
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    Do you use a device type that supports Cyrillic characters to create the spool and print? e.g. Device type SAPWIN, SAPWIN5 or Unicode device type SWINCF?
    If you use a non-Unicode device type like SAPWIN or SAPWIN5, then the font used for these characters in the smartform should be a Cyrillioc font like COURCYR, HELVCYR or TIMECYR.

  • To print the Smartforms in Hindi

    Dear All,
    My latest requirement is to print the Smartforms in Hindi. Can anyone please guide me through this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sourav,
    This question had been discussed earlier though no concrete solution was posted.
    Still you might find a few helpful posts.
    Follow this link :
    Re: SAPScript in different language

  • Problem in Printing the Smartform in Duplex

    Dear Experts,
                   I had an issue in printing the Smartform in Duplex Page.
    I had 4 windows in the Smartform, Which i had to print the Terms & Conditions. We have the Pages as
    In my case i had to print the Terms and Conditions at the back side of the Page1. I put the print mode as D for the First Page. and also i change the print settings. Like
    Page1  --> D --> Terms
    Terms --> ' ' --> Page1
    Page2 --> ' ' --> Page1
    Page3 --> ' ' --> Page3
    Page4.--> ' ' --> Page4.
    But unable to print the Terms & Conditions at the back side of Page1. Will you please help me if my query is wrong.
    Thanks in Advance.

    why don't you close unanswered, and repost as a question in the form printing forum....probably get better response...


    Hi guys, im new in abap, so i need your help, some one can tell me how i can print a smartform?, what functions and parameters i need?, if you can send me an example code it realy helps me.
    Thanks & Regrads

    Hi Jose,
    Check these program in SE38. These descibes how documents are printed using Smartforms.
    Check these links to know about smart forms

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    I have done a program for PO Print.(smartforms)
    I am getting an error while printpreview stating that
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    Please help .
    Thanks & Regards

    U can try and use smartform_trace transaction to trace ur smartform alos to search for particular code use like this->
    Goto-> environment-> see fm name
    suppose it is like
    edit like this
    open this in se38
    now search with ur line item node name.
    also put a break point here ans when it stops for debugging set a watch point to stop at particular line item which u want out of 50 item u have.

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