Laptop fan stays at 90% everytime? it won't stop?

can anyone please help me, this is really getting annoying because the fan speed is always on 90%, i checked the health monitor and the temperature was 39C. It is not even hot, the fan is blowing cold air and when i touch the area its not hot. Something is wrong with my laptop, i turned it on yesterday and the fan never stopped. It's really and it still keeps on going and constantly on 90% fan speed.
My toshiba is a sattelite L650
Model Number: PSK1JA-0k5017
Windows 7 32-bit
a.PNG ‏111 KB

Satellite L650 PSK1JA 0K5017
Edit your post again, and remove your serial number. That is not something you should post on this public forum. This is a peer support form, NOT a offical Toshiba Tech Support site. We're all just other users & Toshiba owners.
Yours is a Toshiba Australia model. Unfortunately, they way Toshiba Australia & Europe both do their BIOS updates, I can't see what the various update fixes are. So, click on the 'Start' button, type   sys   , click on 'System Information', look on the right side for 'BIOS Version/Date'. If you don't have version 2.40, download this file to your desktop, then restart your computer, after a fresh restart double click on this file to begin the installation, follow the directions carefully.
BIOS Update 2.40
How to update the BIOS on Toshiba notebooks
Please let us know what happens. Good luck.

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    Just to confirm, the power LED (not the AC adapter LED) does light up when you press the power button, right? If so, it does sound like you'll need to get the notebook serviced.
    - Peter

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    Hello dwb,
    Here is the screen shot, just the top half, there are another 10 pages, but I guess this should enough for you to have an idea of waht is going on, bit small I am afraid. No, I don't have any apps setup to run when I open my computer, the kernel, varies between 290 and 305 per cent ish.
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    > I am fearing now that this may in fact be due to recent updates to Lion (10.7.3) or FCP X (10.0.3)
    Only if the RAM is "defective" or "boarderline" would a new OS trigger an issue. But then someone else jumped to same conclusion when they upgraded to Lion recently and had been running Snow Leopard for awhile.
    Every new OS brings some changes and some RAM will fail and fall to the wayside but the only way to know is trial and error; to get the vendor to replace and test.
    Sometimes the RAM has been loosely seated. Sometimes the OS seems to be potential culprit (doesn't happen with clean install).
    A USB or Firewire cable can be enough, too, even if just plugged and not attached to a powered on device.
    You can even try two 8GB DIMMs and leave one out and see if process of elimination is of any value, or even boot wtih just a single DIMM. You don't need to have two or more.
    But I would not mix 8GB with others, sounds like you had 3 x 2GB + 1GB, or 3 x 1GB + 4GB which would look and sound to be more iffy than your new set.
    Btw, where did you get new set?

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    Are there any other options I can try?
    binaryplease@deep-thought ~ % sensors
    Adapter: ISA adapter
    Physical id 0: +50.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
    Core 0: +46.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
    Core 1: +48.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
    Core 2: +50.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
    Core 3: +49.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
    Adapter: Virtual device
    temp1: +0.0°C (crit = +127.0°C)
    Adapter: Virtual device
    temp1: +50.0°C

    Is the machine supported by thinkpad_acpi? If not, this may be the reason why tp-fand is not working:

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    ++Please click ACCEPT AS SOLUTION to help others, find this solution faster
    **I'm a Volunteer, I do not work for HP**

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