Le is changing audio buffer as it likes...

I wonder why LE 8 changes the buffer that I choosed, when I change settings on guitar amp pro. For example, when I change amp model or switch on the reverb, I suddenly have unplayable latency of, let´s say, 1000 samples or more. That means I have to go to audioprefs and change buffer from 128 to 256 samples, for example. Then it works again. But this makes Logic unusable while I cannot make changes when playing live. Anyone got the same problem?
Message was edited by: m.lo

Open the .dv file with QuickTime and then open the Movie Properties window.
Highlight the audio track and click the Audio Settings button. You'll see the track assignments in the lower right.
Use Save As if you edit any setting.

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    Accessing the audio stack from within a driver is possible, but it is very, very difficult (principally because the audio driver documentation is horrible). All the samples in the WDK are for interfacing hardware to the audio stack, not making use of the
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    Azius Developer Training www.azius.com Windows device driver, internals, security, & forensics training and consulting. Blog at www.azius.com/blog

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    Message was edited by: poltrain

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    Mac os x 10.9.2. ; Garageband 10.0.2

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    I would use Quicktime Pro.
    See: QuickTime Pro: How to Extract or Disable Tracks at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=42596 and QuickTime Player 7 Help - Extracting, Adding, and Moving Tracks at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=QuickTime%20Player/7/en/c3qt6.html
    To get Quicktime 7.6.6 for Snow Leopard see: QuickTime Player 7.6.6 for Mac OS X v10.6.3 at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL923  (Quicktime 7.6.6 is the latest version.)
    To upgrade to Quicktime Pro see: QuickTime Player 7 Help - Getting QuickTime Pro at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=QuickTime%20Player/7/en/c2qt.html

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    this is actually a quiet significant issue. There is no way in Flash to select the audio output device.
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    Nokia did this for Java
    JRT 2.1 / Nokia UI API updated to version 1.4:
                AudioOutputControl extension for controlling which audio output device, for example the device loudspeaker or earpiece, is used to play back audio
    This really is an issue.

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    I am an HP employee.
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer “Accept as Solution” if it solves your problem.

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