Lg chocolate ui

i have a question about LG's chocolate. someone know howto
change the flash user interface? i do not want only made a theme, i
want to build a fully new user interface. is it even possible?
thanks for your help
greets floa

jmhill5 wrote:
My LG Chocolate Touch is almost two years old. If no one else has transferred your upgrade, you are eligible for a discounted new phone. 
It has been a great phone - does what I need and want.  But last night, and nothing happened like dropping it or anything, there are about 30 or so dead pixels at the top.  This doesn't impact the functionality of the phone, can still text and call out, but it is hard to read the top and/or left side when texting with the dead pixels. 
So I assume my warranty is out so are there any other options? Find another Chocolate on ebay or craigslist; find a comparable model from the same sources; upgrade (you shoud be eligible); use another Verizon phone you or a friend may have on hand...
If not, why do I still pay insurance on the phone?!?! Only you can answer that one - and if you DO have insurance, you can replace the phone with another Chocolate (if available) or whatever the warehouse considers "equivalent" for the deductible ($50 - $80, check your insurance docs).

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    I'm an applications developer and also run a part-time videography business. As such, I require more than 3.12GB of RAM. That is the physical limitation of a 32bit system. Pointless to stay on 32bit if you plan on having more than that much RAM.
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    These are mock ups,  created for all the Apple applications, Aperture Finalcut, Pages. They are shown on the web site for illustrative purposes, there are no demo versions available.
    The theme used for the coffee presentation, is Typeset, have a go using that for your own sample presentation.

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    Hi, Ogelthorpe. May I put my two cents in here?
    Just as water by itself is of little use in cleaning up greasy spills and stains, and hydrocarbon solvents like acetone and tricholoroethylene are of little use in cleaning up protein spills and stains (milk, cream, blood, etc.), it seems likely to me that whatever solvent is used in aerosol electronics cleaners has its limitations too. Most of the posters here who dump liquids into their computers stick to water-based liquids that we humans can drink, and as long as they're still wet, water itself can be expected to dissolve and wash away most of the resulting contaminants — though I don't by any means recommend rinsing one's computer out in the kitchen sink. But once the water in what's been spilled evaporates and whatever residue it leaves behind has settled in for the long haul, I'm not sure any one kind of solvent or cleaner can be depended upon to a) soften up, b) lift off, and c) float away all the kinds of residues we are inventive and careless enough to deposit in our computers. Consider orange pulp, milk solids, sugars of all kinds, and the various fruit and vegetable oils that are present as traces in some of the drinks we consume. I'm not aware of any solvent that will dissolve orange pulp, though water will soften it. Milk solids, present in hot chocolate mixes of all kinds, used to be used as an extremely durable paint base, highly resistant to solvents including water. I don't think any hydrocarbon-based solvent will touch crystallized sugars. And even if electronics cleaner does loosen up and float off all these and more of the varied residues of our spills, how can we be certain those residues are actually being carried all the way off the parts we're trying to clean, not just being moved around and then left behind again, perhaps less localized and in lower concentrations, but still present? I strongly suspect that the impossibility of being sure about this is precisely why Apple never tries to clean liquid spills, but instead just replaces all the affected parts. For those who can't afford to pay Apple or an authorized service provider but who can afford a degree of uncertainty about the effectiveness of cleaning, and who aren't afraid to take their machines completely apart, electronics cleaner is probably worth a try. But there may be spills against which it's powerless. And if a spill has caused a running machine to shut down, the chances are good that electrical damage has already been done and cleaning alone, no matter how thorough, won't bring it back to life.

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    There might be some newer phone on here but this is the last list I had.
    6015i -- KIYOCERA --KWC 2325, KX414 -- MOTOROLA -- MotoW755, RazrV3m, V376, W385 -- PANTECH -- Jest -- Verizon -- Blitz, CDM7075, CDM8615, M7076, PN215 --
      Most Verizon Wireless phones will work with our prepaid plans. The only phones that are not compatible with our service are Push to Talk, PDAs/Smartphones, advance data devices (BlackBerry, PalmOne Treo, etc.), PC Card devices and handsets with HTML Web browser such as the LG Dare, LG Voyager, Samsung Glyde, Samsung Omnia and Motorola Krave and all Dashboard-capable devices like the LG Chocolate 3, LG VX 8360, Motorola Rapture VU30, Nokia 7205 Intrigue and Samsung Renown SCH-u810. Keep in mind features such as V CAST video, Mobile TV, and Chaperone services are not available for prepaid service."  Non Prepaid Phones
    1)Push to Talk, PDAs/Smartphones, advance data devices (BlackBerry, PalmOne Treo, etc.)
    2)PC Card devices and handsets with HTML Web browser such as the LG Dare, LG Voyager, Samsung Glyde, Samsung Omnia and Motorola Krave
    3)All Dashboard-capable devices like the LG Chocolate 3, LG VX 8360, Motorola Rapture VU30, Nokia 7205 Intrigue and Samsung Renown SCH-u810
      *features such as V CAST video, Mobile TV, and Chaperone services are not available for prepaid service:-- Accolade, Chocolate, Cosmo, VX3200, VX3450, VX5200, VX 5400, VX5500, VX6100, VX7000, ENV --SAMSUNG--Alias SCHu740, Gusto, Haven , Intensity, Juke, SCHA650, SCHA870, SCHU340, CHU410, SCHU430, SCHU540, Smooth --NOKIA -- 2128i, 2366i, 2650 Mirage, 2705 Shade

  • Chocolate Toxicity Analyzer

    Hey ppl i got this program ive been working on and its giving me a little trouble, maybe some1 looking from a diffrent perspective will see the problem.
    The program runs from an in file that looks like this...
    milk 10 20
    semisweet 30 40
    baker's 1 100
    Here's the just of what the program is supposed to do...
    The local vet clinic has asked me to write a program that, given the circumstances of a situation where a dog has consumed chocolate, determines a suggested treatmeent. I know the following facts:
    On average,
    Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz.
    Semisweet chocolate contains 150 mg of theobromine per oz.
    Baker's chocolate contains 390mg of theobromine per oz.
    And the suggested treatments for the amount of theobromine consumed/dog's body weight are as follows:
    <20mg/kg Monitor animal's behavior.
    20 - 100mg/kg Induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal. Animal may return home.
    100mg/kg Induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal. Leave animal at clinic.HINT: 3.5 oz = 1mg
    The first line of the input file will contain a single integer indicating the number of data sets. //in this case 3
    The next lines will each contain "chocolateType ChocolateAmount DogWeight", where:
    1. "ChocolateType: will be one of the following, "Milk", "Semisweet", or "Baker's".
    2. "ChocolateAmount" will be an integer (1-32) indicating the amount of chocolate in oz consumed.
    3. "DogWeight" will be an integer (5 - 150) indicating the weight of the dog in kg.
    for each dataset, output a single line containing the suggested treatment given the parameters and above table.
    Example Output To Screen
    Induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal. Animal may return home.
    Induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal. Leave animal at clinic. Monitor animal's behavior.
    The main problem is with the first for loop. When the for loop runs for the first time it "skips" everything in it, then when it goes back up to the top to run again it does fine.
    I usually dont like to post the WHOLE program but i think it would help you if u saw the whole thing. It may be a liitle confusing to what everything does but i tried to use very descriptive variables to help you. Here's the program...
    //Tyler Webb
    //All Rights Reserved
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class cta
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
    Scanner dataFile = new Scanner(new File("C:\\cta.in"));
    //gets the value of how many times to run the 4 loop
    int control = dataFile.nextInt();
    int milkpoison = 44;
    int semisweetpoison = 150;
    int bakerspoison = 390;
    int dogweight = 0;
    int amountofpoison = 0;
    String typeofchocolate;
    int parsed = 0;
    String fake = " ";
    //Blood Poison Concentration
    int bpc = 0;
    int firstlvl = 0;
    int secondlvl = 0;
    int thirdlvl = 0;
    //for loop to run through each line in the data file
    for(int x = 0; x < control; x++)
    String newDataFile = dataFile.nextLine();
    StringTokenizer currentLine = new StringTokenizer(newDataFile);
    //resets variables
    dogweight = 0;
    amountofpoison = 0;
    parsed = 0;
    fake = " ";
    typeofchocolate = currentLine.nextToken();
    fake = currentLine.nextToken();
    int AmountOfConsumedChocolate = Integer.parseInt(fake);
    String dogweight1 = currentLine.nextToken();
    dogweight = Integer.parseInt(dogweight1);
    //figures the amount of poison by multiplying amount consumed
    //by amount of poison in each type of chocolate
    amountofpoison = (AmountOfConsumedChocolate * milkpoison);
    bpc = amountofpoison / dogweight;
    //figures the amount of poison by multiplying amount consumed
    //by amount of poison in each type of chocolate
    amountofpoison = (AmountOfConsumedChocolate * semisweetpoison);
    bpc = amountofpoison / dogweight;
    //figures the amount of poison by multiplying amount consumed
    //by amount of poison in each type of chocolate
    amountofpoison = (AmountOfConsumedChocolate * bakerspoison);
    bpc = amountofpoison / dogweight;
    if(bpc < 70)
    System.out.println("Monitor animal's behavior.");
    else if(bpc > 350)
    System.out.println("Induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal. Leave animal at clinic");
    System.out.println("Induce vomitin and administer activated charcoal. Animal my return home.");
    //end of 4 loop

    From your question I'll have to ask: do you know how to use a debugger and step through your code?
    You problem is not in your "for" statement, it's in your use of your scanner object and nextLine().
    I've not used scanner enough, nor looked up the details, to know the technical aspects of your problem, but as far as I see--when you start the read, the scanner is not yet into the file so you get a blank line--""--and then you are set to read from the file on the next call to nextLine().
    That's probably why for file I/O you use some kind of file reader--they don't have this problem.
    BTW: by publishing your product to a public forum, you're little all rights reserved, is no longer in effect.

  • What do I do if Chocolate milk is spilled on keyboard?

    What do I do if Chocolate milk is spilled on keyboard?

    Immediately disconnect all peripherals, power cord & remove the battery.  Turn the computer over with the lid partly open and the hinge facing upward to let the liquid drain.  Do not flop it over and lay it flat - you want to separate it from the moisture.  Place paper or cloth towels under the machine to sop up the mess.
    After the computer disgorges whatever you spilled on it, don't turn it on for 72 hours or longer.  You want to computer to dry out completely before turning it on again.
    Some users here swear by hairdryers.  Blow drying the innards may bake whatever was in the liquid onto delicate computer components.  Better to let the computer air dry.
    Use plain tepid water to clean out the computer.  If you spilled iced beverage more than likely this ice fried the hot motherboard.
    Sugary, acidic or milky drinks will almost always cause problems later on as the residue starts slowly corroding the computer innards.
    Swab down any sticky parts with distilled water or denatured alcohol.
    If none of the above works, you will need to take the computer to a repair shop.  Apple Care does not cover liquid or food damage.  Believe me, they can tell.  So the old "my computer stopped working" line is not going to work.
    How to remove and clean your Macbook Pro Keyboard
    Cleaning Macbook keys after a spill

  • LG Chocolate Touch photo saving problems

    Moved for greater exposure

        SenecaU, I can address both of your equipment concerns. You will not need to add a data plan for the Samsung Intensity or LG Chocolate Touch devices. In fact, you have the option of blocking the data or using it as needed for $1.99 per data MB. So, feel free to activate that LG Chocolate device with no data plan.
    The issues that you have described on the Samsung Intensity can be resolved by a master reset remove any potential software issues on that phone. Click http://vz.to/XxJ2HF to retrieve steps on how to hard reset your phone.
    I hope this information is helpful to you. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need additional assistance. ^LH

  • Extract photos from the chocolate vx8500

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    Since the pictures are saved on the phone's memory, it might be best to have a store technician take a look at the phone to see if there is anyway the pictures can be transferred to another device. 

  • HT2693 I purchased Cake Mania to the max and after 67,000+ points, it has locked up and won't operate anymore. I have sent an e-mail to Digital Chocolate but no one responds. I have restarted the IPAD several times but it won't do anything when you hit "p

    I purchased the app Cake Mania to the Max and after 67,000+ points, the games has locked up. I have tried to restart the game on my IPAD and it brings the game up but when you get to the play command, nothing happens.  Anyone else have this problem?  I contacted Digital Chocolate but have had no rsponse back from them.  I paid for this game and this is the way they take care of their purchasers.  Any ideas??

    Hey briannagrace96,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities! I'd check out the following article, it looks like it applies to your situation:
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    You'll want to go through the following troubleshooting steps, and for more detail on each step follow the link to the article above:
    Try the iPod troubleshooting assistant:
    If you have not already done so, try the steps in the iPod Troubleshooting Assistant (choose your iPod model from the list).
    If the issue remains after following your iPod's troubleshooting assistant, follow the steps below to continue troubleshooting your issue.
    Restart the iPod Service
    Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service
    Empty your Temp directory and restart
    Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed
    Change your iPod's drive letter
    Remove and reinstall iTunes
    Disable conflicting System Services and Startup Items
    Update, Reconfigure, Disable, or Remove Security Software
    Deleting damaged or incorrect registry keys
    Take care,

  • I accidentely spilled a little chocolate milk on the volume control part on my earpods. How do I fix it?

    the other day i had accidently spilled some chocolate milk on my earpods where the volume control and mic is. And since that time the mic quit working and the buttons are squishy and take some force to get them to work. Do i need to get a new pair of earpods? Or is there a way i could fix them?

    Try restoring to factory settings/new iPod. If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem. Then like Ralph said, time to go to the Apple store.

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    I have no problems syncing both ways - but...
    Are you giving your Mac enough time to sync to the cloud? The mac does not "push", it syncs. If you have the MobileMe sync icon in the main menu on your mac, you can open the preferences and there you can set the time interval between syncs. Your default may be set to 1 hour or 1 day. I'm not sure what the "automatically" setting means, I know that for me it can take a number of minutes. Is it 15 as a minimum?

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    Which would be the best filters/adjustment layers to use for this?

    Maybe a Gradient Map with a Layer Mask could suffice.
    Edit: If banding becomes apparent Dither might help.

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    What's written there is a chocolate chip cookie recipe, but it's too small to read.
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    Chocolate Chip Cookies
    2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 cup butter (softened)
    1/4 cup granulated sugar
    1 cup packed brown sugar
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    2 eggs
    1 cup oatmeal
    2 cups chocolate chips
    Optional: 1 cup chopped nuts
    Combine flour, baking soda and salt in a small bowl. Beat butter, sugar and
    vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Add eggs, mix well. Add flour gradually. Stir in
    oatmeal, chips and nuts. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto baking sheet. Bake at
    375 degrees for 9 to 11 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes.
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    OK -- this isn't in the purview of Apple's BBS but I figured: What the hey ? lol
    If they remove it, they remove it -- that's how it goes.
    But if they don't, well ....
    YIPPEE !!!!

    You had me at cookies.
    But if you leave out the oatmeal what needed to be added?
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