Library lost link to files

Hi, I've experienced a very annoying bug.
I've opened iTunes and every single song that I choose to play ask me to find the file. Is there a way to indicate to the application the correct path for everysong instead of deleting and reimport all again?

Right click on one of the files and do "Get Info" and look at the first tab and look to see where iTunes is looking for the files.
If you're keeping your iTunes Library on an External HD, it's possible that the drive letter isn't the same as it usually is, so you'll need to change the drive letter back to where it usually is. With both Windows and MAC, this is fairly easily done, but a bit complicated to find.

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    Welcome to the forum.
    I agree with Steve. The files are easy to relink. See this article for more detail:
    Good luck,

  • Iphoto Library re-linking source files.

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    Now the photo thumbnails are appearing in iphoto, but when I click to expand a photo,it comes up as an exclamation point and missing photo.
    How do I re-link the photo from the new roll in iphoto Library?

    Your post is confusing
    You posted in the iPhoto '09 forum and discuss rolls which have not existed since iPhoto 6 and earlier - what version do you have?
    iphoto Library created a new temporary folder for each photo
    What do you mean by this? folders in iPhoto can only be created by users and they do not hold photos, they hold albums and/or other folders. Please explain what you are talking about.
    I created a new roll in iphoto Library, and put each photo from that event into one Roll.
    Again please explain. There is no version of iPhoto that has both rolls and events. And are you moving photos using only iPhoto (or are you using the finder to move things around inside the iPhoto library -- this is a big no no for all versions of iPhoto)
    Now the photo thumbnails are appearing in iphoto, but when I click to expand a photo,it comes up as an exclamation point and missing photo.
    This can be caused by user activity within the iPhoto library - see my question above.
    How do I re-link the photo from the new roll in iphoto Library?
    This depends on the details of your answers - and it may not be possible

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    Figure 1 below outlines the
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    I did that - It doesn't list any obvious (well, to me) errors. The job that the printer 'forgot' seems to have come through OK, at least on the computer side.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:25:38 +0100] Job 1366 queued on 'hpcolor_LaserJet_5550__E790D9' by 'username'.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:25:38 +0100] Started filter /usr/libexec/cups/filter/pictwpstops (PID 2651) for job 1366.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:25:38 +0100] Started filter /Library/Printers/hp/filter/hppostprocessing (PID 2652) for job 1366.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:25:38 +0100] Started backend /usr/libexec/cups/backend/mdns (PID 2653) for job 1366.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:29:02 +0100] Adding start banner page "none" to job 1367.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:29:02 +0100] Adding end banner page "none" to job 1367.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:29:02 +0100] Job 1367 queued on 'hpcolor_LaserJet_5550__E790D9' by 'username'.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:29:02 +0100] Started filter /usr/libexec/cups/filter/pictwpstops (PID 2656) for job 1367.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:29:02 +0100] Started filter /Library/Printers/hp/filter/hppostprocessing (PID 2657) for job 1367.
    I [14/Aug/2006:14:29:02 +0100] Started backend /usr/libexec/cups/backend/mdns (PID 2658) for job 1367.
    E [14/Aug/2006:14:47:00 +0100] load_job: Unable to queue job for destination

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    OK, finally here's the question: Is there a faster way to reconnect all the remaining song files to the iTunes library without re-importing and losing all the play and ratings history. Doing it one at a time will take me until its time to upgrade to a new computer - which was about 5 years for the last upgrade. I think I still have around 1200 files to reconnect although the alert I get when connecting my iPod only shows 100 in the list of missing.
    By the way, the whole library is/was synced to my iPod if that will help.

    Well, I thought I had a solution. My iPod has all the music and playlists (but no movies) so I bought a license to Podworks. The first time I tried to import my music and playlists from the iPod, it errored out on each file with the same error described by some obscure error number I don't remember.
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    On to plan B, whatever that is.

  • Lost links for Files

    I have read a lot of messages on the forum about a similar situation, but not exactly the same as mine.
    I have 4 partitions on my computer. One I was using for my music. This has become full. I decided to move only some of the files to another partition. So I have the library split over two partitions. Now the iTunes cannot find the new location. I don't want to put the whole library in one area, but it's a pain now you relink over a 100 mp3. Is there a way to universally search as a multiselect option.
    Thanks in advance

    Seems the easy way to do what you wanted was to tell iTunes to NOT COPY files of songs you add to the library. Then, remove the items from the library but DO OT let iTunes delete any of the actual files.
    Now place the files you want to move where you want them to live. Drag and drop that location into your iTunes library.
    This will result in having some of your song files in one place and others elsewhere and all of them in your library.

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    Many thanks.  Crusey

    iTunes expects files and folders to be in very specific locations.  When you start iTunes it looks for a file called library.itl which is in the iTunes folder.  It then uses all the references in that file which tell it where all your media files are located to build up the view you normally see.  Probably you moved the library file so iTunes cannot find it and it will make a default one which is empty.  When you plug in your iPod it isn't recognizing the library since it is not the same one to which you synced last.
    Simply put, you need to undo all your file moves.  Not as eaily done as stated but since I cannot quite see from here exactly what you spent an hour doing last night it will be up to you.  Did you make a backup before doing all this?
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization -
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and

  • Link between iTunes and Library lost. Hard drive failure

       I need help with the following problem. (i7 27" iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB of internal disk hard drive. (SATA/7200rpm/3.5"))
              The 1TB internal hard drive on my iMac failed the S.M.A.R.T. Utilities test so Apple called in the computer and I had to have the hard drive replaced. The technicians reloaded the system from a 1TB external Western Digital hard drive; I had backed up the everything on it using Time Machine.
              Unfortunately, the iTunes application cannot now locate my iTunes library. I create a lot of slideshows on Aperture and use music from iTunes on the audio tracks. The titles on the audio tracks are now inaudible and are preceded by a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside. Can anyone help me on how I should re-establish the original link between iTunes and its library. The music files are located in folders (name of artists), within a folder (iTunes Music), within a folder (iTunes), within a folder (Music), within a folder (declangreaney) on the 1TB of internal disk drive.
              In trying to solve the problem, I went through the folders and double clicked on one song. This opened iTunes so I highlighted and dragged all the other 'artist-named' folders on the iTunes interface and in doing so, I succeeded in accessing all the files. This is not wholly satisfactory, however, as I do not have my own playlists and more seriously, there is still no link between the Aperture audio tracks.

        Hi again!
         I saved the last message by accident which caused the reply to be sent off and so I had not finished what I wanted to write. Aploogies.
         I didn't find the new iMac hybrid SSD/Disk system easy to understand when it arrived over a year ago. I eventually decided that the 256 SSD section would be best suited to having the Operatin System for greater speed and I must have decided to put the music files on the 1TB internal hard drive along with photos and raw video clips. I can't honestly remember. There was a lot to take in. I wasn't even aware until this failure that iTunes had a default location.
         In addition to having the iTunes folder on the internal 1TB hard drive, I used Time Machine to store the entire computer contents on a 1TB Western Digital external hard drive. I had done my last Time Machine back-up on the 13 February and so I was hoping that by opening one or two songs on the back-up, they might reactivate the 'old' interface with the original playlists on it. That didn't happen but I then realised, while I was still in the Tme Machine back-ups on the WD external hard drive, that in the iTunes Media folder contained within the iTunes folder on the default Users/Username/Music location there was only an Add automatically to iTunes folder which was empty. While still still looking through the Time Machine back-upsI saw that the music instead was stored on the 1TB of internal hard drive as outlined on the first post:
         'The music files are located in folders (name of artists), within a folder (iTunes Music), within a folder (iTunes), within a folder (Music), within a folder (username) on the 1TB of internal disk drive.'
       The iTunes.itl file was last modified on Monday at 21:52. Created on 17th February, 2012. Size 386KB

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    I have an iPod whose contents I want to transfer to a newer Ipod.  At some stage when I thought I was syncing correctly I wasn't so I lost the music files from my library.  Is there any way to get them back from the older iPod and put them onto the newer one again? 

    Have you not got a backup of your content on, for example, external drives ? If not then you could have a look to see if any of the utilities mentioned in this old post still exist and work :

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    Any help will be appreciated, Thanks.

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  • [450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost] Followed Adobe Chat advise..still getting this message..

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    After updating my website using Muse the following happens:
    I save my site.
    I click FTP upload
    Go through the first screens
    Hit okay for upload
    Pages load
    Then uploading images begins…goes to either the first or third (61-62%) and stalls. After waiting for what seems forever..a new box appears.
    Error uploading file loanimal2013.jpg. Click Resume to try again. If this problem persists, try again later.
    [450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost]
    Sometimes I can hit resume, the image will load immediately and it will continue for a more images then stops again.
    Yet I have not gotten past about 74% or the 25th image before it or me stops as this is very time consuming. Time that I don’t have.
    After speaking to an Adobe representative last week, it was suggested that maybe because my files were on an external that could be the issue and suggested relinking them.  So, I did.
    The process I followed was:
    Go to assets
    Right click Relink
    Searched…Found corresponding image moved it to my local hard drive… then highlighted it in local folder…hit the Open button on the bottom
    It returned me back to the original screen
    I repeated this for all the assets
    After relinking them…I saved the page…reopened it…tried uploading and it still having the same issues
    After this didn’t work I contacted the host company and they checked to see if images could load by ftp and found no issues.
    I am past frustrated at this moment, as I have been using the same method of saving and uploading for a few years now and suddenly I have this issue.  And, I am not a technical person so I have no idea what else to do…if you can help it would be appreciated.

    Since after trying four times this morning to log on to Chat support to continue working on this issue with them only to find chat it isn't working..I thought I would try here before I take a bat or some other item and disassemble my computer with it. Details on what is happening, what I have done, etc...
    After updating my website using Muse the following happens:
    I save my site.
    I click FTP upload
    Go through the first screens
    Hit okay for upload
    Pages load
    Then uploading images begins…goes to either the first or third (61-62%) and stalls. After waiting for what seems forever..a new box appears.
    Error uploading file loanimal2013.jpg. Click Resume to try again. If this problem persists, try again later.
    [450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost]
    Sometimes I can hit resume, the image will load immediately and it will continue for a more images then stops again.
    Yet I have not gotten past about 74% or the 25th image before it or me stops as this is very time consuming. Time that I don’t have.
    After speaking to an Adobe representative last week, it was suggested that maybe because my files were on an external that could be the issue and suggested relinking them.  So, I did.
    The process I followed was:
    Go to assets
    Right click Relink
    Searched…Found corresponding image moved it to my local hard drive… then highlighted it in local folder…hit the Open button on the bottom
    It returned me back to the original screen
    I repeated this for all the assets
    After relinking them…I saved the page…reopened it…tried uploading and it still having the same issues
    After this didn’t work I contacted the host company and they checked to see if images could load by ftp and found no issues.
    I am past frustrated at this moment, as I have been using the same method of saving and uploading for a few years now and suddenly I have this issue.  And, I am not a technical person so I have no idea what else to do…if you can help it would be appreciated.

  • Can we give UNIQUE ACCESS FOR THE SPECIFIC FILE IN THE LIBRARY in SP2013? How can we remove users from SHARED WITH link where files are shared with users?

    Any help on this?

    Hi srabon,
    For giving unique access for a specific file in a library, you can go to the library, and select the file , and click FILES->Shared With->ADVANCED, under PERMISSION ribbon, click ‘Stop Inheriting Permissions’, then the file will have unique permissions.
    For removing the shared users for a file, firstly, like the above steps, select the file , and click FILES->Shared With->ADVANCED , make sure the file has unique access, then select the users that you want to remove, and click Remove User Persmissions
    under PERMISSIONS ribbon.
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Upgraded to Aperture 3.3.2 All projects have lost link to original

    all photos in Aperture library have lost link to the original after upgrade to 3.3.2

    Have you attempted to reconnect?
    File > Locate Referenced Files...

  • I had a drive failure and lost the iWeb file along with other things.   I did manage to save a lot of user file documents but I don't see or   recognize the my iWeb site file. It was on a 15" G4 Titanium pb. I'm trying to find a way, using version 2.0.4

    I had a drive failure and lost the iWeb file along with other things. 
    I did manage to save a lot of user file documents but I don't see or 
    recognize the iWeb site file. It was on a 15" G4 Titanium pb.
    I'm trying to find a way, using version 2.0.4 of iWeb on a different 
    pb to recover the file into the iWeb app or a way to download the site into iWeb.
    There are 6 pages of images and text, and it 
    would be a task for me to recreate the whole thing again. I did 
    download the site but I don't know how or if I can get iWeb to see it and open it.
    Does anyone have any knowledge about this? The link to my site:
    Any suggestions will be most appreciated.
    dan auerbach
    [email protected]

    Unfortunately iWeb cannot read or import previously published files, only generate them.  You'll have to recreate your site from scratch.
    However, Chapter 2.3 on the iWeb site has tips on using some of the existing files, image, audio, video, etc., from the published site in the recreation of the site.

  • How to recover lost folders and files - Pls help, help...

    Some days ago I lost all of my 15 GB folders and files that stored in my Macbook Pro hard drive called DATA.  I brought my Macbook pro to an experienced computer tecnicians who providing data recovery services. To his and my suprise, after checking, scanning it a few hours, he said their is no way to recover because he did not find any trails at all.  The computer still seems working properly - I have no problem with any applications.  There are few other folders in the DATA hard disk containing pictures, computer programs still remain.  These lost folders and files contain mainly documents (word, excel, power point, pdf etc) which I accumulated in my many years working  !!!!.  I did not make a back up since last September partly because I think Mac is very safe.
    The computer with me all the time on that day and only my son used Power Point to make a simple presentation on that evening - he can not save it on the folders the he normally use - All the folders and files are gone.
    I will appreciate it very much if any of you can tell me what would be the possible causes and more importanly how to recover the lost folders and files.  They are very very valuable to me.
    Many thanks for your kind attention
    Loimekong from Vietnam
    Macbook Pro 2.4 Ghz
    Intel Core 2 Duo
    4 GB 1067 MhZ DDR3

    First, did the data actually get deleted, or is it still there somewhere?  Try searching the drive for some of the documents, perhaps it's all just in another folder on that drive.
    If it's truly gone, it's impossible for us to say what might have happened to make it unrecoverable.  Perhaps someone using the computer used Secure Empty Trash, or securely erased empty space on the hard drive.  Perhaps it was overwritten by other stuff before you noticed.  It's possible the hard drive is starting to fail, though this seems like an awfully specific problem for that to be the issue.
    Or perhaps the tech you took the computer to didn't know what he was doing.  Why not try recovering what you can on your own?  See Recovering deleted files.
    You should be aware that no computer is safe.  All computers rely on hardware that may fail and software that can have bugs.  You absolutely MUST maintain a good set of frequently-updated backups...  no fewer than two full backups of anything you don't want to lose.
    (Note that my pages contain links to other pages that promote my services, and this should not be taken as an endorsement of my services by Apple.)

Maybe you are looking for