Library showing wrong lens

In develop when I enable Profile corrections it shows my lens as it should. Sigam Macro 70mm. But in library under exif it says "100-300mm F4.5-5.6" Is there some way I can correct this?

It sounds like this will be fixed.  The problem is that your Sigma lens has the same ID number as the Minolta AF 100-300mm F4.5-5.6 APO (D).  There are actually 4 known Sigma lenses which all use this ID number.  Any software which attempts to recognize the lens must use other tricks like checking the focal length, etc, in order to best guess the actual lens model, and none of these techniques are infallible.
But you are lucky because in your case there is no overlap in focal lengths between the 100-300 and your 70mm Sigma, so it should be possible to fix this for your lens.
- Phil

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    Password-related matters must be resolved by Skype Customer Service; we here in the Community are not authorized to access Skype accountholder data.  Although it may seem silly to do so, if you are locked out of your account, you will need to create a new account in order to contact Skype Customer Service.
    Here is a link to the instruction on how to contact Skype Customer Service via their secure portal: Contact Customer Service
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    If you are a Skype Premium or other eligible customer, you will be routed to start an instant message chat session with a Customer Service agent.
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    As i Know during PDS integration the validity dates are converted from local time zone of the plant in which the production version exists to UTC
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    Hi Andy,
    I'm using Mac OSX 10.7.5 
    No the one with the caps seems to be working normally.This project with the caps now has four files. Originally I created it with about fifteen. I deleted eleven of them and edited the remaining four. The four files each have one version and its original. It wasn't until after I completed this work that I noticed the privious project when opened and scrolled had the entire library in it.
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    two imports show the thumdnails in it.
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    I'll need to find out how to copy the Aperture library to another place. I'm sure I can poke around and fined out the process.
    Thanks Andy for the come back!

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    settings - app/itunes store - sign out - sign back in.

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    a) why it does this
    and b) how to stop it doing this, because it still charges me for the song :/

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    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise, I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the items that are not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the items, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" links next to the items.

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