Library.xml failing to fully import

I have just upgraded to Windows 7 and uninstalled iTunes as per the recommendation of the Win7 Upgrade advisor. I exported my library before I uninstalled and copied the entire iTunes folder to a new drive.
After the upgrade, I reinstalled iTunes ( and set the new folder in the new drive as the location of the library. Next, I closed iTunes, removed the iTunes music library.xml file from my users\username\music\itunes\ folder, then imported the xml file that had been exported before the upgrade.
About half-way through the import I get an error "The file 'iTunes Music Library.xml' cannot be imported. An Unknown error occured (-50)."
I can import all my music using the Add Folder option, but I have been using iTunes for 6 years and have many ratings and custom playlists that I would like to retain - most of them were manual playlists. My music library is 95GB and almost 10,000 songs. All this metadata is (presumably), in the xml file.
Does anyone know if it is possible to correct this issue. I would hate to lose 6 years of ratings and personalisation efforts.
Thanks for any help.

I have also tried editing the xml file so that the source of the files reflects their current location on the PC. I have also tried importing a library I saved about a week before the one I am presently trying to import. I get the same error message.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times, deleting the iTunes media folder in user\username\ before reinstalling.
I have tried setting a new location for the library and allowing the import to copy the files to the new location.
All produce the same error.
The fact this is happening with different xml files indicates the xml may not be corrupted?

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    When you did a File-o>Library->Export Library operation on your old iTunes a 'Library.xml' file was created.
    Part of that files looks like:
                <key>Track ID</key><integer>1512</integer>
                <key>Name</key><string>More Than a Feeling</string>
                ......bunch of xml elements deleted for clarity.....
                <key>Location</key><string>file://localhost/C:/Users/Jimmy%20O/Music/iTunes/iTu nes%20Media/Boston/Boston/01%20More%20Than%20a%20Feeling.m4p</string>
    The location of your song is in the <key>Location</key> portion of the file. In this case it is:
    <string>file://localhost/C:/Users/Jimmy%20O/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Boston/B oston/01%20More%20Than%20a%20Feeling.m4p</string>
    If your song file is located somewhere else just correct the path to the file in the Library.xml file and re-import it with File->Library->Imort Playlist...
    The '%20' in the path is just an encoding for a ' ' (space character).
    Hopefully the path has just changed for all your songs and you can do a global replace.

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    Bad path.
    Correct Path
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    You should be able to create a new Library file by doing the drag and drop of your music files as you describe. I would do them about 50 albums at a time to start with.
    You might want to start by quitting iTunes and going to the /Your Home/Music/iTunes Music folder and moving the "iTunes Library" itl and "iTunes Music Library.xml" to your Desktop. Then launch iTunes to create new blank ones. Set your iTunes preferences and so forth before you begin. Do a few and make sure you are getting the results you are expecting. In other words do you want iTunes to move your music files to the default location, etc.
    You may need to recreate your playlists when done if you do not have the individual xml files to re-import.

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    XP Pro 32bit SP3
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    with 4Go RAM (well 3,25Go + I did the modification for 3Go in AE)
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  • Have found multiple iTunes Library.xml files. Moved Library to new Hard Drive and it needs to be completely rebuilt?

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    It's hard for me to picture the exact situation. It sounds like you still have your library file on the internal but some files on the external, and maybe some on the internal, some of which are in the library and others not...  By re-adding things after consolidating it may have made things into a hodge-podge. Yes, that article you referenced says: "iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder"with Media Folder being the emphasis.  You probably should have just moved your whole iTunes folder.  Still, moving the media folder as instructed should not have messed up the library.  Did you make the mistake of starting up iTunes before the external drive had mounted fully and it then told you it couldn't find many files?  How you proceed to sort it out will depend upon how much time you want to spend and how important things such as ratings and playcount are to you.  I have not actually used the consolidate feature across different drives myself (and don't feel inclined to do so here to test ).
    If you are in the USA you can download some previous purhcases with iCloud, but not all.
    Here's a bit on what an iTunes folder should look like:
    What are the iTunes library files? - []
    More on iTunes library files and what they do - []
    Library files with graphic and explanation of different iTunes versions -
    Once you get iTunes working off the external drive it should just put new media to the external when you add it.
    I have almost no experience with synching (I synched my neice's iPod, once, about 4 years ago).

  • Restoring play count from library.xml?

    OK, i just reformatted my hard drive, and not sure i backed up everything correctly. All my music is there, but there is no play count/date added/playlists. I am ok with this, but i opened the iTunes Music Library xml file just for fun, and i noticed in the xml the playcount integer was there along with the date added. Is there a way to "import" this xml file so the playcounts show up? date added etc?Its more just for fun, but itd be nice to have. Playlists would be a bonus too, but not critical. I didtn think any of this was possible until i saw this xml file...

    While I understand your perceived need for this attribute, I have not seen a method to recover the 'Date Added' value. Perhaps there is a JavaScript available from another. If I happen across this facility, I'll include it in my recovery instructions, but I do not go looking for something not critically required (see my reason below).
    This begs the question of many Library problems I see here: If your music Library is so important to you (and why shouldn't it be), you need to proactively guard against the typical and expected failures of digital life.
    This means *+frequent and complete backups+* of your data - including your entire iTunes Library. Failure to plan means you are planning to fail.
    See what you need to do to Completely Backup iTunes.
    Do anything less and we'll try to help you recover, but one cannot expect Apple or those of us here to save you from every self-inflicted problem. We do, however, get many of them happily resolved.
    Best of Luck

  • ITunes for Windows freezes when importing a library. I have a large but not huge library of mostly iTunes purchased music on two authorized computers and would like to sync the files, export the library as a playlist, and import it on the other computer.

    I am running iTunes for Windows 10.2.2 on Windows 7 Home. I have my iTunes library on both this computer and another authorized machine running Windows 7 Professional. I have a large but not enormous library, as I'm one of those people who doesn't pirate, use torrents, borrow from a dozen friends, or whatever other shades of gray you might imagine. It's mostly iTunes purchases with my old CD collection imported. I have started using the following technique to sync my libraries between my two authorized computers, an ability which you can probably all agree should one day be added to iTunes -- that would be different from Home Sharing, because the music would be stored locally and thus available on the road. With the added benefit of the entire library being backed up on the other machine in real-time. Anyway, when I switch from my desktop to laptop and vice versa, I use the following technique:
    Connect both machines to the home network. One machine is the "Active" machine, which has most recently been used for iTunes media, purchases, ratings, etc.
    On the "Active" machine, File-->Library-->Export. Save the file as "Library.xml" on the shared drive of the other machine.
    Right-click "Library.xml" where it's been saved, and open another file that has two lines in it: The root path of the iTunes library on one machine and the root path of the iTunes library on the other machine.
    Do a find/replace all in Notepad to make the library XML file point to where the files will be saved on the "Inactive" machine.
    Run Microsoft SyncToy to synchronize the files between both music libraries; the most recent files win. This avoids copying the entire multi-gigabyte library over the network.
    Open iTunes on the "Inactive" machine.
    Go to Music, Select All, Delete. Keep files.
    Do the same for Movies, Music Videos.
    Go down to Playlists, select the top one, hold down the delete button until they're all gone.
    File-->Library-->Import Playlist. Choose the "Library.xml" file you saved.
    First a status bar comes up that says, "Importing library." It has the continually-scrolling progress bar, not the one that starts on the left and steadily creeps right. Then after about 30 seconds, that clears out. Wait. Typically a few minutes. Eventually a status bar will pop up saying something like, "Evaluating gapless playback information," or something like that.
    The "Inactive" computer is now the "Active" computer. I can now play my library, it has all my playlists and metadata from the other machine.
    Delete all the duplicate playlists named "Music," "Genius," "Purchased," and "iTunes DJ."
    Well, I just upgraded to iTunes 10.2.2 a few days ago and tried to do this again like I've done it dozens of times before. Now, iTunes just goes unresponsive after the library import. It got through the "Importing library" bar to the long wait and stopped. I can still multiprocess and use other programs, but iTunes is hovering back there not responding to clicks. Task Manager doesn't seem to think iTunes is using my CPU, and I don't see my hard drive rattling. Any thoughts on why iTunes might hang up when importing a large library?
    ... Also, please help lobby Apple to come up with a network sync tool built into iTunes for a user with multiple authorized computers. Something different than Home Sharing so I can pull my laptop off the network and still have the synced library with me. And all my metadata changes will sync. The technique I use seems a little kludgey, don't you think?

    iTunes isn't an editor. You need an app that's intended for editing audio files, like Adobe Audition ( or Audacity (free in the App Store).

  • When I boot up itunes it now says "library.xml" instead of just "iTunes"?

    I recently tried to export my library which resides on an external hard drive to another external hard drive and failed. Not only didn't it copy but I couldn't find my library.
    I managed to recreate my library in tact, and really don't care about the exporting aspect any more, but now when I boot up instead of saying "iTunes" at the top of the iTunes window and on my taskbar, it says "Lbrary.xml" as if that is the name of the software rather than iTunes. Everything seems to be working fine, but I wonder if there is a way to get it to say "iTunes" again.
    Thanks for any help.

    What you see at the top of the iTunes window is usually the name of the folder where your "iTunes Library.itl" file resides (that is your main library file). By default that folder name is "iTunes" and that's why you'd see it displayed, not because that is the name of the program.
    But now with "Library.xml" showing I wonder if you re-built your library by opening your .xml file? Just for kicks, you might hold the Shift key as you launch iTunes and select "Choose Library" at the prompt, then navigate to where your "iTunes Library.itl" file resides and see what comes up.

  • How do I fully import my itunes music from my external hard drive to my new HP computer so that I don't need the external HD attached to listen to my music? It won't promt me to fully import songs when I import the folder from the EHD.

    When I select File> Add folder to library and then press "select folder" after finding the iTunes music folder I wish to import from my external hard drive, it does not promt me whether to fully import it or not. After the importing is complete, the external hard drive must be attached in order for me to listen to my music. I do not wnat this; I wnat my music fully imported so that I don't need my EHD. What can I do? Thanks!

    To import music into your iTunes library on the computer go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Add items to iTunes and follow the instructions

  • ITunes library xml from windows to mac using external drive.

    Hi there!
    I'm a newbie on mac computers.. I've recently purchase a macbook pro retina.
    So, I used to use iTunes in windows XP. My old computer crashed and I can't re-open it and save files...
    Now, the only file I have from my windows library is an "library.xml" file.
    The mp3 files that I had in previous iTunes playlists are in my external I: Drive. (not in Itunes folder).
    I was searching in apple communities to see how I can transfer playlists in my new iTunes on mac.
    But I can't find a solution to my problem... and unfortunately I don't know if there is...
    I've try to set the iTunes media folder location my external hard drive, from Preferences-->Advanced-->iTunes media folder location.
    Then I go to file-->library--> import playlist and I open the "library.xml".
    The result is that I have all my playlists in tact, like it was in my previous iTunes.... But THERE IS NOT ANY FILE ON THEM!!!
    So, I have only the playlists... Could you help me to set my I: drive as default path of itunes library, to get my playlists WITH the mp3s?
    Thank you in advance.

    Should I change the Preferences-->Advanced-->iTunes media folder location back to default folder?
    That should be set to wherever you want iTunes to store media in the future (though it sounds like you are planning on keeping this unchecked anyway).  It has no effect on where iTunes looks for existing files.  That is already determined when you first add the file to iTunes or through later consolidating.
    In theory you should be able to start iTunes with a blank library, use the import function to add that .xml file and it should still point to the files on the external.  If that is not working then I guess it is possible all those %20 space designations may be causing problems.  It's strange you are seeing those coded that way but  it is likely some carry-over from Windows.  The purpose of adding a test file to the external, then adding it to iTunes, then looking at the .xml is to see how Mac iTunes lists the path for a file on the external added when using the Mac so you can use that as a model for changing other paths if necessary.
    Holding down the option key while starting iTunes (make sure you are using the correct key) or immediately after starting it should invoke a screen asking if you want to make a new library.  If this is not working for you then I have no idea why because it works for hundreds of other people I have told to do this.

  • IPhoto library upgrade failed, one third of the photos lost, but the library works as normal. No corruption.

    Hello! I recently replaced my tragically crashed Macbook Pro 2008 with a newer model and transferred my volumous iphoto library of 20 000+ photos to my new machine. To be able to use my iphoto '08 library with Aperture I had to upgrade the library in the iphoto '11 version. I left the computer on during the day, and when I got back it seemed to work fine. I browsed my library in Aperture and could see all the thumbnails, but looking closer I noticed a small yellow warning triangle with an arrow in the corner of some pictures. Turns out all pictures from before ~2010 are lost! When I wiev the photos I see nothing but the infinite black of the data void.
    Here's how I've tried to fix the problem:
    1. Opening the iPhoto Library package in Finder. All the folders for the earlier dates are there, but they are empty. I notice no incorrect or impossible dating, which seemed to be a common problem among users who's libraries where corrupted during the upgrade process.
    2. Rebuilding the iphoto library in iphoto. No effect.
    3. Recovering the iphoto library from my Time Machine Backup. SInce my old hard drive was just 200 GB, I stored all pictures older than one year on my external hard drive (note that about half of those pictures were successfully imported/upgraded). Both the internal and the external hard drive where backed up using Time Machine on a NAS from Seagate (Black Armor 110, 3TB). I was able to access backed up files on my external drive through Time Machine on my old computer, but since it is now rendered unbootable I tried using Migration Assistant to let my new computer inherit the old backup. However, I could not find the backup of the external drive in Migration Assistant, just my old internal drive. When I tried to access the backup volume on my NAS through Finder it didn't show up (I could find it that way on my old computer).
    4. Googling "iPhoto library upgrade failed", or "Inheriting Time Machine backup of external drive", and similarily desperately specific phrases - Nothing useful. Other people seems to have had problems with corrupt Libraries, but I'm not sure that's the case here.
    My pictures must exist somewhere on my computer and in a backup on my NAS. I just can't find them! Do anyone have a clue to what may have gone wrong? I'm afraid the computer might have gone to sleep during the upgrade, because I didn't thinkabout adjusting the power saving settings before starting it. But since pictures 1-8000-something are missing, it doesn't seem to have worked properly during the whole beginning of the upgrade, not just during the middle. As I knew I had a backup of the library I didn't worry about upgrading the single functional copy. From now on I will think thrice before doing anything as serious as this.
    I am eternally grateful for any answers that might help me recovering my photos!
    //Teodor Nilson

      b) I split up my photo collection into two iphoto libraries. One for the new photos stored on my internal HD            and one for photos older than one year stored on my external HD
    And exactly How did you Split up your iPhoto library?
    c) I used Migration Assistant in an attempt to access the Time Machine backup of my old MBP from my new      MBP (by inheriting the backup). When I made my backups, I made sure Time Machine included the external      HD. But Migration Assistant could only find the backup of my Internal HD with the library of new photos!
    And again
    You should not use Migration assistant on an iPhoto library - it generally does not work
         d)   When signing in and mounting the NAS in Finder, I used to be able to see a Time Machine backup      folder/icon. Now I was unable to locate it.
    I believe you are using your NAS for your Time Machine backup. If your Time Machine backup and/or your iPhoto library is on a NAS you will have problems - both need to be on Mac formatted volumes - the least troublsome is a volume formatted Mac OS extended (journaled)
    Manually preparing a new disk for Time Machine
    If you want to erase a disk before using it with Time Machine, follow these steps:
    Open Disk Utility (located in the Utilities folder).
    Connect the disk if it isn't already attached.
    In the left side of the Disk Utility window, select the disk you want to use with Time Machine.
    Optional: If you want to partition the disk, click the Partition tab and select a layout. Make sure "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" is selected in the Format menu for the partition that will be used for backups. Click Apply.
    Click the Erase tab.
    Optional: If you want to securely erase the disk, click Security Options to configure, then click OK.
    Click Erase.
    After erasing, open Time Machine preferences in System Preferences and configure as described in the section above.
    Are the iPhoto libraries kept on an external drive formated Mac OS extended (journaled)? Or are they on the NAS? - If you are using the NAS for iPhoto and/or Time Machine that is the source of your problems

  • Hosting iTunes Library on WHS - What to specify in library.xml?

    I have my iTunes library on a Windows Home Server. I used to use iTunes on Windows but is now moving to Mac. I exported my library into library.xml and figured I could edit the xml file to reflect the path as the Mac sees it, but I can't seem to figure out the right syntax.
    In the original Windows based xml file the path looked like this
    I thought the syntax would be something like this
    <key>Location</key><string>smb://server/Music/Al%20Green/More%20Greatest%20Hits/ 01%20Let's%20Stay%20Together%20%5BLong%20Version.mp3</string>
    The import of the library works but it does give an error that some of the files could not be found. When I double click on any of the songs nothing happens.
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: BrianBS

    Nobody? Really?

Maybe you are looking for