Lightroom 3.6 catalog corrupt

I've been using Lightroom 3.6 on the same computer since august and haven't had any problem until now. I'm running Windows 7, with lightroom 3.6 64bit. Earlier today I was able to import, edit, export photos no problem, now when I try to open lightroom it says the catalog is corrupt.
When I try to repair the catalog, it can not repair it
I have had no problems running lightroom 3 which I did not upgrade to 3.6 on another computer, and have used it for a year now with absolutely no problems.
Should I uninstall then reinstall and not upgrade to 3.6 this time? I have not lost any photos, but for now I can't use lightroom.

The catalog is stored on my computer's internal hard drive, and I do have recent backups, it backs up weekly.
Update: Just realized how to use the backups made to restore the catalog, and have restored it without losing anything. How could I prevent this from happening again?

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    The first thing I would do is try your most recent backup.
    Make a copy of it in your operating system and perhaps rename it.
    Then double click on it or choose File->Open Catalog from inside LR.
    Set LR to backup on exit and perform optimization.
    If everything works then proceed with this catalog for a while, maybe even a month. The concern is that the problem may exist in the backups. If all goes well go on from there. Otherwise repeat with the next oldest catalog.
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    I'm going to try and render standard sized previews on my entire new catalog tonight and see if the performance remains snappy.  But something is definitely not right here.

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    Please disregard:
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    I would imagine that data integrity is not enforced for performance reasons. In a closed environment like LR where the application has complete control over the data, enforcing data integrity may not be worth the performance hit. Often what is done in an environment like this is to have data integrity on in test environments which would expose data integrity bugs but where the impact of performance is low. In "production" it is then turned off to get as much performance as possible. I would say there are many more complaints about performance than corrupt catalogs. And corrupt catalogs are more likely due to interruptions in writing to the catalog (like crashes, backups or dropbox activity while LR is running, etc). Data integrity would not help in these cases as they are outside the databases control.

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    >When I go to the files in finder, the corrupted NEFs are not able to be
    seen, but the corrupted JPEGs are!
    They don't open or do you get a blank screen when you try to open them or
    do the files not have icons? It's a good sign that your jpegs are visible
    though. That does make me think the preview database or catalog in
    Lightroom is screwed up.
    >When I try to plug the camera into the computer with a USB cord it doesn't
    recognize it
    What happens when you plug the camera in turn it on and select import
    photos in Lightroom? You should get to see the images on the camera. Try
    different USB cables if it doesn't work. Also try changing the USB mode on
    your camera. I think the old Nikons had a setting to change between PtP and
    Mass storage mode. Just changing it might make it work. This all does smell
    a little like the USB ports are bad on the computer something they should
    be able to diagnose at the Apple Store but you might want to ask about.
    On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 3:29 PM, MommaPotts <[email protected]>

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    I am getting the same error.
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    If i export the whole catalog, around 30,000 images, but do not check the export negative files and include available previews boxes does it export all the develop information and virtual copies etc?
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    I am using LR 1.4.1 in Windows XP Pro and have a question:
    Where is Edit>Catalog>General located?
    In the LIBRARY mode, on my command line, I have these commands: File/Edit/Library/Photo/Metadata/View/Window/Help.
    Looking at the options under the EDIT command, I see:
    Is there some other EDIT command that you are referring to here?

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    Can I compress the catalog and send directly to Adobe for inspection?

    You can download thru the following page and use your serial number to activate it...
    Lightroom - all versions

  • Lightroom catalog corruption

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    I had this experience with the Lightroom catalogue and the backup feature. Using tools to look at the files, it did appear to have corrupted the current catalogue but not the copies that I made by simply copying the files. In email conversation with Dan Tull, I have decided just to do disk copies until I get more time to investigate the problem.
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    Presets are stored separately from catalogs assuming you have the default settings. Collections are in each Catalog so just open the latest back up and they will be there.
    I recommend making a copy of the back up catalog bfore you try to use it!!

  • Lightroom 2.0 - Not Responding - Catalog Corrupt (HELP!)

    Macpro 2 x 3ghz quadcore, 8Gb Ram, OSX 10.5.4, Kernel:Darwin 9.4.0
    In develop LR 2 froze, after kill catalog seems corrupt.
    Lost 10 hours work!!$%^%^@
    I keep getting the error message:
    "An error occurred while attempting to change modules" when trying to change between modules.
    After going back to last backup I notice that changes using brush, etc are missing. So I presume the brush changes are stored externally not in the xmp files despite my prefs being set to write changes to xmp automatically.
    Any suggestions how I can get my changes back?
    (BTW it is very slow using the brush, though useful.)

    Yes that worked.
    But the setup seems strange. I now I have to try and remember every image I changed. Some of the images after the I restored the last catlog showed the changes and some do not.
    Before reading from the xmp data as you suggest I reedited some images so now will both lots of edits be on top of each other?
    I noticed that before I did the metadata read from xmp that the images in LR2 did not reflect the changes but when I used command-E to edit in an PS the changes are reflected in the new image that comes up in PS.

  • Can't open Lightroom 5.3 catalog. Get  ".. it is not writable and cannot be opened" message.

    Hi everyone,
    I'm having a problem opening a lightroom catalog. I get a message "Lightroom cannot use the catalog because it's not writable and can't be opened".
    The catalog and several thousand RAW files are stored on an external drive.
    Here are the steps which I believe caused the problem:
    1. Worked with the catalog on my PC laptop. Disconnected the drive without closing Lightroom first (big mistake).
    2. Plugged the external drive into desktop PC and did additional work. Closed Ligtroom (on desktop) and disconnected the drive.
    3. Plugged the drive back into the laptop while original catalog was still open (see #1 above). Clicked on an image at which point Lightroom crashed and closed by itself.
    The problem now is that the catalog no longer opens on either computer. Any attempt to open results in  "Lightroom cannot use the catalog because it's not writable and can't be opened" message. There are no lock or journal files that can be deleted, just the lrcat file and tons of folders with preview data.
    I'm hoping that it's not a lost cause and I can still recover the catalog. There are 2 days worth of work there.
    Thank you for any help/advice in advance!

    Ok. I found a solution. Since Ligthroom catalog is a SQLite database, you can use a database tool to fix it. Simply download SQLite from for your OS (Windows 7 in my case) and unzip to C:\SQLite for ease of use. Copy your corrupt catalog to C:\SQLite folder as well to keep things simple.
    Go to command prompt Start>Run, type 'cmd' and click Enter. This will open the command prompt where you will need to execute the following commands:
    1. cd sqlite
    2. echo .dump | sqlite3 yourcatalogfilename.lrcat > tempcatalog.sql
    3. sqlite3 -init  tempcatalog.sql  newcatalogfilename.lrcat
    After executing line 3, you may or may not see error messages. No worries, it simply truncated faulty database records which is what cause the catalog to crash.
    Now, copy the newcatalogfilename.lrcat back to your lightroom catalog folder and launch it. You should be able to get things back up and running to where you left of, or to the point where the original Lightroom catalog got corrupted in the first place.
    Hope this helps. It took me a few hours to find a solution, but it saved me at least 2 days of work. The original credit goes to the author of the following article -catalog-with-sqlite.html. It seemed to have worked for Lightroom 3 and still worked for Lightroom 5.3 in my case.

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