Lightroom 4 beta #1 test complete - final results.

Regarding the default processing and basic tone controls:
Default processing (automatic shadow/highlight recovery) is awesome, usually. In cases when it's not it can be painstaking (and not always satisfying) to compensate for using basic controls and/or tone curve.
Basic tone controls have a fundamental design deficiency:
     - One can not make successive refinements, where each gets you closer to the goal. Sometimes you have to make corrections that goof up much of what you've already done, then settle everything back in, and then do it again. For example, one may need to increase exposure in order to have a little more "fill light". That will destroy all the work you've already done on the highlights, necessitating readjustment. I see this as a fundamental design flaw. And no, one can not always predict the proper exposure up front, when the proper setting means a massively blown out top end, for example. You must see what happens with the rest of your settings, in order to know what the proper exposure is.
Basic tone controls do not allow one to adjust photos with sufficient control without a lot of work (and sometimes even with a lot of work):
     - Too many of my photos end up with most tones good, but one or two tones are off. And there seems to be no good way to correct it without a lot of fiddling, tone curve, or locals. The reason is obvious if you adjust the various controls and watch their behavior in the histogram. Even if the tones in the photo click really nicely with PV2012 (and >50% do), it's possible to see the potential for trouble - for example, the adjustment of highlights and shadows do not have a smooth and organic blending with the adjacent zones. Maybe this can be corrected with some tweaks, but it definitely needs to be corrected.
I'm done for now. I really hope Adobe will address these issues - I don't want to have to throw away the thousands of hours I've invested in Lightroom and plugins...
PS - I apologize in advance to those who would like me to post more examples than I and others already have. My sense is that most respondees will try to refute, and I just don't have the time/energy to take up a fight. Adobe will either get the message or they won't, and either remedy or not...
Recommendation to others:
Make up your own mind about it. I'm sure results are just fine for some folk, but I can not, in good conscience, recommend Lightroom 4 to anyone at this point. The big print giveth, but the small print taketh away...

Cornelia-I wrote:
Sorry John,
I think you are really unfair now to Rob.
I have read a lot in his posts about describing what the starting situation of an image is and what he wants to achieve.
Then how he progressed using the LR4-tools.
Where he had success and where not, because it drove him into an endless iteration circle starting again from exposure adjustment.
Nobody could adress his concerns or offer a solution how to better apply the new tools. Though he has asked several times for enlightenment, if such were to be had.
I was reacting to the constant whining....and was getting tired of hearing what could not be done (relative to PV2010) vs. what could be done on PV2012.  New software requires new learning....and I am sure Rob knows that...he even admits that he was reacting in frustration.
As Rob...and Eric...have said....the sliders are going to only get you so far....and eventually we will learn the fastest path, if we share that info....after that fine tuning maybe (will be) needed by doing it the old fashioned way....curves, dodging, burning, etc.
Cornelia-I wrote:
I will be interested in reading updates of "Real Word Camera Raw" or Michael Frye's  "Light and Land - Landscapes in the digital darkroom" and see how they cope - definitely a challenge.
Jeff does "Real WOrld CR", and we are hearing from him....and will in the LuLa video.  I am sure there will be lots of other authors such as David Du Chamin, Guy Tal, George Jardin, Lee Varis....who will update there workflow techniques to PV2012.....and all of them in a positive can do and here's how to do it manner.
The Adobe team wants to put out the best product/tool that they can.  How anyone could think that they would want to replace a nicely working (pv2010) solution with a "compromised" solution (pv2012) is quite unimaginable to me....and it is not change for change sake....the only reason to make this big and drastic a change at this time would be with the expectation that it will be dramatically better.  I am sure it will might take some additional minor tweaks....but more important, positive attitude and learning of new things by us.

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  • Problem in Final Result in PL/SQL

    Dear All,
    I have a problem in the final output of PL/SQL. I am using cursor and one SQL statement. Following is the complete procedure. First select after BEGIN inserts values in one table and that is fine. When second SQL is called by CURSOR while updating the table again I am having overlapped values. There seems some logical error. Would appreciate if some one help in this regard where is the issue and how to resolve that?
      Local variable declaration.
          v_locationcode  VARCHAR2(4);
          v_day_0         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_1         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_2         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_3         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_4         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_5         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_6         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_7         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_8         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_9         Number(10):=0;
          v_day_10        Number(10):=0;
          v_day_11        Number(10):=0;
          v_day_12        Number(10):=0;
          v_day_13        Number(10):=0;
          v_moredays      Number(10):=0;
          v_diff          VARCHAR2(5);
          v_daily_enrol   Number(10):=0;
          v_sum           Number(10);
          v_average       Float(10);
          CURSOR c_insert_values IS
                 SELECT locationcode
                 ,decode(length(to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date))),1,to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date)),'>13')
                 , COUNT(*)
                 FROM track_id
                 WHERE TRUNC(enrol_date) = TRUNC(SYSDATE-1)
                 GROUP BY LOCATIONCODE, decode(length(to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date))),1,to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date)),'>13');
             INSERT INTO reporting.photodate_report (locationcode, locationname, total_enrol)
                SELECT a.locationcode, (trim(b.locationname)||' '||b.DESCRIPTION),  count (*)
                FROM track_id a, location b
                WHERE  to_date(a.enrol_date,'DD/MM/rrrr') = trunc(sysdate-1) AND a.locationcode = b.locationcode
                GROUP BY a.locationcode, (trim(b.locationname)||' '||b.DESCRIPTION);
       OPEN  c_insert_values;
             FETCH c_insert_values into v_locationcode, v_diff, v_daily_enrol;
             EXIT WHEN c_insert_values%notfound;
                WHEN v_diff = '0'   THEN v_day_0 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '1'   THEN v_day_1 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '2'   THEN v_day_2 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '3'   THEN v_day_3 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '4'   THEN v_day_4 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '5'   THEN v_day_5 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '6'   THEN v_day_6 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '7'   THEN v_day_7 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '8'   THEN v_day_8 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '9'   THEN v_day_9 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '10'  THEN v_day_10 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '11'  THEN v_day_11 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '12'  THEN v_day_12 := v_daily_enrol;
                WHEN v_diff = '13'  THEN v_day_13 := v_daily_enrol;
                ELSE v_moredays := v_daily_enrol;
             END CASE;
              v_sum := (v_day_0)+(v_day_1)+(v_day_2)+(v_day_3)+(v_day_4)+(v_day_5)+(v_day_6)+(v_day_7)+(v_day_8)+
           v_average := ((0*v_day_0)+(1*v_day_1)+(2*v_day_2)+(3*v_day_3)+(4*v_day_4)+(5*v_day_5)+(6*v_day_6)+(7*v_day_7)+(8*v_day_8)+
             SET    a.day_0 = v_day_0,
                    a.day_1 = v_day_1,
                    a.day_2 = v_day_2,
                    a.day_3 = v_day_3,
                    a.day_4 = v_day_4,
                    a.day_5 = v_day_5,
                    a.day_6 = v_day_6,
                    a.day_7 = v_day_7,
                    a.day_8 = v_day_8,
                    a.day_9 = v_day_9,
                    a.day_10 = v_day_10,
                    a.day_11 = v_day_11,
                    a.day_12 = v_day_12,
                    a.day_13 = v_day_13,
                    a.moredays = v_moredays,
                    a.avg = v_average
              WHERE a.locationcode = v_locationcode;
          END LOOP;
          CLOSE c_insert_values;
      END;Edited by: BluShadow on 15-Mar-2011 09:44
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    tis is a douplication of Problem in Final Result in PL/SQL

  • Overclock E8400 + MSI P45 NEO Final results

    This is the final result, and the default config for me from now on, thank you Jack the Newbe, you helped me a lot.
    I fixed your links and tags

    MOBO: MSI P45 NEO - BIOS Version 1.1
    CPU: C2D E8400 3.0Ghz - Cooler Box
    MEM: 2x 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz Kingston Value Ram
    GPU: MSI GeForce N9800GTX 512Mb(700/2200/1750)
    HDD: Seagate 250Gb Sata II
    PSU: Akasa 500W
    CASE: Cooler Master Elite 333
    Monitor: 19" Samsung 943BWX Wide (1440x900)
    OS: Win Vista Ultimate x64 + SP1
    CPU - BIOS
    Multi-Step OC - [MODE 1]
    D.O.T Control  - [Disabled]
    Intel EIST       - [Disabled]
    Adjust CPU FSB Frequency (Mhz) - [445]
    Adjusted CPU Frequency (Mhz) - [4000]
    Multiplier    - [9]
    Advance DRAM Configuration -
    Timings - [5-5-5-15]
    FSB DRAM Ratio - [1:1.00]
    Adjusted DRAM Frequency (Mhz) [890]
    ClockGen Tuner - [Untouched]
    Adjust PCI Frequency (Mhz) - [Default]
    Auto Disable DRAM/PCI Frequency - [Enabled]
    CPU Voltage (v)     - [1.3350]
    DRAM Voltage (v)   - [1.90]
    MCH Voltage (v)     - [1.100]
    VTT FSB Voltage(v)- [1.25]
    ICH Voltage (V)      - [1.50]
    Spread Spectrum - [Disabled]
    GPU - Riva Tuner 2.10
    Core Clock (Mhz)     - [783]
    Shader Clock (Mhz)  - [1957]
    Memory Clock (Mhz) - [1183]
    FAN Speed (RPM)     - [95%]
    Ambient Temp - 30~31ºC
    Idle        - 56~60ºC
    Full Load - 85~90ºC
    Idle        - 45ºC
    Full Load - 60ºC
    I know that these CPU temps are not aceptable, but as soon as my thermal grease arrives I'll use it with my TT cooler(current I'm on cooler box) and it will drop a lot.
    I just use:
    a 120mm fan in the lower front of the case sucking the (cool)air in,
    a 120mm fan in the middle back of the case blowing the (hot)air out,
    a 80mm fan fixed in the door case blowing the (hot) air out,
    a 80mm fan over the back of the VGA blowing air to the Northbridge heatsink,
    and (about next week) Thermaltake Big Thyphoon 120 VX with Artic Silver 5.
    The MSI N9800GTX is the best VGA cooler that I ever saw, it really does the job even in the extreme overclocks.
    After I did this OC, I used the machine for about 4 hours with no problem at all. I did some tests, including some benchmarks like Super PI and 3Dmark 2006, but I did not made any stress test(prime95, orthos) because I'm still using the cooler box and this will for sure overheat it beyond it's capacity, therefore this OC was just a preparation(test) for the real one that I'll do when my thermal grease and my TT cooler were in place, I think that the voltages still can suffer some variation with the advantage of the new cooler, but it will be worked in the right moment, after all overclocking is a long process, when I wrote "final results" to the title of this topic, I mean that this is the clock that I wanted to reach, but of course that still lacks some fine adjustments.
    The real objective of this test was to see:
    1. if the motherboard handles it stable.
    2. if there were no FSB walls to block my OC.
    3. if there were any voltage problems.
    4. if there were extreme overheating.(even with the cooler box)
    and I'm more than happy to see that it passed in all the tests so far.
    CPU-Z v1.47
    GPU-Z v0.27
    Core Temp v0.99.3
    Riva Tuner 2.10
    Super PI v1.5
    3DMark06 v110

  • Download problem Lightroom 4 Beta

    Hi, Im a first timer, so please be gentle! I have tried twice to download Lightroom 4 beta. I have a macbook pro ( it does have parallels 6 + Windows 7 home). The program dowloads, the intaller appears in the dock and then a message something like "unable to open installer". I have no idea what the problem is or what to do about it. Help?

    Thanks Victoria,
    Mac OS X
    Version 10.5.8
    Processor 2.66 GHz Intel core 2 duo
    Memory 8 gb 1067 mhz DDR3
    The message reads: Operation could not be completed ( controller error-1).
    Hope this clarifys.

  • Why does the program lightroom 4 beta close itself when am working with an image?

    I was trying the new lightroom 4 beta, and is been crashing everytime I try to work with it...
    I was editing a picture and trying to see with the before and after view, and is been crashing since then, why is that?

    There are some known bugs which invoke this behaviour.
    For me I know that I must avoid the manual lens correction scale slider. If I use that, it will crash.
    If I stay away from that, I have quite long sessions with LR4 beta1.
    Paolo, do you indeed KNOW something about a beta2 not happening, because LR4-final will be the next?
    I have seen this in several threads, but considered it a rumour.
    Remembering the LR3beta-phase I neither knew in advance if the next version would be another beta or the final.
    Personally I would appreciate if this is not set in stone in advance, but gets shaped along with the beta feedback from users.
    Only then you really get the indicators about maturity or further opportunities to design a package people will be willing to pay for an upgrade.

  • Constructing test with multiple results

    Hi, I have the question for Lilybyri:
    I learn to construct test with multiple results from your article:
    Constructing Test with Multiple Results (CP5)
    This is exactly what I need. My question is - can I use the radio button interaction or smart shape instead click box? What you recommend? I use CP7 or CP8.
    Need to publishing the final test both HTML5 and SWF output. My test wil have 55 questions and 4 results score - one of them describe the personality of learner.

    Advasntage of click box and shape button is that they can have score
    attached to it. That is not the case for radio buttons interaction that has
    also limited formatting options.

  • Lightroom 3 Beta tethering issue

    Hi I am testing out Lightroom 3 beta to see if it will fit my everyday needs in photography. I have run into a few bugs and wanted to know is this because of the BETA program I am running. I am using it on a new iMac computer. When I plug my camera into the computer , lightroom can see photos if I use it for downloading . But when I set up the camera for tethering it does NOT see the camera at all. Is this because I am using a BETA version ? When will Lightroom 3 be out for MAC? I am also thinking the reason in the web part of Lightroom I can only see one photo in the galleries, correct?
    I would love to know because I am hoping its not a camera issue
    thank you

    You almost certainly mean Beta 4, and discussion of Beta issues should be on the forum devoted to them:
    Please take your answer there.

  • Lightroom 3 Beta is out.

    Go here to read about it, download it. Expires 4/30/2010.
    Remember not to use on a production computer, this is a beta!

    Not that I want to complaint or anything, but is it just me or the "new features" hardly warrant a 3.0 tag?  On the positive side, there is a mention somewhere about new architecture for better performance in handling large size libaries, and personally this is the one I really look forward to test in final 3.0 .  Appart from that, perhaps one of the most useful new feature is finally to have integrated custom watermarking (which was working perfectly with the Mogrify plugin, but it's nice to finally see such an important feature make its way in LR).
    Granted it is only a Beta, and there will be possibly new things added.  But I'm really not impressed with what I saw in the videos at . Perhaps if they had called it 2.6 ...  but 3.0 ??

Maybe you are looking for

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    hey y'all i'm looking for micro dri've mp3 player and I'm checking out products such as ipod mini, creative zen micro and others as well. After checking out each player i see flaws such as mini have no battery replaceable, have to buy adapter and USB

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