Lightroom 6 Slideshow issues

I have been using the Lightroom slideshow features all the time, and was very excited when I saw the Lightroom 6 improvements (i.e. multiple audio files, sync with music beat, etc). I am running the stand alone LR 6.0 (Camera Raw 9.0), on my 2008 Mac Pro with 20GB ram and OS X 10.9.5. I started using the slideshow of LR6 10 hours ago and so far I had nothing but problems with slideshow. I am quite happy with the new HDR and Panorama features, and they worked very well. Just problem with the slideshow module so far:
(1) I could not add any audio files (using only MP3 files so far) to be used as 'MUSIC'. I always received an 'ADD RESULTS' window that states " Can't add those music files to Lightroom > Muscid file format is bad (1) > xyz.mp3". Some of the mp3 field have been successfully used in LR5 slideshows. So far, I have tried about 10 different mp3 files and all received the same error message as above. It did not matter whether I tried to add a single mp3 file or multiple mp3 files. I haven' tested any other audio file formats. All those 'problematic' mp3 files play fine with iTune or my iPod, and some of them have been used to create slideshow in LR 5 before.
(2) The "Preview" or "Play" seems to be not working. I selected only 2-3 raw files and tried to do a very simple slideshow (using the "Simple" Lightroom Templates). The "Preparing slideshow" took forever and the progress was painfully slow, if there was any progress at all. I still haven't been able to create a simple slideshow using LR 6 after hours.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

The standard LR 6 catalog file is not a ZIP file. Those ZIP files are Back Ups of the original catalog. Do a search of your HDD for *.lrcat (The Star(*) is a wild card character and may not be needed in Windows or Mac Spotlight search system). That will turn up the original, standard, default, LR catalog file.
When you say you have been SAVING your LR catalog what exactly do you mean by that? Do you mean Backing it Up? You can't really SAVE the catalog. There is no Save or Save As in the File menu item and to my knowledge Ctrl + S or Ctrl + Shift + S do nothing. It saved automatically every time you add something to it, make changes to the user/program Preferences/Options or to the catalog settings.

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         If you follow the advice of the previous poster Julie Kmoch and then gradualy add presets back in one at a time you might be able to find the one that is causing the issue. I may be guessing, but I believe the issue has something to do with either an incompatible Preset setting (eg a older preset in newer version of LR) or a corrupt Preset.
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    Location of LR Preset folder in Windows Vista/ Windows 7
    C:/Users/<YourUserName>/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom/Develop Presets
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    A step backwards to be sure.
    But note: slideshow is using ordinary library previews, so if you are diligent to build after editing, then slideshows start faster.
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    Ensure that you have the Tool bar activated in the Sideshow module. (Tap the T key.)
    On the Tool bar you should see an ABC icon that will allow text to be added to the slide. Click it to reveal a text box, then click the Title drop menu. In the drop list click Edit. A dialog box will allow choosing a filename.
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    Spry.Effect.CSSAnimator.stylePropFuncs["default"] = {
        get: function(ele, prop)
        set: function(ele, prop, val)                                           
  [prop] = val;                       (line 389)
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    Only one audio file can be used in a Lightroom slideshow.
    You'll have to combine multiple songs into a single audio file (e.g. using Audition) then use the single audio file in the Lightroom slideshow.
    For more flexibility, you can use commercial software such as ProShow Web, Gold or Producer which comes with a free Lightroom plugin
    ProShow Gold - Create Fast and Fun Photo Slideshows
    ProShow Web - Instant Photo and Video Slideshows from your Mac or PC
    Plug-ins for ProShow

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    Thaaaat shoould souuuund fuuuunnyyy...

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    Mindy Lewis

    If you are on Windows (and most who experience this issue seem to be) ... try turning off hardware acceleration as a short term workaround:
    - right-click an empty area of your desktop, choose properties
    - click the Settings tab
    - click Advanced
    - click the Troubleshooting tab
    - set hardware acceleration to None
    - click OK to exit
    See if that makes a difference. An updated driver is the best solution, but in its absence this may do the trick.

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    I also liked how you could use the keyboard arrows during the slideshow in LR 4 to go back to a previous image / set of images shown in the slideshow. 
    It would be great if these issues could be addressed in the next update.  Thank you very much!

    Yes, what happened to the option to render previews before playing (great if you have lots of time ) and the previous default to render as the slideshow is playing (great for almost every time I need a slideshow).
    Even the Preview button has to render all the slides before showing!!!
    Any chance this option is going to be put back?

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