Lightroom CC (2015) startet nicht?

Lightroom CC (2015) wurde instaliert, das Progamm startet aber nicht.

IMac 2007  Yosemite 10.10.3
Hallo zusammen,
An- abmelden bei der Cloud;
Zugriffrechte reparieren;
Cache leeren;
alles brachte keinen Erfolg.
Bei mir klappt es nun so:
Mit gedrückter ALT-Taste Lightroom 6 starten.
Danach im "Katalog-Auswahl-Fenster" den neuen Katalog auswählen und auf "öffnen" klicken.
Lightroom startet nun "normal".
Ohne gedrückte ALT-Taste funktionierte es aber weiterhin nicht...
Ich habe dann über das LR Hilfe-Menü nach Aktualisierungen gesucht...
hier bekam ich dann die Fehlermeldung das LR aufgrund fehlender Rechte nicht auf den Ordner:
/Users/.../Library/Application Support/Adobe
zugreifen kann.
Ich habe dies dann geändert.
Nun startet Lightroom 6 auch ohne gedrückter ALT-Taste.
Viele Grüße

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    Voreinstellung auf ein bestimmtes Verzeichnis die Installation zu machen wurde einfach ignoriert und auf C\Programme installiert.
    Hat Jemand eine Lösung?

    Not able to launch Lightroom after updating it to 5.5 from Creative Cloud

  • Lightroom CC startet nicht

    Installation der neuen Version Lightroom CC (2015) verlief eigentlich ohne Probleme. Trotzdem startet das Programm nicht. Im Taskmanager sieht man Lightroom ganz kurz, um dann wieder zu verschwinden.
    Habe es nun mehrfach de- und wieder neu installiert, aber ohne Erfolg.
    Windows 8.1 64 Bit.

    ich hatte das gleiche Problem und habe die ganze Nacht und zig Neuinstallationen getüftelt. Bei mir scheint es an der CC-Anmeldung gelegen zu haben, bzw. bei der Überprüfung des Abos in Lightroom. Letztendlich hat es funktioniert nachdem ich mich in der CC-Anwendung unter Voreinstellungen abgemeldet habe (nachdem Lightroom installiert wurde) und dann Lightroom über das Startmenü gestartet habe. Dann kommt ein Dialog zu Anmeldung an der CC und Lightroom startet ganz normal.
    Hoffe das hilft auch bei dir!

  • Kann mir jemand helfen? Lightroom startet nicht

    Guten Tag,
    Ich habe gestern das neue Lightroom installiert. Aber es startet nicht und es kommt auch keine Fehlermeldung.
    Vielen Dank

    ich habe die Lösung gerade gefunden:
    die Creativ Cloud Starten, dort untern den Einstellungen abmelden und erneut anmelden. Dann sollte Lightroom CC laufen. Hat bei mir geklappt

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    Habe heute abend Lightroom CC installiert. Installation war laut Creative Cloud erfolgreich. Leider öffnet sich das Programm nicht. Habe dann über Creative Cloud Lightroom 5.7.1 deinstalliert, Rechner runtergefahren und wieder hoch. Dann wieder versucht LR CC zu starten. Klappte wieder nicht. Was tun?
    OS: WIN7

    Okay, Please follow below steps:
    1) Right click on Finder icon and  select "Go-To" Folder option.
      2) You will get a text box, type-in below command and then hit 'Return' key.( Do not miss ~ symbol)
    Under Library  , locate Preferences folder and open the same.
    Look for prefernces file named like  com.adobe.Lightroom6.plist  under Preferences folder and move it to Desktop.
    Make sure there is no Lightroom com.adobe plist files are present inside .
    Then sign out from Creative Cloud and sign in and try to launch Lightroom application.
    Note : Do not try to launch Lightroom application from Appplications folder.
    Important :
    "Launch Ligthroom CC 2015 application , by double clicking on Lightroom cc 2015 option under Apps list in Creative Cloud application"  .

  • Receive error 21 when trying to install lightroom cc 2015 using creative cloud

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    I have the exact same issue. I had a trial of Lightroom 5 installed, and whenever I then tried to install Lightroom CC (2015) it would fail at 42% with an error 21. Logging out and back in of CC desktop got it to install successfully and then Lightroom 5 was marked as "Start Trail" again.
    Now though, whenever I try to start Lightroom CC (2015) it shows the start splash screen and then closes straight away and doesn't start. The "Continue Trial/Purchase License" screen then appears, and closing that out does nothing.
    I've tried logging out and back in to CC desktop, and restarting, but neither option fixes the issue. I even tried logging out, restarting then logging back in again. Still no joy.
    As a side note: Lightroom 5 in CC desktop doesn't show an uninstall option - it says "Uninstall Unavailable". Both Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC do allow for an uninstall option though.
    I'm on Mac OSX 10.10.3

  • Lightroom CC 2015 crashes on Start Up - Solution doesn't work

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    Support fixed the issue for me.
    He looked into the Windows Event viewer and found the faulting path
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ig7icd64.dll
    and renamed it ig7icd64old.dll
    On restarting Lightroom he turned off the use graphic enhancement option in preferences.
    Not seen this solution anywhere in the forums so I asked him to post it but not sure if he will.
    Hope it helps.

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    LR 5.7.1  Starts without Problem.

    Have you tried logging out of your CC desktop app, then logging back in again? Quit/Restart won't work, but logging out and back in should. See here:

  • Photoshop Elements 5.0 startet nicht.

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    mein Photoshop Editor startet nicht mehr.
    Egal von wo ich ihn starten möchte, erhalte ich die Meldung:
    "Es wurde versucht, auf eine unzulässige Adresse zuzugreifen."
    Alle anderen Adobe Programme laufen, auch der Organizer von Photoshop.
    Ein Update habe ich versucht, ohne Erfolg.
    Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand einen Rat geben kann!!
    Viele Grüße

    Hallo Stefan,
    also es scheint definitiv am Bit Defender oder irgendwelchen Firewall-Einstellungen zu liegen. ich habe da mit meinen nicht allzu guten Kenntnissen rumgewurschtelt, über "reparieren" den Bit Defender neu installiert und jetzt läuft Photoshop wieder. Jetzt läuft allerdings der Bit Defender nicht korrekt und ich kann keine Systemprüfung machen.... Wenn ich den Photoshop öffne funktionieren alle Komponenten wieder, ich bekomme allerdings die Meldung "could not locate remote server" mit dem Zusatz "http:///???%12?%C3%AF???????????????%12?%12?g". Keine Ahnung was das bedeutet....zumindest funktoinert Photoshop und ich kann weiterarbeiten. Werde wenn ich wieder Zeit hab' den Bit Defender Support kontaktieren. Wenn Du vorher was weisst, bitte Bescheid geben !!!
    Danke und schöne Grüße

  • Just downloaded new Lightroom CC (2015) (i.e. Lightroom 6), and it will not start

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    Side note - as is typical for Adobe installations on my systems, program installs do not place an icon on my desktop, requiring I go to the Adobe folder off Programs to find the EXE file, and "send to" desktop as a shortcut. 
    That issue aside, I located the Lightroom EXE file in the "Lightroom" folder (note it is not labeled Lightroom CC or Lightroom 6), and tried to start by double clicking - no response.  Then tried right clicking, run as admin, no response.  Uninstalled, reinstalled, tried same startup procedures, no response.  Rebooting does nothing to help either.
    Note Lightroom 5.7.1 starts up as normal.
    Help.....? I leave tomorrow on a photo trip and would like to use the new LR version.

    thanks for your reply. i'm not quiting the adobe cloud, i'm signing off then back in entering my email and my password.... tried to reboot, reinstall, sign off from the app and from the web also ... and did not fix the problem. this is very frustrating because i have no splash screen, no error message. There's some log files somewhere ?
    anyways the 5.7.1 is working fine, and i can work. thanks god, the CC thingy did not removed the old one and i can work and deliver the pictures tomorrow

  • Printing layout problem with Lightroom CC 2015 Release

    I am working with the following configuration :
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)
    OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.3
    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 Release
    EPSON Stylus Pro 3880
    I tried to print two images on a Super A3 paper sheet with an EPSON Stylus Pro 3880 directly from Lightroom and here is an example of what I expected (I resized and added a black border for better visibility on the forum):
    This is the preview I have in the printing module of Lightroom and this is also what I have when I print to a JPEG file with Lightroom.
    Sadly, after I launched the printing job, this is what came out of the printer:
    As we can see, the layout of the two pictures has been shifted toward the top of the paper sheet (cropping the top of the first image in the process) and about 30% of the right part of the layout has not been printed.
    Do you have any idea of what I am doing wrong here?
    For your information, I do not print very often so I am not 100% sure that I set everything correctly. However, I have been successfully printing in the past and it was with the same MacBook Pro on the same EPSON Stylus Pro 3880 printer but it was with OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.1 and with Lightroom 5.x (I cannot remember exactly which version).
    Moreover, because my print was urgent, I retried with a Windows machine running Lightroom 4.x with the same printer and it was a success. So I doubt that my initial settings on my MacBook Pro were wrong although I am not 100% sure.

    I am in France and I found out that EPSON is providing at least two different files for its v9.33 driver that relate to the Stylus Pro 3880 with OSX:
    epson16738.dmg: US version ( =63085147&infoType=Downloads&d…)
    epson379436eu.dmg: French version (Support et téléchargements - Epson Stylus Pro 3880 - Epson)
    and I realize that I was using the US driver which.
    After few minutes of refection, I realized that the 3880 driver that I installed on my MacBook pro was the only piece that was present when my prints failed and absent when my prints succeeded. So I though it had found out the cause of my problems until I tried with the french driver (epson379436eu.dmg)...
    In the meantime Adobe has release of new version of lightroom so let me recap my new configuration:
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)
    OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.3
    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015.0.1 [ 1018573 ] (info available in Help menu > System info > Lightroom version)
    EPSON Stylus Pro 3880
    Epson driver v9.33 epson379436eu.dmg
    ... and the result of my test is ... nothing at all! Lightroom sends the the print job to the printer but nothing comes out of it.
    However, when I printed to a file from lightroom and then tried to print this file with OS X Preview on the Epson 3880, it worked perfectly.
    It also worked when I printed from Photoshop CC (2014.2.2).
    It also worked when I printed from Lightroom but with a different printed and driver (Canon MF8580Cdw).
    Therefore, among the five elements of my configuration cited above, there is none for which the printing job is always failing. It is hard to find out what is the faulty piece of software!

  • Import problem in Lightroom CC 2015

    In the import section if I click on a thumbnail it gets very small instead of bigger like it should.  I am using Lightroom CC 2015.

    OK. More details...I`ll show You step by step whats going on.:)
    1 Open Import dialog in LR4 and choose catalog with files:
    2. press import button:
    and I`m waiting...10 min...20....and nothing!
    3.When I press cencel import, I see information:

  • Lightroom cc 2015 will not open after install today, 4/24/15

    Today, 4/24/15, downloaded and installed Lightroom cc 2015 on my WIN 7 Dell 8300 Desktop machine.  The Icon appears on the desktop but it won't open.  I located the .exe file and double clicked on it and it won't open either.  The installed program listing indicates that Lightroom was installed today but it won't open.  I am currently running Lightroom 5.x, Photoshop cc 2015 and they still boot ok; they were also updated this afternoon.  Anybody have the same experience and figure out what needs to be done to fix the install?
    Bob F

    please try signing out and back in (different from quitting the app) see this link:
    sign in and sign out of the Creative Cloud desktop app
    IF that doesn't help, please see option 2 at this link:
    Lightroom doesn't launch or quits automatically after splash screen

  • Lightroom CC (2015) will not launch after install removed and re installed and re boot nothing!

    Lightroom CC 2015 was installed today via Creative Cloud but will not open, removed program and re installed still nothing. Did a reboot and still nothing. Creative Cloud says that it is installed.
    Windows 7
    Thank's for any help!

    Update:  the trick is to try it over and over and over again.  CC desktop warns it wants me to register my product and complete a profile (bizarre.)  But it is updating the catalog now so I presume it will work.
    Have same problem.   Shows installed; I found "Adobe" which was installed today 1.51gb; when I click on it it flashes and then nothing.  I restarted the mac, restarted the CC app, nothing.   Very frustrating and makes me wonder if the Cloud solved any problems for me.
    OSX 10.9.5, 32gb ram

  • Lightroom cc 2015 will not launch

    I installed Lightroom cc 2015 but it will not launch, any suggestions

    Windows 7 64 bit
    Donald J Kipke, EA
    DJK Taxation & Financial Services
    863 Thorn St  Sewickley, PA 15143
    Email:     [email protected]
    Voice:       412 741-9479
    Cell:        412 491-1852
    Fax:         412 741-6545

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