Like Model - Disagg Issue

We recently changed our time based disagg from pro rata to based on APODPDANT. 
We are having a problem, after chaning this logic.  Any Like Model assigned product, the data in monthly bucket is getting split equally among all the weeks in that month, even though its a split week, its getting euqal quantity, instead of prorata.   If i use a product, which doesn't have any Life Cycle assignment, its disaggregating correctly.
If a month got 30 days and quantity in that month is 3000
it got 4 full weeks and 1 week got only 2 days.  The data i am seeing is 600 for each week, instead of 200 for split week.  How to resolve this issue.
Any input is appreciated.

We had the same issue here where when the week ended in the middle of the month then the porportional factors doubled up instead of being split throughout the month. After several iterations with SAP ( where they suggested a BADI), we created a new key firgure in place of APODPANT . Another macro was written that computed the average daily usage based on the Time bucket profile and the proportional factors were recalculated. This helped us offset the issue with quantities not getting evenly distributed thru the month.

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    System behaviour:
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    Any input is appreciated.

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    > thanks,
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    I'll pass this on to the forum administrator.
    Thanks for pointing it out.
    Kevin Boyle - Knowledge Partner
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    Do you have the original installation disc(s) that shipped with your MacBook? You're just going to have to start from scratch - as I doubt that you can recover any files without paying a fortune. Insert the installations disc, reformat your hard drive and then install the OS that came with your computer. Continue updating to 10.6.8 and then redownload and reinstall Mountain Lion again.
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    CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D :-)
    Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
    located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
    more reply back.
    Go to Solution.
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    Thanks in Advance
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kunal Raithatha.
    CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D :-)
    Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
    located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
    more reply back.
    Attachments: ‏81 KB

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    bcbecker wrote:
    I see your point but I am not sure I agree. I really like to be able to cut and paste between apps, no mater what they are. Re-typing an email address that is displayed in a browser page seems just plain retrograde.
    well from a BES admin point of view, if you need to browse the web for work, you should do it using the "BlackBerry Browser" inside the smartphone, and not some browser connected to an unsecure Wi-Fi network.
    Your problem comes from using the Browser of the PlayBook and not the one from the Bridge.
    bcbecker wrote: 
    Don't get me wrong, I think that the PlayBook security model is excellent. I just think that the current implementation is overzealous and heavy-handed.
    I think the current implementation is in advance compared to the BlackBerry Balance theory, and therefore we are in the middle of the digital river (haha ). This is quite unfortunate because RIM has not educated the PB users enough on what the Bridge is, and it leads to your current frustration.
    From my personal point of view, I like the ability to block copy/paste from the Enterprise world to the Personal world, but I don't like blocking the other way around. It's not as if you could bring a virus by copy pasting text...
    @knotty you were supposed to give some feedback after your week in Orlando!
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Looks like a pulldown issue, duplicated frames are baked into transcoded files...

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    In the past I've dealt with reverse pulldown issues from 24p & 24pA (where the frames are either interlaced or duplicated to achieve the pulldown) but these all give a 5 frame cadence.  Also when done correctly they don't destroy good frames and leave frame dupes.  What we have here seems more like improperly handled PsF (via HDMI or SD output from 1080p cameras) or pulldown incorrectly applied to 29.97 over 60i/59.94i, or...?   In any case these are destined for 60i broadcast, so simply interlacing them again to create the 3rd frame is out of the question, and frame blending isn't much better than the dupe frames.
    Removal of every 3rd frame which (since that = every 2nd frame) obviously gives a visual "jump" over the now removed dupe frame, and leaves footage has to be converted from 20p to 29.97 which looks horrible regardless of how its done (conformed or interpolated).    Removal of every 3rd frame from 29.97 is actually not too hard, as 2/3rds of the frames are still 'good' it's easy to
    apply a conform to the file headers bringing the rate down to 19.98p, bringing that into AE and creating a comp that's set to 'preserve frame rate when nested' under advanced, then putting that into a 29.97 comp..., that works relatively well but the missing frames STILL need to be replaced somehow...
    To make matters worse, some clips have a cadence that doesn't stay consistent (the repeated frames will 'jump' from every 3rd periodically), OR worse yet there are sometimes 4-6 duplicated frames in a row (???), and then other sequences have only occasional frames repeated (meaning they need to be identified manually by stepping frame by frame).  Some of this is potentially due to rounding errors in the pulldown, but there's got to be something more amiss as is evident by the other inconsistencies...very odd.
    In any case what do to about the 3rd frames that need to be 'repaired' or 'created'?  This is the crux of my issue, and software interpolation alone isn't going to cut it...  Since a simple pass on the entire clip(s) causes vast sections get time stretched (not just every 3rd frame synthesized but rather the whole thing interpolated), I tried going in and setting timestretch keyframes manually (so I could manually stretch the area where the 3rd frame needs to be 'created).  As the software applies motion techniques that obviously assumes the distance between frames in both directions is equal...well it just replaces 1 visual problem (dupe frames) with another (visual distortions).   This has been the case with ALL the software tried so far...
    I've tried AE's native higher quality mode (rather than just frame blending, which will look awful.  Twixtor (demo) in AE, Smoke (autodesk), DaVinci Resolve (Light version but I have access to the GPU accellerated version as well) &  Apple's Motion.  All do a horrible job (FootageFIxing directory examples in dropbox) of handling this automatically, which I expected.  However I had originally intended to simply 'replace' every duplicated frame using the interpolated footage, this resulted in WORSE matching to surrounding frames due to the poor interpolation not matching up well on many frames than frame blending, not better (portions of the frame 'jump' out of alignment with both the previous & following frames, after analysis it acts like a spine with a midpoint that is not parallel to a line drawn between the start & end points).
    So dropping 29.97 to 20p then synthesizing every 3rd frame (until cadence jumps) is where I'm at.  Once done synthesized frames have to be checked and a huge % of them (when there's motion on a person in the scene or camera pans etc) have elements…or whole frames…that are incorrectly synthesized.  So pieces of surrounding frames have to be roto'd & composited into selective areas to 'patch' the portions that get 'squashed', 'stretched' or 'rippled' into position (VERY VERY noticeable).
    Lastly, due to a variety of shutter speeds used the motion blur across frames is also an issue, so once a shot has been correctly re-synthesized for the missing frames it must be evaluated for whether motion blur is required, which brings us back to the rendering process that was assumed at the start of this (in other words final output of each clip may need motion blur in post before delivery).
    At this point I'm left with doing the synthesis of the 3rd frame and 'repairing' the areas of that which distort too heavily, or duplicate (some of the camera pans are done to track high speed motion, birds flying through frame etc)...
    Anyone have any interesting techniques I could try, beyond telling the studio I'm working with that they're hosed (that discussion is coming but I'm going to show best efforts and the timeframe required to achieve that across all shots/edits)....

    Oh and the easier way to removing the dupe frames was just to drop it to 19.984, set (nested) comp advanced settings to 'preserve framerate when nested' and watch for the occasional rounding error when back in a 29.97 container composition.  It would be nice to be able to specify 29.976...
    In any case the missing frame needs to be replaced, not removed.  The visual jump i that gap actually looks to be closer to 2 frames when motion of objects is estimated by hand.
    Also (as I think I mentioned) other clips seem to have even further oddities.
    The reality is that I can actually create smoother motion by doing a lot of hand massaging of the footage (scaling previous frames in simple pans, hand-rotoscoping/masking/compositing in sections of frames around missing ones to synthesize motion in onscreen talent & background objects, things tracked across the screen by the camera and so on.
    But that's a heck of a lot of work and probably beyond what's achievable at present I suspect...

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    Problems arent unexpected. and of course I submitted it to Apple, but I really hope its a quick fix, I rely on my gmail for many things.

    its spotty, but definitely getting reported more and more.
    Its usable, just have to send a few times, and people are getting duplicate emails from google apparently.
    Who knows. Wasnt like this before and Im sure there will be a fix and it will clear up nicely, just hope not to wait too long for the fix, whether it be update or someone figures it out.
    Tried resetting my account with same results

  • One SO but I would like Post Goods Issue from different Storage Locations?

    Dear All,
    Pls help me solve this issue below:
    I have one SO, Item xzy, Qty = 300 but I would like to Post Goods Issue from different Storage Locations (Qty = 100 for each locations)
    E.g I have 3 storage locations: A, B, C and need to assign Post Goods Issue authorizations to 3 users U1, U2, U3:
    - U1 can Post Goods Issue from storage location A only (but cannot from B, C)
    - U2 can Post Goods Issue from storage location B only (but cannot from A, C)
    - U3 can Post Goods Issue from storage location C only (but cannot from A, B)
    How can I assign the Authorization for users?
    How can I create Outbound Delivery:
    a. 1 SO --> 1 outbound delivery --> Post GI 3 times
    b. 1 SO --> 3 outbound delivery --> Post GI
    Thank you very much for your support
    Cao Huy.

    Hi Senthils,
    Pls see my comment below:
    For Authorization check for storage Location
    1. GO to the following Menu path
    Spro>Material Management> Inventory manangement and Physical Inventory>Authorization Management>Authorization check for Storage Location.
    Here you have activate authorization tick for storage location and plant combination.
    --> Done
    2. Set authorization for Authorization object MM_MSEG_LGO thro Basis for the combination of movement type and storage location
    for each user.
    --> Done
    There are 3 storage locations(A,B,C) in one outbound delivery, and when user 01 tries to Post GI this outbound, it means that the system will Post GI for all line items in this outbound, but user 01 has not authorization for location B, C.
    How can user 01 Post GI from only location A in this outbound???
    And then user 02 will Post GI from only location B in this outbound,
    user 03 will Post GI from only location C in this outbound.
    Cao Huy

  • Integration model activation issue - After Prod to Quality refresh of R/3

    Hi Guys,
    Our R/3 quality system refreshed from production. Hence all the integration models Logical system pointing APO production system. Mistakenly I deactivated all the integration model in R/3 Q system which having APO Production logical system.
    All the IM in R/3 quality system are inactive. When try send material getting error message "relavent location doesn't exist".
    For that try to move the Location getting error message "Location already exist in APO Quality" system.
    Now I want to active the all the Plant, material.etc integration models. Please let me know if any more information and help to overcome the issue.
    Saravanan V

    Make a table level change and set the integration model flag as active in the table CIF_IMOD. This will help you solve the issue .
    Go to transaction SE16 . Give table name as CIF_IMOD. Give the name of you integration model and execute . Now all versions of that integration model will be displayed ( this will happen if you have many inactive versions and do not have the RIMODDEL program to delete inactive IM's) . Choose the latest version and go to change mode  and set the value of "Entry is active"  (technical name ACTIVE) field to  I.
    You can take help from development team if you do not have authorization to SE16

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               we are facing a problem with our wifi network in our company, we residency for students nearly 338 rooms per room 2 students so its nearly 700 students staying in our residency and we have 16 perfectly place Access points in our premises there is no problem in the signal coverage, also getting 2Mbps to 8 Mbps speed,during peak hours (we have 110Mbps bandwidth) after 6pm in the night till 3 in the morning, we are unable to browse any sites even though we are getting 8Mbps speed, some times after 20 sec its connection some times keep on prograssing we did all the basic steps like blocking the overflowing UDP protocol, we blocked torrentz, we even blocked skype also same problem getting for the last two months.pls help us to resolve this or guide us to troubleshoot, 

    Just to add to everyone's post.. That is a lot of users for that amount of AP's and I can see why they have issues.
    Can you see the utilization on the switchport the AP's are connected to or even the utilization from that building to your core? If you have lightweight AP's and WCS, you should also be able to see the utilization at a given time on each AP. I have worked on College dorms and apartment units and we have installed much more than that. I would have to guess maybe 25 or less students per AP. this was also due to attenuation. They do love their gaming systems though:)
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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    Hello AJTheGamer
    Check with the Keyboard Viewer to make sure no other keys are being pushed down to prevent it from the keys that you are typing to be registered. Another thing you can check is to try and create a new user to see if the issue carries across the system as a whole.
    One or more keys on the keyboard do not respond
    Mac OS X: How to troubleshoot a software issue
    -Norm G.

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    My Essbase studio is on a different Linux server from the server where I'm running my Maxl script to execute deploy all command. Maxl fails as it is not able to find the essbase studio model. The server I'm running Maxl is a part of the epmsystems in our environment. Can anyone please let me know if there is a way or a setting which can make the essbase studio model available from any of the server in the epmsystems.

    Are you definitely sure that is not an issue with the syntax of the deploy command, are you saying the Maxl works when running it from the Essbase Studio Server?

  • Model Quality issues

    I'm exporting models to w3d from 3dsmax6 and for the most
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    faces. If I crank up the geometry level on export, the problem only
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    I've disabled LOD for the object, and verified that there
    isn't a texture transparency problem. The polycount is roughly
    1500-2500. I vaguely remember someone in a post saying that if you
    have objects overlapping each other , it can cause weird problems
    like this.
    My question is...does anyone have any more info about this?
    Any other possible ideas? Any help would be very much appreciated,
    as this has slowed down a project of mine tremendously.

    the good thing is that you know your models are complete, the
    bad thing about visibility=#both is that it leads into bad
    i made this little screencapture some time ago to show how to
    flip normals in cinema4D.
    and i think there must be something in 3Dsmax that displays
    the normals so you can detect them. another problem with some
    normals showing into the wrong direction is, that you get problems
    with "phong" shading.
    so better controll all normals before you export. using "
    visiblility=#both" will take you the half performance away because
    now the double number of polygons have to be rendered, even if they
    are not visible.

Maybe you are looking for

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