I'd like to know if when sendind an URL exemple: "http://localhost:8080/project/servlet/MyServlet?param1=val1&param2=val2..."
We are limited in number of parameters (eg: param1,...) assigned to a servet class.
Thanks you for your help.

The max length of QueryString that you can append to a class servlet is 240 word.

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    for a purpose of performance testing I need to write a servlet that will call a number of servlets in a existing web application.
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            <params>?dateLocale=en&dateFormat=dd/MM/yyyy&contentId=&staticDateFormat=dd MMMM yyyy&interfaceid=1243941814581</params>
            <params>?dateLocale=en&dateFormat=dd/MM/yyyy&contentId=&staticDateFormat=dd MMMM yyyy&interfaceid=1243941814581</params>
    </servlet>Moreover such testing scenario will be executed simultaneously for several user - I will create a thread for each user and call the sequence of servlets from the xml file. Results of measurements will be stored in a file.
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    URL servlerURL= new URL(dispatcherURL  +servletParams+  "&command="  +servletName);+
    +BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(servlerURL.openStream()));+
    +String inputLine;+
    +while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {+
    +     result.append(inputLine);+
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    Or investigate the [catus framework|].
    If you understand very well how j2ee web applications work and then understand the cactus f/w, you can easily tweak it to meet your requirements.

  • What's the max number of servlet managed by Tomcat ?

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    I am start working on a pretty old web project; in this project there are no JSP pages, but only Servlets; there about 440 Servlets...these Servlets generate HTML output.
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    Well, I'd like to know if Tomcat has any limit about the number of Servlet managed.Yes, there are technical limits, but 440 servlets isn't anywhere close. Tomcat will be able manage that just fine, barring any extraneous circumstances.

  • To limit number of chracters in textarea.

    hello all,
    please find below a small program to demonstrate how to limit number of charcaters in a textarea.
    i searchedthe forum and i actually got the technique from the forum. but when i put together a sa program it does not work.
    could anyone point out what is the problem in the small piece of code below.
    i am working on jdk 1.2.1
    thanx to all.
    // Example illustrating Limiting number of characters in text area.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class try1 extends JApplet {
    Container contentPane;
    JLabel label;
    JTA1 textarea;
    public void init() {
    // Get the handle on the applet's content pane.
         contentPane = this.getContentPane();
    // Create a text field and add a key listener to it.
         textarea = new JTA1(25);           // of 25 char width
    // Create a button object and register an action listener
         Button button = new Button("Clear");
         button.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());
    // Create a label with the titled border.
         label = new JLabel("Key Typed: NiL");
    ("You pressed the Following Key"));
    // Add the text field and button to the applet's content pane.
         contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         contentPane.add("North", textarea);
         contentPane.add("South", button);
    // Get focus on text field.Note: You can do this only after you add the text field to the container
    class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {     // Create the button listener class.
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)      {
    // Reset the text components
    //Return the focus to the text field.
    class JTA1 extends JTextArea
         private int limit;
         public JTA1 ( int limit )
              this.limit = limit;
              addKeyListener( new LimitListener() );     
         class LimitListener extends KeyAdapter
              public void keyPressed( KeyEvent ke )
                   if( getText().trim().length() >= limit )
                   {     ke.consume(); //just consume KeyEvent

    Don't cross post. This question has been answered in your other post.

  • Why is there a limitation on the number of boolean parameters in a custom function?

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    This is OPM error code OPM-W00001.
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    Taken from OPA Developer's help:
    Only one boolean parameter can be passed to a function, and it must be the last parameter.  This is due to a limitation in the rule compiler.  Any number of other parameters may be present however.
    Should you want to pass more boolean values, create a temporary/document text variable with values "True"/"False" using rule table.

  • Limit Number of Rows on a Page

    Hi all,
    I am unable to succeed with the following.
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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- many rows here (LIST_G_EMPLOYEE tags) -->
    And I want to define a template which only allows 5 rows on a page.
    What I did:
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    To accomplish this goal, I followed these steps:
    1. Define a field which will contain and initialize the Counter variable before the table which will show the list of employees, by using the syntax:
    Field1: <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’, 0)?>
    2. Define the table which list all employees in the data source:
    2.1. Use a 2 columns table. In the first column, define 2 fields as follows:
    2.2. In the second column, define 6 fields containing the following code:
    Field2: <?for-each: LIST_G_EMPLOYEE?>
    Field3: <?EMPLOYEE_NUMBER?>
    Field4: <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’, xdoxslt: get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’) + 1)?>
    Field5: <?EMPLOYEE_NAME?>
    Field6: <?if: xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’) mod 5=0?>
    Field7: <?split-by-page-break:?>
    Field8: <?end if?>
    Field9: <?end for-each?>
    Here is explanation for syntax I used:
    Field1: Declare and init Counter variable to value = 0
    Field2: This fetches through all employees - start a for-each cycle
    Field3: This prints the employee number
    Field4: This increments the Counter variable
    Field5: This prints the employee name
    Field6: This tests whether Counter variable is divided by 5
    Field7: This generates a page break
    Field8: End of condition
    Field9: End of for-each cycle
    The first page has just the header and the second page has the header and only record and it goes the same
    for the rest of the pages. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Have a look at this post

  • How to limit number of logins per day?

    We have a custom web application (WebAS 6.20) used by people and automated systems. Each user has his own login, and some of these automated systems sometimes produce heavy load because they log into system too often.
    Is there an easy way to:
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    2) dedicate one of the processes to the specific user
    thanks in advance

    extend PlainDocument class to restrict the number of characters per line.
    Set this class as model to TextArea.
    Below is a class which does this. May be its useful
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class FixedNumericDocument extends PlainDocument {
    private int maxLength = 9999;
    private String max="";
    public FixedNumericDocument(int maxLength) {
    this.maxLength = maxLength;
    //this is where we'll control all input to our document.
    //If the text that is being entered passes our criteria, then we'll just call
    public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet attr)
    throws BadLocationException {
    if (getLength() + str.length() > maxLength) {
    else {
    try {
    //check if str is numeric only
    int value = Integer.parseInt(str);
    //if we get here then str contains only numbers
    //chk if it is less than 65535 so that it can be inserted
    super.insertString(offset, str, attr);
    catch(NumberFormatException exp) {

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    and just that. the reason i went with media server vs. progressive
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  • Limit number for new field

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    Anybody know what is the limit number for new field in each record type?
    My client wants me to create about 200 new fields in Account record type.
    Is it possible to do so?

    Hi, You can refer this
    -- Venky CRMIT

  • Servlet parameters in web.xml file

    Hi Guys
    What is ctx:dynamo: in web.xml why we have to use this one in servlet parameters
    Please give me a clear picture on this

    Hi Guys
    What is ctx:dynamo: in web.xml why we have to use this one in servlet parameters
    Please give me a clear picture on this

  • Limit number of recipients send out external once

    Hi all,
    I have Exchange server 2013 CU7, I want to limit number of recipients when my users send email to external/internet.
    For example:
    If my users send email to more than 50 external recipients once, they will receive error "bla bla"
    Limitation is not apply when my users send email to internal recipients"
    or external sender send email to internal recipients
    How can I do it ? (which send connector , receive connector , transport config , transport service , transport server)
    Thank for your help.

    Hi Jack,
    Thank you for your question.
    I agree with Bruce.
    I am sorry that we could not meet your requirement that the limit of recipient is just for external/Internet.
    When we configure those setting, it will be worked for all recipient(including internal or external). It was referred by the following link:
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Where to keep scure servlet parameters?

    I would like to get an advice as to what is the best practice for where initial servlet parameters such as details on database access (user id, passwords...) are to be saved.
    Currently I have it in a .properties file in a /classes folder. But how safe is it to keep it in a /classes folder in a .war file? Should it be kept on a drive outside of the web server root?
    Thank you.

    Ideally, it wouldn't even be on the web server. I'm not a security expert, but a more secure architecture would be a web server that's accessible to the outside on port 80 only. This web server does nothing but serve HTTP requests and it talks to an application server / servlet engine that's behind a firewall. The app server can have anything you want on it, because you make that as secure as you know how (ie it would be just as protected as your source control server for example). I'm thinking of Apache on one machine and Tomcat on another. However, that may not work for your particular situation.

  • Limit number of subfolders

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a way to limit number of subfolders created on a InfoView folder?
    We want out application to limit external admin users not to create more than 3 level of subfolders in InfoView Folder.
    Please advice

    Not from within InfoView or the CMC.  You would have to write your own InfoView replacement that would handle this limitation.

  • Limit number of loans

    I have a returnable loan with maximum 3. A client downloads 3 differents acsm files (Makes 3 clicks on my button to download) and, after, he open they width ADE.  Now he has three identical copies and there is no freedom for the rest. Yes we are bugging.
    How i can avoid it? We can tell to ACS that a user can only have a maximum of 3 books on loan?

    The loan limit number is the number of simultaenous users that can have the file loaned out.   By default the user can read the content on any device that that they have activated (limited roughly to 6 computers and 6 devices).   If this is not what you desire, you can limit the user to the single device that they first download the content on, by adding a <device/> element into the permissions.
    ACS4 provides no way to provide more than a single device, but less than all the devices the user has activated.

  • Limit on number of automatable parameters

    I'm a plugin developer and have a number of plugins on the market in AU and other formats. I'm putting final touches on a new plugin with a massive parameter count.  I just discovered that Logic can't automate all of those parameters. If I instantiate the plug and put the track into automation 'write' mode, Logic complains that there are too many parameters. It then suggests 'touch' mode as an alternate.
    There's no problem saving all of the parameters in a session.  That chunk of data saves and restores without limit.  It just appears that Logic has an unpublished maximum limit on the number of parameters in a track that can be automated.  Anybody know anything about this?

    Sorry, I don't have a good solution for you at this point. The problem might be two-folded. First, we do have some performance issue with large schema. We did some improvment in 10.1.3, but further work is ongoing. The workaround, if feasible, is to import the package into a smaller schema and publish the PL/SQL from that schema. Second, Java gives compilation errors with parameters more than 250. This results in compilation errors for large PL/SQL in 10.1.2. I believe this problem is fixed in 10.1.3.

Maybe you are looking for