Limitation of performing retriggerable waveform acquisition using digitizer

In performing retriggerable wave train Ai input acquisition using a digitizer with the Multiple-Record acquisition example, what is the limitaion to the frequency of the trigger used? From the literature, the rearming time for the hardware can be around 1 to 100us so this allows you to capture data if the triggers occur 100us apart (10kHz trigger).  If so, is there any way the digitizer can keep up with the occurance of trigger at 20k Hz performance retriggerable wave train Ai wave train acquisiton?
There is a way round this with a high speed DAQ card using the retriggerable wave train Ai acquisition utilising 2 counters to gate the generated sampling clock. This avoid the rearming of the software trigger. Is there an equivilent example in NI-SCOPE using a digitizer so that I can perform high frequency retriggerable wave train acquisiton? 

This is a duplicate forum post. The original thread is being delt with at the following location...
Thank you
Rich R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland

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    According to the X series multifunction DAQ documentation for the 6363 the maximum level for a Low=0.8V and the minimum level for a high=2.2V.
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    CLDEach snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. - Stanislaw J. Lec
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    I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but I can
    take a guess.  When performing analog input measurements the waveform is
    composed of t0, dt and Y.  You can manipulate any of these values after
    the data has been acquired.  If you set up the task the waveform should
    contain an absolute time, not relative.  If relative is required, as you
    suggested, this can be done post acquisition with the build waveform components
    I do not understand exactly what you want do with the
    timestamps for the analog output.  Do you
    want to use the relative time computed from the analog input data for the
    analog output waveform?  If so, you could
    build a waveform and use the t0, dt from the analog input processed/relative
    time waveform.  Again this would be done with the build waveform components
    Finally, a binary file would reduce the amount of memory
    required when saving your data.  A binary file is fairly simple to save
    and open in LabVIEW.  There are a couple examples in NI Example Finder (i.e.
    Write Binary File and Read Binary File) that show you how to write and read
    binary files.  If you write the data to a binary file during acquisition,
    and modify/split it later you could open the binary file, retrieve the data in
    LabVIEW, and write a small subset to a text file.  Alternatively, you could
    perform some analysis of the data during acquisition and only save the set of
    data that you require post acquisition.
    Jesse O.
    Application Engineering
    National Instruments
    Jesse O. | National Instruments R&D

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    l_transaction_type_id NUMBER := 83;
    l_transaction_action_id NUMBER := 41;
    l_transaction_source_type_id NUMBER := 13;
    l_org_id NUMBER := 1884;
    l_txn_header_id NUMBER;
    l_txn_if_id1 NUMBER;
    l_txn_if_id2 NUMBER;
    l_txn_if_id3 NUMBER;
    l_parent_id NUMBER;
    l_sysdate DATE;
    l_item_id NUMBER :=287996;
    l_user_id NUMBER;
    l_distribution_account_id NUMBER;
    l_exp_date DATE;
    --For Lot Merge, there should be only one resultant lot.
    --The transaction_quantity populated in MTI/MTLI should be the entire
    --quantity that is available to transact for the org/sub/item/locator/LPN in
    --that particular lot number.
    --Get transaction_header_id for all the MTIs
    SELECT APPS.mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO l_txn_header_id
    FROM sys.dual;
    --Get transaction_interface_id of resultant record
    SELECT APPS.mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO l_txn_if_id1
    FROM sys.dual;
    l_parent_id := l_txn_if_id1;
    l_sysdate := SYSDATE;
    l_user_id := -1; --substitute with a valid user_id
    l_distribution_account_id := NULL; --needed for lot translate
    l_exp_date := NULL; --set if required
    --Populate the MTI record for resultant record
    l_txn_if_id1, --transaction_header_id
    l_txn_header_id, --transaction_interface_id
    'INV', --source_code
    -1, --source_header_id
    -1, --source_line_id
    1, --process_flag
    3, --transaction_mode
    2, --lock_flag
    l_item_id, --inventory_item_id
    null, --revision
    l_org_id, --organization_id
    'EACH', --subinventory_code
    1198, --locator_id
    l_transaction_type_id, --transaction_type_id
    l_transaction_source_type_id, --transaction_source_type_id
    l_transaction_action_Id, --l_transaction_action_id
    100000, --transaction_quantity
    'EA', --transaction_uom
    100000, --primary_quantity
    l_sysdate, --Transaction_Date
    l_sysdate, --Last_Update_Date
    l_user_id, --Last_Updated_by
    l_sysdate, --Creation_Date
    l_user_id, --Created_by
    l_distribution_account_id, --distribution_account_id
    l_parent_id, --parent_id
    l_txn_header_id, --transaction_batch_id
    2, --transaction_batch_seq
    NULL, --lpn_id (for source MTI)
    NULL --transfer_lpn_id (for resultant MTIs)
    --Insert MTLI corresponding to the resultant MTI record
    , Source_Code
    , Source_Line_Id
    , Process_Flag
    , Last_Update_Date
    , Last_Updated_By
    , Creation_Date
    , Created_By
    , Lot_Number
    , lot_expiration_date
    , Transaction_Quantity
    , Primary_Quantity
    VALUES (
    l_txn_if_id1 --transaction_interface_id
    , 'INV' --Source_Code
    , -1 --Source_Line_Id
    , 'Y' --Process_Flag
    , l_sysdate --Last_Update_Date
    , l_user_id --Last_Updated_by
    , l_sysdate --Creation_date
    , l_user_id --Created_By
    , 'Q0000.1' --Lot_Number
    , l_exp_date --Lot_Expiration_Date
    , 100000 --transaction_quantity
    , 100000 --primary_quantity
    l_txn_if_id1, --transaction_header_id
    l_txn_header_id, --transaction_interface_id
    'INV', --source_code
    -1, --source_header_id
    -1, --source_line_id
    1, --process_flag
    3, --transaction_mode
    2, --lock_flag
    l_item_id, --inventory_item_id
    null, --revision
    l_org_id, --organization_id
    'EACH', --subinventory_code
    1198, --locator_id
    l_transaction_type_id, --transaction_type_id
    l_transaction_source_type_id, --transaction_source_type_id
    l_transaction_action_Id, --l_transaction_action_id
    100000, --transaction_quantity
    'EA', --transaction_uom
    100000, --primary_quantity
    l_sysdate, --Transaction_Date
    l_sysdate, --Last_Update_Date
    l_user_id, --Last_Updated_by
    l_sysdate, --Creation_Date
    l_user_id, --Created_by
    l_distribution_account_id, --distribution_account_id
    l_parent_id, --parent_id
    l_txn_header_id, --transaction_batch_id
    3, --transaction_batch_seq
    NULL, --lpn_id (for source MTI)
    NULL --transfer_lpn_id (for resultant MTIs)
    --Insert MTLI corresponding to the resultant MTI record
    , Source_Code
    , Source_Line_Id
    , Process_Flag
    , Last_Update_Date
    , Last_Updated_By
    , Creation_Date
    , Created_By
    , Lot_Number
    , lot_expiration_date
    , Transaction_Quantity
    , Primary_Quantity
    VALUES (
    l_txn_if_id1 --transaction_interface_id
    , 'INV' --Source_Code
    , -1 --Source_Line_Id
    , 'Y' --Process_Flag
    , l_sysdate --Last_Update_Date
    , l_user_id --Last_Updated_by
    , l_sysdate --Creation_date
    , l_user_id --Created_By
    , 'Q0000.1' --Lot_Number
    , l_exp_date --Lot_Expiration_Date
    , 100000 --transaction_quantity
    , 100000 --primary_quantity
    --Get transaction_interface_id of Source record-1
    SELECT APPS.mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO l_txn_if_id2
    FROM sys.dual;
    --Populate the MTI record for Source record-1
    l_txn_if_id2, --transaction_header_id
    l_txn_header_id, --transaction_interface_id
    'INV', --source_code
    -1, --source_header_id
    -1, --source_line_id
    1, --process_flag
    3, --transaction_mode
    2, --lock_flag
    l_item_id, --inventory_item_id
    null, --revision
    l_org_id, --organization_id
    'EACH', --subinventory_code
    1198, --locator_id
    l_transaction_type_id, --transaction_type_id
    l_transaction_source_type_id, --transaction_source_type_id
    l_transaction_action_Id, --transaction_action_id
    -200000, --transaction_quantity
    'EA', --transaction_uom
    -200000, --primary_quantity
    l_sysdate, --Transaction_Date
    l_sysdate, --Last_Update_Date
    l_user_id, --Last_Updated_by
    l_sysdate, --Creation_Date
    l_user_id, --Created_by
    l_distribution_account_id, --distribution_account_id
    l_parent_id, --parent_id
    l_txn_header_id, --transaction_batch_id
    1, --transaction_batch_seq
    NULL, --lpn_id (for source MTI)
    NULL --transfer_lpn_id (for resultant MTIs)
    --Insert MTLI corresponding to the Source record-1
    , Source_Code
    , Source_Line_Id
    , Process_Flag
    , Last_Update_Date
    , Last_Updated_By
    , Creation_Date
    , Created_By
    , Lot_Number
    , lot_expiration_date
    , Transaction_Quantity
    , Primary_Quantity
    VALUES (
    l_txn_if_id2 --transaction_interface_id
    , 'INV' --Source_Code
    , -1 --Source_Line_Id
    , 'Y' --Process_Flag
    , l_sysdate --Last_Update_Date
    , l_user_id --Last_Updated_by
    , l_sysdate --Creation_date
    , l_user_id --Created_By
    , 'Q0000' --Lot_Number
    , l_exp_date --Lot_Expiration_Date
    , -200000 --transaction_quantity
    , -200000 --primary_quantity

    the first MTI record should be the source record it should have transaction quantity as negative.
    new set of MTI records should have positive transaction quantities.
    Also ensure that sum of transaction quantities for the set should be 0...
    What is the error that you are getting?

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    Asset Line Item with PKey - 70, Transaction Type - 100
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    Please follow the below path and do config :-
    IMG>FA>Asset Accounting>Integration with the General Ledger>Additional Account Assignment Objects>Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects
    here you have to put KOSTL (Cost center) for both against APC and Dep run for each Dep area.

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    Hi I Pant,
    The idea that crossed my mind was to tie each of the lines coming from/going to "your device" to two of the DIO lines. Configure one these two ports as input, the other as output.
    When you want to read the state of the line, read from the line configured as input. Similarly, use the other port when it is time to write.
    Provided "your device" uses tri-state drivers/receivers, or can be used in a "wired-OR" configuration, this may work.
    What is "your device"?
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    My application uses tomcat as web server.
    If i use calsses in webapps -> WEB-INF -> classes folder, i place classes in that ,
    In other case i use jar file and place that file in WEB-INF -> lib folder in the webapps directory.
    There is huge performance difference.
    While using classes performance is great while using jar file performance is very disappointed.
    I am using a file for encryption /decryption also.

    I can't really believe that classes vs jars makes a difference, but whatever.

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    Laptop is not in domain and does not have remote desktop connections. It was just turned in sleep mode and late turned on. 
    This happen pretty often one from 10..20 times of undock.  It did not happen with Windows 7 before. 

    The network does not work properly after you resume the computer. This kind of issues are cuased by the network device driver. Download the latess Windows 8 driver from Lenovo website and install it.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

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    FCP 7?  Did it look like it captured normally? Everything go smoothly?  Stop normal?  Did an error occur at any point?  Can you open the file in QT?
    In the not rely on ONLY FCP for this task. Get a reputable recorder that can record to ProRes. AJA KiPro, KiPro Mini, Atmos Ninja, Decklink Recorder...lots of options.

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    Go to Solution.

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