Line thickness in Apex 4.02 flash chart for Legend

Does anyone know how to set Line thickness in Apex 4.02 flash chart for Legend?
My users can read the label fine, but the part where it shows the line color is very small and hard to match to the chart.

Many attributes can be set in the Chart Attributes page Custom XML section. Line thinkness. Legend font size, height and width. But I haven't found a setting for the "icon" size. Even thought I increased font size and the size of the Legend on the page, the legend "lines" remained unchanged in size.

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  • APEX 3.0 - flash chart using 'Omit label interval'- missing lines in legen

    we are using APEX 3.0 on XE as development database.
    Using the option "omit label interval" in the flash chart configuration, the legend will show the entries the same way as the x-axis.
    For example:
    setting omit label interval to 23 to get only one entry per day on the x-axis (we have one value for every hour of the day and want to display the chart on monthly base). My chart containing 2 series will show only the legend entry for the first serie.
    How can I display the second one ?

    Unfortunately, that's a bug in APEX 3.0. The 3.0.1 patch set will include a fix for it.

  • Apex flash charts with date values on the x axis

    I am playing around in Apex 4 using flash charts and having a bit of troubles playing with dates on the x axis on a 2d line chart.
    What I am trying to achive is a values plotted across the chart and the date/time values are not a constent (ie not continually say 1 hour apart) hence why I want to use a datatype of date.
    In the SQL below:
    select null as link,  sysdate -2  as value, 0 as label from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+1/24 , 1 from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+2/24 , 2 from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+5/48, 1 from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+3/24, 0 from dual;I get a 2D Line chart but each date/time value is equally space apart (ie sysdate -2, sysdate -2+1/24, sysdate -2+2/24 and sysdate -2+3/24 should be 1 unit apart and sysdate -2+5/48 should be half way between sysdate -2+2/24 and sysdate -2+3/24).
    I think I have to use custom xml. Using and I edited the XML and changed:
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
        <animation enabled="false"/>
        <no_data show_waiting_animation="False">
            <font family="Verdana" bold="yes" size="10"/>
      <margin left="0" top="" right="0" bottom="0" />
        <chart plot_type="CategorizedVertical" name="chart_1614502819445708">
            <title enabled="False" />
              <fill type="Solid" color="0xffffff" opacity="0" />
              <border enabled="false"/>
              <corners type="Square"/>
              <y_axis >
                <scale   mode="Normal"    />
                <title enabled="false" />
                <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
                  <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                <major_grid enabled="False"/>
    <minor_grid enabled="False"/>
                <scale  mode="Normal"    />
                <title enabled="false"/>
                <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
                  <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                <major_grid enabled="True" interlaced="false">
                    <line color="Black" />
    <minor_grid enabled="True">
          <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="false" >
              <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
                <format><![CDATA[{%Name}{enabled:False} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]></format>
                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                  <position anchor="Float" valign="Top" padding="10" />
              <label_settings enabled="true" mode="Outside" multi_line_align="Center">
                <background enabled="false"/>
                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                                <line enabled="true" thickness="1" opacity="1" />
              <marker_settings enabled="True" >
                <marker type="Circle" />
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
        <animation enabled="false"/>
        <no_data show_waiting_animation="False">
            <font family="Verdana" bold="yes" size="10"/>
            <format>%HH:%mm:%ss %dd/%MM/%yyyy</format>
      <margin left="0" top="" right="0" bottom="0" />
        <chart plot_type="CategorizedVertical" name="chart_1614502819445708">
            <title enabled="False" />
              <fill type="Solid" color="0xffffff" opacity="0" />
              <border enabled="false"/>
              <corners type="Square"/>
              <y_axis >
                <scale   mode="Normal"    />
                <title enabled="false" />
                <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
                  <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                <major_grid enabled="False"/>
    <minor_grid enabled="False"/>
                <scale  mode="Normal" type="DateTime"    />
                <title enabled="false"/>
                <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
                  <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                <major_grid enabled="True" interlaced="false">
                    <line color="Black" />
    <minor_grid enabled="True">
          <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="false" >
              <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
                <format><![CDATA[{%Name}{enabled:False} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]></format>
                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                  <position anchor="Float" valign="Top" padding="10" />
              <label_settings enabled="true" mode="Outside" multi_line_align="Center">
                <background enabled="false"/>
                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                                <line enabled="true" thickness="1" opacity="1" />
              <marker_settings enabled="True" >
                <marker type="Circle" />
    </anychart>and change the SQL series to:
    select link, to_char(value, 'HH24:MI:SS DD/MM/YYYY') as value, label from
    select null as link,  sysdate -2  as value, 0 as label from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+1/24 , 1 from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+2/24 , 2 from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+5/48, 1 from dual
    select null , sysdate -2+3/24, 0 from dual)But the chart changes from a line chart to a bar chart with each value being equally spaced.
    Can anyone see what I am doing wrong or point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

    This will be a little bit lengthy answer, but I guess it will be easier to understand what I meant to say.
    I created a table that contains values you used as a data source (just to make my life easier):
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = ' hh24:mi:ss';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select * from test;
    VALUE                    LABEL
    12.10.2010 09:03:45          0
    12.10.2010 10:03:45          1
    12.10.2010 11:03:45          2
    12.10.2010 11:33:45          1
    12.10.2010 12:03:45          0
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'hh24:mi';
    Session altered.From now on, we'll see only hours and minutes.
    Step 1: current and previous values - difference in number of MINUTES
    SQL> select t.value,
      2         lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
      3         (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
      4  from test t;
    10:03 09:03           60
    11:03 10:03           60
    11:33 11:03           30
    12:03 11:33           30Step 2: a little bit of calculation:
    - TIME_SPAN: how many minutes are there between MIN and MAX date?
    - MIN_DIFF: what is the minimum time difference (minutes)?
    - SLICES: how many time slices do we want on the x-axis?
    SQL> select
      2    min(x.value) min_val,
      3    max(x.value) max_val,
      4    min(x.minutes_diff) min_diff,
      5    (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 time_span,
      6    (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 / min(x.minutes_diff) slices
      7  from (select t.value,
      8               lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
      9               (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
    10        from test t
    11       ) x;
    09:03 12:03         30        180          6There's 180 minutes between 09:03 and 12:03; minimum time difference in our TEST table is 30 minutes, so - we want to have 6 time slices on the x-axis (180 / 30).
    Step 3: row generator technique: let's create time values that are missing:
    SQL> select y.min_val + (level - 1) * y.min_diff / (24 * 60) val
      2  from (select
      3          min(x.value) min_val,
      4          max(x.value) max_val,
      5          min(x.minutes_diff) min_diff,
      6          (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 time_span,
      7          (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 / min(x.minutes_diff) slices
      8        from (select t.value,
      9                     lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
    10                     (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
    11              from test t
    12             ) x
    13       ) y
    14  connect by level <= y.slices + 1;
    7 rows selected.OK, now we have 30 minutes between every time value.
    Step 4: join newly generated time values with the original table. Use OUTER JOIN; missing labels will be 0 (zero):
    SQL> select
      2    null link,
      3    to_char(z.val, 'hh24:mi') new_value,
      4    nvl(t1.label, 0) new_label
      5  from (select y.min_val + (level - 1) * y.min_diff / (24 * 60) val
      6        from (select
      7                min(x.value) min_val,
      8                max(x.value) max_val,
      9                min(x.minutes_diff) min_diff,
    10                (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 time_span,
    11                (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 / min(x.minutes_diff) slices
    12              from (select t.value,
    13                           lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
    14                           (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
    15                    from test t
    16                   ) x
    17             ) y
    18        connect by level <= y.slices + 1
    19       ) z,
    20       test t1
    21  where t1.value (+) = z.val
    22  order by z.val;
      09:03          0
      09:33          0
      10:03          1
      10:33          0
      11:03          2
      11:33          1
      12:03          0
    7 rows selected.Cool, so we have them all. Now, go to Apex and create a chart using a query from step #4.
    I tested it - it displays something which means that it should work for you too (unfortunately, this forum doesn't accept attachments so that you could see it). Now, I can't tell whether that's what you need or not, but - if the idea itself is OK, it can be adjusted (I hope so).

  • Flash Chart 2d line issue

    I am using a flash chart - 2d line.
    The purpose of the chart is to show the percentage completed by the specified date. The percentage does not go up all the time. Some times it can go down also. We are capturing the comments if the percentage goes down.
    The following is the query. When there is only one entry, the line goes across on the top of the bar chart. It does not reflect what I wanted. I wanted the chart to start at 0 and progress towards 100%
    SELECT NULL LINK, date, Percentage FROM tableA where id=:id ORDER BY 2
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you Dimitri,
    I tried specifying the colors myself, but that didn't helped.
    What do you mean by putting the example online ... where?
    In fact to see this bug is very simple: it is enough to create a page with a standard 2dPie Flash Chart (with legend), and add a chart series with following source (series query):
    select null, rownum , mod(rownum,2) from all_objects
    where rownum<10
    Setting the Chart type to 2d pie or doughnut will have the mentioned problems, while the 3d pie not.
    For the moment we don't want to buy AnyChart 5.

  • Apex 3.2 SVG Chart - How to plot Stacked Bar With Negative Values ?

    Currently Apex 3.2 Flash Chart (AnyChart 3.x) does not support Stacked bars with negative values.
    I try with SVG Stacked bars with positive values only, chart ploting works fine. When I add a new series with negative values (i.e -1) and I get a blank Chart region with no error.
    Based on this statement from Apex's documentation:
    *"AxisLine Indicates zero on charts that have negative values."*
    I appreciate your help on how to translate this statement into action ?
    (i.e how to override .Axisline class in CSS section ?)
    Thank you very much for your time.

    try to add the minumm negative value (but positive) to the parameter for the axis.
    e.g. show value+3000 (assuming -3000 is the minimum value)
    If you don't have a limitation for the negative values, it doesn't work. (or try to calculate first the most negative value in a before header process)
    hope this helps.

  • Flash Charts - How to manipulate the #data# replacement string in XML

    I have a problem with the XML file for a flash chart. I am trying to display a 2dColumn chart of an SQL query with the general form:
    select null link, x as name, sum(y) as value from z group by (x);
    this generates multiple rows, which are displayed as a bar in the chart. So far so good. The problem is, that each row is defined as a block in the chart, but only one name entry is created "value", which is displayed in the legend of the chart.
    I can display the block names on the x-axis of the chart, however, I can't rotate them, so that they don't overlap in the display, which I would be able to do with names. I assume, that the blocks are defined in the #data# replacement string of the XML file. I would like to change the generated XML replacement string from the SQL to make each row selected a different name, and only have one block ("value").
    What would be the easiest way to achieve this?

    There's no way to manipulate the #data# replacement directly, but you could generate your own XML (see Re: Apex changing nulls to zeroes when creating Flash Charts for one way to do it).
    When you say "I can't rotate them, so that they don't overlap in the display" -- have you tried the Labels Rotation chart attribute, or is that not working?
    - Marco

  • Flash Chart Format / Mask Numbers

    Hi everone,
    I want to ask you if someone know how to put in a format mask to the numbers on a flash chart, for example, instead of display 2542169 displays something like this: 2,542,169.87
    I created an example flash chart in order to show you more clearly:
    Thanks a lot!,

    Edit your Flash Chart Attribute. Go to Axes Settings attribute. For attribute Show Group Separator select 'Yes'. for attribute Decimal Places specify '2' and you'll get what you are looking for.
    Ashish Agarwal (PMP, OCM & OCP)

  • Apex 4 - Flash Chart - How to open link in same page

    I need help in apex flash chart development. I want to open link in same page. Currently it open in new window with existing page intact
    I have created a flash chart.
    Below are setting
    Chart Type 2D line
    Series Type : Line
    Series siurce : sql query
    elect '?p=&APP_ID.:2:&APP_SESSION.::::P2_ORACLESID,P2_CAP_DATE:&P15_ORACLESID.,'||capture_date link,
    round(sum(TOTAL_MB)) "Total_MB" ,
    round(sum(USED_MB)) "Used_MB" ,
    round(sum(FREE_MB)) "Free_MB"
    where DBNAME = :P15_ORACLESID
    group by capture_date
    order by capture_date
    Problem: when I run this page, chart is displayed. Now if I click on the series value of chart, it opens page ( '?p=&APP_ID.:2:&APP_SESSION.::::P2_ORACLESID,P2_CAP_DATE:&P15_ORACLESID.,'||capture_date link) It opens page 2 in new window. I want it to open in same window. Am I missing something ? Is this possible ? Is there anything I can change to achive this functionality
    Please help

    Hi All,
    I have an issue with Anychart link, can you please help me.
    1. I have created HTML region in a page with
    <div id="sampleClick">
    <div id="sample1">
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function ChartSample()
    var ChartSample = new AnyChart('/i/flashchart_v5/swf/AnyChart.swf');
    ChartSample.width = "500";
    ChartSample.height = "400";
    var ChartData = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,
    gReturn = ChartData.get();
    // prompt("xml",gReturn);
    2. Then created Application process with "On Demand Run this application process when requested by a page process." in PL/SQL Anonymous block
    select 'f?p=&APP_ID.:136:&APP_SESSION.::::P33_ID:' || YEAR link,DECODE(period,1,'JAN',2,'FEB',3,'MAR',4,'APR',5,'MAY',6,'JUN',7,'JUL',8,'AUG',9,'SEP',10,'OCT',11,'NOV',12,'DEC')||'-'||year "MONTH",round(SUM(ytd_revenue)/1000000,2) YTD_REV from t_tc_qpcq2052
    where cntry='IND' and category='20'
    GROUP BY year, period
    ORDER BY YEAR, period
    I am able to see the chart, but I am not able to open or pass the value from one page to another page when I click the bar chart.
    Can you please help me on this.
    Thanks in Advance.

  • How to display non-continuous lines in a 2D Line flash chart ?

    I am making 2D lines charts. is there a way ig tehre are no data in the table, to not to display points ?
    For example I have a table with this data :
    Date     Value
    01/01/09 2
    02/01/09 7
    03/01/09 4
    05/01/09 3
    06/01/09 2You see in the example anove that there is no data for the day 04/01/09.
    I would like the chart no to display any point for that day and start again for date following. This means displaying a non-continuous line.
    I hope I am clear.
    I tried but had no solutions. Would you have any idea on this ?
    Thank you for your kind help !

    Hi Christian
    You're missing a lot of the XML build up from the website.
    You also need to return the string "Missing" for each date that you haven't got.
    Try this to get you started (you'll certainly need to fiddle with it to get it working)...
       l_xml   VARCHAR2 (32767);
       start_date DATE;
       end_date DATE;
       the_date DATE;
       count_holder VARCHAR2(10);
       l_xml :=        '<anychart> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<animation enabled="True"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<charts> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<chart plot_type="Scatter"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<chart_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<chart_background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<border color="#990099"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</chart_background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<title enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<text> Something </text> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</title> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<axes> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<x_axis tickmarks_placement="Center"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<title enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<text>Date</text> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</title> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</x_axis> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<y_axis> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<scale minimum="1" type="Linear"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<title enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<text>Count</text> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</title> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</y_axis> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</axes> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</chart_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<data_plot_settings default_series_type="Line"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<line_series point_padding="0.2" group_padding="1"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<label_settings enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<background enabled="false"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<font color="Rgb(45,45,45)" bold="true" size="9"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<effects enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<glow enabled="true" color="White" opacity="1" blur_x="1.5" blur_y="1.5" strength="3"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</effects> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</font> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<format>{%YValue}{numDecimals:0}</format> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</label_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<tooltip_settings enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<format> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'Something: {%YValue}{numDecimals:0} ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'Date: {%Name} ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</format> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<border type="Solid" color="DarkColor(%Color)"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<font color="DarkColor(%Color)"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</tooltip_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<marker_settings enabled="true"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<line_style> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<line thickness="3"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</line_style> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</line_series> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</data_plot_settings> ';     
       l_xml := l_xml||'<data> '; 
       l_xml := l_xml||'<series name="Count"> ';     
       start_date := TO_DATE('01/01/2009');
       end_date   := TO_DATE('10/01/2009');
       the_date   := start_date;
       WHILE the_date <= end_date
        SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*),0,'Missing',COUNT(*))
        INTO the_count
        FROM evv_stpl
        WHERE date1 = the_date;
        l_xml := l_xml || '<point name = "'|| the_date ||'" y="'|| the_count ||'"/>';
        the_date := the_date + INTERVAL '1' DAY;
       END LOOP;
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</series> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</data> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</chart> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</charts> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</anychart>';
    <title>AnyChart Sample</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\apache\Apache\Apache\images\flashchart\AnyChart.js"></script>
    <div id="chartDiv-1"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        AnyChart.swfFile = ''D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\apache\Apache\Apache\images\flashchart\AnyChart.js'';
        var chart = new AnyChart();
        chart.width = "800";
        chart.height = "600";
        var data = '''
           || l_xml
           || ''';
    END;Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to do here, unfortunately I can't try it out myself at the moment.
    Maybe if you get stuck you could post it on
    Oops, handled a count of zero incorrectly - amended
    Edited by: Munky on May 7, 2009 1:17 PM

  • Setting "Omit Label Interval" on 2D Line Flash Chart

    i have a 2D Line Flash Chart showing a few values or many values. (depending on the selected interval, eg. minutes, hours, days, week, months ..)
    Unfortionatly if the flash chart has to show many values, the labels cannot be read (because they are too many)
    In Section "Display Settings" i can set "Omit Label Interval", but i need to set this property dynamically - how can i do this?
    kind regards

    Hi Günther,
    I used a similar example a while ago unfortunately for you I started the refresh when I clicked on a button:
    Page header:
    &lt;script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function fnc_UpdateChart ()
      var v_region_id = $v('P1_REGION_ID').substr(1);
      apex_RefreshChart ($v('pFlowStepId'),v_region_id , navigator.language );
    &lt;/script>Region footer (from your chart region):
    &lt;script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    $s("P1_REGION_ID", "#REGION_ID#" );
    &lt;/script>I had some trouble with the IE where the update didn't worked? I don't know if you will experience the same.
    You would now need to integrate a timer. I made an example with an IRR: [|]
    It's a beginning. Hope it helps.

  • The flash chart Link not opening in oracle Apex 4.1

    I have created a flash chart (Pie chart ) on the latest version 4.2.
    Everything is workinfine when I have created a hidden item and associated a computation to it and added that in custom color option in chart attributes
    I am able to customize this again in this version
    But When I have done same thing in Apex 4.1
    I am able to see the output .but When I try to change the color and click on chart attributes it throws an error showing no data found
    Kindly help me in solving this error .

    To assist in resolving your issue, could you please outline the steps you've carried out in your 4.1 environment? Also, could you please confirm exactly what version of APEX you are referring to - 4.1.0 or 4.1.1?

  • Apex 3.1 and Custom Flash Charts

    I am having difficulty getting to the point where my custom flash charts can be displayed. I have Oracle 10.2, over OHS to Apex 3.1. I cannot post any of the config files or code here because it is a different network, so I realize it will be hard to troubleshoot; and I apologize in advance.
    I would use the canned Flash charts, but my application displays data much like MS Outlook's multi-user calendar does. The chart has to be color coded, similar to Outlook's Busy vs Tentative etc. It has to show multiple events at various times, including overlapping times. And it has to handle schedules for multiple people. Lastly, there are of course gaps in the schedule, because no day is comprised entirely of meetings. That is why I felt I had to do it manually.
    I wrote XML/SVG code to do this previously, with HTML DB 1.5, and it worked fine. But Flash is the way we are going now, and I can't use SVG anymore. (Besides, Adobe says SVG will no longer be supported next year.)
    I followed the thread of April 07 in which MAdelfio posted suggestions, but I can't get it right. I did everything listed except I never included the <data>...</data> code, because I am not sure where it goes. I have a custom written stored proc, exactly like in the thread, and I pass it all the args that apex_util.flash wants. I get a malformed XML message when I try to display the chart. That seems like it should be a very straight forward error, but I can't figure out where to look. I have been using 1.5 for about a year, and last month upgraded to 3.1.
    Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? Or, failing that, any simple examples that display Flash charts in which the code was generated by a stored procedure?

    I'm sorry about not being able to provide all the info you need. Since it is on a totally separate network, with no access to the outside world, the only way I can do it is to print and retype everything. So I was hoping that someone could just provide suggestions as to where to look rather than providing answers. I understand that it is impossible for you to solve my problems, especially when you have been given no real information. And I don't want to keep you guessing -- I'd love to be able to just show everything and ask for help; I just can't.
    Anyway, I am trying to use only those facilities provided with Apex. I do not have any 3rd party tools except for Perl. I am using the standard shockwave flash plugin for Mozilla. The way I did it with SVG was to create a stored procedure that generated an XML file. I put a button on the page that ran the stored proc and then redisplayed the page, with an HTML region. That region included an iframe, where the source was a perl script that merely regurgitated the SVG script (for some reason I could not get the iframe to accept XML as a source, so I created, which merely outputted the named SVG file).
    The format I followed was in this thread: Re: Custom Flash Charts
    I even created a replacement proc for APEX_UTIL.FLASH with the exact output as the thread, knowing that even if it worked I'd still have a ton of work making it produce my chart. But once I can get the infrastructure right, I feel I can write the flash XML.
    Maybe the easiest thing is to scan that thread I referenced and tell me if it is still accurate? That is, could anything have changed in 3.0.1, or should it still work? It is possible, maybe even likely, that I made a mistake retyping all that stuff, so maybe just verifying that it SHOULD work is a good start.
    Thanks again, and sorry again.

  • How to display 3 lines in an AnyChart candlestick flash chart ?

    I have a nice Candlestick flash chart and I am using Anychart 5.1.2. i would like to display 3 horizontal bar lines on this chart.
    The values on the y axis on these 3 bar lines are contained into 3 items. Do you have an idea on how to display these lines with the XML ? Here is the XML existing.
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
        <chart type="Candlestick">
          <animation enabled="no"/>
          <hints auto_size="yes">
    Niveau maxi: {HIGH}
    Niveau moyen: {OPEN}
    Niveau mini: {LOW}]]>
            <font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" />
          <names show="yes" width="150" placement="chart" position="bottom" >
            <font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" />
          <values show="no" prefix="" postfix=" m ngf" decimal_separator="." decimal_places="0" />
          <arguments show="no" />
              <background enabled="yes" color="White" />
              <background enabled="yes" color="Black" />
          <background enabled="yes" type="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0" />
          <base_area enabled="no" />
          <chart_area enabled="yes" x="80" y="50" width="670" height="280" deep="0">
            <background enabled="no"/>
            <border enabled="yes" size="1"/>
          <name text="&P8_SITE_AFF. - Niveau du &P8_DATE_DEBUT. au &P8_DATE_FIN. - Pas de temps : &P8_TRUNC. (DD : Jour, HH24 : Heure, MI : Minute)" >
          <font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" align="center" />
    <x_axis name="Niveau min : &P8_NIVEAU_MIN. m ngf - Niveau max : &P8_NIVEAU_MAX. m ngf - Niveau moyen : &P8_NIVEAU_MOYEN. m ngf" smart="yes" position="center_bottom" >
            <font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" bold="no" align="center" />
          <y_axis name="Niveau" smart="yes" position="left_center" >
            <font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" bold="no" align="center" />
            <values />
        <legend enabled="no"/>
    </root>Thank you for your kind help.

    I have a nice Candlestick flash chart and I am using Anychart 5.1.2. i would like to display 3 horizontal bar lines on this chart.
    The values on the y axis on these 3 bar lines are contained into 3 items. Do you have an idea on how to display these lines with the XML ? Here is the XML existing.
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
        <chart type="Candlestick">
          <animation enabled="no"/>
          <hints auto_size="yes">
    Niveau maxi: {HIGH}
    Niveau moyen: {OPEN}
    Niveau mini: {LOW}]]>
            <font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" />
          <names show="yes" width="150" placement="chart" position="bottom" >
            <font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" />
          <values show="no" prefix="" postfix=" m ngf" decimal_separator="." decimal_places="0" />
          <arguments show="no" />
              <background enabled="yes" color="White" />
              <background enabled="yes" color="Black" />
          <background enabled="yes" type="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0" />
          <base_area enabled="no" />
          <chart_area enabled="yes" x="80" y="50" width="670" height="280" deep="0">
            <background enabled="no"/>
            <border enabled="yes" size="1"/>
          <name text="&P8_SITE_AFF. - Niveau du &P8_DATE_DEBUT. au &P8_DATE_FIN. - Pas de temps : &P8_TRUNC. (DD : Jour, HH24 : Heure, MI : Minute)" >
          <font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" align="center" />
    <x_axis name="Niveau min : &P8_NIVEAU_MIN. m ngf - Niveau max : &P8_NIVEAU_MAX. m ngf - Niveau moyen : &P8_NIVEAU_MOYEN. m ngf" smart="yes" position="center_bottom" >
            <font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" bold="no" align="center" />
          <y_axis name="Niveau" smart="yes" position="left_center" >
            <font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" bold="no" align="center" />
            <values />
        <legend enabled="no"/>
    </root>Thank you for your kind help.

  • Auto refresh flash chart not working (APEX 3.1)

    Hi All
    I followed the instructions on how to update auto refresh flash charts on the following page:
    Is there anything else that needs to be done? I dont get a 'last refreshed' date, nor does the chart refresh itself.

    I would check:
    1) Can you access the flash files directly? Look at the page's HTML to find reference to an SWF file, then try to access that from the URL.
    2) Is the XML coming back properly? Run the page in debug mode, then click the "Show XML" link after the Flash chart.
    - Marco

  • Apex flash Chart not working after upgrade to #5.1.3

    I am using oracle apex 4.0,database11g and i upgraded the apex flash chart to #5.1.3, also i am using the partial page refresh (html_PPR_Report_Page) in every 5 sec time interval.
    However after about 5 seconds the charts dissapear and never come back unless you manually refresh the browser.
    Could y please suggest.

    Like junkyardheart, mine cleared up.  After talking with tech support for 2 to 3 hours trying all kinds of things they opened a ticket to have a technician checkout the local cell tower.  The next day tech support called me and I told them it was worse.  Then they had started looking at my past reports on "Mark the Spot" app and open several more tickets and had a crew checkout the area.
    I received a call two days later and they had two bad cell sites.  With the next day being Saturday they had the whole weekend scheduled as an outage to fix the problems.  By noon on Saturday everything was great.
    I even checked out my download speed using a few speed apps and I was pulling 2-3 Mbps down and pushing 1+ Mbps up.
    I think the update exposed a serious problem that had existed for a while.

Maybe you are looking for

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