Setting "Omit Label Interval" on 2D Line Flash Chart

i have a 2D Line Flash Chart showing a few values or many values. (depending on the selected interval, eg. minutes, hours, days, week, months ..)
Unfortionatly if the flash chart has to show many values, the labels cannot be read (because they are too many)
In Section "Display Settings" i can set "Omit Label Interval", but i need to set this property dynamically - how can i do this?
kind regards

Hi Günther,
I used a similar example a while ago unfortunately for you I started the refresh when I clicked on a button:
Page header:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function fnc_UpdateChart ()
  var v_region_id = $v('P1_REGION_ID').substr(1);
  apex_RefreshChart ($v('pFlowStepId'),v_region_id , navigator.language );
</script>Region footer (from your chart region):
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
$s("P1_REGION_ID", "#REGION_ID#" );
</script>I had some trouble with the IE where the update didn't worked? I don't know if you will experience the same.
You would now need to integrate a timer. I made an example with an IRR: [|]
It's a beginning. Hope it helps.

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    Using the option "omit label interval" in the flash chart configuration, the legend will show the entries the same way as the x-axis.
    For example:
    setting omit label interval to 23 to get only one entry per day on the x-axis (we have one value for every hour of the day and want to display the chart on monthly base). My chart containing 2 series will show only the legend entry for the first serie.
    How can I display the second one ?

    Unfortunately, that's a bug in APEX 3.0. The 3.0.1 patch set will include a fix for it.

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    Here is my request, you see with the 3 series added :
    X VARCHAR2 (4000);
    x := 'SELECT NULL, TRUNC(DATE1, ''HH''), AVG(VALEUR) "Hauteur",
         (SELECT SEUIL_BAS FROM SIVOA.SITE_ECHELLE WHERE SITE = '''|| UPPER (:p184_ename) ||''') "Seuil bas",
         (SELECT SEUIL_ALERTE FROM SIVOA.SITE_ECHELLE WHERE SITE = '''|| UPPER (:p184_ename) ||''') "Alerte",
    || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
    || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
    ||:P8_DATE_DEBUT||'000000'', ''DD/MM/YYYYHH24MISS'') AND TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_FIN  ||'235959'', ''DD/MM/YYYYHH24MISS'')
    RETURN (X);
    END;Is there a way to add 3 lines without using a query ?
    Thank you for your kindness !

    I have not solved but found an improvement, I select a constant from a table. This constant is displayed along the horizontal axis.
    Example of constant :
    (SELECT SEUIL_BAS FROM SIVOA.SITE_ECHELLE WHERE SITE = '''|| UPPER (:p184_ename) ||''') "Seuil bas",
    X VARCHAR2 (4000);
    x := 'SELECT NULL, TRUNC(DATE1, ''HH''), AVG(VALEUR) "Hauteur",
    (SELECT SEUIL_BAS FROM SIVOA.SITE_ECHELLE WHERE SITE = '''|| UPPER (:p184_ename) ||''') "Seuil bas",
    (SELECT SEUIL_ALERTE FROM SIVOA.SITE_ECHELLE WHERE SITE = '''|| UPPER (:p184_ename) ||''') "Alerte",
    || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
    || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
    ||:P8_DATE_DEBUT||'000000'', ''DD/MM/YYYYHH24MISS'') AND TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_FIN ||'235959'', ''DD/MM/YYYYHH24MISS'')
    RETURN (X);
    Perhaps a way is to customize the XML code generated.

  • How to display non-continuous lines in a 2D Line flash chart ?

    I am making 2D lines charts. is there a way ig tehre are no data in the table, to not to display points ?
    For example I have a table with this data :
    Date     Value
    01/01/09 2
    02/01/09 7
    03/01/09 4
    05/01/09 3
    06/01/09 2You see in the example anove that there is no data for the day 04/01/09.
    I would like the chart no to display any point for that day and start again for date following. This means displaying a non-continuous line.
    I hope I am clear.
    I tried but had no solutions. Would you have any idea on this ?
    Thank you for your kind help !

    Hi Christian
    You're missing a lot of the XML build up from the website.
    You also need to return the string "Missing" for each date that you haven't got.
    Try this to get you started (you'll certainly need to fiddle with it to get it working)...
       l_xml   VARCHAR2 (32767);
       start_date DATE;
       end_date DATE;
       the_date DATE;
       count_holder VARCHAR2(10);
       l_xml :=        '<anychart> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<animation enabled="True"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<charts> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<chart plot_type="Scatter"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<chart_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<chart_background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<border color="#990099"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</chart_background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<title enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<text> Something </text> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</title> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<axes> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<x_axis tickmarks_placement="Center"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<title enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<text>Date</text> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</title> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</x_axis> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<y_axis> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<scale minimum="1" type="Linear"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<title enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<text>Count</text> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</title> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</y_axis> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</axes> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</chart_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<data_plot_settings default_series_type="Line"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<line_series point_padding="0.2" group_padding="1"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<label_settings enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<background enabled="false"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<font color="Rgb(45,45,45)" bold="true" size="9"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<effects enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<glow enabled="true" color="White" opacity="1" blur_x="1.5" blur_y="1.5" strength="3"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</effects> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</font> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<format>{%YValue}{numDecimals:0}</format> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</label_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<tooltip_settings enabled="true"> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<format> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'Something: {%YValue}{numDecimals:0} ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'Date: {%Name} ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</format> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<border type="Solid" color="DarkColor(%Color)"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</background> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<font color="DarkColor(%Color)"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</tooltip_settings> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<marker_settings enabled="true"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<line_style> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'<line thickness="3"/> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</line_style> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</line_series> ';
       l_xml := l_xml||'</data_plot_settings> ';     
       l_xml := l_xml||'<data> '; 
       l_xml := l_xml||'<series name="Count"> ';     
       start_date := TO_DATE('01/01/2009');
       end_date   := TO_DATE('10/01/2009');
       the_date   := start_date;
       WHILE the_date <= end_date
        SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*),0,'Missing',COUNT(*))
        INTO the_count
        FROM evv_stpl
        WHERE date1 = the_date;
        l_xml := l_xml || '<point name = "'|| the_date ||'" y="'|| the_count ||'"/>';
        the_date := the_date + INTERVAL '1' DAY;
       END LOOP;
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</series> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</data> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</chart> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</charts> ';
       l_xml := l_xml ||'</anychart>';
    <title>AnyChart Sample</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\apache\Apache\Apache\images\flashchart\AnyChart.js"></script>
    <div id="chartDiv-1"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        AnyChart.swfFile = ''D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\apache\Apache\Apache\images\flashchart\AnyChart.js'';
        var chart = new AnyChart();
        chart.width = "800";
        chart.height = "600";
        var data = '''
           || l_xml
           || ''';
    END;Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to do here, unfortunately I can't try it out myself at the moment.
    Maybe if you get stuck you could post it on
    Oops, handled a count of zero incorrectly - amended
    Edited by: Munky on May 7, 2009 1:17 PM

  • Dynamic Charting question - On maximum rows and omiy label interval values

    I was wondering if it was possible to define a application variable and then reference it from within a Chart series definition.
    I frequenctly need to go in and exapnd the maximum number of rows for my chart series definitions to a value greater than
    15. And, if I have a Chart with multiple series it seems to make sense that they all have the same value. This made me think
    of trying to use some sort of variable. I tried using a hidden page item. However, Apex seemed to want a static numerical value
    and so I needed to just hard code the value for now. Has anyone had success with somethin else?
    Another issue I have is with the label display. When ploting time series data that allows the user to define a date range its hard
    to know up front how to set the Omit Label Interval. An ida solution would be to define a number of desired points that the chart
    can handle and dynamically assign omit interval based on some sort of formula. Again, the static value assignment makes sense for some
    date inputs and not so much for others.
    Thanks for any suggestions!

    Thanks for your reply.
    Not sure how to change the Chart Type to Custom XML
    For example, for one of my charts under Chart Settings the Chart Type is set as 2D Line.
    I don't see Custom XML as an option on that drop down.
    I do see some XML code under Region Definition | Source. Is that what you are referring to?

  • How to customize flash chart fonts?

    Hi everyone,
    I have a flash chart as a result of a query that returns more than 20 rows (columns, in the flash chart case). The name of this columns are in horitzontal, and I have a problem, these names are too long to see them correctly.
    If I am not explaining the problem correctly, it would be something like this:
    Notice that is very difficult to understand the name of the columns.
    I'd like to "rotate" the names, for example, 45º, and see them in diagonal. I don't know do this in APEX, the only thing I found is to change the size of the font but it's not a solution for me.
    Can you help me please?
    Thank you very much

    You can rotate the chart label by entering the rotation degrees in Label Rotation attributes under Display Settings section. You can also omit the labels intervals of 1 or 2 in Omit Label Interval attribute to display better.
    - Christina

  • Flash Chart Legend

    I have built a 2D Line Flash chart with 6 series. My problem is that the legend shows the word "Value". Does anyone know how to make the legend display the series name instead.

    Thank you for your reply but your answer does not appear to be the solution I need. This SQL statement below used in a SVG Chart yields a legend using the series name. The same SQL statemnet used in a Flash Chart yields "Value" as the series name. Why?
    SELECT NULL link,
    to_char (minipay_detail_vw.event_dt, 'YYYY, MM') AS label,
    sum (minipay_detail_vw.contract_pay_amt) AS value
    FROM [email protected]
    WHERE minipay_detail_vw.object_class_cd = '018'
    AND to_char (minipay_detail_vw.event_dt, 'YYYYMM') <
    to_char (sysdate, 'YYYYMM')
    AND financial_organization_cd IN
    ('1650', '1655', '1660', '1665', '1670')
    AND (:p337_fy = '%null%' OR minipay_detail_vw.fiscal_year = :p337_fy)
    GROUP BY to_char (minipay_detail_vw.event_dt, 'YYYY, MM')
    ORDER BY to_char (minipay_detail_vw.event_dt, 'YYYY, MM')

  • How to save a Flash Chart to a local file

    We created a Flash Chart page with Apex 3.1.2. After this 2D line Flash Chart displayed on the screen, is there a way to save it to the user's local machine? So they can view or print the chart they saved later on.
    I have found some info. on, But I don't understand how to implements those steps in Apex and/or on the localhost running APEX.

    Method 1:
    If you goto any test interactive report page in your apex application and from the actions menu, choose the chart option, pick the type of chart and the label and value column, click apply to display the chart.
    You can then right click the chart to show the version being used and the 'save to image' option will be there if it is version 4.
    Method 2:
    In anychart 3.x, each type of chart has a different flash file to reference from the apex page.
    In anychart 4.x, each type of chart references the same flash file, they were combined into one for ease of deployment, etc.
    This flash file is normally located in the apex images structure /images/flashchart/swf/AnyChart.swf
    Your path to images may differ. If you have this file, then version 4 is already installed

  • Dynamically set flash chart height?

    I have a flash chart that includes a selector that alters the query for the chart. Depending on what the user selects, the chart shows a different number of rows (this happens to be a stacked horizontal bar chart, but this could apply to any chart type). I would like to be able to dynamically set the chart height based on the number of rows the query returns. If I set it too small and the user makes a choice that returns a larger number of rows, the chart bars are compressed to the point where the labels are unreadable or omitted altogether. Conversely, if I set the height to a larger value and the user makes a selection that results in a small number of rows, the chart is overly extended and hard to read.
    I am able to calculate what I'd like the chart height to be using a page item and a before header process. But I can't figure out how to pass this value to AnyChart. I tried using an item substitution (e.g., &P7_CHART_HEIGHT.) as the value for the chart height on the Chart Attributes/Chart Settings page, but this attribute requires a non-zero numeric value. I tried to figure out if I could alter the chart XML, but could not figure out how to do it and I'm not sure item substitutions would be passed in the XML anyway.
    Is there a way to dynamically set the height attribute of a chart at page load time?

    Hi Mike,
    You can update the Region Source of your chart, replacing the substitution strings *#HEIGHT#* with the reference to your page item *&P7_CHART_HEIGHT.*. So your chart region source should then look something like the following(note that I've trimmed some lines for display purposes), and when the chart is run it will pick up your setting for the height, based upon the value returned from your Before Header process:
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    <param name="movie" value="#IMAGE_PREFIX#flashchart/anychart_5/swf/...............................">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain">
    <param name="allowNetworking" value="all">
    <param name="scale" value="noscale">
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
    <param name="FlashVars" value="initText=#FLASH_INIT#&xmlLoadingText=............................................">
    <embed src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#flashchart/anychart_5/.......................................
    I hope this helps.

  • Line thickness in Apex 4.02 flash chart for Legend

    Does anyone know how to set Line thickness in Apex 4.02 flash chart for Legend?
    My users can read the label fine, but the part where it shows the line color is very small and hard to match to the chart.

    Many attributes can be set in the Chart Attributes page Custom XML section. Line thinkness. Legend font size, height and width. But I haven't found a setting for the "icon" size. Even thought I increased font size and the size of the Legend on the page, the legend "lines" remained unchanged in size.

  • Flash Chart 2d line issue

    I am using a flash chart - 2d line.
    The purpose of the chart is to show the percentage completed by the specified date. The percentage does not go up all the time. Some times it can go down also. We are capturing the comments if the percentage goes down.
    The following is the query. When there is only one entry, the line goes across on the top of the bar chart. It does not reflect what I wanted. I wanted the chart to start at 0 and progress towards 100%
    SELECT NULL LINK, date, Percentage FROM tableA where id=:id ORDER BY 2
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you Dimitri,
    I tried specifying the colors myself, but that didn't helped.
    What do you mean by putting the example online ... where?
    In fact to see this bug is very simple: it is enough to create a page with a standard 2dPie Flash Chart (with legend), and add a chart series with following source (series query):
    select null, rownum , mod(rownum,2) from all_objects
    where rownum<10
    Setting the Chart type to 2d pie or doughnut will have the mentioned problems, while the 3d pie not.
    For the moment we don't want to buy AnyChart 5.

  • Setting Color Labels in a Folder

    Hey guys! I'm kinda new to AppleScript in general, so please bear with me if this is just a simple request here, but basically i've been wanting to change the background of the finder windows to match the grey background of the iTunes grid view. However, since the font colour of the files and folders in Finder can't be changed, but the only way is to place a border around them (grey seems to match best). Now i've found a script that manages to do this for all the files in the folder and its subfolder based on the filetypes outlined in the script. However, none of the folders themselves have changed to the desired grey colour.Its clearly because the file type for the folder hasn't been added, but im not sure how i do that. As you can see I tried adding "Folders" to the "set fileColorList to greys" line, but its a no go... Is there any way i can just change that whole section of code to just have all the files and folders within the subfolder to go grey? (i.e. greys{"*"} or something) rather than having to individually add the filetypes?.
    Here's the code:
    tell application "Finder"
    set processFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select a folder to change label colors") as item
    my digDeeper(processFolder)
    end tell
    on digDeeper(myFolder)
    tell application "Finder"
    my changeColors(myFolder)
    set subFolders to every folder in folder myFolder
    if (count of items in subFolders) is greater than 0 then
    repeat with thisFolder from 1 to count of items in subFolders
    set processSubFolder to item thisFolder of subFolders as string
    my digDeeper(processSubFolder)
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell
    end digDeeper
    on changeColors(myFolder)
    set fileColorList to {greys:{"Folders", "mpg", "pages", "keynote", "numbers", "mpeg", "bmp", "wma", "c", "cpp", "dmg", "doc", "asf", "jpg", "jpeg", "ram", "h", "hpp", "mpkg", "iso", "bin", "ppt", "pps", "bundle", "mov", "qt", "gif", "aif", "aiff", "htm", "html", "hqx", "tar", "xls", "mp4", "rgb", "rgba", "pcm", "js", "css", "cgi", "pkg", "gz", "z", "tgz", "localized", "pdf", "avi", "tif", "tiff", "mp3", "m", "zip", "eps", "ai", "wmv", "mkv", "m2ts", "mov", "ts", "rar", "png", "wav", "scpt", "tbz", "bz2", "dat", "txt", "prefs", "rm", "ram", "rcproject", "ra", "psd", "pl", "xml", "plist", "sit", "rar", "torrent", "rtf", "rtfd"}}
    tell application "Finder"
    set (label index of every file of item myFolder whose name extension is in greys of fileColorList) to 7
    end try
    end tell
    end changeColors
    Thanks for any help!

    Your folder action script doesn't work because of one simple error:
    set label index of every item of entire contents of processFolder to 7
    Nowhere in your script is 'processFolder' defined, so AppleScript has no idea what you're trying to do.
    Given that you (correctly) iterate through added_items, the correct format would be:
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
      repeat with item_ in added_items
        tell application "Finder"
          set label index of item_ to 7
        end tell
      end repeat
    end adding folder items to
    In other words, this changes the label index of each item just added.
    That should work provided you're dropping files into this folder. If you're dropping folders then this would set the label index of the folder itself, but not necessarily the items within that folder. For that you'd need to add a check to see if item_ was a folder and add code to handle folders.
    Also note that this kind of folder action will only work on the folder itself - that is, if you have folder A that contains subfolder B, then dropping a file into subfolder B won't trigger the script and won't change that item's label. To do that you'd have to attach your folder action to subfolder B.

  • Can I Set Submix Label Color

    I would like to be able to set the label color as can be done with tracks, and clips.  At the moment, all the submix tracks are the default green.
    Is there a way to set the label color? 
    In the manual, there is only a mention that the submix tracks have a color label, but no mention on how to change it, and cntl-click does not review a pop-up menu, and using the "Multitrack > Track Color" menu, has no effect.
    To me, is seems if a track has a color label, I should be able to change it...
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    its still not working.
    i have the following:
    panelColorCode.setLayout(new Gridlayout(0, 2));
    ....add(new Label("Colour code"));
    ....add(new Label.. these are both white backgrounds
    ....add(new Label... ditto
    ....add(new Label....
    this last line sets the whole panel to gray, but i just want the last label to be greyed out. is this possible, am i being dim?
    thanks again for help

  • Flash Chart Labels Overlap

    I have created the 3D Pie Flash Chart in APEX 3.2. The labels overlap each other where the pie slice is small. Is there a way for me to fix this issue?

    Hi Anil,
    I have seen similar behaviors in 2D Column Charts. What I have found is that most often, for me, the issue has been that the chart is not wide enough. This is not specifically an APEX issue but rather a Flash issue. When the chart exceeds the dimensions that you specify for the chart, the charting engine must squish some part of the chart. Most often, the labels are what get removed, in my experience.
    There are options to investigate this. You can make the chart wider in APEX and see if the problem goes away. You could rotate your X-Axis text by 45 degrees or so to see if they all appear. I have also seen the labels appear when you use your browser to zoom feature. This is a Flash behavior as well. If you zoom your browser to 200%, you may see more of your labels.
    Finally, it would appear from your sample data set, that you may not be getting stacked column. Is that the case? If you are getting a single column for each record in your data set, then you probably have 36 columns on your chart which is a lot. You will need to make the chart very wide in APEX and possibly rotate the labels.
    If you need help with anything else, just ask.

  • Sets of unknown string is displayed after flash update program

    We have HP laserjet 1213nf MFP printer installed in network. But for some reason after updating HP flash update program related to the printer and after restarting the printer. We have came accross different error displayed on screen.Hence we are unable to reconffigure the printer as per our network settings.
    below is the set of strings displayed in two line
    1 set
    2nd set
    09/05/12 03:23
    Pls. help us resolve this issue.

    What is the process name you see hanging?
    Anyway, to avoid that use the offline installers
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

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