Link won't open

I'm trying to open a link on my schools website to do a homework assignment but the link keeps saying error and it works on my phone. I think it might have something to do with firewall or a setting in my computer?

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    Hi All,
    We have had a few bug reports related to Adobe Reader X protected mode coming in from you in this forum. We have addressed a large number of them in our upcoming Reader update and we would like to hear your feedback.
    To that extent, we would like to invite you to the Adobe Reader Prerelease program and try out the latest build. To participate, please fill in the form available at interest and indicate Adobe Reader as the product of your interest.
    We look forward to your active participation, feedback and help towards making Reader a better product.
    Thanks and regards,
    Adobe Prerelease Team

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    * [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

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    Can anyone help me? Thank you very much in advance.
    J (usernames were all taken so I have symbols!)

    Moving this discussion to the Acrobat Installation & Update Issues forum.

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    First of all click Safari/Reset Safari, next click Safari/Preferences/Extensions and turn off extensions. The re-test
    If the problem persists, try using safari in safe mode:
    Use this link to see how to do this:
    If Safari works ok in safe mode, then your problem points to something 3rd party related.
    Have a look at this:
    I hope this helps

  • Links won't open

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    Really stuck with firefox won't open most links when i click on them. It seems to be more of a problem with the links that are represented by graphics, i.e. a button that says "browse" when going to upload photos.
    Sometimes i can right click and choose open link in new tab etc but it doesn't always work. I'm working on a MacBook Pro running on sno leopard and have tried every setting i can find but still no joy.
    It must be something to do with the settings rather than a fault, as when i log into my own account on the same mac (instead of my partners) it works fine.
    Please could you suggest what i could do to fix this.
    Many Thanks

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    * Use "Disable all add-ons" on the [[Safe mode]] start window to disable all extensions.
    * Close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")

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    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after It shuts down, press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).

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    I'm trying to experiment with the different ways of opening links: New Window, Whole Page, Same Frame, etc.
    Yesterday the different variations worked the way they should, but today every link in the TOC opens as if set to "Default (none)".
    As for Links on topic pages, "New Window" opens a new tab, and "Whole Page" seems to go to Default (including the sidebar, which I gather should not be there).
    Any ideas?
    -- Shawn

    Responsive or Multiscreen?
    For the HTML5 version, the frame options for links won't work.
    New Window should open a new tab. That is as expected.
    The rest will work like a regular link.
    The frame options really are just for WebHelp only. And only the new window and whole page make any sense.
    Kind regards,

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    Hi, Ed2345.  I apologize for clicking the "Correct Answer" button accidentally.  Firefox already has ITunes listed as the default player for "Winamp playlist files" which are .pls files.  I've gone to a few radio stations, some with AAC streams and some with mp3 streams and the results have been the same.  ITunes should be starting for these Winamp playlist files, but that's not happening.  How can I add the equivalent of a file extension setting in the browser?  These seem to be organized by MIME type.  Can I add an extension handler, or perhaps is there a MIME type missing?  If so, how do I add it in Firefox?  I don't see a "New" button.

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    But it works "Open Link in New Tap." why is that?

    I have the same problem. Tried to disable popupblocker, no change of behaviour. Tried to disable the adblock addon, no change in behaviour.
    The rightclick and open in new tab/window only work for direct links. When the link is pointing to a java script that is supposed to open a new window, nothing works...

  • SWF links won't open in Dreamweaver preview

    I'm kinda new to flash and feeling my way around things, but I've run into a snag and haven't found an answer on any forums yet.
    I've created a navigation bar for a website using movie clips with nested animation and I made those movie clips links to different pages in my website.
    When I preview the file in Flash CS3, the links work fine. However, when I preview the SWF file in the the webpage built in dreamweaver, the links won't act like links anymore.
    This is my code to handle the link:
    var urlRequest:URLRequest =
        new URLRequest('iengine.html');
        (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoLinkHandler);
    function gotoLinkHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void{
    Am I making a common mistake? Or is there something else I need to help flash integrate with dreamweaver?
    Thanks so much for any help!

    You need to name the links in the Flash file as if it were living in the same folder as the html file that holds it... essentially because when you load it into that file, that file becomes its relative reference for loading/targeting.

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    Will people visiting the site have the same issue?
    If so is there a universal solution so my client won't lose business due to this issue?

    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after It shuts down, press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).

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    Please post the link so we can look it over.

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