Linking a cel out of numbers with pages

How do i link dynamically a cel out of numbers in pages.
I want that the value of a specific cel in numbers is visible in pages, and when i change a value in numbers that effects that cel, the result is also visible in pages.
Message was edited by: toon titulaer

When we copy a block of cells (E12:L30) then paste it in Pages, cells are 'renamed'.
The top_left cell of the block becomes A1.
If a cell in a colum A thru D was referenced in the copied block, we get the red triangle because the formula is ponting to an illegal address.
The workaround is simple:
Select the block
Copy it
Paste values on itself
Paste in Pages
Back to Numbers
Undo Paste so the original formulas will be restaured.
Last year, I asked Apple to change the Edit Menu this way:
replace Paste Values by Copy Values.
It would cange nothing for the standard copy/paste
When we need to paste values,
the protocol Copy / Paste Values
would be replaced by Copy Values / Paste
So it would change nothing in Numbers but it would solve the problem which you described.
It was not applied by Apple.
You may
_Go to "Provide Numbers Feedback" in the "Numbers" menu_, ask for such a feature.
Then, cross your fingers, and wait _at least_ for iWork'10
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 4 mars 2009 19:38:31)

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    When we copy a block of cells (E12:L30) then paste it in Pages, cells are 'renamed'.
    The top_left cell of the block becomes A1.
    If a cell in a colum A thru D was referenced in the copied block, we get the red triangle because the formula is ponting to an illegal address.
    The workaround is simple:
    Select the block
    Copy it
    Paste values on itself
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    Back to Numbers
    Undo Paste so the original formulas will be restaured.
    Last year, I asked Apple to change the Edit Menu this way:
    replace Paste Values by Copy Values.
    It would cange nothing for the standard copy/paste
    When we need to paste values,
    the protocol Copy / Paste Values
    would be replaced by Copy Values / Paste
    So it would change nothing in Numbers but it would solve the problem which you described.
    It was not applied by Apple.
    You may
    _Go to "Provide Numbers Feedback" in the "Numbers" menu_, ask for such a feature.
    Then, cross your fingers, and wait _at least_ for iWork'10
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 4 mars 2009 19:38:31)

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    Apple has removed over 90 features from Pages 5. 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Archive/trash Pages 5, after Exporting your files to Pages '09, and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

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    Option-tab makes sense and can be done with the left hand's thumb/forefinger.
    Using tab was always arse-backwards as it defeated the use of tab within the table cell.
    Best to use both for what they always do:
    Option tab or an arrow key (singular) to jump cells
    tab to jump to the next tab in the text wherever it is within or without cells.
    The contrary precedence was set by Microsoft and was a bad idea. In good UI you do not have shortucts reverse roles such that you need to pay excessive attention to the context.

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    One thing you might try (if you haven't already) is to pretend you are printing your numbers document, but after you press the "Print..." button (perhaps after doing the "Print setup" thing) do "Save as PDF" instead of just printing it.  Presumably, this gives you the PDF that is used to do the print job.

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    This is just one of over 90 features Apple has removed from Pages 5. 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Archive/trash Pages 5 and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

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    Type '''about:config''' in the Location (address) bar and press the "Enter" key. When you see a warning, click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''' button.
    * Preferences that have been modified are shown as '''bold (user set)'''.
    * Preferences can be '''Reset to the default''' or changed via the right-click context menu.
    -> In the '''Filter bar''', type '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries'''
    * Right click the preference '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries''' and click '''Modify'''
    * Change value from 0 to whatever you want over 0 (Default value is 50)
    * click OK
    -> Close the '''about:config''' tab and then Restart Firefox.
    See this post:
    Check and tell if its working.

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    Thanks in advance.

    may you give details?
    I'm not sure that I understood well.
    Are you asking about formulas referencing cells in a single table or cells in a different table ?
    If you want to show the formulas, select the group of cells, apply the format text, copy then paste in the Pages document.
    If you want to paste the values, duplicate the source table copy the cells to transfer
    paste values in th duplicate table
    select agai
    copy then paste in Pages.
    For this task, I asked Apple for a slight change.
    At this time, in Numbers we have
    three menu items linked to the task:
    paste values.
    I wish that they would be replaced by
    copy values
    Which this new set, there will be no true change in the way we would use Numbers itself but it would became easy to paste values in an other application like Pages or Keynote.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 16 janvier 2008 14:56:48)

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    Having said that is there a way to copy only the content from numbers to pages?
    I ask this because i can think of no other way to copy and paste properly the table in question.
    You can clearly see here what i mean:
    What you see in the left is the pages document zoomed out to 75%. If you look closely you can see in the lower left of it the unkown data in the table. On the center right you can see the numbers document showing exactly like i want to appear in pages too.
    On this pic you can see that copy and pasting the entire table works:
    So...what's the catch?

    set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
    was THE script !
    Here is the enhanced version:
    Enregistrer le script en tant qu'Application ou Progiciel :
    déplacer l'application créée dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Pages et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Copier un bloc de cellules de Numbers dans le presse-papiers.
    Placer le curseur où vous voulez dans un document Pages (ce peut-être une cellule de table).
    menu Scripts > Pages > pasteValues
    Le script collera les valeurs seules.
    Save the script as an Application or an Application Bundle:
    Move the newly created application into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Pages:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Pages and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Copy a block of cells from Numbers in the clipboard.
    Put the cursor where you wish in a Pages document (it may be a cell of a table).
    menu Scripts > Pages > pasteValues
    The script will paste the values only.
    Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
    le 18 novembre 2008
    property theApp : "Pages"
    on run
    set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
    on error (*
    • The clipboard was empty *)
    end try
    my pasteIt()
    end run
    on pasteIt()
    tell application theApp to activate
    tell application "System Events" to tell (first process whose title is theApp)
    keystroke "v" using {command down}
    end tell
    end pasteIt
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 18 novembre 2008 18:53:50)

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    I've checked all the settings and can't see anythng that will cause the problem.
    My iphone is running IOS 6 and my Mac is running Mountain Lion 10.8.2
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    Many thanks in advance.

    Problems with buttons and links at the top of the page not working can be caused by an extension like the Yahoo! Toolbar or a Babylon extension that extents too much downwards and covers the top part of the browser window and thus makes links and buttons in that part of the screen not clickable.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

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    Hello jacquemac,
    Your first question:
    There might be a better way of achieving what you wish to do, but following these steps could help you out.
    You might want to blend in Thumbnails and Invisibles either with (cmd+shift+i and cmd+alt+p) or over the View section in the Menubar.
    1. go for Documents (right end of the Toolbar) -> Section
    2. place your cursor at the very top of your second page and click "Create new Section->Starting with this page" in the side bar on your right.
    (what you are actually doing next is setting the pagenumbers for each section you created. You can see your sections in the Thumbnail view.)
    3. click on your first page (the first and only page of your first section) and mark the checkbox "Hide on first page of section"
    4. click on your second page (the first page of your second section) and  "Insert page number" -> start at 1
    Your second question:
    Im not quite sure i understand what exactly you want to do here. One page, two columns, each column with another page number? As far as i know this is not possible.
    greetings jl

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    I wrote down everything I need and I've created a table of contents with page numbers.
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    In pages 5.0 these things are still working fine, but....
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    With the old pages, after exporting the document into a pdf, you could import it into iBooks on the iPad. In iBooks now you can touch a heading and you'll get on the right page.
    That was realy helpfull, 1 click and you could read the text on which you're interested.
    But with the new pages 5.0 this feature is deleted... or I do something wrong.
    Could anyone of you help me for getting this feature back, if I do something wrong?

    Well there is a standard body for EPUB -
    And, Apple furnishes the TEMPLATE - the Pages 09 TEMPLATE - automatically (supposedily) makes the TOC links which - then - you can export to EPUB.
    Again, the problem I'm daling with is that the Kindle for the iPad, does not see the TOC. It des see it in the Kindle Softward for the Mac - which is different - for some reason. I have authored two books on Pages but Amazon converts my EPUB file to fit the Kindle device itself.

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    Sorry I didn't get the tip link right: Change page number style

  • Adobe Reader - how to add page numbers with the free version?

    Hey guys,
    Imagine I've got a PDF file and I want to create a new one by selecting some pages out of it. I know this is simply possible by using the PDFcreator but I want to add page numbers. As far as I know this is not possible with the free version of Adobe unless I would add the page number on every single page by using a text box. I want to make different catalogs from the PDF so the page numbers are really necessary. Have you got any idea how to solve that issue? You know that's pretty much the only thing I need to add which means it's not worth buying the Pro version. Unfortunately I only got the PDF and I can't work on it e.g. with MS word before I export it. Do you know if there is a way to add page numbers with a free version? There might be an additional free software which allows that?
    Thanks for your support! 

    Thanks for your quick replies.
    I know how to add text page by page. But obviously it's hard to place the numbers on the very same position, is it?

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