Linux 3.0 and madwifi

Hi everybody,
I was trying to update my archlinux which implies the update of the kernel. However, I'm not able to update it because of the madwifi which requires the kernel26.
I've got this error:
:: madwifi: requiert kernel26>=2.6.39
:: madwifi: requiert kernel26<2.6.40
Someone has a solution please ?

pi4n0zik wrote:The menu.lst is (and could be) the same. However, the /boot is totaly different. initramfs are missing. I don't if seant_tre has the same issues
Hy..i red the bost only now... well..
here is my /boot :
drwxr-xr-x 2 root    1024 28 ago 13.45 grub
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root      28  9 ago 11.23 kernel26-fallback.img -> initramfs-linux-fallback.img
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root      19  9 ago 11.23 kernel26.img -> initramfs-linux.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 8389826  2 ott 19.45 kernel26-lts-fallback.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 2008620  2 ott 19.45 kernel26-lts.img
drwx------ 2 root   12288  3 apr  2011 lost+found
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 1574430 30 ago 09.02 System.map26-lts
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root      13  9 ago 11.23 vmlinuz26 -> vmlinuz-linux
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 2229328 30 ago 09.02 vmlinuz26-lts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 3020080 19 ott 10.30 vmlinuz-linux
and everytime i try to update or recompile or just mkinitpcmio i have:
[root@ArchStation boot]# mkinitcpio -p linux -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
==> Building image from preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
file: could not find any magic files!
==> ERROR: invalid kernel specifier: `/boot/vmlinuz-linux'
==> Building image from preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
file: could not find any magic files!
==> ERROR: invalid kernel specifier: `/boot/vmlinuz-linux'
really don't know what to do.
Actually, right now i am using 2.6.32-lts kernel to continue using arch...  maibe it causes that error?

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    Could not create JVM
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    Make sure you have IBM's Java 1.1.8 JRE/JDK installed on your server and $JAVA_HOME set. Check the Oracle installation instructions. One other problem with Red Hat 7.0. is that
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    Oracle 8i is not compile/link time compatible with glibc 2.2. It
    requires the glibc 2.1 compatibility SDK, i386-glibc-2.1-linux.tar.gz,
    to install under systems based on glibc 2.2, like RedHat 7.0.
    RedHat 7.0 ships with glibc 2.2. Oracle compiles with glibc 2.1. See the problem here? The good folks at have created a compatiblitly SDK that will "fix" Redhat so you can install Oracle 8i. Go to the following link to learn more: - This is the instructions for installing the patch. Return to this document at Step 4, where they tell you to "Install Oracle 8i." - This is the actual SDK.

  • Does any one help me. I tried to install Oracel 8.1.5 on RedHat Linux 7.0 and failed.

    I am running my system with RedHat Linux 7.0 and tried to install Oracle 8.1.5.
    I extracted jre required files and when i tried to start ./ from install/linux directory it is giving me an error Unable to initalize threads: cannot find class Java/lang/Thread
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    i tried 3 times and i ended up here and i need instruction to sort out the problem as earlier as possible.pls do advice me in this.

    Vijaya zi,
    Are you still having problem..with this..let me know??
    first of all 8.1.7 , or 8.1.6. 8.1.5 neither one of these are certified to work with linux 7.0 Redhat.
    Secondly there is a work around you could try..assuming that you have set the enviroment varaible and JVM corrent..( let me know if you need help with this)
    here u go...
    There is this linux gnu lib file which oracle is looking for which was there in 6.x and not in 7.0.
    However if you have upgraded from 6.X linux to 7.0 then it will work..
    for some reason it is looking for this glibc file.
    either way the oracle message it is giving is not relavant...
    it is just not going to work...unless you find a way to implement that glibc file..
    I had link..which talk about the work around..
    RedHat 7.0 issues
    RedHat 7.0 ships with glibc 2.2. Oracle compiles with glibc 2.1. See the problem here? The good folks at have created a compatiblitly SDK that will "fix" Redhat so you can install Oracle 8i. Go to the following link to learn more: -
    This is the instructions for installing the patch. Return to this document at Step 4, where they tell you to "Install Oracle 8i." -
    This is the actual SDK.
    The procedure for RedHat 7.0 is not officially approved by Oracle. If you are putting a mchine into production, I would strongly recommend sticking with RedHat 6.2 instead (and patching the security holes in it). There are other problems with RedHat 7.0 that extend beyond Oracle. Personally, I'm waiting for 7.1 before I think hard about migrating
    hope this help...
    Good Luck

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    Solved for me.
    I set the owner/permissions of my profile's mozilla folder's (and all the files in it) to read/write access, and the problem disappeared.
    in linux:''
    * cd /home/myusername/.mozilla
    * chown -cR myusername:mygroup ./
    * chmod -cR +rw ./
    '''Never do that with root privs (nor with sudo)'''

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    I always get this, like it cannot find the install directory, I was wireshark on the linux boot server and see loads of NFS traffic after the TFTP download, but cannot seem to see what part it actually at. I have a detailed log at the bottom from putty. Any help greatly appreciated.Cheers
    ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
    /sbin/install-discovery: information: not found
    Linux box setup:
    solaris root= rootopts=rsize=32768 boottype=:in install= sysid_config= install_config=
    TFTP setup from /tftpboot:
    [root@robert tftpboot]# ll
    total 232
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jun 10 13:55 C0A80214 -> inetboot
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 221280 Jun 10 13:47 inetboot
    The Openboot can get ahold of the inetboot file and downloads and it and then loads it.
    The following directories are exported through NFS
    [root@robert sunos_install]# cat /etc/exports
    /home/sunos *(ro,no_root_squash)
    /home/sunos_install *(ro,no_root_squash)
    [root@robert tftpboot]# showmount -e localhost
    Export list for localhost:
    /home/sunos *
    /home/sunos_install *
    In /home/sunos, I have:
    [root@robert sunos]# tree -L 2
    |-- Solaris_10
    | `-- Tools
    |-- boot
    | |-- hsfs.bootblock
    | `-- sparc.miniroot
    `-- lost+found
    In /home/sunos_install, I have:
    [root@robert sunos_install]# tree -L 2
    |-- Solaris_10
    | `-- Product
    |-- jumpstart
    | |-- jumpstart.conf
    | `-- sysidcfg
    `-- lost+found
    [root@robert jumpstart]# cat jumpstart.conf
    install_type initial_install
    system_type server
    partitioning explicit
    filesys any 2000 /
    filesys any 1500 swap
    filesys any 1500 /var
    filesys any 2000 /opt
    geo N_America
    cluster SUNWCreq
    package SUNWgzip add
    package SUNWless add
    package SUNWman add
    package SUNWbash add
    package SUNWtcsh add
    package SUNWzsh add
    [root@robert jumpstart]# cat sysidcfg
    { hostname=js-test
    Putty log file from console:
    root server: (
    root directory: /home/sunos/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix: text at [0x1000000, 0x10a096d] data at 0x1800000
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/genunix: text at [0x10a0970, 0x12615bf] data at 0x1867cc0
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/misc/sparcv9/platmod: text at [0x12615c0, 0x12615c7] data at 0x18bdf80
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/cpu/sparcv9/SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi: text at [0x1261600, 0x126da07] data at 0x18be680
    SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
    Copyright 1983-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    \|/Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b4
    -Using default device instance data
    \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/mem = 1048576K (0x40000000)
    avail mem = 846602240
    root nexus = Netra t1 (UltraSPARC-IIi 440MHz)
    pseudo0 at root
    pseudo0 is /pseudo
    scsi_vhci0 at root
    scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci
    ramdisk0 at root
    ramdisk0 is /ramdisk-root
    root on /ramdisk-root:a fstype ufs
    pseudo-device: dld0
    dld0 is /pseudo/dld@0
    pcipsy0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
    pcipsy0 is /pci@1f,0
    PCI-device: pci@1,1, simba0
    simba0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1
    SUNW,hme0 : PCI IO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
    SUNW,hme0 : Local Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b4
    PCI-device: network@1,1, hme0
    hme0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1
    SUNW,hme1 : PCI IO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
    SUNW,hme1 : Local Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b5
    PCI-device: network@3,1, hme1
    hme1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@3,1
    PCI-device: ebus@1, ebus0
    ebus0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1
    su0 at ebus0: offset 14,3803f8
    su0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3803f8
    cpu0: UltraSPARC-IIi (portid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x91 clock 440 MHz)
    iscsi0 at root
    iscsi0 is /iscsi
    |pseudo-device: zfs0
    zfs0 is /pseudo/zfs@0
    Configuring devices.
    /pseudo-device: devinfo0
    devinfo0 is /pseudo/devinfo@0
    PCI-device: pci@1, simba1
    simba1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1
    pseudo-device: pseudo1
    pseudo1 is /pseudo/zconsnex@1
    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1 (hme0) online
    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2 (glm0):
    Rev. 3 Symbios 53c875 found.
    PCI-device: scsi@2, glm0
    glm0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2
    PCI-device: pci@1, pci_pci0
    pci_pci0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1
    su1 at ebus0: offset 14,3602f8
    su1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3602f8
    ecpp0 at ebus0: offset 14,340278
    ecpp0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/ecpp@14,340278
    pseudo-device: fssnap0
    fssnap0 is /pseudo/fssnap@0
    pseudo-device: ramdisk1024
    ramdisk1024 is /pseudo/ramdisk@1024
    sd0 at glm0: target 1 lun 0
    sd0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2/sd@1,0
    pseudo-device: winlock0
    winlock0 is /pseudo/winlock@0
    pseudo-device: llc10
    llc10 is /pseudo/llc1@0
    pseudo-device: lofi0
    lofi0 is /pseudo/lofi@0
    pseudo-device: fcp0
    fcp0 is /pseudo/fcp@0
    pseudo-device: fcsm0
    fcsm0 is /pseudo/fcsm@0
    pseudo-device: trapstat0
    trapstat0 is /pseudo/trapstat@0
    pseudo-device: pool0
    pool0 is /pseudo/pool@0
    pseudo-device: mem_cache0
    mem_cache0 is /pseudo/mem_cache@0
    pseudo-device: fcode0
    fcode0 is /pseudo/fcode@0
    -\i2c0 at ebus0: offset 14,600000
    i2c1 at ebus0: offset 14,100000
    i2cadc0 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x9E, name=bus,address="0,9e"
    i2cadc0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/adc@0,9e
    i2cgpio0 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x70, name=bus,address="0,70"
    i2cgpio0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/gpio@0,70
    i2cgpio1 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x72, name=bus,address="0,72"
    i2cgpio1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/gpio@0,72
    |/-\|/-\|/-Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
    Attempting to configure interface hme1...
    \|/-\|/-WARNING: hme1: fault detected in device; service degraded
    WARNING: hme1: No response from Ethernet network : Link down -- cable problem?
    \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-Skipped interface hme1
    Attempting to configure interface hme0...
    Configured interface hme0
    ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
    /sbin/install-discovery: information: not found

    rmcnaught48 wrote:
    I am trying to learn Solaris as a student. I bought a SPARC (Netra T105 UltrasparcII) server on ebay which requires a network install as there is no cd-rom, or keyboard.
    I only have a linux box (like I said, I'm a stingy student) to use as an install server, there is a few tutorials out there to try and do this, but none for Solaris 10. I have been hacking away at this for days, but cannot get it to install. I have the sparc server using RARP and then getting the /etc/bootparams file and downloading the boot files, but it does not get to locating the jumpstart files or the install files (I dont know if I can install from the terminal using the keyboard (without jumpstart) - I have not got that far yet).You can install using the keyboard with jumpstart. Without jumpstart you'd need local media (you can't enter the OS via the keyboard).
    I always get this, like it cannot find the install directory, I was wireshark on the linux boot server and see loads of NFS traffic after the TFTP download, but cannot seem to see what part it actually at. I have a detailed log at the bottom from putty. Any help greatly appreciated.Cheers
    ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
    /sbin/install-discovery: information: not foundHmm. That looks like the image file is corrupt. Can you pull the image from media again? Can you see if there's a /sbin/install-discovery file in the image (usually under Tools/Boot/root). I recall there used to be a problem with that file.
    Linux box setup:
    solaris root= rootopts=rsize=32768 boottype=:in install= sysid_config= install_config= you just want an interactive install (prompt for configuration/settings), you don't need sysid_config or install_config. Those are for automated installations.
    TFTP setup from /tftpboot:
    [root@robert tftpboot]# ll
    total 232
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jun 10 13:55 C0A80214 -> inetboot
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 221280 Jun 10 13:47 inetboot
    The Openboot can get ahold of the inetboot file and downloads and it and then loads it.
    The following directories are exported through NFS
    [root@robert sunos_install]# cat /etc/exports
    /home/sunos *(ro,no_root_squash)
    /home/sunos_install *(ro,no_root_squash)
    [root@robert tftpboot]# showmount -e localhost
    Export list for localhost:
    /home/sunos *
    /home/sunos_install *That looks pretty good.
    You do have the option of running VMware on linux, and putting a Solaris 10 image on it, then using that VM as your boot server. But the problem you're displaying doesn't appear to be related to the linux server.

  • Linux 9.0 and j2re-1_4_2_06 or jre-1_5_0_01 HELP Please!

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    I upgraded to jre-1_5_0_01 and did the same with the plugin after deleting the one installed at my previous atempt and Firefox will not start at all in the desk top and if run in a shell it just opens a shell window and closes it again. I tried to install Limewire again and was told the same no jvm message.
    Can someone help please?

    I have now deleted all plugins from the fiefox plugin directory but just by clicking move to trash on a right click, I then put all of them back using the cut on right click and used the rm command in terminal
    to delete them all.
    I should say that I use Red Hat 9.0 here not Linux 9.0,.
    I then installed the Self-extracting Binary File and end up with the same problem, the only difference is that I installed it to my home folder, not /usr/java and I still get the same message.

  • How to get ati and madwifi to work with custom kernel??

    Hi. I just built emission-sources from aur package. How do I get ati-fglrx and madwifi to build against this custom kernel using pacman?
    any ideas?

    Cerebral wrote:Grab the PKGBUILD files for ati-fglrx or madwifi from abs (or cvs), change the name (to, say, ati-fglrx-emission and madwifi-emission) and change the kernel version variable (_kernver I think) to the output of uname -r when you're running the emission kernel.  Then run makepkg, and you've got a shiny new package.
    damn. thats sweet and easy.

  • ORA-01017: OS Authentication on Red Hat Linux 6.2 and Oracle 11gR2

    I am trying to eanble OS Authentication on Oracle installed on a Red Hat Linux Server 6.2 and it just does not work. When I try to login I always get the error ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    I have set the following Oracle parameters:
    remote_os_authent = TRUE
    os_authent_prefix = OPS$
    and i have created a linux user "oracle" and the Oracle user "OPS$oracle".
    I know that the parameter remote_os_authent in 11g is depricated but i thought that it still should work, just an error messages occures then i start the database but it runs as usual, just the OS Authentication does not seem to work.
    Does anyone knwo where the problem could be?
    Oracle said that remote_os_authent is depricated because as it is risky, i know that, but my database is in a secure environment without any connection to the internet. What other way would there be without using remote_os_authent?
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Regards Bernhard

    Thanks for the link, i found that i used a case sensitive user name as i created the user with "OPS$USERNAME" and this was why i cound not connect with that user.

  • Installing Grid Infrastructure fails on Oracle Linux 5.6 and 6.0

    Hi all,
    We are in the process of building our new enterprise environment and tried to install the following:
    Oracle Linux 6.0
    Grid Infrastructure
    Oracle RDBMS
    Installation of Grid Infrastructure failed on Oracle Linux 6.0 and 5.6 as well. Is it because it's not yet certified for these Oracle Linux versions? Where can we find compatibility matrixes or certification information to find out which versions do work together? Been trying to find them with no success.
    Thanks for any help!

    Dude wrote:
    I have recently installed Oracle including ASM, which also installs Grid infrastructure under Oracle Linux 5.6 (default UEK kernel) without any problems. I installed the oracle-validated package prior to the Oracle installation.OEL 5.6 and 11.2..02 Grid Infrastructure installation (for x86_64) failed in our case. Have opened a SR several weeks ago for it, but no resolution. We since reverted back to OEL 5.5 for building and running this specific RAC.
    There's also errors in OEL 5.6's Infiniband s/w stack. The openibd service fails to apply errata correctly because the o/s command used has since changed command line parameters. My guess is that testing happened solely on new h/w where this errata did not have to be applied, thus were not tested. Also, this service failed to start the srp_daemon (is critical for making sure that the storage layer works each and every time and does not cause stale connections that lead to command rejections from the storage server after a reboot of a RAC node)
    I not only had to fix the openibd service to correctly apply the errata, but also write a separate srpd service that dealt with starting up and shutting down the srp_daemon.
    Not very impressed with OEL 5.6 at all and it will be unlikely that we'll use it. And it raises a lot of concern whether OEL 6 would be a robust enough o/s for running our RAC systems.

  • Uninstall Oracle10g from RedHat Linux 5 Server and install Oracle11g

    Hi to all,
    I must uninstall Oracle 10g from Red Hat Linux 5 Server and then I must install Oracle 11g.
    How I can remove all things of Oracle10g for install after Oracle 11g?
    Thank you in advance,

    crystal13 wrote:
    Hi to all,
    I must uninstall Oracle 10g from Red Hat Linux 5 Server and then I must install Oracle 11g.
    How I can remove all things of Oracle10g for install after Oracle 11g?
    Thank you in advance,
    crystalCheck the following link

  • Do I need and how to secure the Unix/Linux agents authentication and communication to RMS?

    Hi everybody
    We have an environment including SCOM 2012 SP1, 10 windows server, 40 linux servers and 10 HP-UX servers. all of them are joined a trusted domain. I know the authentication method between windows agents and management server is kerberos. but not for linux and
    HP-UX servers.
    Now I want to secure the Unix/Linux agents authentication and communication to RMS. some questions:
    1- how much secure and credible is current authentication method? and in a high secure environment can I trust SCOM self signed Certificates?
    2- Considering this point that Unix/linux computers are joined to active directory domain and are using Kerberos to authenticate, can I use this
    authentication method between RMS and linux Agents? 
    3- if I make a decision to use certificates should I use gateway server? (considering all servers and RMS are in same trusted domain)
    any other suggestion?
    Thanks in advance


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    Google "R statistical language" (with quotes) for more results
    Try to start R via: <b>LANG=en_US R</b>

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Maybe you are looking for