Linux install server and solaris 10

I am trying to learn Solaris as a student. I bought a SPARC (Netra T105 UltrasparcII) server on ebay which requires a network install as there is no cd-rom, or keyboard.
I only have a linux box (like I said, I'm a stingy student) to use as an install server, there is a few tutorials out there to try and do this, but none for Solaris 10. I have been hacking away at this for days, but cannot get it to install. I have the sparc server using RARP and then getting the /etc/bootparams file and downloading the boot files, but it does not get to locating the jumpstart files or the install files (I dont know if I can install from the terminal using the keyboard (without jumpstart) - I have not got that far yet).
I always get this, like it cannot find the install directory, I was wireshark on the linux boot server and see loads of NFS traffic after the TFTP download, but cannot seem to see what part it actually at. I have a detailed log at the bottom from putty. Any help greatly appreciated.Cheers
ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
/sbin/install-discovery: information: not found
Linux box setup:
solaris root= rootopts=rsize=32768 boottype=:in install= sysid_config= install_config=
TFTP setup from /tftpboot:
[root@robert tftpboot]# ll
total 232
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jun 10 13:55 C0A80214 -> inetboot
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 221280 Jun 10 13:47 inetboot
The Openboot can get ahold of the inetboot file and downloads and it and then loads it.
The following directories are exported through NFS
[root@robert sunos_install]# cat /etc/exports
/home/sunos *(ro,no_root_squash)
/home/sunos_install *(ro,no_root_squash)
[root@robert tftpboot]# showmount -e localhost
Export list for localhost:
/home/sunos *
/home/sunos_install *
In /home/sunos, I have:
[root@robert sunos]# tree -L 2
|-- Solaris_10
| `-- Tools
|-- boot
| |-- hsfs.bootblock
| `-- sparc.miniroot
`-- lost+found
In /home/sunos_install, I have:
[root@robert sunos_install]# tree -L 2
|-- Solaris_10
| `-- Product
|-- jumpstart
| |-- jumpstart.conf
| `-- sysidcfg
`-- lost+found
[root@robert jumpstart]# cat jumpstart.conf
install_type initial_install
system_type server
partitioning explicit
filesys any 2000 /
filesys any 1500 swap
filesys any 1500 /var
filesys any 2000 /opt
geo N_America
cluster SUNWCreq
package SUNWgzip add
package SUNWless add
package SUNWman add
package SUNWbash add
package SUNWtcsh add
package SUNWzsh add
[root@robert jumpstart]# cat sysidcfg
{ hostname=js-test
Putty log file from console:
root server: (
root directory: /home/sunos/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix: text at [0x1000000, 0x10a096d] data at 0x1800000
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/genunix: text at [0x10a0970, 0x12615bf] data at 0x1867cc0
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/misc/sparcv9/platmod: text at [0x12615c0, 0x12615c7] data at 0x18bdf80
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/cpu/sparcv9/SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi: text at [0x1261600, 0x126da07] data at 0x18be680
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
\|/Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b4
-Using default device instance data
\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/mem = 1048576K (0x40000000)
avail mem = 846602240
root nexus = Netra t1 (UltraSPARC-IIi 440MHz)
pseudo0 at root
pseudo0 is /pseudo
scsi_vhci0 at root
scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci
ramdisk0 at root
ramdisk0 is /ramdisk-root
root on /ramdisk-root:a fstype ufs
pseudo-device: dld0
dld0 is /pseudo/dld@0
pcipsy0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
pcipsy0 is /pci@1f,0
PCI-device: pci@1,1, simba0
simba0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1
SUNW,hme0 : PCI IO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
SUNW,hme0 : Local Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b4
PCI-device: network@1,1, hme0
hme0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1
SUNW,hme1 : PCI IO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
SUNW,hme1 : Local Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b5
PCI-device: network@3,1, hme1
hme1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@3,1
PCI-device: ebus@1, ebus0
ebus0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1
su0 at ebus0: offset 14,3803f8
su0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3803f8
cpu0: UltraSPARC-IIi (portid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x91 clock 440 MHz)
iscsi0 at root
iscsi0 is /iscsi
|pseudo-device: zfs0
zfs0 is /pseudo/zfs@0
Configuring devices.
/pseudo-device: devinfo0
devinfo0 is /pseudo/devinfo@0
PCI-device: pci@1, simba1
simba1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1
pseudo-device: pseudo1
pseudo1 is /pseudo/zconsnex@1
/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1 (hme0) online
/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2 (glm0):
Rev. 3 Symbios 53c875 found.
PCI-device: scsi@2, glm0
glm0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2
PCI-device: pci@1, pci_pci0
pci_pci0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1
su1 at ebus0: offset 14,3602f8
su1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3602f8
ecpp0 at ebus0: offset 14,340278
ecpp0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/ecpp@14,340278
pseudo-device: fssnap0
fssnap0 is /pseudo/fssnap@0
pseudo-device: ramdisk1024
ramdisk1024 is /pseudo/ramdisk@1024
sd0 at glm0: target 1 lun 0
sd0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2/sd@1,0
pseudo-device: winlock0
winlock0 is /pseudo/winlock@0
pseudo-device: llc10
llc10 is /pseudo/llc1@0
pseudo-device: lofi0
lofi0 is /pseudo/lofi@0
pseudo-device: fcp0
fcp0 is /pseudo/fcp@0
pseudo-device: fcsm0
fcsm0 is /pseudo/fcsm@0
pseudo-device: trapstat0
trapstat0 is /pseudo/trapstat@0
pseudo-device: pool0
pool0 is /pseudo/pool@0
pseudo-device: mem_cache0
mem_cache0 is /pseudo/mem_cache@0
pseudo-device: fcode0
fcode0 is /pseudo/fcode@0
-\i2c0 at ebus0: offset 14,600000
i2c1 at ebus0: offset 14,100000
i2cadc0 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x9E, name=bus,address="0,9e"
i2cadc0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/adc@0,9e
i2cgpio0 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x70, name=bus,address="0,70"
i2cgpio0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/gpio@0,70
i2cgpio1 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x72, name=bus,address="0,72"
i2cgpio1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/gpio@0,72
|/-\|/-\|/-Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
Attempting to configure interface hme1...
\|/-\|/-WARNING: hme1: fault detected in device; service degraded
WARNING: hme1: No response from Ethernet network : Link down -- cable problem?
\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-Skipped interface hme1
Attempting to configure interface hme0...
Configured interface hme0
ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
/sbin/install-discovery: information: not found

rmcnaught48 wrote:
I am trying to learn Solaris as a student. I bought a SPARC (Netra T105 UltrasparcII) server on ebay which requires a network install as there is no cd-rom, or keyboard.
I only have a linux box (like I said, I'm a stingy student) to use as an install server, there is a few tutorials out there to try and do this, but none for Solaris 10. I have been hacking away at this for days, but cannot get it to install. I have the sparc server using RARP and then getting the /etc/bootparams file and downloading the boot files, but it does not get to locating the jumpstart files or the install files (I dont know if I can install from the terminal using the keyboard (without jumpstart) - I have not got that far yet).You can install using the keyboard with jumpstart. Without jumpstart you'd need local media (you can't enter the OS via the keyboard).
I always get this, like it cannot find the install directory, I was wireshark on the linux boot server and see loads of NFS traffic after the TFTP download, but cannot seem to see what part it actually at. I have a detailed log at the bottom from putty. Any help greatly appreciated.Cheers
ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
/sbin/install-discovery: information: not foundHmm. That looks like the image file is corrupt. Can you pull the image from media again? Can you see if there's a /sbin/install-discovery file in the image (usually under Tools/Boot/root). I recall there used to be a problem with that file.
Linux box setup:
solaris root= rootopts=rsize=32768 boottype=:in install= sysid_config= install_config= you just want an interactive install (prompt for configuration/settings), you don't need sysid_config or install_config. Those are for automated installations.
TFTP setup from /tftpboot:
[root@robert tftpboot]# ll
total 232
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jun 10 13:55 C0A80214 -> inetboot
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 221280 Jun 10 13:47 inetboot
The Openboot can get ahold of the inetboot file and downloads and it and then loads it.
The following directories are exported through NFS
[root@robert sunos_install]# cat /etc/exports
/home/sunos *(ro,no_root_squash)
/home/sunos_install *(ro,no_root_squash)
[root@robert tftpboot]# showmount -e localhost
Export list for localhost:
/home/sunos *
/home/sunos_install *That looks pretty good.
You do have the option of running VMware on linux, and putting a Solaris 10 image on it, then using that VM as your boot server. But the problem you're displaying doesn't appear to be related to the linux server.

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    Please check the above in order to isolate the problem. The link to the Oracle documentation in the one of the previous replies will let you verify the vm.cfg file to check if you have configured bridged networking (default).
    Posts about the same issue in different forums are usually not welcome here and the forum moderator might lock the thread. If you already have a thread I suggest you provide the link here in order for us to see what has already been done and make a note in the the old thread to continue here.

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    The script which Ur talking about is used for unattended remote installation provided both the machines are in the same subnet JUMP start installation thats what it is called in solaris.
    Setup_install_server script copies the content of the installtion CD to a machine which would act as a install server for a client which is being initiated for unattended installation,like wise UR suppose to setup an configuration server with configuration information,system identification sysidcfg file
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    Excellent. So we can see that the RARP has completed (sucessfully it appears), but the TFTP step has not. Perhaps the TFTP server isn't running properly.
    Now I see what's going on. You're running Solaris 10 on the machine, but you're trying to jumpstart Solaris 9. That's fine, but those older scripts don't understand how to start Solaris 10 services.
    It's very likely that the 'add_install_client' script populated /etc/inetd.conf and HUP'ed inetd to start the TFTP server. That's not sufficient.
    You probably have some lines in /var/adm/messages saying that you have to run 'inetconv'. Run that and you should get a tftp service. (Check by running 'svcs -a | grep tftp'). With that in place, the boot should proceed.
    (In answer to your other question, yes this is a combination boot and jumpstart server. Thats what you get when you run 'setup_install_server' and you don't use the '-b' flag to make it only a boot server).

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    V CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Edited by: syscare on Jan 22, 2008 4:37 AM

    syscare wrote:
    i have set up a Solaris 10 box, and created an install server for solaris 9, when booting the client i get a RARP reply
    but then it sits and festers doing nothing ? Easiest way to troubleshoot is to snoop the client from the server, then see what the last traffic you see is before it hangs.
    The normal sequence is:

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    My setup is:
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    The dhpc server is configured according to the instructions which are
    given when adding an install client in Solaris 10.
    The client can communicate with the install and boot server but fails
    to load the boot image. The snoop output is
    Using device /dev/iprb0 (promiscuous mode)
    cdm3 -> cdm2 ICMP Echo request (ID: 48130 Sequence number: 0)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Read "nbp.cdm2" (octet)
    cdm3 -> cdm2 UDP D=2070 S=39122 LEN=22
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Error: not defined
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Read "nbp.cdm2" (octet)
    cdm3 -> cdm2 UDP D=2071 S=39123 LEN=23
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 0
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 1 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 1
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 2 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 2
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 3 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 3
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 4 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 4
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 5 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 5
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 6 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 6
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 7 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 7
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 8 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 8
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 9 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 9
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 10 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 10
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 11 (1456 bytes)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 11
    cdm3 -> cdm2 TFTP Data block 12 (172 bytes) (last block)
    cdm2 -> cdm3 TFTP Ack block 12
    cdm3 -> cdm2 ICMP Echo request (ID: 48130 Sequence number: 0)
    cdm3 -> cdm2 DHCP/BOOTP DHCPOFFER
    cdm3 -> cdm2 ICMP Echo request (ID: 48130 Sequence number: 0)
    cdm3 -> cdm2 DHCP/BOOTP DHCPOFFER
    cdm3 -> cdm2 ICMP Echo request (ID: 48130 Sequence number: 0)
    cdm3 -> cdm2 DHCP/BOOTP DHCPOFFER
    And then fails: i.e. it seems not to find the boot image.
    Any suggestions???

    I must have been too late previously. I got a whole host of output now.
    The boot clearly tries to get underway, but configs fail, such as the real
    boot file. I followed the instructions in the manual to setup the
    dhcp server but must be missing something.
    The output on the client is:
    PXE BIOS stack - 8cc006e8
    NBP ends at d108.
    Buffer starts at d110.
    Reserved memory starts at 8cc00.
    Buffer size is 522992 bytes.
    Checking !PXE structure at 9cf60070.
    UNDIROMID c08000020, BaseROMID 0
    StatusCallout 0
    SegDesCnt 7, FirstSelector 0
    Stack selector 8cc0, base 8cc00, size 800
    UNDIDate slelector 96d9, base 96d90, size 61d0
    UNDICode selector 9cf6 base 9cf690, size 2c40
    UNDICodeWrite selector 9cf6, bse 9cf690, size 2c40
    BC_Daate selector 8d40, base 8d400, size 3950
    BC_Code slecttor 90d5, base 90d50, size 603e
    BC_CodeWrite selector 90d5, bse 90d50, size 603e
    Valid !PXE passed in by BIOS.
    PXE is present
    Network boot dievice is PCI device 308, vendor ID 8060, device ID 1013
    get_cached_info discover succeeded:
    client IP: 0:0:0:0
    your IP: 0:0:0:0
    next server IP: 0:0:0:0
    relay agent IP: 0:0:0:0
    client MAC addr: 0:30:48:71:1c:44
    server name:
    boot file:
    get_cache_info ack succeeded:
    client IP: 0:0:0:0
    your IP:
    nextt server IP:
    relay agent IP: 0:0:0:0
    client MAC addr: 0:30:48:71:1c:44
    server name:
    boot file: nbp.cdm2
    Network bootstrap program server was
    Network bootstrap program file was nbp.cdm2.
    get_cached_info reply succeeded:
    client IP: 0:0:0:0
    Your IP:
    next server IP: 129.234.194:13
    relay agent IP: 0:0:0:0
    client MAC addr: 0:30:48:71:1c:44
    server name:
    boot file: nbp.cdm2
    client MAC address is 0:30:48:71:1c:44.
    PXENV_UDP_OPEN succeeded
    Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER for class ID SUNW.i86pc.
    PXENV_UDP_WRITE succeeded
    PXEENV_UDP_READ failed, reet = 1, status =1
    PXENV_UDP_READ failed, ret = 1, status = 1
    When I checked access dates on files
    in /tftpboot on the server I found that
    nbp.cdm2 (the link) and nbp.I86PC.Solaris_10-1
    had access times = time of boot attempt of client, but that
    inetboot.I86PC.Solaris_10-1 had not been touched.
    in the dhcp configuration there is no reference to inetboot.I86PC.Solaris_10-1 .
    Any further ideas ?

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    I am trying to configure a system under RedHat Enterprise 4.3 linux to jumpstart
    a Sun Ultra 60 and install Solaris 9. Web pages and SysAdmin 4/2005 article
    "Portable JumpStart Environment" have not addressed my problem. I am using
    Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.1. The bootblock is
    delivered to the sun client and executes.
    The entries in dhcpd.conf conform to those published in various Web
    pages and the article "Portable Jumpstart".
    The Solaris 9 OS distribution is exported thus:
    /wks xxx.xx.xx.0/24(ro,wdelay,no_root_squash,mountpoint)
    The load fails upon execution of .../Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/sbin/rcS
    I think the problem may be with NFS. The mount request of the
    exported filesystem appears to work:
    rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from sunxxx.xx.xx.xx:1023 for /wks/dist/sun/sparc/sunos5.9/9_404/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot (/wks)
    The first errors reported are:
    /sbin/rcS: /dev/null: cannot open
    /sbin/rcS: /dev/null cannot create
    I have captured the conversation between the linux jumpstart server and
    the Sun client using tcpdump: tcpdump -vvv -s 192 host server and client.
    I am not highly skilled at interpreting the tcpdump output; the cause of
    the failure is not obvious to me.
    I have successfully used a jumpstart server under Solaris 9 for quite some time. ISC DHCP is deployed on the Solaris jumpstart server.
    Thank you,
    D. Castellano

    While some have reported success doing this, I have heard of many failures. The common thread appears to be that when accessing device files, the Solaris client gets back something odd from the Linux NFS server.
    Certainly this was the case for every attempt I knew about from a 2.2 kernel and earlier. I have see success reports, but do not have details about exactly which kernel or NFS patches were present.
    This works fine from Network appliance and FreeBSD NFS servers, so I think there's some sticky point with the Linux NFS server that just doesn't handle the device files in the same manner.
    See this newsgroup post (and the accompanying thread). It contains some discovered issues and some Linux servers that are reported to work.

  • T5220 and Solaris 10 U6 -  Jumpstart problem

    Server T5220 booting and installing (Sol 10u6) from DVD without any problem.
    But when I try to install server via net I have problem.
    I prepared install server according doc (Solaris 10 8/07 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installation)
    Install server and client are Sun T5220, both are in one subnet
    When I try boot client I received error message:
    {0} ok boot net -v -s
    SPARC Enterprise T5220, No Keyboard
    Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    OpenBoot 4.29.0.a, 32640 MB memory available, Serial #xxxxxx.
    Ethernet address 0:14:4f:97:7a:xx, Host ID: 84977axx.
    Boot device: /pci@0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/pci@2/network@0 File and args: -v -s
    1000 Mbps full duplex Link up
    Requesting Internet Address for 0:14:4f:97:7a:xx
    Requesting Internet Address for 0:14:4f:97:7a:xx
    1000 Mbps full duplex Link up
    Internet address is:
    hostname: despina
    Found @ 0:14:4f:97:88:xx
    root server: tavros (
    root directory: /users/is/Solaris10_10_08/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot
    boot: cannot open kernel/sparcv9/unix
    Enter filename [kernel/sparcv9/unix]:
    Where is a problem ?

    I have a similar problem:
    1) mount DVD ISO image using lofiadm and mount -F hsfs # no problems
    2) ./setup_install_server to /jumpstart/OS/Solaris_10_2008-10 # completes normally
    3) cd to /jumpstart/OS/Solaris_10_2008-10/Solaris_10/Tools
    4) ./add_install_client -i $1 -e $2 -s $4:/jumpstart/OS/Solaris_10_2008-10 -p $4:/jumpstart/SYSIDCFG/Solaris_10 -c $4:/jumpstart -n $4:none\(\) $3 sun4u
    # I supply 1=IP, 2=MAC ,3=name , 4=server IP, also tried a T5140 sun4v server.
    5) on client I reset all, then 'boot -s -v' with the following results:
    cannot open neither boot_archive nor miniroot
    Enter filename [boot_archive]:
    Looking at the results from snoop, its appears to have trouble navigating/opening the sparc.miniroot in /jumpstart/OS/Solaris_10_2008-10/boot from the platform/sun4u/ sub-dir link.
    If I revert back to my 2008-05 build everything works. Is there anything I'm missing?

  • Use Sol8 intel as install server for NetraX1. possible?

    I spend several days trying to reinstall the Solaris 8 10/01 into my brand new Netra X1 server. but no luck.
    this is my first and only sparc server. i'm using Solaris 8 intel as install server and install the netra drivers...
    my question is:
    is it possible to using Solaris 8 intel as install server for Netra X1 net install?
    I don't think i will buy one more sparc machine in this reason.

    Yes, you can use an X86 box to install Solaris Sparc to a Netra X1.
    First, you must be using InfoDoc 26310 ( available on SunSolve).
    In between steps 6 & 7 of that procedure you must do the following:
    After applying the mis.netra-x1.259-3836-03 script you will need to add the dmfe driver to the boot image served out by your jumpstart server. This is done at the shell prompt as root. Please note that in the example below the root image is located at: /jumpstart/2.8/sparc_1001/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot
    on the example server. This location will vary depending on the setup of your server. The example is used to illustrate the point that you must specify the whole path all the way to the alternate root that is served across the network to your client. The sample command line is:
    # add_drv -b /jumpstart/2.8/sparc_1001/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot -m "* 0600 root sys" -i '"pci128h,9102" "pci1282,9102" "ethernet"' dmfe
    This can also be broken out using backslashes as follows:
    # add_drv -b /jumpstart/2.8/sparc_1000/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot \
    -m "* 0600 root sys" \
    -i '"pci128h,9102" "pci1282,9102" "ethernet"' dmfe Note that the ">" symbols will be added as you hit return after each "\".
    The above procedure must be done to each boot image you wish to install. For example, if you have a 10/2001 image and a 01/2001
    image that you use for different configurations, you will need to add the dmfe driver to both .../Solaris_8/Tools/Boot directories.
    Proceed with step 7 and beyond in the procedure from Info Doc 26310 to complete your installation.

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