Linux / AIX Autocode

Hello All,
I am looking to do something a little unconventional - run an autocoded model over on a Linux (or AIX) machine as a target. 
Are there templates that exist to support running the model on one of these platforms? 
We have the basic autocode / build working, but I really want to take advantage of the threading w/o having to generate my own templates if they are already in the community.

Without knowing anything specific it's impossible to help you.
Please post:
What exact error your get (logfiles) on which place doing what.

Similar Messages

  • Install Essbase Client on Linux/Aix

    I want to install Essbase Client on Linux Redhat6_64/Aix7, I found a same problem on both of the platforms.
    Take Linux for example, I cannot found Essbase Client when I install it.
    The file I download is like this:
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 1 V31896-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 2 V31897-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 3 V31920-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 4 V31898-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 5 V32792-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 6 V31900-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Part 7 V31901-01
    EPM System Release Client Installers for Microsoft Windows V32789-01
    EPM System Release for Linux x86-64 Oracle HTTP Server V31902-01
    But when I run ./, it has no "Essbase Client ", could you tell me how to install client on linux/aix os?
    I already have my essbase server, i just want to install

    Hi John,
    Thanks a lot!
    Could you help me to figure out the following questions,please?
    1. Is Essbase Client do not officially support installed alone on Linux/Unix platform?
    2. In the support file "How to Install the Essbase Client Tools MaxL and ESSCMD on a Planning Server Installed on Unix Server", I found that the Essbase server must be installed on a Linux platform first, if I install it on a Windows platform, there will be no such files:
    so I cannot copy these to my created directory. So is that mean, if I want to install Essbase client on a Linux Red hat6.0/Aix7.1, I must Firstly installed Essbase Server on another no-windows OS to get the above files?
    Thanks very much!

  • Converting datafile into different platform(linux AIX)

    I m converting two different datafiles using RMAN CONVERT command.
    while i was tried to convert them i got different error message.
    below is the list of errors.
    the error number were
    RMAN-03002- failure of backup command
    RMAN-06575- Platform id found in datafile ' ' header isnot valid platform id.
    plz give me solution to it.
    the error number were
    RMAN-03009- failure of backup command on STRING channel at TIME.....
    ORA-00600- internal error code argument[ktu_format_nr_1]
    give me approrpriate solution.

    header is not valid platform id.Make sure you meet the requirements for Convert Datafile:
    Internal errors (ORA-00600), contact Oracle support.

  • Problem with new-line-character and under AIX

    Hi folks,
    I got the following problem: I wrote a little parser that reads in a plain-text, tabulator-separated, line-formatted logfile (and later on safes the data to a 2-dimensional Vector). This logfile was originally generated by an AIX ksh script, however, I copied it on my Windows machine to work with it (for I'm using a Java editor that runs under Win Systems).
    For any reason, Windows, and what is worse Java too, seems not to recognize correctly the new-line character (in the API it is written that this should be a newline '\n' or a carriage-return '\r' or one followed by the other) that marks the end of a line in the logfile.
    Also, when I'm opening the logfile with the "Notepad"-editor, this special character does not seem to be recognized, every line is inserted right after the other.
    On the other side, when I open the logfile with the built-in editor in the CMD-Shell ("Dos-shell"), the newline chars seem to be recognized correctly.
    But when start my parser on the AIX-machine the newline does not seem to be recognized correctly again.
    I tried to read in the logfile with MS-Excel and safe it as a plain-text, tabulator-separated, line-formatted logfile again, with such files my parser works fine both on the AIX as it does on Windows.
    Any ideas? Anybody got over the same problem already?
    Greetz FK

    Under windows, text files' lines are usually delimited by \r\n,
    under Unix/Linux/AIX etc. \n
    and under Mac \r.
    I recommend to use the following editors, which are capable to handle files with Unix and Windows-styled line-delimiters or convert between these types:
    Programmer's File Editor (PFE; available on Windows)
    The Nirvana Editor (; available on Unix, MAcOS, Windows)
    (BTW good old vim can handle that too. Transferring text files to windows in order to edit them, even using Excel for this purpose means your being a UNIX newbie, (I mean no offense by writing this) so vim is probably beyond your reach for the moment.)
    Java normally assumes the platform's line delimiters where it is running, so if you transferred the file from Unix to Windows might be distrurbing.

  • Linux下验证listener.ora配置loopback地址(,client是否任然可以连接数据库

    Linux (RHEL)5.5
    Oracle Database 10g Release 2(
    Linux oracle10g_primary 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 21:52:43 EDT 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    SQL> select * from registry$history;
    ACTION_TIME                                                                      ACTION                         NAMESPACE                      VERSION                                ID COMMENTS
    23-11月-12 AM                                                  VIEW RECOMPILE                                                                                  8289601 view recompilation
    23-11月-12 AM                                                  UPGRADE                        SERVER                                               Upgraded from将listener.ora文件中的host从/改为127.0.0.1(loopback)地址(删除192.168.70.203),测试client(是否任然可以连接数据库
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ vi listener.ora
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /oracle/product/10.2/network/admin/listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))      以前的Data Guard环境
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
          (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/10.2)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
        (SID_DESC =
          (GLOBAL_DBNAME = ora10)
          (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/10.2)
          (SID_NAME = ora10)
    #----ADDED BY TNSLSNR 24-OCT-2012 06:51:24---
    C:\Users\John>tnsping ora10_test_203
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 25-11月-
    2012 21:41:50
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    已使用 TNSNAMES 适配器来解析别名
    .2)(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ora10)))
    OK (30 毫秒)接着我们将server端 listener.ora中HOST地址改为127.0.0.1(loopback)地址。
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ vi listener.ora
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /oracle/product/10.2/network/admin/listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
          (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/10.2)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
        (SID_DESC =
          (GLOBAL_DBNAME = ora10)
          (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/10.2)
          (SID_NAME = ora10)
    #----ADDED BY TNSLSNR 24-OCT-2012 06:51:24---
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ lsnrctl reload
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 25-NOV-2012 13:30:24
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
    The command completed successfully查看监听状态:
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ lsnrctl status
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 25-NOV-2012 13:30:57
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
    Alias                     LISTENER
    Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    Start Date                25-NOV-2012 13:14:52
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 16 min. 4 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Password or Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   /oracle/product/10.2/network/admin/listener.ora
    Listener Log File         /oracle/product/10.2/network/log/listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "ora10" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "ora10", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "ora10_XPT" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "ora10", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    本机双网卡,eth0:   eth1:
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:73:2D:E9 
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe73:2de9/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:6744 (6.5 KiB)
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ /sbin/ifconfig eth1
    eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:7F:F0:8A 
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe7f:f08a/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:1697 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:1667 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:168543 (164.5 KiB)  TX bytes:394523 (385.2 KiB)
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ ping oracle10g_primary
    PING oracle10g_primary ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from oracle10g_primary ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms
    64 bytes from oracle10g_primary ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.029 mslistener.ora配置文件已将监听地址配置为127.0.0.1(loopback)地址,我们再看看client是否还能正常使用数据库:
    Client IP地址1.1.1.1
    C:\Users\John>ipconfig |more
    Windows IP Configuration
    Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection 2:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
    Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::9e3:7005:a225:c0bd%14
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network Connection:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::35c8:958b:ac2f:d064%11
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::5c6d:1a75:f795:16aa%21
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    C:\Users\John>tnsping ora10_test_203
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 25-11月-
    2012 21:36:41
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    已使用 TNSNAMES 适配器来解析别名
    .2)(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ora10)))
    OK (30 毫秒)从client登录数据库
    C:\Users\John>sqlplus john/12345@ora10_test_203
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on 星期日 11月 25 21:36:04 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> select instance_name,status from v$instance;
    ora10            OPEN可以看到,即便listener.ora配置文件中HOST IP改为loopback地址,client也是可以通过server上的相应网卡地址连接数据库。。
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ netstat -an |grep  1521
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN client连接后观察OS上系统端口和地址的变化:
    [oracle@oracle10g_primary admin]$ netstat -an |grep 1521
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN     
    tcp        0      0                     TIME_WAIT这就是为什么在Linux环境下Oracle listener.ora配置成127.0.0.1(loopback)地址,client还是可以通过server上的其他IP地址连接数据库的原因


  • Please answer a programming question for an admin

    I'm not a programmer (although my interest is growing), so I can't answer this question in a discussion regarding how Win32API w/OLE and COM is SO much better than programming for Unix/OS X applications.
    The original discussion was in regards to OS X's superior Unix based security, he devolved to this. Having only begun my venture into programming, his questions are a little above my head at this point. I'm also interested (as an amature programmer), how this would be accomplished in OS X/Unix.
    Thanks in advance.
    Here's his position:
    *(1st entry)*
    I have unsed Windows and many flavors of Unix and I have written programs in Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, Cobol, RPG, Smalltak, Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi, C, C++, C#, Java, and Perl, and I have been programming for over 20 years, so I do have extensive knowledge about programming.
    So I have one question for you:
    If you had to build a business application that has to allow users to, spell and grammer check, and perform financial calculations, and render the HTML, how would you compare the effort to do this in Windows versus that in Linux, AIX, Solaris or any other Unix operating system?
    I can make this business application have these features in ONE DAY on Windows, because COM and OLE lets me, use Word to spell and grammer check, Excel to do the financial calculations, and IE to render the HTML!
    I make my living building complex customized business software, and Windows allow me to build these applications by myself in weeks, when it would take me and a team of programmers months to do these same things in Unix because of the lack of an the Win32 API, COM, and OLE, or I would have to BUY third party libraries that did these things, and deal with the licensing, versioning, and vendor problems that go with them, and none of those third party librabries would be close to Word, Excel, and IE in CAPABILITY!
    HONESTLY tell me and others reading this thread how you would go about create the customized business application I described above by yourself in a Unix instead of Windows, and tell us how many MONTHS or YEARS it would take you, or how you would have to BUY some other third party libraries to do what Word, Excel, and IE!
    Anyone who thinks a Unix has more CAPABILITIES than Windows, has never used Win32API/COM/OLE/.Net, and does not build customized complex business software for a living, because we people that do are the reason that you find some much customized business desktop software for Windows, and so little for any Unix.
    I have nothing against Unix, and it is great for simple business tasked server software, but for complex business tasked desktop software Windows with Win32API/COM/OLE/.Net wins hands down!
    *(2nd Entry)*
    A System administrators view of an operating system and an application developers view are entirely different, and the Win32API/COM/OLE/.NET simply make my job so much easier, and you simply don't understand because you do not have to deal with the "dirty' details of making what a user wants, which is why your definition of "integration" and mines are totally different!
    With the spell check you talked about, how will you keep in in synch with the dictionary in Word where the user is constantly adding and removing words?
    No, you would have the user to have to maintain two different spell check dictionaries, and you would totally ignore the grammer check requirement!
    Cutting and pasting data between applications is simple integration, and not the complex type that I am talking about.
    Can you make your application display and use the MacGourmet menus appear in its own window, and to access and use the MacGourmet functionality (ie. search for a recipe) in its own window?
    Give me one example of a Unix application that can display the menus of another application, yet alone control its features!
    Of course you can't, because you need COM and OLE!
    I am quite familiar with different flavors of Unix, but those operating systems do not have the rich API and program integration features namely COM and OLE that Windows has, because it violates the Unix idea of security by process isolation!
    Yes that idea of process isolation keeps the operating system safe from malicious code in applications and from one application taking the others down, but you lose the power of programs working together, and you simply cannot build the type of customized business applications that I build by myself, without reinventing the wheel over and over and without having a large team with lots of programmers.
    For example, my customers and millions of others spend all day working in Word and Excel, and the Windows idea that I can transparently integrate my complex business applications right in Word and Excel menu, and into their templates and macros, is why third party developers like me prefer Windows over Unix, regardless of how much better security in Unix is.
    Do not get me wrong, Java improves business application development on Unix, but unfortuantely it is not feasable to rewrite ever legacy application in Java, and Java does not integrate well with other programming languages.
    I used to code business application for both IBM MVS and Sun Solaris, and I never want to go back to those "bad" old days again, once I took the time to learn how to PROPERLY code using Win32API/COM/OLE/.NET!

    At risk of feeding the troll I'll wander in here:
    NOTE: Since this is an Apple programming boards and I have limited experience programming on traditional Unix systems (and most of that in college) I will confine my answers to the area I know.
    If you had to build a business application that has to allow users to, spell and grammer check, and perform financial calculations, and render the HTML, how would you compare the effort to do this in Windows versus that in Linux, AIX, Solaris or any other Unix operating system?
    I can make this business application have these features in ONE DAY on Windows, because COM and OLE lets me, use Word to spell and grammer check, Excel to do the financial calculations, and IE to render the HTML!
    Note that this scenario assumes the user has Microsoft office installed. The person argues that they don't have to purchase libraries to program but what they are effectively doing is simply transferring that cost to user. I don't have to purchase libraries but everyone of my users needs to. Good for you, very good for Microsoft but bad for your customer - IMHO. OK, I know "But all Windows business users have Office installed already." When it comes free with the system then I'll retract my objection.
    Under OS X and Cocoa many of these functions are intrinsic to the system layer and do not require any applications to be installed. Using Cocoa you can write a simple Word processor that has rulers, full font manipulation (including kerning, spacing and leading), Document Save and Load, Printing, Export to PDF as well as spell-checking in under 10 lines of actual code. Adding a custom file type and icon for full system integration will add another 5 minutes to your programing.
    In case you think I'm blowing smoke here is a tutorial from 2002 (yes, this has been possible for over 5 years) outlining the 8 line Word Processor build in Cocoa.
    And yes, Cocoa also includes Webkit so I can add full HTML rendering by dragging in a WebKit window to my user interface. For an experienced Cocoa programmer this certainly sounds like less than a day of programming - in fact it sounds like a good tutorial for a middle-experienced training day or 2 day class in Cocoa.
    I won't include the link to the 1 line web browser you can build in Cocoa using Webkit because it's shorter than the description. Feel free to search for it if you want to.
    HONESTLY tell me and others reading this thread how you would go about create the customized business application I described above by yourself in a Unix instead of Windows, and tell us how many MONTHS or YEARS it would take you, or how you would have to BUY some other third party libraries to do what Word, Excel, and IE!
    BUT this is all done from the stock system that is on every OS X computer not simply those with Office installed. Obviously you'd need to add some features that were more complicated than this - because any halfway decent programmer could turn this stuff out - and polish takes a while but to meet the requirements of the challenge it would take 2 days tops.
    Is every *nix programming environment like this? I don't know I can only answer for the system that I have experience with and is the concern of this board. If you really have questions regarding *nix programming then I suggest you find an appropriate board and troll^H^H^H^H^H ask there.
    If you're ever serious about programming on the Mac feel free to stop by and actually take a look at it. I think you'll be surprised.

  • Date format in OBIEE 11g is changed.

    we have installed on linux x86-64bit machine. after that we upgraded the OBIEE rpd and catalog to OBIEE
    everything was working fine at this stage.
    After that we did some development in 10g ... and again upgraded the rpd and catalog to using upgrade assistant.
    but after that the date format in all the date prompts on the dashboards is changed to MM/dd/YYYY.
    How to change it back to dd/MM/YYYY?

    Hi Visal,
    Please award points it is useful the above answer.
    2. After installation the date format default : DD-MM-YYYY.
    I am not sure, I think you need install patch file in this version on your server or you need to change ALTER SESSION set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'DD/MM/YYYY'.
    I though this is bug in server version.
    What server its showing this format means(Unix,Linux,AIX)?
    Award points it is useful.

  • Post processing PDF to XML.

    Post-processing PDF into XML.
    Compton MacKenzie - 08:48am Oct 29, 2008 Pacific
    Sorry for the basic question... We want to have users fill out a fillable PDF form using Aacrobat Reader and then upload it to a web page. Once we get the PDF, we need to extract the data that they have entered. Short of using LiveCycle Data Services (not currently feasible as we have no Java presence on our server platform), is there any API that I can use to extract the data or convert the PDF to XML. I understand that it is possible to export XML using the Acrobat client (and it might be possible to script this with COM) but I don't think this would work reliably in a server environment.
    (We need both the PDF and the data as the PDF will contain an electronically captured image of a customer's signature and need to preserve the actual image of the document.)
    Any suggestions?

    There are server based products under the LiveCycle banner for this but they all run on a Java based app server. You can use a turn key install where the app server (JBoss) and a Database (MySql) are provided for you but you need to have the Java SDK present. The LiveCycle servers can run on Windows, Linux, AIX to name a few.
    Note that if you script Acrobat to do this on the server you are in violation of your license agreement.

  • Clob/blob in java-code stored in database

    I want to write some java-code (CREATE OR REPLACE AND RESOLVE JAVA SOURCE NAMED...)
    where I want to return an image as blob.
    For doing that I have to initialize the blob in the java-code -correct?
    I see many examples like
    oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary(conn, false,oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_CALL)
    In PL/SQL there is some similar:
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => xmlclob, cache => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.SESSION);
    If I have to initialize the blob in the java source, how to do that (using empty_blob, but why using oracle...createTemporary then?)?
    I don't want an connection to an remote database, the java-code will be in the database, so can I call createTemporary without >conn<?
    (Oracle 10gR2, Windows, Linux, AIX)
    The picture will be generated calling other java-code loaded with loadjava.
    The java-source I want to write will be wrapped with PL/SQL.

    It seems you can do this:
              try {
                   conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();                graphblob = oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary(conn, false,oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_CALL); // must init
                   System.out.println("Blob is init");
              } catch ( java.sql.SQLException sEx ) {
                   throw new RuntimeException ("No connection", sEx);

  • OWS or OAS and CGI's signals sent

    I've got a question about CGI and OWS (or OAS, it's the same problem)
    I've got a C compiled program which intercept signals (especially SIGUSR1) and execute a task (for exemple a simple "printf" and exit
    The program do an infinite loop
    program. When i execute this program in a shell window, the program loop infinitely which is logical. In a second shell window i send signal SIGUSR1 (with a "kill -USR1") to the process of the program. Immediatly, the program execute the task and exit. The program works perfectly.
    Now, i put the program in a cgi directory configured in a Web listener
    I execute the program in a navigator (Netscape) with an url likes http://my_server/my_cgi_directory/my_program
    The program loops
    I creates a cgi program (a shell) which gets the id process of the program which loops and send the USR1 signal. I put this cgi program in my cgi directory.
    In a second navigator, i launch the cgi program which normally send USR1 signal, and the program which loops should execute the correctly task and exit as it does.
    And now, the program don't exit, in fact it doesn't launch the task.
    I've got the same problem with OWS 3.02, OAS 4.08, linux, aix platform.
    I've tried to send the USR1 signal in a window shell but no action, the signals are blocked.
    The only two signals KILL and STOP works properly, in a window shell AND in an URL with navigator.
    Have you got this problem too ?? Which is the solution ??? I'have open a call to ORACLE SUPPORT but no response, they say the problem perhaps will never be solved (for them, it may not be a BUG)
    Thanks in advance

    Regarding to issue #1,
    I would suggest to the change your virtual path to physical path mapping setting in OAS. The OJSP engine will lookup pages relative to your physical path (not the default doc root).
    Regarding to issue #2,
    Unfortunately, the information you provided is rather limited. It's difficult to do some definite diagnositic based the brief description. Sorry.

  • Can't download Developer Edition CF MX 7 for Windows

    I can download any of the other versions... Linux, AIX, even
    other language versions, just not Windows, English, ColdFusion MX
    7... does anyone know why?
    Thanks in advance for your help,
    M ;-)

    Are you downloading from
    You need to provide the Adobe login details to download.

  • Oracle installation link problems.....HELP !!!!!!

    Hi All
    During installation of Oracle on Linux, I received the following error:
    Error in invoking target install of makefile
    I did some research and found that it is executing the "relink" script. So I tried to debug it it. Here is the output:
    [oracle@redash oracle]$ cd /opt/oracle/product/
    [oracle@redash bin]$ relink oemagent
    chmod 755 /opt/oracle/product/
    if [ linux = aix ]; then \
    gcc -L/opt/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/ -L/opt/oracle/product/ -o dbsnmp /opt/oracle/product/ -lvppdc /opt/oracle/product/ \
    /opt/oracle/product/ \
    /opt/oracle/product/ /opt/oracle/product/ /opt/oracle/product/ /opt/oracle/product/ \
    /opt/oracle/product/ /opt/oracle/product/[i]Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

    Before installing Oracle 9.2 on linux (i'm using redhat 7.2), there are some steps you have to issue.
    Those link problems are related to the wrong version of binutils, you need binutils-
    You need also JDK,to set some kernel parameters and so on..
    However follow the steps of this link
    For me it worked.
    Hope this helps

  • Java source / oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary

    I want to write some java-code (CREATE OR REPLACE AND RESOLVE JAVA SOURCE NAMED...)
    where I want to return an image as blob.
    For doing that I have to initialize the blob in the java-code -correct?
    I see many examples like
    oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary(conn, false,oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_CALL)
    In PL/SQL there is some similar:
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => xmlclob, cache => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.SESSION);
    If I have to initialize the blob in the java source, how to do that?
    I don't want an connection to an remote database, the java-code will be in the database, so can I call createTemporary without >conn<?
    (Oracle 10gR2, Windows, Linux, AIX)
    The picture will be generated calling other java-code loaded with loadjava.
    The java-source I want to write will be wrapped with PL/SQL.

    It seems you can do this:
              try {
                   conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();                graphblob = oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary(conn, false,oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_CALL); // must init
                   System.out.println("Blob is init");
              } catch ( java.sql.SQLException sEx ) {
                   throw new RuntimeException ("No connection", sEx);

  • Weblogic Portal Developer position

    I am currently working on this WLP Developer position for a Fortune 200 client in San Ramon CA who has need for someone with strong background described below. Please let me know of your interest by sending me a current resume As Soon As Possible (WORD file as an attachment). Or I appreciate that if you could recommend any potential candidates.
    Sr. Weblogic Portal Developer
    •     Providing development for new projects and O&M support for existing WLP applications.
    •     Analyze, unit test, debug, document, and maintain online applications.
    •     Complies with all design standards, coding standards, and internal controls and processes.
    •     Conduct discussions and/or meetings with management and end users.
    •     Research and prepare system time/cost estimates.
    •     Maintain system documentation, operational procedures, etc.
    •     Provide requirements for changes to system by analyzing current situation and comparing to what is needed.
    •     Responsible for system setup and ongoing administration.
    •     Provide second/third level end user support.
    •     Participates in ensuring that customer requests in the ticketing system are managed to closure.
    •     Develop and manage technical aspects of various sized projects.
    •     Support development of testing scripts, training materials and possibly get involved in training sessions.
    Required Skills:
    •     Solid understanding of web portal framework, esp. Weblogic Portal WLP 8.1x or greater
    •     Strong experience with Java/JDK 1.4.x or greater, J2EE and Object-Oriented web application design, Pageflows, Spring framework, and good understanding of MVC framework
    •     Solid knowledge of JDBC, Scripting, SQL, ANT, JQuery
    •     Must know Struts 1.1 / 2, including modules, tiles & validation framework
    •     Web service experience should include good knowledge of JAX-WS, JAX-RPC SOAP, XML, XML Schema, DTD SOA, WSDL, and XSL
    •     Experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS in support of Portal application development
    •     Good communication and interpersonal skills.
    With any following knowledge will be a plus, but not required:
    •     Experience using IDEs like Eclipse and WebLogic workshop
    •     Experience with Weblogic Portal 10gR3 / 9.2
    •     Key knowledge of and experience with: iBATIS or Hibernate, JavaMail api, UML, JMS, Junit, Java Security (JAAS), Unix (Linux, AIX or Solaris), Unix Shell Scripting
    Please Let us know if you have any question.
    Molly Schultz
    [email protected]

    What version of WebLogic Portal are you using?

  • ZFS and grown disk space

    I installed Solaris 10 x86 10/09 using ZFS in vSphere, and the disk image was expanded from 15G to 18G.
    But Solaris still sees 15G.
    How can I convince it to make notice of the expanded disk image, how can I grow the rpool?
    Searched a lot, but all documents give answers about adding a disk, but not if the space is additionally allocated on the same disk.
    -- Nick

    nikitelli wrote:
    if that is really true what you are saying, then this is really disappointing!
    Solaris can so many tricks, and in this specific case it drops behind linux, aix and even windows?
    Not even growfs can help?Growfs will expand a UFS filesystem so that it can address additional space in its container (slice, metadevice, volume, etc.). ZFS doesn't need that particular tool, it can expand itself based on the autogrow property.
    The problem is that the OS does not make the LUN expansion visible so that other things (like the filesystems) can use that space. Years and years ago, "disks" were static things that you didn't expect to change size. That assumption is hard coded into the Solaris disk label mechanics. I would guess that redoing things to remove that assumption isn't the easiest task.
    If you have an EFI label, it's easier (still not great), but fewer steps. But you can't boot from an EFI disk, so you have to solve the problem with a VTOC/SMI label if you want it to work for boot disks.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • XI R3 PIK for WebSEAL 6.0

    The Supported Platforms document lists, under Other Tools support for the a Reverse Proxy Server "WebSEAL 6.0 (from IBM Tivoli Access Manager)".  Can any of the techs provide more insight to this declaration?  For instance, will a WebSEAL junction es