Lion beeps and freezes

From time to time (on average once a week) my Intel mac suddenly beeps repeatedly in groups of 3 longer beeps. The screen freezes and nothing works anymore. The problem can occur in any program. I have to switch electricity off and can restart without problems. The machine works again for a couple of days and can suddenly beep and freeze again. I read in apple discussions that too much memory (16 gb) might cause the problem, but i only have 8 gb Ram. Anyone with suggestions on what may be wrong, before I take  the machine back to the dealer?

Hi sherwu,
there are several ways to fix this problem described in this thread:
Having the same issue with the same 15" model the easiest and working fix for me was to deactivate the automatic graphic switching in the energy saving panel in the system preferences.

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    iMac making loud beeps
    Could be the RAM  (memory)  
    Power On Self-Test Beep Definition - Part 2

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    Lion? or what?
    Never saw this before.
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    There's a kb article here about beeps, but it refers to power on beeps:
    Doesn't sound as if your machine is very healthy - I'd advise backing it up as soon as possible
    Do you have Apple Care? Can you take it to a Genius Bar for inspection?
    Colin R.

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    Can you count the beeps or flashes?
    1 beep = no RAM installed
    2 beeps = incompatible RAM types
    3 beeps = no good banks
    4 beeps = no good boot images in the boot ROM (and/or bad sys config block)
    5 beeps = processor is not usable
    In addition to the beeps, on some computers the power LED will flash a corresponding number of times plus one. The LED will repeat the sequence after approximately a 5-second pause. The tones are only played once.
    Note: In this case, a flash is considered to be 1/4 second or 250 ms or greater in length.

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    Well I can only say it works great on my two machines, 2007 iMac and 2010 MacBook Pro and these have 4Gb of Ram. Does not you help you but I can only say how it works for me.
    Have you run Activity Monitor and checked if any processes are using lots of CPU/Mem etc. Also anything in the Console Logs. Something is slowing it down, bad install or third party software etc.
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    My imac mid 2010 worked fine with "new" memory for 6 months, then started hanging in mid-session - meaning it froze and beeped loudly hours or days after it booted OK. Put old memory back in and noticed it ran more smoothly with less memory than more. Put the "new" memory back in and ran memtest for days and days; no problems reported. But, the system still froze after I'd been working for a while - at odd times. So, took the "new" memory back to the store, and, while there, upgraded to (more expensive) Crucial brand memory - just to be on the "safer" side. Put the replacement memory in and my imac has never run better - not even when new. So far, my imac is quieter, cooler, and smoother now than since the day I bought it. Thought I'd post this on this old thread because Apple Care had told me to bring the machine to them for three days of testing - per other posts I'd seen on the net. But, that would have been a complete waste of time - since they'd wind up (with the old memory) telling me "no problem," or, (with the "new" memory,) "it's a non-apple part problem." Meanwhile, bad memory can mean bad writes to your hard drive; mine seems fine, but I generally pay close attention to problems and fix them asap, or, sooner. If you wait until you have additional problems, you may spend a lot more time and money getting things finally done - and you may wind up back at "square one" or worse if you trash your drive and it's contents.

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    I have an appointment with Apple tomorrow, I'm worried that they wont fix or replace the computer. I don't want to get stuck with this.
    I mean, I played Starcraft II on a medium setting on my macbook air 2010. You'd think this thing could at least run it on high!

    You could have a RAM issue:
    It sounds like you may also be getting the kernel panic screen, which could well be tied to your RAM issue:
    Since your Mac is new and under warranty, Apple is obligated to fix these problems for you. Your Mac is not operating properly for whatever reason, and as long as there is no user inflicted accidental damage, there is no reason why it should not be fully repaired under warranty.
    Good luck!

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    I was wondering if anyone had the same problem and if anyone knew how I could fix it??
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Hi sherwu,
    there are several ways to fix this problem described in this thread:
    Having the same issue with the same 15" model the easiest and working fix for me was to deactivate the automatic graphic switching in the energy saving panel in the system preferences.

  • P6n diamond - error beeps and freezing

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    p6n diamond
    inno3d nvidia 8600GT
    Dual core e6320
    PS Maybe it is a voltage issue? It is at auto voltage, but maybe I should change it? Everything is at auto voltage btw. What should the voltages be?
    Basically what error beeps mean would be the greatest help you could give me. But only for this mobo specifically. I want to know in which part of my pc the problem is.

    "Then the same stuff happens, if I go into bios, it will sometimes freeze there"
    It looks like PSU fault..Try with better PSU.. Good suggestions can be found here:
    Also check CPU cooling system, re-seat CPU and apply new thermal paste(but not too much)

  • K9N SLI with weird USB beeping and freezing

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    System info:
    K9V SLI-F V2 nVidia 570LT SLI chipset Motherboard
    AMI BIOS - MSI Ver. 1.1
    AMD Athlon64 x2 5000+ 2.6 Ghz Processor (AM2 Socket)
    4 Gb PC2-5300 DDR2 RAM
    EVGA nVidia 9800GTX+ Superclocked Edition 512Mb
    Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm-8mb Cache 
    Windows XP Pro SP3

    Quote from: BringBackXP on 10-August-09, 02:02:19
     Yes I did a CMOS clear and replaced the battery with new. Bios was then updated to most current: v 1.1
     Wow, I dont feel alone. Yes some similarities. My thoughts are the same: I dont see how this could be OS related. I am currently trying a different memory setup too that doesnt seem to help really (2 x 1 Gb 800Mhz sticks in dual channel mode slowed to 667Mhz). Yes , I also test the same components in other systems with no problems, but when i get everything back on the MSI board, it starts again. I also have been getting the "device removed" message but for my rear audio plug. Since the new PSU I installed certainly have seen a reduction in these odd occurrences, but no total solution.
    My board has the nV 570 chipset
    hows your PCIe Slots, running on all x16 lanes?
    Ill go ahead and post all Specs I can remember, and get as many details as I can later when Im back at that computer. Yes I have been using the MSI site for drivers/patches. XP has been installed a few times and then updated to SP3, so i dont really see what I could be missing. Looking in the BIOS I dont see anywhere to manually select x16 lanes for the PCIe slot. everything has been reinstalled as if it were the 1st time out of the box
    thanks guys!
    (PC specs in signature)
    I too have seen a bit of difference since PSU upgrade,and this morning I transferred over 200 gig of files without a hitch,
    Then went onto the next set of files,another 100 gig or so and bam 30 seconds in(never even completed the first file transfer),PC locks up again.
    And just when I thought I "mysteriously" fixed it.
    Now I get a "network discovery" is not turned on message and when I turn it on it will not stay turned on.
    That I believe is OS related.But due to the other issues I am experiencing I am not 100% sure.
    Thank god I use Network Magic by Cisco,so I do not need Discovery to transfer files.
    Only time I seem to have this lockup problem is when the USB drives are directly connected(any USB port,3 front,6 rear)
    to the desktop PC in question.And none have the "extra" lead on Pin10 as per another post here.
    I can connect to the network with these drives on any PC in the house,
    I have 5 to choose from or my laptop and have no Transfer issues at all.

  • External Hard Drive beeps and freezes

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    It was selected to put the hard drives to sleep whenever possible so I unselected that but that same thing keeps happening. I have waited a long time. Once the blue light goes out after those beeping noises thats it, I have to restart it because it isn't recognized by my ibook anymore, the external hard drive icon disapears and everything.

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    Please make a Genius Appointment and take it in for service.

  • Macbook Pro mid 2010 hard drive beep, click, freeze BACK after Lion?

    I have a mid-2010 Macbook Pro and I had the same problem that was described here:
    Like many others, mine stopped beeping after the Software Update released by Apple when they admitted there was a problem.  However, since I've upgraded to Lion, the hard drive is back to its old ways of beeping, clicking, and freezing.  Anyone else having this problem again?  Anyone else think this is an odd coincidence?  I called support and, after going through the usual troubleshooting, they escalated to a supervisor who wanted me to go through the same troubleshooting only to tell me that I should take it into an Apple Store where they'll likely send it in for testing.  I haven't done it yet because it's rather inconvenient to have to jump through the same hoops and be without my computer again when the problem seems fairly obvious based on my history with this machine.  I'm actually hoping it's hardware failure at this point so I don't have to wait for them to acknowledge another problem. 

    Hi Luke,
    The click/beep was happening more and more and was starting to drive me nuts.
    I contacted Apple/Seagate but neither were helpful at all.
    I went to my local Apple representative but they said they would need to hold on to my laptop for 1-2weeks while they checked out the issue and then replaced the HDD and the same model, this was something I couldn't do as I need my laptop for work everyday.
    Apple's online support (+ call) just told me to bring it into my local Apple representative so that went nowhere.
    In the end I shelled out my own money to fix Seagate/Apples problem and bought a Seagate Momentus XT 500GB drive which I have had no issue with since I got it, about 6 months.
    It also speeds up my Mac with the inbuilt SSD cache. I recommend it.
    I also just saw that Seagate now offer a 750GB model.
    FYI, I had this click/beep issue in Snow Leopard too.
    For anyone doing a google, here is the exact HDD I have now which works well:
      Capacity:          500.11 GB (500,107,862,016 bytes)
      Model:          ST95005620AS                           
      Revision:          SD26   
      Serial Number: ***
      Native Command Queuing:          Yes
      Queue Depth:          32
      Removable Media:          No
      Detachable Drive:          No
      BSD Name:          disk0
      Rotational Rate:          7200
      Medium Type:          Rotational
      Partition Map Type:          GPT (GUID Partition Table)
      S.M.A.R.T. status:          Verified

  • I install Mountain Lion on my MacBook Pro and freezing after waking up and is impossible restart

    I install mountain lion on my macbook pro late 2009 and freezing after waking up and is impossible restart

    Restart your mac in Safe Mode by holding down the 'shift' key while it powers up. You'll know if you've entered Safe Mode correctly if you see a progress bar underneath the grey Apple logo screen. Let go of the shift key when you see that, wait for the progess bar to complete then log in.
    After log in, go to
     > System Preferences... Users & Groups and remove everything from the 'Login Items' tab.
    If you have any anti-virus software installed (Sophos, F-Secure, VirusBarrier, Mackeeper) uninstall it while in Safe Mode.
    Restart your mac normally and test.
    Any improvement?

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    Remove and then re-install aperture. On an rMBP this should take only a couple of minutes.

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