Liquid vs elastic

What is the difference between the liquid and elastic
templates supplied by
Dreamweaver CS3

Liquid flexes with browser viewport size changes. Elastic
flexes with text
display size changes.
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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"Striker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:fqva3e$jhi$[email protected]..
> What is the difference between the liquid and elastic
templates supplied
> by Dreamweaver CS3

Similar Messages

  • Liquid and Elastic Layout

    My first attempt at a liquid layout seems to work well in the
    sense it fits various browser sizes. I then discovered elastic
    layout and thought I should incorporate it for users to resize the
    text. Now I am having problems with text spilling all over the
    place. I am using % and ems. Should I just stick with the liquid
    layout or has anyone got any tips.
    Thanks in advance.

    this sort of thing gave me head aches for ages. i found the
    best way is to use a fix px size for your main wrapper/container.
    if you are using ap divs in the main wrapper div, set the positon
    as relative in your css code, i.e
    doing it this way, everything always takes up the same amount
    of pixels within your page, no matter what resolution you are
    viewing in.
    i, personally, would recomment a main wrapper size of about
    i also have discovered that if you create your pages catering
    to every whim, of every user, you will surely go mad. i did.
    so create it to look good, as it is. if you think people may
    have to make text larger, than do it yourself in the design.

  • Which layout: Elastic, fixed, hybrid, liquid?

    I am starting a new layout (my first), and I do not know
    which type of layout would be best for the following conditions:
    1. No need to browse on PDA or small displays
    2. simple structure, 1 or 2 column
    3. Needs to be viewed on monitors from 1024x768 to 1600x1200
    (and up if possible)
    4. Needs to display properly with user adapted font settings
    5. No frames
    6. CSS determined columns and layout
    7. I use CSS defined drop-down menus (no java or flash)
    I hope I have sufficiently defined the most important
    Thanks for your valued help,

    Ok, I took all your advice into account and decided for a
    liquid design but not from the templates, I wanted to have
    everything in hand and started from scratch.
    Here it is: (I put it on my own server
    temporarily, so you can type either, or
    The reason I did not take a fixed layout is that low res
    screens will show large scrollbars, and large res screens will show
    a tiny page. Elastic layouts are too unpredictable. However liquid
    design has sizes relative to the viewers display, so the site
    adapts (or should..).
    Now I have made a draft, but to me it is far from good. I
    have a header with three elements: left a logo (float), next a text
    with company name, and underneath I try to fit a css based menu bar
    (from Stu Nichols,
    The company name in the header gives me a problem when
    shrinking the browser window: it wraps around, and finally even
    drops into the content div.
    Then the menu bar gives me problems too. I already adapted
    the menu bar size in relative terms, positioned it left with a
    margin, but on low res screens (1024x768) part of the menu goes
    missing. I have no idea what correct sizing units to use for the
    bar and for the menu elements: %, ex, em,... ?
    Currently I use em for the full bar background (and other
    full bar specs), and em too for the individual bar elements; but
    this gives problems in the low res screens.
    What are your suggestions?

  • What does Elastic, Liquid, or Hybrid Mean when creating a new page

    When I choose File-New-blank page  I get choices on the number of columns with the words elastic, liquid, and hybrid.  I'm not sure which to pick for which use.  Are these terms defined or documented so I can pick the one I need.
    New-ish DW-CS4 user running Win XP Pro.

    Just so you know, starter pages are pre-built CSS layouts.  Not the same as Dreamweaver Templates (
    .dwt files).
    Use this link, they're newer
    New DW Starter Pages --
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Elastic and Liquid Images

    This site is one of several that I have recently noticed that use photographs which expand and contract with the browser window. A really cool effect, but how is it achieved? If someone could give me some insight as to what is going on it would be greatly appreciated.

    publish for 100% and use a resize listener.  if you're using as2, use stage.onResize and if you're using as3, apply a listener for the the resize event.

  • 2-column elastic layout and size of text/image

    I'm using the 2-column-elastic template of Dreamweaver CS4 and have got a few questions related to its use. As far as I understand it (I'm new to HTML, CSS, etc.), it is elastic because the dimensions of the divs are defined with the unit "em" and will resize if the user changes the text size of the browser. (Is this the best for accessibility purposes?)
    Question 1: how to make sure my page is initially 780 px wide?
    I have a banner image in the header, it has a 780-px width. Under it there is a menu made of five 156-px elements.
    I have defined the default page text size to 80 % instead of 100 %. Apparently, 780 px is equal to 61 em with these settings. Hence, I defined the width of the container to 61 em (instead of the 46 em at 100 % of the Adobe template). However, this didn't always work: depending on the browser, a thin 1-px wide line appeared to the right of the banner.
    To try to fix this, I have set a "min-width: 780px" and "width: 60em", hoping that doing so my page would have an initial width of 780 px but still resize (increase) if the text size is increased in the browser. If the text size is decreased, I keep a 780-px width. Is this the normal way to proceed? The property "min-width" returns a warning when I validate the side for browser compatibility. Same for min-height by the way (I'd like my page to be roughly 30 em high at minimum).
    Question 2: how can I make sure that my banner will expand when the text size is increased?
    When I increase the text size in the browser, the text of my page resizes and depending on the browser, the banner image will expand or not. I would like it to always resize to keep a consistent layout. How can I do this?
    The banner currently resizes with:
    - Mac OS X: Opera 9;
    - Windows XP: Safari 4beta (but the menu bar seems narrower), Firefox 3, Opera 9, IE 8.
    The image doesn't currently resize with:
    - Mac OS X: Safari 3, Netscape Navigator 9, Stainless 0.5, Camino 1.6, Firefox 3;
    - Windows XP: Netscape Navigator 9, Chrome 1, IE6 (+ other problems), IE7 (+ other problems)
    (Other problems: usual unwanted spaces between the banner, the menu and the "title". I managed to fix some of them with "display: block", but it doesn't work around the top menu.)
    I've put the page here:
    If there is any problem to view it, let me know (first time I do this!).
    I would be very grateful for any comment on these!

    just an added note here:
    This past hour I tried to get centering of images, text and background to fit properly in both IE (5,6 and 7) and Firefox.
    Centering with a liquid layout (which I prefer due to its better "said" predictability) is an absolute pain (nothing would seem to fit); I reverted back to elastic layout because of this issue.

  • Elastic layout and centering

    I have a elastic layout with just one column.
    The main content container has a centered background (which consists of a two vertical colored bands, with the transition in the middle of the page). Padding and margins for body and container are zero.
    The main content container contains two images, side by side, with their joint border right in the middle too (for that I use an ID for the left image to align its right side to the center, for the right image I do the reverse).
    However: when viewing the page, there is an offset between the background center and the image center (just a few pixels), visually very annoying.
    (css and html file included)
    This offset visible is both in Firefox and IE7.
    What do I do wrong?

    just an added note here:
    This past hour I tried to get centering of images, text and background to fit properly in both IE (5,6 and 7) and Firefox.
    Centering with a liquid layout (which I prefer due to its better "said" predictability) is an absolute pain (nothing would seem to fit); I reverted back to elastic layout because of this issue.

  • Need CS4 3 Column Liquid Head and Footer for CS5

    My professor is using the CS4 version of 3 Column Liquid with Header and Footer and this template has changed in CS5.  I find it hard to follow his examples without the proper file.  He says to change background color of a sidebar, and half of my website changes color.  Is there a way I can get this template please?

    This is from cs3, I suppose it is the same;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body  {
        font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        background: #666666;
        margin: 0; /* it's good practice to zero the margin and padding of the body element to account for differing browser defaults */
        padding: 0;
        text-align: center; /* this centers the container in IE 5* browsers. The text is then set to the left aligned default in the #container selector */
        color: #000000;
    /* Tips for Elastic layouts
    1. Since the elastic layouts overall sizing is based on the user's default fonts size, they are more unpredictable. Used correctly, they are also more accessible for those that need larger fonts size since the line length remains proportionate.
    2. Sizing of divs in this layout are based on the 100% font size in the body element. If you decrease the text size overall by using a font-size: 80% on the body element or the #container, remember that the entire layout will downsize proportionately. You may want to increase the widths of the various divs to compensate for this.
    3. If font sizing is changed in differing amounts on each div instead of on the overall design (ie: #sidebar1 is given a 70% font size and #mainContent is given an 85% font size), this will proportionately change each of the divs overall size. You may want to adjust based on your final font sizing.
    .thrColEls #container {
        width: 46em;  /* this width will create a container that will fit in an 800px browser window if text is left at browser default font sizes */
        background: #FFFFFF;
        margin: 0 auto; /* the auto margins (in conjunction with a width) center the page */
        border: 1px solid #000000;
        text-align: left; /* this overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
    /* Tips for sidebar1:
    1. Be aware that if you set a font-size value on this div, the overall width of the div will be adjusted accordingly.
    2. Since we are working in ems, it's best not to use padding on the sidebar itself. It will be added to the width for standards compliant browsers creating an unknown actual width.
    3. Space between the side of the div and the elements within it can be created by placing a left and right margin on those elements as seen in the ".thrColEls #sidebar1 p" rule.
    .thrColEls #sidebar1 {
        float: left;
        width: 11em; /* since this element is floated, a width must be given */
        background: #EBEBEB; /* the background color will be displayed for the length of the content in the column, but no further */
        padding: 15px 0; /* top and bottom padding create visual space within this div */
    .thrColEls #sidebar2 {
        float: right;
        width: 11em; /* since this element is floated, a width must be given */
        background: #EBEBEB; /* the background color will be displayed for the length of the content in the column, but no further */
        padding: 15px 0; /* top and bottom padding create visual space within this div */
    .thrColEls #sidebar1 h3, .thrColEls #sidebar1 p, .thrColEls #sidebar2 p, .thrColEls #sidebar2 h3 {
        margin-left: 10px; /* the left and right margin should be given to every element that will be placed in the side columns */
        margin-right: 10px;
    /* Tips for mainContent:
    1. If you give this #mainContent div a font-size value different than the #sidebar1 div, the margins of the #mainContent div will be based on its font-size and the width of the #sidebar1 div will be based on its font-size. You may wish to adjust the values of these divs.
    2. The space between the mainContent and sidebar1 is created with the left margin on the mainContent div.  No matter how much content the sidebar1 div contains, the column space will remain. You can remove this left margin if you want the #mainContent div's text to fill the #sidebar1 space when the content in #sidebar1 ends.
    3. To avoid float drop, you may need to test to determine the approximate maximum image/element size since this layout is based on the user's font sizing combined with the values you set. However, if the user has their browser font size set lower than normal, less space will be available in the #mainContent div than you may see on testing.
    4. In the Internet Explorer Conditional Comment below, the zoom property is used to give the mainContent "hasLayout." This avoids several IE-specific bugs that may occur.
    .thrColEls #mainContent {
      margin: 0 12em 0 12em; /* the right margin can be given in ems or pixels. It creates the space down the right side of the page. */
    /* Miscellaneous classes for reuse */
    .fltrt { /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
        float: right;
        margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page */
        float: left;
        margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class should be placed on a div or break element and should be the final element before the close of a container that should fully contain a float */
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0px;
    </style><!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
    .thrColEls #sidebar1, .thrColEls #sidebar2 { padding-top: 30px; }
    .thrColEls #mainContent { zoom: 1; padding-top: 15px; }
    /* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
    <body class="thrColEls">
    <div id="container">
      <div id="sidebar1">
        <h3>sidebar1 Content</h3>
        <p>The background color on this div will only show for the length of the content. If you'd like a dividing line instead, place a border on the left side of the #mainContent div if the #mainContent div will always contain more content than the #sidebar1 div. </p>
        <p>Donec eu mi sed turpis feugiat feugiat. Integer turpis arcu, pellentesque  eget, cursus et, fermentum ut, sapien. </p>
      <!-- end #sidebar1 --></div>
      <div id="sidebar2">
        <h3>sidebar2 Content</h3>
        <p>The background color on this div will only show for the length of the content. If you'd like a dividing line instead, place a border on the right side of the #mainContent div if the #mainContent div will always contain more content than the #sidebar2 div. </p>
        <p>Donec eu mi sed turpis feugiat feugiat. Integer turpis arcu, pellentesque  eget, cursus et, fermentum ut, sapien. </p>
      <!-- end #sidebar2 --></div>
      <div id="mainContent">
        <h1> Main Content </h1>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. </p>
        <p>Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at,  odio. Donec et ipsum et sapien vehicula nonummy. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce  varius urna id quam. Sed neque mi, varius eget, tincidunt nec, suscipit id,  libero. </p>
        <h2>H2 level heading </h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at, odio.</p>
        <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
        <!-- This clearing element should immediately follow the #mainContent div in order to force the #container div to contain all child floats --><br class="clearfloat" />
    <!-- end #container --></div>

  • Accessibility without Elastic Layouts?

    I just upgraded from CS4 to CS6-- well, not technically an "upgrade" since CS4 was too old-- and I noticed the absence of "Elastic" starter pages in the newer version. I thought Elastic (ems) layouts were was a good way to go for accessibility, since they would accommodate users who needed to increased the text size.  Is this now acomplished with Liquid layouts?

    Elastic Layouts are a thing of the past. The new layouts are 'Fluid' - technically the same thing, but with a bit of a difference.
    Anyway, coming to your original question, there are great jQuery plug-ins that you can use to provide complete control to your end-user to increase/ decrease font size as per their desire.
    One of the most popular plug-ins for this is:
    Take a look at their 'Demos' section to see how it works. Implementation is pretty easy as well. This plug-in is very well documented.

  • I have a macbook air bought in 2010 wit liquid damage that might has affected the SSD card. I need to get my data but apple won't help. Authorized dealers never seem to have the same model to try whether the SSD card works. How can I get my data quickly?

    I have a macbook air bought in 2010. It has liquid damage that might or might not affected the SSD card. I need the data on my SSD card for work and I need it urgently. Apparently Apple won't get the data out, even if I have apple care... Licensed apple dealers need to have the same macbook air model so they can insert the SSD card and check whether the data is there, and they never seem to have one...
    I'm really disappointed with apple. It's been two weeks and I haven't been able to find out whether the SSD card is holding my data. It can't take that long to do it in store... How can they sell a product and then wash their hands on the matter?
    Anyway, enough with the apple rant. I need to get this data urgently so I need to find out how I can get it out of the card. The SSD card and data might be fine so I don't want to take it to a data recovery centre and get charged loads.
    Thanks for your help.

    See this link for a 4870 card, best instructs for flashing for a noob like me. (last lowest price was $150 for a 1GB vRAM 4870 from TigerDirect).
    However, not every 4870 card will work with the ROM currently floating around out there. BEWARE!
    Link to recovering a bricked card:

  • Please help - Trying to create a realistic liquid morphing

    I’m fairly new to Flash and vector art but have a
    project to create a Flash based flowchart that is made up of liquid
    blobs that morph to show the various paths to the chart.
    I’ve had a go making the blobs in flash but when l go
    to animate them, it all looks a bit rubbish - see:
    Could anyone suggest a better way of attempting to do this
    Thanks in advance

    Is there no way to create an appcontroller that works like an applescript? Or get an applescript to be recognized so a new NSButton added to the Bookmark bar be activated?
    *tell application "System Events"*
    * tell application "Safari" to activate*
    * keystroke "n" using {command down}*
    * delay 0.1*
    * keystroke "l" using {command down, shift down}*
    *end tell*
    _Something Like:_
    / AppController /
    *#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>*
    *@interface AppController : NSObject*
    *IBOutlet id NSButton;*
    *-(IBAction) autoFill:,delay 0.1,checkSpelling:(id)sender*
    I really don't know if that AppController looks anything like it should or if it's even close.

  • Faulty/stuck power button again! Who was the genius that located the ear-jack hole with the "Liquid Contact Indicator" at the top of the iPhone, so perspiration can accumulate and void the warranty

    My Power button is stuck again...... like many, many other two of my previous iPhones.  According to the Genius at the Genius Bar in Reno, Nv., my warranty is void because the LCI which is located in the ear-jack hole on the top, has come in contact with moisture/humidity/sweat.  My iPhone has never been dropped or wet. My iPhone4s is in pristine conditon and is in great working order except for the "stuck" power button, but because of a poor quality and location of the ear-jack hole, my warranty has been voided. Everything I have is Apple.  The Rep/Genius in Reno while fullly aware on the chronic power button problems, tried to put the stuck button on  an exposure to moisture. He said, "It doesn't matter if mositure didn't cause the button to stick or not. Your warranty voided because of the Liquid Contact Indicated turned color. Of course, the "power/sync" hole LCI is perfect.  Thank you Apple! I think I'll refuse my iPhone5 delivery on Friday and go buy a "Droid" phone.
    Hey, who out there wants to buy my new iPhone5 when it gets to me on Friday???

    Thanks for your reply. I too would not rule out moisture damaging the power button, but ...
    I guess was being too subtle. My points are:
    1. "Stuck" power buttons is a known issue/problem and Apple has been dealing with it since the first iPhone. This is quality problem. The evidence is with other users all around us and all over the web.
    2. The "sweat" issue is a design problem and should've been addressed long before the release of the iPhone5 in a few days.  Yes, they moved iPhone5's  headphone-jack to the bottom/underneath of the iPhone. To say that the "sweat" issue is the users' fault is like saying, Apple iPhones should only be sold to swine or other mammals without sweat glands. We're talking about as little as one drop from someone's temple running down the headphone-jack opening while one is engadged with a phone call.  That's all it takes to change the color of the LCI.
    3. Also I wanted to make my complaint public on this forum and not Facebook,  hoping to both, not only catch the eye of an Apple lurker, but let others know of the danger of speaking on their iPhones while out in the sun, high humidity or driving a car with the top down....... my point being, even the free AT&T Go Phones have protection against the slightest elements.
    4. I paid close to $700 for this iPhone4s 64G less than a year ago.  I don't like being dismissed with a cut and dry, cookie-cutter answer from a 20yr old without reasonable explanation and then be shoo'd out the door. "Next?"
    5. I love Apple products and I'm glad the new release has addressed the jack/perspiration problem although I know there were other factors involved in the decisions to not move/move it.

  • How long does corrosion take to appear from contact with liquid?

    I have had problems with o2 about my iphone since december 2010! i got a refubished iphone from o2 in october but by december i started having troubles charging it so sent it back to them for a fix. I was contacted by them saying i would have to pay £129 for my phone to be repaired as it was corroeded in the docking area? i had this iphone from about the 16th oct 2010 until the 3rd dec 2010 would corrosion have become apparent in this time (just over a month!) i had the iphone? I know that while i have had the iphone it has never ever been in contact with any liquids.
    Be very greatful for any help or advice as i feel like im fighting a losing battle here!

    You can try this, don't think there are any Radio Shacks in Europe, but someplace should sell the same thing.
    Radio Shack Precision Electronics Cleaner, contains Isohexane, Difluoroethane & Ethanol.  This type of cleaner eliminates any corrosion, evaporates, and provides a layer of protection. Good luck.

  • Purchase order on Liquidity forecast

    Hi all,
    Today we have integrated the configuration of the the liquidity forecast by sales orders and open items accounting, but it does not consider the purchase orders. Does anyone know how could I configure it in order to consider the purchase orders?
    Thank you in advance

    I have a problem that none of the PO amount is reflected on cash liquidation, the report only retrieves balances of PO which have been converted to invoice through MIRO.
    I found that the configuration is complete, planning group has been assigned to vendor master data. Do you have any idea how planning level in Cash Management connects to Material Management/Vendor?
    Or is there something missing that I can't get balance of PO in cash liquidation report?
    Thanks a lot

  • Liquid data type updates

    Hi everyone,
    With the next release (to go out on Monday) we're adding proper date format support in liquid for all modules. Besides all the improvements and additions made available with this release, one important note, which requires you to do some updates after the release, is that we're breaking backwards compatibility for liquid date tags by outputting the dates in ISO 8601 format ("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") instead of current format(“yyyy-MM-dd”).
    Here is a brief overview of the changes:
    All module fields which represent date or date times are now passed to Liquid as date time objects (previously they were passed as strings). This brings the following benefits:
    Comparison between date time objects works correctly
    It is possible to compute the difference between two date time objects using the minus filter. Example: {% assign dateDiff = Globals.Site.DateNow| minus: myDate %}
    We added the means for obtaining the current date time: The returned date is in the site’s time zone.
    By default, when no filter is applied, all date variables will be output in the following ISO 8601 format: “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss”. For example {{ myDate }} would output something similar to: “2014-12-12T07:19:49”. (Note: this is a backwards compatibility breaking change, as previously we outputted dates using the following format: “yyyy-MM-dd”. The breaking change only affects Liquid tags). Following the release, you should update your sites using the provided date filters to format the dates as you need.
    The output of date time variables can be formatted using the following filters:
    date (with no parameters)– displays a nice to read string representing just the date part from the date time variable. The date is formatted in the site’s culture. This compatible with the way older BC tags display dates. For example {{ myDate | date }}, in the English US culture will output a string similar to: “12-Dec-2014”.
    datetime (new filter) – displays a nice to read string of the date time variable using the site’s culture. This compatible with the way older BC tags display date time. For example {{ myDate | datetime }}, in the English US culture will output a string similar to: “12-Dec-2014”.
    date “format” (existing filter, nothing updated, mentioned here just for consistency) – displays the date in the site’s culture using a format specified by the format variable. The list with the available formats is available here: Note that the date filter can also be used to format objects that result as a difference between two date time objects, however, in this case the format string will respect a different set of rules as defined here: The following example demonstrates how to display just the number of days in the difference between two dates: {{ Globals.Site.DateNow| minus: myDate| date: "%d" }}
    We added the Convert filter which can be used for converting variables to a certain type. The syntax is: variable | convert: “type”. Below are the values supported by the type parameter:
    “date” – converts a variable to a date time instance. We only support the following formats for strings that are converted to date time: “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss” and “yyyy-MM-dd”.
    “number” – converts a variable to a number instance. If converting from string, only period “.” is supported as a decimal separator. This filter will probably be most useful when trying to convert GET query parameters: {% assign pageNumber = Globals.get.pageNumber | convert: “number” %}. The previous example assumes that URL that loaded the page contains a parameter named pageNumber. The convert numeric filter is an alternative to the rather hack-ish approach of converting to numbers using mathematical operators: {% assign myNumber = variable | plus: 0 }. Please note that it is not recommended to use the convert numeric filter just to assign numeric constants. For example, this approach is not recommended: {% assign myNumber = “3.14” | convert: “number” %}. Use the following approach instead: {% assign myNumber = 3.14 %} (note the lack of quotes around 3.14 in the second example).
    “boolean” – converts a variable to a boolean instance. Please note, that just as it is the case with numerics, it is not recommended to use the “boolean” filter for declaring a boolean constant. For example this is not recommended: {% assign myBool = “false” | convert: “boolean” %}. Use the following syntax instead: {% assign myBool = false %}
    “string” – converts a variable to its string representation.
    We added implicit casting to the most relevant type in comparisons and inside filters representing mathematical operations (plus, minus, times, divide, modulo). With implicit casting, if one of the two operands is of type string and the other is of a different type (for example numeric or date time), we will attempt to convert the string operand to the type of the other. The conversion will fail if the string is not in an appropriate format for the type it is converted to (same rules as in the Convert filter are applied). In comparisons, if the implicit casting fails, the comparison is made with both operands converted to strings. Additional notes:
    Implicit casting allows using date time literals directly in comparisons if the other operand is of date time type. For example, this will work correctly since "2015-01"15" will automatically be converted to date time before making the comparison: {% if myDate > "2015-01-15" %}Some message{% endif %}
    Date parts obtained using the date filter can be used directly in comparisons with numerics. For example:
             {% assign daysDiff = Globals.Site.DateNow| minus: myDate| date: "%d" %}
              {% if daysDiff < 10 %}
                A message
              {% endif %}
    With the implementation of implicit casting we also fixed some rather funny bugs related to comparisons and mathematical operations. For example, previously, 5 < 5.5 was evaluated as false, but 5.5 > 5 was evaluated as true. Also the result of 5| plus: 5.5 was 10, but the result of 5.5| plus: 5 was 10.5 (now 10.5 is the result of both operations, as expected).
    As a potential caveat, note that implicit casting will bring the operands to the relevant type only if one of them is actually of that type. If both operands are of type string, the comparison is made as of between strings. This means that following condition is evaluated as false {% if "3" < "15" %}, because as a string "15" is smaller than "3".
    Implicit casting from string to numeric only works if the string represents just a numeric. If the string contains additional characters, like a currency symbol, the conversion will fail. For example, this will not work correctly {% "$15" < 20 %}. Our goal, in the next releases, is to update all modules containing price related tags to have them in plain numeric format.
    We added the following filters for easily formatting numeric values representing prices.
    number - displays numbers with a fixed number of two decimals using the decimal separator appropriate to the site's culture. For example, in the English US culture, {{ 99| number }} will display 99.00
    currency - displays numbers in the same way as number but also inserts the currency symbol at the beginning of the returned value. The currency symbol respects the site's culture. For example, in the English US culture, {{ 99| currency }} will display $99.00
    In the next release or releases, we're going to focus on fixing the remaining data types for modules.

    Liam, the server date isn't helpful for converting timezones. We would need a direct date filter. With a filter for UTC and one for the user we should be able to do quite a bit from there.
    The most powerful things that could be implemented for date time are the following:
    • moment.js and Moment Timezone built into the filters.
    • the ability to add time info into date time fields
    But I know that's a tall order.

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