Live update monitor problems

on one system with live update monitor 3 im not able to search for new drivers... ist sais... maybe the server is down....
on another system it works perfect.
on a thirt system im not even able to upgrade from version 2 to version 3.---> http error 404  (link not found....)
instead of upgrading online i want to download the live update monitor 3 programm and install it the from my harddisk... but i cant find any download link to do this.
any ideas....

first i thought is has something to do with virus-sw. i deactivated it. furthermore its recommended that IE is configured to allow active-X scripts. i. another thins is to deactivate all popup-killer sw (google). did tried all but it didnt help
I could fix the problem by reinstalling the OS with all problem systems.....(grr)
after each new installed sw i checked whether the monitor still works or not. now everything works.
the problem is still a mystery to me.....
messages makes u believe that eventually the appropriate msi site is down. it isnt.

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    NVIDIA nForce System Drivers
    Item Name NVIDIA nForce System Drivers Update  
    Current Ver. 2.78 Online Ver. 3.75 Size 6.53MB
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    Item Name NVIDIA nForce2 VGA Driver Update  
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    just get nvidias drivers as they are newer any way nVidia Drivers

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    Quote from: Skullywag on 26-June-11, 16:53:37
    Any ideas?
    Uninstall it, and forget about it. 

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    Uninstall LiveUpdate 5 and forget about it. You can always download drivers from your boards download page:
    I have no idea whether I should post here or in the NVidia forum.
    Your board uses an AMD chipset, so you've posted in the correct place.

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    I just ran LiveMonitor without problem. But I have had a lot of problems this weekend so I don't think the MSI servers are 'fixed' yet. Just keep trying.  

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     Is my assumption correct?  yep

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    Hi ComicRef;
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    Never ever use live update! Although MSI still offers that tool running a live update tool and upgrading an online bios is considered very risky. We have countless issues with live update. Problem is that any windows issue while updating could kill your board. In addition most live update applications won't work in vista64 because it restricts bios access for apps except those optimized for vista64.
    Updating with a win98 boot disc/disk is still the safest way. Also you can use the forum's amazing usb flash tool which is very safe:
    Also have a read here:

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    Upgrade BIOS and see what happens...

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    Check the Event Viewer for the exact cause of the crashes. sounds like the same old driver crashes, which could be your graphics card or another component on your system like audio devices. Also verify your device manager for any devices that may be flagged and repair their drivers. This can go down to trivial things like your SATA controlelr driver or the temperature monitoring of the chip sending wrong signals when it supposedly gets too hot...

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    Note: In order to operate this application properly, please note the following suggests.
    Set the IE security setting "Download signed ActiveX controls" to [Enable] or [Prompt]. (System default is [Prompt]).
    Caution!!! For update security, we strongly recommend you terminate any other executing programs; such as Outlook, ICQ, anti-virus utilities, when using Live Updated.
    Update Microsoft® Windows® Installer
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    As you can see it says for Windows NT or 2000 and it's from 2001!!!
    I have TRendMicro virus protection and I always turn it off, but still the live update page just doesn't fully load.  Any ideas?

    Quote from: Bavarian on 23-February-05, 19:46:38
    it is because activeX.
    Ah, that makes sense.  So it is because I use Mozilla as my default browser (no ActiveX support).  So, anyone who has anything other than IE set as their default browser will be unable to use Live Update.
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    Rename or delete the ntaccess.sys file in \Program Files\MSI\Live Update 3. You will get a error when you run Live Update or Live Monitor about a service not started but just keep clicking OK and it seems to work, although I only download the files and canceled the installation. For online Live Update I think you'll find the file in \Windows\System32. Good luck.

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    Anyone else had this & know how to correct it?

    Alright, this is really getting on my t*ts!
    I haven;t changed anything &, following a re-boot, I'm now getting the "service was not started" error again once I log into Windows.
    When I try to run Live Update, it gives me the same error but does actually produce the IE window, although the options for Live BIOS & Live Driver are missing (the others are still there but don't work).
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    I have done a complete re-install of the Live Update and Cool N quite and that fixes it, and then it seems to come back a day later.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem?
    Thankyou for your help

    I stopped using the MSI software completely.  Also got lots of troubles with it.  MSi Live Update for example stops the audio drivers working while checking their revision and so on, so my advice is to use it only if needed once in a while and not loading it together with Windows.

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    *******Enhancement / FMR*********
    The Reference Monitor should update with every frame displayed, just as the Source and Program Monitor do.  This applies to playback as well as scrubbing.
    Why is this feature important to you?
    Live scopes AND program at the same time.  (How is it that at version 7, a 'professional' NLE still can't do this?)

    You've got me curious.
    Which ideas do you disagree with?
    Are there any you do agree with?

Maybe you are looking for

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