LiveCycle form Completion

A form I created has fields to be filled in by different applicants
.Example. 1 Form has 4 sections -
Section A : to be filled and signed by 1st applicant.
Section B: to be filled and signed by 2nd applicant.
Section C: to be filled and signed by 3rd applicant.
Section D: to be filled and signed by 4th applicant.
All the steps are in sequence.
After the applicant 4 fills in the form the application is finally submitted.
I am not sure if this process can be mapped in workbench as it is the form completion process and the user 2,3 and 4 are defined by user 1 in section A by capturing their mail ID.
All the applicants of 1 form can be in different locations.
Not sure if workbench has this ability?

Installing it first, eh.  Now why didn't I think of that.
Thanks very much indeed.  I have posted a rather fuller account of my various issues at  You've answered question 3, but if you have any brigfht ideas on the others that would be very welcome.

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    Thank you

    I'm not sure why that happens in the preview. Does it stop completely? I've had experience where the preview doesn't work and the stand alone app does and in most cases I'm just happy it works in the standalone and leave it at that.
    For the time format put the following code in the calculate event (or whatever event you want) of the TextField you want to see it formatted, where TextField1 is the field showing the total amount of seconds:
    a = TextField1.rawValue;
    seconds = a % 60;a /= 60;
    minutes = Math.floor(a % 60);
    a /= 60;
    hours = Math.floor(a % 24);
    this.rawValue=hours+":"+(String(minutes).length==1 ? "0":"")+minutes+":"+(String(seconds).length==1 ? "0":"")+seconds;
    I'm sure there's probably a FormCalc trick or display pattern out there that mitigates the need for all that code but this works too.

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    Does anyone have a solution?
    I thank you in advance.

    Hi All,
    I am interested in this topic, as now it seems we are approaching the need to archive the submitted forms (send them to OpenText), and it does not make sense to archive them as XFA Forms for the following reasons:
    1. They are very large in size. This is becuase they are dynamic, and by design, the size will increase with every submit, and also due to having multiple signatures where the entire copy of the PDF will be saved inside each signature.
    2. The PDF Form Data can be exported, and PDF Form can be opened using Designer. This will give room for problems.
    Suppose the requirement is to: a) Flatten the PDF Form, b) send the result PDF to OpenText. b) trigger this process from a button on the PDF or similar, c) automate where possible.
    1. I think there is no way we can use Acrobat (print to PDF) to implement this archiving requirements, since there is no easy way to automate this process, right? Also, it does not seem that there is easy way to integrate this method with OpenText, right?
    2. Say we decided to use Livecycle ES2 PDF output, what is needed to automate such requirements? What LC modules are needed other than LC Output? I think we need Process Management/Workbench for automation, right?
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    Depends on your deployment pattern.  You can just use Reader Extensions if you're publishing forms on a site, if you need to prefill or perform other processing on the template then LiveCycle Forms is needed.  If you want to render to HTML5 for tablet support then Forms Pro is needed.

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    Thank you!

    I presume you are asking if you need Livecycle Forms ES? Forms ES is a component of the livecycle software suite intended as a document service which will be installed on a server within the organisation. A couple of things this document service can do is to render XDP into multiple formats (PDF, html, etc.), execute script server side (for example the database connection) on behalf of the client (reader, etc.), integrate with backend components, etc. So no you do not install this on each client.
    For database connections to work, you either have a server with Forms ES installed which can connect on each clients behalf (ie. Client->Forms ES Server->Database), or you have a reader-extended PDF to allow connections to be use in the free basic Reader (i.e. direct calls to the database or using web service calls to your own database components). However, reader-extended pdf would probably require Reader Extensions ES component installed on a server (you once off extend your developed pdf through this and then hand it out to each of the end users). Not sure if the Acrobat Reader extensions will cover this functionality since I have not tried that. I dont think it does. Otherwise you would need full acrobat on each client.
    How much database integration is your form actually doing at the moment? read only? Full access? And how many clients do you expect to hit your database? Depending on what you need the form to do, there is always the option to try and build the integration yourself. Do simple http submits from the browser (hosting reader as a plugin) to some component somewhere which in turn hits your database. Wouldnt require additional licensing but alot more development work.
    As for cost for the various components, thats a question only Adobe can answer for you since they all sit squarely in the enterprise space and licensing for that is not as simple as off the shelf products.
    Maybe someone else has a view on it or has an alternative.

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    Thanks for the response.
    We are running acroread headlessly since it is on a remote server that we access via telnet. Without an XServer session, I can't tell whether acroread is able to read and display the PDF files normally. However, we can view the PDFs with Adobe Reader 8.1.2 on Windows and the acroread -toPostScript command-line that we are using does work properly with other PDFs.
    I will email you a copy of a problematic PDF shortly.
    Steven Dickson

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    If you need clarifications on anything, please don't hesitate to  ask.
    Thank you yet again,

    Hi Patrick,
    You can create a process in workbench which will make the JDBC calls and bring the data (See this -
    Then you can use the SOAP endpoint of this process in the LiveCycle form and invoke the process
    Hope this helps.

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    Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file://PDFMedia026281/g/framework4.6.0.23201.swf
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    with Designer ES3 (formerly know as ADEP Designer) you can use Flash files within XFA forms.
    Check Niall O'Donovan's article.
    He has prepared a nice example of using flash charts which can be manipulated at runtime.

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    Make sure all your fields have a binding set even if it is just their name.
    For instance, click on a field that isn't saving, in the Object palette, under the Binding tab make sure the Data Binding is set to Use Name.
    Hope that helps.

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    Hi, Steve.
    I have a similar situation. I would like to combine static PDF documents with some forms created using LiveCycle Designer. I read your previous post and I am aware that I can combine them using Acrobat Pro.
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    Any help appreciated.

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    There is a knowm issue with the PDF viewer software that Apple provides. If your users use Adobe Reader then they will not have the issue. Here is a link to a forum post that discusses the issue and gives a potential solution:

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    Does the form crash when you do a preview in LiveCycle Designer?  Have you got "When exception thrown" set to break in JavaScript preferences, maybe you can see an exception in the console?

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    You would need to consult with VeriSign to determine the actual product you should invest in, and how to implement their PKI. 
    That being said, a digital signature on a PDF is created using an x509 compliant digital certificate.  These certificates can be self-signed (created with Acrobat Pro or some other third party utility) or by a Certificate Authority such as VeriSign.
    You may also want to look at "electronic" signatures that are supported on PDFs using the signature field object and usually a plugin to Reader or Acrobat.  Check out the "electronic and digital signature hardware and software" category at the link:

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    you can use fragments to reuse portions of a form in other form.
    Here's a small tutorial about fragments.

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    User starts the stop watch at 08:08:00 stop watch displays 00:00:00
    User stops the stop watch at 08:45:10 stop watch displays 00:37:10
    User starts the stop watch at 09:15:00 stop watch displays 00:37:10 (when started but shows time accumulating)
    User stops the stop watch at 09:30:25 stop watch displays 00:52:35
    Total time recorded is displayed 00:52:35
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