Loading PDFs from memory

I'm using PDFLib 8.1 to open PDF documents for creating PNG previews. Using some example code I've successfully created preview images from PDF documents on my file system. What I would like to do is be able to do exactly the same, however the PDF document are stored in a memory buffer.
I understand from reading similar queries that I need to create my own ASFileSys (and/or ASFile) to implement reading from memory. Can anyone help point me in the right direction for doing this please? Has anyone done anything similar to this? Any code snippets that anyone has will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,

Thanks for your reply.
I don't seem to be able to find any ASFileSys samples / skeletons so I'm fighting this problem in the dark :(
I have instantiated a new ASFileSysRec as follows...
ASFileSysRec pdfMemoryFileSys;
memset( &pdfMemoryFileSys, 0, sizeof( ASFileSysRec ) );
pdfMemoryFileSys.size = sizeof( ASFileSysRec );
pdfMemoryFileSys.open = OpenMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.close = CloseMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.flush = FlushMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.setpos = SetPosMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.getpos = GetPosMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.seteof = SetEofMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.geteof = GetEofMemory;
pdfMemoryFileSys.read = ReadMemory;
(a very laborious task to implement each callback!)
and I have got as far as ASFileSysCreatePathName working (calls pdfMemoryFileSys.createPathName) and I even see SetPosMemory / ReadMemory / etc being called from PDDocOpen (I simply return the required memory buffer position from a global buffer).
However I get all sort of problems (exceptions thrown) - I'm pretty sure I'm returning the correct buffer contents/seek positions, etc. I have noticed the following callback functions...
pdfMemoryFileSys.firstFolderItem (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc)
pdfMemoryFileSys.nextFolderItem (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc)
I've no idea what to return in these callbacks (?).
It's very frustrating, I don't believe I'm asking for anything too out of the ordinary by wanting to load a PDF from memory instead of a file!
I'm hoping that someone will tell me I'm crazy to be doing what I'm doing and that there's a much simpler way (?!).

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  • Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

    Load PDF From Memory using Adobe Acrobat SDK

    //The below variables are global;
    DWORD FileSize;//size of main PDF file
    char * lpBuffer;//PDF buffer,please save binary PDF data into this buffer
    DWORD dwDataSize;//size of main PDF file
    DWORD dwDataIndex;//is a pointer for lpBuffer position.ex. lpBuffer[dwDataIndex]
    //write the following code in the initialzation of your application
    ASFileSys myFileSys;
    memset (&MyFileSys, 0, sizeof(ASFileSysRec));
    MyFileSys.size = sizeof(ASFileSysRec);
    MyFileSys.open = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysOpenProc, MyASFileSysOpenProc);
    MyFileSys.close = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCloseProc, MyASFileSysCloseProc);
    MyFileSys.flush = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushProc, MyASFileSysFlushProc);
    MyFileSys.setpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetPosProc, MyASFileSysSetPosProc);
    MyFileSys.getpos = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetPosProc, MyASFileSysGetPosProc);
    MyFileSys.seteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetEofProc, MyASFileSysSetEofProc);
    MyFileSys.geteof = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetEofProc, MyASFileSysGetEofProc);
    MyFileSys.read = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReadProc, MyASFileSysReadProc);
    MyFileSys.write = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysWriteProc, MyASFileSysWriteProc);
    MyFileSys.remove = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveProc, MyASFileSysRemoveProc);
    MyFileSys.rename = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRenameProc, MyASFileSysRenameProc);
    MyFileSys.isSameFile = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysIsSameFileProc, MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc);
    MyFileSys.getName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameProc, MyASFileSysGetNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getNameAsASText = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc, MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc);
    MyFileSys.getTempPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc, MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.copyPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc, MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.diPathFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.pathFromDIPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc, MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc);
    MyFileSys.disposePathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc, MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getFileSysName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc, MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getStorageFreeSpace = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc, MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc);
    MyFileSys.flushVolume = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc, MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc);
    MyFileSys.createPathName = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc, MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc);
    MyFileSys.getItemProps = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc, MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc);
    MyFileSys.firstFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc);
    MyFileSys.nextFolderItem = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc, MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc);
    MyFileSys.destroyFolderIterator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc, MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc);
    MyFileSys.urlFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysURLFromPathProc, MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.getParent = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetParentProc, MyASFileSysGetParentProc);
    MyFileSys.createFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysCreateFolderProc, MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc);
    MyFileSys.removeFolder = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc, MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc);
    MyFileSys.displayStringFromPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc, MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc);
    MyFileSys.setTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc);
    MyFileSys.getTypeAndCreator = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc, MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc);
    //These need to be implemented for 7.0 Windows
    MyFileSys.acquirePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc);
    MyFileSys.releasePlatformPath = ASCallbackCreateProto (ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc, MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc);
    //MYFileSys Callbacks Functions definations
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysOpenProc (ASPathName pathName, ASUns16 mode, MDFile *fP)
    dwDataIndex = 0;
    dwDataSize  = FileSize;//size of main PDF file
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCloseProc (MDFile f)
    dwDataIndex = 0;//set PDF buffer pointer to zero
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushProc (MDFile f)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
    dwDataIndex = (DWORD)pos;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetPosProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
    *pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataIndex;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 pos)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetEofProc (MDFile f, ASUns32 *pos)
    *pos = (ASFilePos)dwDataSize;
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysReadProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
    *pError = 0;
    if ( ptr == NULL )
      return 0;
    DWORD dwRemaining = dwDataSize - dwDataIndex;
    DWORD dwReadSize = min( dwRemaining, (DWORD)( size * count ) );
    CopyMemory(ptr, &lpBuffer[ dwDataIndex ], dwReadSize );
    dwDataIndex += dwReadSize;
    return (ASSize_t)dwReadSize;
    static ACCB1 ASSize_t ACCB2 MyASFileSysWriteProc (void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, MDFile f, ASInt32 *pError)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRenameProc (ASMDFile* f, ASPathName oldPath, ASPathName newPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysIsSameFileProc (ASMDFile f, ASPathName pathName, ASPathName newPathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameProc (ASPathName pathName, char *name, ASInt32 maxLength)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc (ASPathName pathName, ASText name)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCopyPathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc (ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
        return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc (const char * diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisposePathNameProc (ASPathName pathName)
    static ACCB1 ASAtom ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc (void)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASUns32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return INT_MAX;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysFlushVolumeProc (ASPathName pathName)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreatePathNameProc (ASAtom pathSpecType, const void *pathSpec, const void *mustBeZero)
    return (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetItemPropsProc (ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASFolderIterator ACCB2 MyASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc (ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyASFileSysNextFolderItemProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc (ASFolderIterator folderIter)
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysURLFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASPathName ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetParentProc (ASPathName path)
    return NULL;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysCreateFolderProc (ASPathName path)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysRemoveFolderProc (ASPathName path)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 char * ACCB2 MyASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc (ASPathName path)
        return NULL;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long type, unsigned long creator)
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc (ASPathName path, unsigned long *type, unsigned long *creator)
    static ACCB1 ASInt32 ACCB2 MyASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc(ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath *platformPath)
    return 0;
    static ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc(ASPlatformPath platformPath)
    //write the following code in your open PDF file procedure
    FileSize = //size of your PDF File;
    lpBuffer = (char *)malloc(FileSize);
    PDDoc pdDoc = PDDocOpen( (ASPathName)PDF_MEMORY_FILESYS, &MyFileSys, NULL, true );
    ASFile asFile = PDDocGetFile(pdDoc);
    ASText title = ASTextFromScriptText ("PDF File Name",kASRomanScript);
    AVDoc targetDoc = AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams (asFile, title, NULL);

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    Like the title says, since I have Os X Maverick I can't load pdf from the web. When I click on a link to download a pdf, a new window open and the document seems to load but the winow stays dark. Sometime, when I then dowload the document on my computer it works but not all the time ! What's the bug !?
    Thanks a lot for helping me !!!

    I found this discussion : https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3874025

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    You ask "why", but don't provide any information...
    What is your operating system?
    What is your web browser?
    Are you asking about Adobe Reader or Acrobat?
    What is your Reader / Acrobat version?
    What exactly means "will not load"?

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    Another possibility to to use the Schubert PDF plug in. It has been around for years and works great.
    I do not know if it will work in Lion but it does work in Snow Leopard.
    Steve H

  • Loading PDF from local drive and sending it to Agent Inbox

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    I have a question regarding to sending e-mails to inbox agent (so that it will appeared in the Inbox in the transaction SBWP). Sending e-mail is not a problem and I use FM called SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to do it.
    The problem starts when I want to attach a PDF file. I can not find information how to load a pdf file from a local drive and add it as an attachment to an email. I will be grateful for your help and peace of code.
    Best regards

    Using cl_bcs much simpler
    Based on BCS_EXAMPLE_3 .
    See attached program Y_R_EITAN_TEST_10_07 .

  • Generate PDF from memory and stream back via HTTP

    Hi All,
    I'm attempting to generate a PDF report from data within a database using Oracle XML Publisher. Ultimately I want to have a page that has a button on it. When the user presses the button a "Download File" prompt will appear. From here the user can download a PDF report of the data in the database. Here is the code I have so far:
    public void dataEngine() throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException,
    SAXException, XSLException {
    try {
    String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dev:1521:ORCL";
    java.sql.Connection jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
    "test", "test");
    FOProcessor processor = new FOProcessor();
    DataProcessor dataProcessor = new DataProcessor();
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String templateTmpDir;
    templateTmpDir = "C:/temp/catalogDataTemplate.xml";
    Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
    parameters.put("id", "catalog1");
    // dataProcessor.setConnection(this.getCurrentConnection());
    InputStream is;
    is = fctx.getExternalContext().getResourceAsStream(templateTmpDir);
    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) fctx.getExternalContext().getResponse();
    InputStream xsl = null;
    String tmpDir;
    FacesContext fctx2 = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    tmpDir = "catalog.xsl";
    xsl = fctx2.getExternalContext().getResourceAsStream(tmpDir);
    String filename = "catalogreport.pdf";
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);
    OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
    XSLProcessor p = new XSLProcessor();
    JXDocumentBuilderFactory factory = (JXDocumentBuilderFactory)JXDocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    JXDocumentBuilder documentBuilder = (JXDocumentBuilder) factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray());
    // Creates the in-memory representation of the output XML
    XMLDocument xmlDocument = (XMLDocument) (documentBuilder.parse(bis));
    XSLStylesheet xslSheet = p.newXSLStylesheet(xsl);
    p.processXSL(xslSheet, xmlDocument, out);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    System.out.println("SQLException " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.out.println("ClassNotFoundException " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (XDOException e) {
    System.out.println("XDOException" + e.getMessage());
    I keep getting a null pointer exception on the following line:
    InputStream is = fctx.getExternalContext().getResourceAsStream(templateTmpDir);
    Am I going in the right direction? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    The bipublisher ide applies exactly to your situation.
    You want to the following:
    1. Run data template, generate some xml
    2. Be able to apply a format template to the xml
    3. Serve up the document on the screen in the form of a popup
    This is all taken care with the bi publisher ide behind the scenes, specifically in the oaf download (note: I suggest you first get familiar with the standard version, BIPublisherIDE). The oaf version requires none of the coding effort your doing right now.
    So let's work through how you would exactly do this. This is what you will need to do for an OAF Solution. For reference see
    http://bipublisher.blogspot.com/2008/03/bi-publisher-bip-in-oa-framework-part.html. The code sample thats provided in the article you can clone for your purposes.
    I highly recommend you invest a little time upfront understanding how the code works in the BIPublisherIDE. In the short term it might be painful to learn it, but in the long-term the code is free and you can modify however you would like, plus it works! The solution is all encompassing, best of all you can do everything locally without having to do anything server side for initial development (see the configuration options and manual on my blog)
    step 1: Extended the bipublisher api class, call the super class.
    import oracle.apps.xbol.bipublisher.api.XMLPublisherApi;
    public class IPTInvoiceGenerator extends XMLPublisherApi
    static oracle.apps.xdo.common.log.Logger logger;
    public IPTInvoiceGenerator (OAPageContext pageContext, AppsContext appsContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    /*call the super class, your connection will be set and stored in the config class
    getOALookup is a local method that maps out your parameters values to the data template values
    and may not work for your situation.
    if this constructor doesn't meet your needs create a new constructor in each class all the
    way down to the config class. To understand how the code works I suggest you visit and read
    this will give you a great overview of the base classes and how you can morph them to your
    needs. For anyone else reading this you should be able to create a new constructor for a concurrent
    program with relative ease...
    super(pageContext, appsContext, webBean, pageContext.getParameter("output"), getOALookup());
    Steps 2-8 go here...
    public final static Hashtable getOALookup()
    Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
    *=================== OA Parameter | @BIP Parameter (see form function call =============
    bi publisher ide will search oa parameters, get there values and map them to the data template parms.
    parameters.put("P_MLOGO_ID" , "P_MLOGO_ID");
    parameters.put("P_CONC_REQUEST_ID" , "P_CONC_REQUEST_ID");
    parameters.put("P_DIR_PROJECT_ID" , "P_DIR_PROJECT_ID");
    parameters.put("P_INDIR_PROJECT_ID" , "P_INDIR_PROJECT_ID");
    parameters.put("P_INVOICE_NUMBER" , "P_INVOICE_NUMBER");
    parameters.put("P_COST_PLUS_BILLING_ID" , "P_COST_PLUS_BILLING_ID");
    parameters.put("P_TO_DATE" , "P_TO_DATE");
    parameters.put("P_FROM_DATE" , "P_FROM_DATE");
    parameters.put("P_ORDER_BY" , "P_ORDER_BY");
    parameters.put("P_ORDER_BY_BILL_CODE" , "P_ORDER_BY_BILL_CODE");
    parameters.put("orgId" , "P_ORG_ID");
    parameters.put("P_DEBUG" , "P_DEBUG");
    return parameters;
    Step 2: Setup your output options
    //Setup your output directory
    //Setup your file name.
    Step 3: Setup your configured data template and format template that are in the template manager
    tables in the eBusiness suite. Note: The code will download the data template and configured
    format template automatically with no interaction.
    //set data template code, no link is required to the format template
    //setup format template code, no link is required to the data template
    Step 4: Setup your parameters
    Step 5: Call oaDataEngine(), create the xml document
    Step 6: Call applyTemplate(), apply the format template to the xml
    Step 7: Display the document on the screen
    displayOAFDocument(); //pop the document up on the browser
    Step 8. Release the connection
    That's it! I've used the code over 3 times for calling bipublisher reports from oracle forms6i. There is no need for a web service that I can think of, but perhaps there is something I overlooked...
    Let me know if have any questions.
    Ike Wiggins

  • Adobe locks when loading pdf from sharepoint site

    We have sharepoint 2010 in our environment. most of our users have adobe reader x. Some have acrobat standard X as well. I personally have Adobe Reader XI. Some of our users see this issue
    Intermittently where when they are on the sharepoint site and they click on a pdf and say open as read only, if the user has adobe reader default to display in browser what happens is sometimes (not always) the page will just be blank and act like it is loading. This can take up to 8 minutes. Also, if the user has it open with the software and selects edit, the document takes just as long. I was wondering why the process of opening pdfs can be so slow sometimes. Any help is appreciated

    Hi MrSarcastic,
    Does this happen when the end users are trying to view the same pdf simultaneously?

  • How to load jpegs from memory stick to ipad2

    How do I load picture to my ipad2 using memory stick.

    The memory stick format was Sony's attempt to control the portable storage market.
    They failed miserably. Almost nobody supports or uses the memory stick format.
    Transfer to a pc or to a decent memory card and use the camera connection kit.

  • How to Enable Plugin before File Opened And Load PDF File From memory?

    hello everyone,
    there have two problems,all i want to do is to show a pdf file encrypted by AES algorithm.
    1.one is how to enable plugin before file opened?
    i developed another two plugin,and each enabled after one pdf file was opened,and now i want to replace the file open command and can do some word by meself,such as decrypt the pdf ?
    2.another is how to load pdf file from memory?
    if i can enable plugin before file opened,and than i can read the file and decrypt it,and now i want to do is do load the decrypt file (in memory) into the adobe?
    i tried many method,but all in vain.who can help me or give me some advice?
    merry chrismas to everyone.

    The proper way to handle other file formats (even where it is really a PDF that has been "wrapped") is to create an AVConversionHandler.
    To load a PDF from a source other than the file system, you need to create a custom AVFileSys.

  • How do you prevent the organizer from mixing the order of pictures when down loading off the memory card?

    @How do you prevent the organizer from mixing the order of pictures when down loading off the memory card?

    This sounds like you are using Photoshop Elements, and the Photoshop Elements forum would be best at answering that.
    Photoshop Elements

  • How to load a PDF from page 1 in IE

    I am currenty working on a fllex based web application that needs to load multiple PDF documents. The pdfs are loaded and displayed properly but after the user scrolls couple of pages/ lines and switches to a new document, IE saves the last visit cursor position of the pdf document. On user revisit to the first PDF the IE loads it from the last cursor position.
    I need to reload the PDF document from Page 1 everytime the user selects to load a pdf document.
    Is there any setting in the Adobe Acrobat Page display settings or in the IE that would help me accomplish my task.
    Please respond ASAP.
    NOTE: The pdf is loaded inside  an IFRAME.

    > I have a feeling that removing the save button will not be possible.
    You cannot remove the save button, no, but you can replace its execute method with something that, say, pops up a warning to the user instead.
    > Is there any way to just load the file using a URL?
    The ActiveX control definitely loads a URL. See the "src" property of the ActiveX control. If you download the SDK, the ActiveView sample actually loads a PDF from a URL by default.

Maybe you are looking for