Local pkg upload - "Component's architecture is different from destination

machine" is the Publish Status message I get when trying to upload an x86 package in the x86 channel. This happens with multiple packages that have been running on systems for months but UCE doesn't like any of them.
Any ideas?

Local packages, adapted or developed in house - all other Sun and freeware packages have added successfully, though through different methods.

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  • Page that is uploaded to the server looks different from the preview in Dreamweaver browser

    Hi, I have a couple of questions.  Does anyone happen to know why my homepage looks different in Dreamweaver when I preview in browser then it does when I upload the page onto the server?  http://www.iewaterkeeper.org/  I see a join our mailing list button is intact when I preview in browser but is no where to be found when I view the uploaded page from the server.  Other weird things have been going on with Dreamweaver today like I wasn't able to absolute position a div tag in it's intended place and all the typography on my homepage looks very blurry in Dreamweaver but looks clearer when it's uploaded to the server.  Does anyone know what's going on?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  .... Could it be a virus?

    That's so weird because I'm looking at the code in Dreamweaver and line 181 has a closing </body>.   Here's the code straight from Dreamweaver: 
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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  • Problems getting just the file name using an upload component

    Hi everyone, I'm using an upload component on my page and I need to get just the name of the image/file in order to store it in a database, I used the code of the tutorial and It works fine on mozilla but the problem comes when I use Internet Explorer because I get the whole path of the image/file and not just the name of it. I believe the browser is the cause of the problem, I already checked the http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/fileupload/, but I don't understand how to use anything, and not even the code of the tutorial works eventhough it is specified in comments:
    // some browsers return complete path name, some don't
       // make sure we only have the file name
       String justFileName = uploadedFileName.substring
          ( uploadedFileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1 );If anybody could helpme solve this problem I'd appreciate it so much
    Message was edited by:

    Let's walk through the code...
    File.separatorChar is the system-dependent default hame-separator charac tor. This field is initialized to contain the first character of the system property file.separator. On UNIX systems, the value of this field is '/'; on Microsoft Windows systems it is '\\'.
    String justFileName =
    // get the substring of uploadedFileName
    // that starts after the last separator (\ or /)
    uploadedFileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1
    You say that this statement is returning the complete path name, for example:
    C:\Documents and Settings\All
    Users\Documentos\Mis im��genes\Im��genes de
    muestra\Puesta de sol.jpgSo, we can make an assumption that the File.separatorChar must not be \, or else the statement would return Puesta de sol.jpg.
    We know that it works for you on Solaris/Mozilla.
    We also know that Misha has tested the statement in IE and it works for him.
    (And I know that this tutorial was tested by a software engineer and a quality engineer, and it worked for both of them, as well as the tutorial author and a peer).
    So, what is different here??????
    Can you print out File.separatorChar and see if it is '\\' (I think the first \ is an escape char, that is \\ (escape-escape) is the equivalent of \ (backslash)) or '\'?
    When you run it on another machine, how are you deploying it on the other machine? Is it deployed to Solaris and running on Windows?
    Have you tested to see if it works on a Windows machine using Mozilla?
    Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on the problem.

  • Implementing File Upload component + Java Mail

    Brief Intro : I have a form with some input fields. Upon submission of the form all the necessary information is submitted ro R/3 system and a mail is send to lets say administrators. I have Java Mail program for sending emails.
    My requirement : I want the users to give the FileUpload option in the form so that they can select the file and that file should be attached to email whcih I am sending upon form submission.
    1) How to check the path of the file where it gets uploaded.
    2) Does it get uploaded on the Server where I deploy my application.
    3) Any Solution/suggestion on how to implement the requirement stated above.
    <b>Chintan Virani.</b>

    Hi Chintan...
    File Uplaod UI Element is just to get the file path of the file from the client or presentation server i.e. our pc. Rest code to store the data is done in action of the upload button (not the browse button). So no file is formed automatically.
    Unless you write the code to read the file from the path selected, you cannot get the data bytes and unless you mention the path no file is made in the server.
    Better would be that you keep a file template in the mimes folder and at runtime you write to this file.
    The path of the file in the mimes folder is
    <Component Package>
    <File Name>
    This file can be attached to your mail as an attachement.
    Further reference...
    Re: how to create a file i mimes/ components folder
    Mahesh K.

  • Upload bank statements interface(with different layouts)

    My component is upload bank statements interface(with different layouts) .
    to which module it belongs exactly.And how to proceed with this....
    plz give u r sugessitions.................
    pavan kumar

    firstly go through the documentation and TRMs
    if you have any doubt in the coding . the send the code and errors encountered
    so, that we can help you.

  • How to use file upload component inside a portlet

    Thank you for reading my post.
    does file upload works inside portlets ?
    can some one help me with a sample code , does it need some tricks ?
    Thank you

    any help is welcomeLegolas,
    You could try your own implementation. Someone was able to implement a file upload with Creator 2004Q4 and the O'Reilly Servlet. See http://swforum.sun.com/jive/thread.jspa?forumID=123&threadID=50186.
    You will have to configure O'Reilly Servlet's "MultiPart Filter" in your application. Creator 2 uses a same approach (a filter) to accomplish this. Given that the file upload component is not supported on portlets, this leads me to the following: I don't know anything about portlets and portlet containers, but I'd check first for some architechtural restriction in the portlet subsystem that avoids the use of a filter for a file upload. If think this could be the only thing that will restrict you to implement your own file upload.
    Hope this helps.

  • Screen hangs when user types in some text in file upload component

    Dear All
    I am using file upload component in webdynpro java in a custom application and added some validation logic on the file
    selected. This is being used to upload jpeg files to KM repository. Now the issue is if user types some text in the file
    upload input field and click on upload button the screen hangs and it goes to infinite loop. It seems that the framework is not able to accept and check the arbitrary value entered by user.
    Can anyone tell me how this can be sorted out?

    Hello Sudeep,
    I have also faced the same issue and to me it seems an issue with the UI element itself. Please follow the following threads for more information:
    [File Upload UI Element going in Infinite loop;
    [upload UI element;
    Hope this may be of some use.

  • File upload component and text area issue

    Hi guys,
    I have static text, text area and button on the same page. Text area binded to session bean value and all works fine (I can input text into text area and press button to save changes).
    After adding file upload component to the same page I have got a problem - now after page refreshing the non english characters inside text gets trashed.
    Other non english characters - inside static text components remains the same - the problem relates only to text area.
    It looks like file upload component code has an encoding related bug. Is that a known issue?
    And may be somebody have a workaround?

    Hi Rom@n,
    I did some checking and this issue is currently logged as: 6442528. It is scheduled to be available in the next patch release. I'm sorry I don't have a time frame for the patch since it is still waiting for other fixes.
    Sorry for the inconvience.
    Creator Team

  • Validator for file upload component is not working !!

    This validator method for a file upload component is throwing a java.lang.NullPointerException.
    public void fileUpload1_validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
    long size= fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getSize();
    if (size>65535){
    throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Your image is too big!"));
    Any help to solve this problem is very much appreciated.

    Hi i have a fileUpload in a pop-up and the methods are :
    public void fileUpload1_validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
    try {
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.model.UploadedFile uploadedFile = ((Upload)component).getUploadedFile();
    long l_filesize = uploadedFile.getSize();
    if ( l_filesize > 1000000)
    throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("File Size should be less than 1000000 bytes! It is" + l_filesize));
    else {
    String tipo = uploadedFile.getContentType();
    if ( tipo.compareTo("application/word") == -1 )
    if ( tipo.compareTo("application/rtf") == -1 )
    if ( tipo.compareTo("application/pdf") == -1 )
    throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Error : los tipos de archivo aceptados son PDF, WORD y RTF"));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    this.mauvaisFichier = true;
    public String botonValidar_action() {
    if ( !this.mauvaisFichier )
    if ( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile() != null )
    if ( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getSize() > 0 )
    try {
    this.getSessionBean1().getComunicacion().setArchivo( new javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob(this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getBytes() ) );
    this.getSessionBean1().getComunicacion().setTipoArchivo( this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getOriginalName().substring(this.fileUpload1.getUploadedFile().getOriginalName().length() - 3 ) );
    } catch(Exception e){
    return null;
    I have to put a boolean value because the first time, validation code doesn't function ( the method botonValidar_action() is called ) correctly. The error message appears but empty.
    If I try next time then it's ok.
    Thx for any issue.

  • Portal 902. Uploaded document differs from downloaded document.

    We are currently trying to set-up a portlet, which would include items (documents, images etc.). The problem we faced in that process is related to portal's storing process. We uploaded a pdf-file (Java API Guide from otn.oracle.com) as a simple file. Then, attempting to open the same file from portal, we got different errors: "the file is damaged and could not be repaired", "error reading xref entry" etc. Since these errors refer to acrobat reader and browser conflict we turned that "open in browser" option off in Adobe Acrobat. After this, the situation did not improve. Still, it was possible to download the document from the portal as a file. We downloaded the file and made a binary comparison. The result was quite intereseting since the size of both (uploaded to portal and downloaded from portal) was the same (210 Kb) but the content was different. I will add also a excerpt from that downloaded file that differed from the initial file. How could we avoid similar problems in the future? Thank you.
    366 ;
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    Font-Weight : Bold ;
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    Color : #003366 ;
    Font-Family :
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    Text-Decoration : none ;
    Font-Weight : Bold ;
    Color : #000000 ;
    Text-Decoration : none ;
    Font-Size : 10pt ;
    Font-Family :
    Arial, Helvetica ;
    Color : #000000 ;
    Text-Decoration : none ;
    Font-Size :
    9pt ;
    Font-Family : Arial, Helvetica ;
    Color : #000000 ;
    Font-Size : 8pt ;
    Font-Family : Arial, Helvetica ;
    Text-Decoration : none ;
    Color : #000000 ;
    Font-Family : Arial, Helvetica ;
    Font-Size : 7pt ;
    Text-Decoration :
    none ;
    Background-Repeat : no-repeat
    Background-Position : left top ;
    Background-Image :
    url( ;
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    Background-Attachment : scroll ;
    Background-Image :
    url( ;

    I am having the exact same problem on 10.1.4. I have a pdf on my desktop which opens fine in Acrobat reader (v 7.0). I upload it to my portal page as a file and when I click on the link I get the "this file is damaged and cannot be repaired" message. I downloaded the portal version of the PDF and an extra 66 bytes had been added to it.
    I only get this in my live environment as the file uploaded OK in user test. I have uploaded other PDF files and they can be viewed OK.
    Has anyone come across and fixed this in the six years since the original post?

  • Hot to call processValueChange() method of the file upload component?

    When the value changes (when I choose a new file to upload) in the file upload component the processValueChange() method is not called.
    I am planing to show the preview of the image to be uploaded using the processValueChange().

    Is there a bug connected with this issue?

  • Irritating bugs in file upload component !!

    Bug 1
    During a postback operation the text (file path name) in the file upload component is cleared ! When a resubmit of a form is required, the user has to re-browse the file again.
    Bug 2
    The processValueChandge() method is never called when the value in the file upload component is changed (and the mouse is clicked outside the component).
    Any suggestions or workarounds are very much appreciated.

    I can't answer to Bug 1. That is, I don't have any solutions. If you want to submit this, go to http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/support/index.html and look at the section titled Bug Report /Feature Request
    Bug 2
    The processValueChandge() method is never called when
    the value in the file upload component is changed
    (and the mouse is clicked outside the component).This is not a bug.
    processValueChange methods are server side methods and do not get called until the page is submitted to the server. Clicking outside the component will not cause the page to get submitted. If you want a client-side action (such as when focus is lost) then you can add some JavaScript.
    The file upload does not have a process value change method, it is an action method and thus has a uploadFileButton_action method. This method gets called when the upload button is clicked.

  • Htmlb table - File upload component

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to use the file upload component in a table view (htmlb for java) column?

    Here is one thought, there is onCellClick event for the Tableview, use that for the required column and add the file upload component as the event handler method in the onCellClick method.
    Link on table view events:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/eb/220a415a47f06fe10000000a1550b0/content.htm">Table view attributes and events</a>
    Link on OnCellClick:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/37/3d8b41b4b3b25fe10000000a1550b0/content.htm">onCellClick</a>
    Check the following link:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/63/9c0e41a346ef6fe10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm">File upload</a>
    Hope it helps.
    Message was edited by: Vivekanandan

  • File Upload Component

    I can not find a function in the Upload class that will allow me to access the browse button
    child component nor can I see any mention of the file upload component in the
    master stylesheet of the defaulttheme jar.
    what am i missing here guys?

    Dear Manjunath Jayaram,
    You don't think it is a problem that one can not access the child of a
    composite component ???
    I am sorry if you don't appreciate the problem but I can not state it any more plainly.
    "I can not find a function in the Upload class that will allow me to access the browse button
    child component nor can I see any mention of the file upload component in the
    master stylesheet of the defaulttheme jar".

  • File upload component in JStudio Enterprise

    Dear all,
    I am not sure that File Upload Component is supported in JStudio Enterprise 8.1 or not. I see that Netbeans has one: http://www.netbeans.org/kb/55/vwp-about_components.html.
    So I thought JStudio Enterprise may have one similar. If so, can anyone tell me how to do that please?

    FileUpload component is not supported in Java Studio Enterprise. The FileUpload is a component that conforms to the spec recognized by Java Studio Creator line of products (which is now Visual Web Pack) and will not work in JSE.
    You can use NetBeans 5.5 and install Visual web pack (for javafaces support), enterprise pack (which provides all capabilities of JSE) and uml on top of it. It would give you a single install with all add-ons.

Maybe you are looking for