Lock SO Item

Hello Experts,
I would like to lock Sales Order at Item level, so that it will not be allowed for any change till the time the item is unlocked.
Note - I don't want to lock all items of Sales Order.
Thanks in Advance,
Pritam Kunal

Can it be reused after archiving it? if yes then how?  Because, there is some approval associated with each item and every item need to be locked only till the time item is approved or rejected. After that it should be open for any change.

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    Its not possible to see the line item in the print preview if it is blocked...
    You can only display in the PO only...why do you need Print preview of blocked items??
    Added on :
    You can check these locked details in the EKKO and EKPO table in the SE16 tcode for the respective PO and can also download the details if req. from the same table..
    Hope it helps..

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    Setting the properties "insert allowed" and "update allowed" will allow the item to display queried values. Allow the user to click in the field and copy values. But will not allow the user to change the value.
    You can can do the above for the whole item in your detail block using set_item_property or just at the record level with set_item_instance_property.
    Setting enabled to "No" is a little drastic. I dont use it that much. I think it also makes the text gray and hard to read.
    What is probably stopping you from going to the next record is that you have the "required" property set to "yes".
    I dont ever set the required property to yes anymore in my forms. I write all my field validation in one program unit and call it from pre-insert and pre-update. This allows the user to freely navigate througout the form and field values are typically only checked when they press save. Not always, but mostly.

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    If you are able to load the lockbox file then customer items shall be cleared. Please check the posting rule config and clearing accounts maintained for lockbox.

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    MacBook Pro Retina 15" (mid-2014) 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    OS X 10.9.5
    Memory: 16 GB
    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB
    OWC ThunderBay 4
    Dell UltraSharp U2412M in vertical mode

    Read this article it will be useful.
    You can find customization document in OIM documentation folder.

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    I suggest you send Apple feedback via Apple's official feedback page. You can find it by going to http://www.apple.com and looking in the contact section.

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    Hi keinpanik, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Have you tried using Parental Controls for other Users in the Accounts Pref Pane?
    I'm not positive, but I don't think you can modify just individual functions within an APP to any great degree.

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    to lock the dock run the following commands from the terminal
    defaults write com.apple.dock contents-immutable -bool true
    killall Dock
    Make sure you press enter after "killall Dock"
    To unlock it change "true" to "false" in the above. Also, I believe Onyx http://www.titanium.free.fr/pgs2/english/download.html
    provides a UI way to do it if you are uncomfortable with using the terminal.

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              I want to lock the item prices (Super User only can change the price if there is any changes in prices). Is it possible?
    Thanks & Regards,

    you can use stored procedure to block users from updating fields.
    create join to ousr table and check the superuser field
    if it is N throw error and don't allow the update

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    It is not possible to do this with ONHOLD or VALID field.
    Try to use Stored Procedure or FMS.
    If u use SP, write code like Block Adding Production Orders with X Item
    If u use FMS, add a new UDF in Prod.Order row level which should be mandatory. Give Y as a Default Value for tht UDF.
    Write a FMS like, Check the Current Line Item Code if it is X Item then make the UDF NULL else Default Value. This will block adding Production Order with X Item

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    Can you please suggest?

    Hi Jaya,
    I guess you are using Earmarked FUnds and Approvals.
    Please refer to the long text of the message RECD 250:
    Possible reasons for this:
    There is an earmarked funds document that is not approved.
    The period being accessed does not yet contain an earmarked funds document.
    Approve the earmarked funds document.
    Create an earmarked funds document for the time period in question.
    Hope this helps.
    Regards, Franz

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    Has anybody encountered this problem before? Is there any way to suppress this and allow locking of the item? Any inputs will be highly appreciated.

    More info on this,
    I get the error -
    'Material purchase order' not allowed - Order XXXXXX
    When we try to lock the same PO item using ME22N it is successful.
    Is there any relevant OSS note for this?

  • Help on GOA screen control at line item for only material

    Hello All
    1. create a GOA
    for a material with has alternative UOM ( CAR - ORDER UNIT ; 1 CAR - 34 ea) . So i created GOA FOR MATERILA LINE ITEM.
    FOR CAR .
    2. I released GOA and distributed GOA for CAR as Oeder Unit UOM.
    3. now my buyer  go to GOA and change UOM as EA and price I AND CHANGE THE PRICE IN THE SAME  LINE  ITEM.
    4. No PO released against the COntract in the ECC 
    5. Unfortunately buyer could change this UOM from CAR to EA. now GOA shows as EA in the line item
    6. this info taken to ECC via IDOC but this info  never updated in ECC contract.
    7. my PO release as CAR forever rather than EA since my ECC contract always shows  as CAR
    i can lock this item i can create  a new line item, no issues.
    how buyer knows each time ? if the system allows buyer always try to change rather than entering new item. it is not buyer fault. it is srm fault.
    Now ican u suggest some code in ui control badi , if the PO not releases system should not allow to change  the UOM in the GOA line item for a material.
    PS:- once PO released against contract  . srm will not allow to change the UOM . that is fine.
    SAP has to correct this problem and release the note.

    Hi Donald/SCot/ kiran/ jay...
    are you having the same problem in SRM 700. front end validation is required here toooooo...
    please help me.
    I could not accept this functionality ..
    why SRM allows to change the UOM by the buyer after  release the GOA for the same line item
    if srm allows to do edit, SAP SRM and ECC has to update the same UOM in the existing purchasing contract. IDOCs carry all new uom but why not updated in ECC purchasing contract.
    decided to write own logic in ui badi to protect this. what to do

  • How to lock the screen like MS Windows (Win   L Buttons)?

    I've got a MacBook Air with OSX Lion.
    How do I lock the screen in OSX Lion with a simple key shortcut?
    In Windows 7 you simply press the "Windows" button and "L"
    How does it work in OSX Lion? I hope it is as simple as in Windows 7 - however until now I cannot figure it out.

    Not a keyboard shortcut, but a mouse one from another post.
    Launch “Keychain Access” located in /Applications/Utilities/
    From the ‘Keychain Access’ menu, open Preferences
    Select the checkbox next to “Show Status in Menu Bar”
    Now that the lock menubar item is enabled, you’ll find a little lock icon in your menu bar. Once the menu item is enabled, just click on the lock icon and select “Lock Screen” to immediately lock your Mac OS X desktop.
    Now a keyboard method.
    If you have your security preferences set to require a password after sleep or screen saver begins (System Preferences > Security) then you can use the power button, then type "s" to turn sleep the system. It won't start the screen saver, but the display will go dark and you will need to enter your password to wake it up. I've found it takes a short time though to actually enter a password required sleep. If you wake right away, then no password is needed.

  • Lock screen

    how can I lock the screen in Lion?

    Got this from other post.
    Launch “Keychain Access” located in /Applications/Utilities/
    From the ‘Keychain Access’ menu, open Preferences
    Select the checkbox next to “Show Status in Menu Bar”
    Now that the lock menubar item is enabled, you’ll find a little lock icon in your menu bar. Once the menu item is enabled, just click on the lock icon and drag down to “Lock Screen” to immediately lock your Mac OS X desktop.
    If you have your security preferences set to require a password after sleep or screen saver begins (System Preferences > Security) then you can use Control-Shift-Eject to turn sleep the display. It won't start the screen saver, but the display will go dark and you will need to enter your password to wake it up. 

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