Locked Text Layer?

When attempting to change missing fonts I am getting a pop up error that says "Some text was on a locked layer and the font could not be replaced."
I then went to Windows>Layers and none of my layers are locked. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Ah-ha! I just found an image that was off of the artboard. That's what was causing the issue.

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    How to:
              1. Open an 8-bit, RGB image by selecting File>Open...
              2. Click anywhere on the canvas, with the Type Tool to make a new Text Layer
              3. Select the Move Tool
              4. Lock the text layer
              5. Click on the font family drop-down list to highlight the current font family
              6. Press an up or down arrow key
    Result: Photoshop Crashes
    Expected Result: Nothing should happen. Perhaps an error message about modifying a locked layer

    Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4f551de1
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17651, time stamp: 0x4e21213c
    Exception code: 0xe06d7363
    Fault offset: 0x000000000000cacd
    Faulting process id: 0xe48
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cd1909963e5493
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Report Id: e1a8bc4c-84fc-11e1-bae0-4487fc9d568c
    This is all I can offer, from event viewer

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    Go to the Pages Panel and up the top check to see if it is on the Master Page. You should be able to edit it there.

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    Do you mean like a thought bubble over someone's head that moves around the screen as they move? You can either do this manually by keyframing every few frames; for a short shot this is perfectly easy and pretty quick; but for a longer shot you'll want to do it in Motion which has a motion tracker and can lock a object, like text, to a specific element in the image.

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    How do you know there is a text layer? All the layers should be shown in the layers panel.
    The background layer is always partially locked and that has no effect on editing. You can ignore that.
    Would this be a comp layer or part of a layer group created in full Photoshop, by any chance?

  • Expanding Text Layer Size

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    Notice how the blur effect is going outside the boundries of the layer the effect is being applied to (text layer).  My starting question is how this type of functionality can be achieved in a SmartFX plugin.  I have been messing with the max_result_rect, etc in the PreRender call trying to expand the area I am working with but have not been having much luck.  So before sinking too much more time into this I figured I would pose the question in case one of the other developers on here have looked into this before
    Thank you in advance!

    I did a pretty horrible job explaining the situation ... I will say I was on too little sleep as always so let me try this one again with much more detail
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    Now, my math is doing some fun stuff under the hood like creating temporary AEWorlds and copying to/from these worlds to perform the plugins functionality before finally copying the final result back to the output world.
    My composition has the following size:
    Height: 720px
    Width: 405px
    My text layer is:
    Height: 214px
    Width: 177px
    My input world on Render is showing the following sizes:
    Height: 214px
    Width: 177px
    My output world on Render is showing the following sizes:
    Height: 214px
    Width: 177px
    As a side note, you asked about the extent ... my extent_hint is reading as the following for both the input and output world
    { left=0  top=0  right=177  bottom = 214 }
    While it is reading as the text layer size on the input_world and output_world I can retrieve the original comp size from the in_data object which does show:
    Height: 720px
    Width: 405px
    The plugin is being directly applied to the text layer and is producing the following output:
    What I would like for it to be emulating is the AE gausian blur plugin effect like (which is exceeding the red rectangle of it's layers size from what I can tell):
    This all might still be kind of vague and if it is I appologize, I will keep trying to reword things until I can get my question across ... at it's core I am not sure how to extend the output buffer of the woutput world on a SmartFX plugin I think?
    As a side note, I am working against the CS5 AE SDK
    Thank you in advance for reading through my post and with any luck we can start narrowing down the wording of the issue I am having as sometimes I am not sure of the proper way to describe things it seems

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    Anyway you can avoid this?
    (I'm on a Mac using the x64 version of Photoshop CC 14.2)

    PECourtejoie wrote:
    John, I know that you are upset with that change dating from CS4. But AFAIK, it is possible to write an action that goes around the problem. Very, very few users change those two settings, you can add a warning about it. You repeat it so often it sounds like a core function of Photoshop everyone uses is broken.
    In this very case, I would have liked to get a prompt similar to the one we get on a mac trying to use CMD+H that is used by the system, but is an historical shortcut in Ps.
    The only way to create actions that will always work correctly isi to take advantage of the bugs in the implementation of the options. If there is a active selection the option ADD MASKS be DEFAULT  has no effect there will always be a MASK added.  And If you record adding adjustment layer using the Layer menu and check clip the previous layer in the new adjustment layer dialog the adjust layer will always be clipped.  Knowing about the faults in the implementation of the option one can edit all old action and re-record the ADD adjustment layers steps to always have an active selection and Clip then configure the Clipped and  masked adjustment the way the want.  New Actions need to be recorded  to take advantage of the faults also.  However if Adobe fixes the faults in the implementation of the option one again actions will be broken.  The two options should be removed. Thankfully if the option are left at their default setting Photoshop works as designed.  Action will play back correctly.  Yes I repeat it often and will. Adobe should fix bugs. Adobe should also not code wrong behavior for the ESC key either.   Adobe is shooting Photoshop in the foot. Sometimes I thinf Adobe has a death wish...

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    Am I doing something terribly wrong or what? The next thing I thought was to invoke paste event and try it that way.

    I only see the normal texture filtering. Seems like you have a fundamental misunderstanding here about how 3D works - "pixel perfect" has no meaning for 3D textures since UV space is parametric and has by itself in theory infinite resolution, so any texture will be fit into this range and inevitably a single pixel in the texture can cover more than a pixel on screen or more than a square milimeter on a 3D object. If you want "sharp" textures, you increase the texture resolution, which, if you realyl want that pixely look would be doen using the nearest neighbor method. Regardless, once you zoom in at some point you will see fuzzy edges/ pixels again. It's in the nature of the thing.

  • Text layer options

    Hi, can some one please tell me that how can i enable Update all text layers and Replace all missing fonts  from Layers menu ??

    Select an outdated text layer with a missing font. Really, these functions only appear when there is a use for them. Update all text layers would only show if you have a very, very, very old file (and if somehow you weren't asked at opening, which you would be 99% of the time). The replace missing fonts option only appears when you open an existing document that was made with a font that isn't installed on your computer, and then you have no options for which font is used to replace, so you might as well just highlight the text you want to change and do it manually.

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    I have searched and searched but I can not find an answer to this question. I've been creating a variety of graphic styles to use in illustrator. The appearance panel is an AMAZING tool but one function seems to be missing. I would very much like to use two identical layers of text to create a clipping layer within a graphic style. The reason I would like to do this is to create the illusion of beveling or just just to create an inner shadow without having to create highlights and shadows manually. As you can see in the attachment the Toony Toons Text has a highlight effect which I created by duplicating the text, removing the effects from the graphic style I made, expanding the words into outlines, overlapping the two and placing them offset of each other so I could shape subtract them and then placing the final highlight on top of the text. This would be SOOO much simpler if I could just create a stroke that sets INSIDE the text and could be offset as well as clipped by the text layer below it. Is this possible? I noticed I can't place a stroke on the inside of a text layer when I'm in the appearance pallet and masking text with text doesn't seem to work. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions that would be really great!

    Podsixia wrote:
    I apologize if this has been answered in other discussions, but the search function isn't working right now.
    A Google search phrase that includes the word InDesign finds results in Adobe user forums like this one, as well as in InDesign resources all over the Internet.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Is there a way to locate file path of a font used in text layer?

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    that was better than suffering through the 100's of possible results I was getting in Finder.  And Fontbook also provided the path to the exact font used...
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  • How to fit text layer to extents of comp with scripting?

    Hi There,
    I'm trying to do something relatively simple, but am having trouble figuring out why it's not working.  I want a script that scales a text layer to the correct size so that it fits the extents of its parent comp.  I have found a couple of resources that do this, but I think these scripts assume that AE is running with its GUI.  In my case, I'm running afterfx.exe from a batch script with the -noui switch.  So, when running AE with the -noui switch, it seems that using the app.executeCommand() function doesn't seem to work right.  Here are the threads I found for handling exactly what I want, but that both incorporate the app.executeCommand() method:
    Does anybody have any other suggestions for writing a script that fits a text layer to size, or are these the only alternatives out there?
    Thank you for your time and help!

    You don’t need to use app.executeCommand() for that any more. Something like this should work:
      var myComp = app.project.activeItem;
      var myLayer = myComp.layer(1);
      var myRect = myLayer.sourceRectAtTime(0,false);
      var myScale = myLayer.property("Scale").value;
      var myNewScale = [myScale[0]myComp.width/myRect.width,myScale[1]myComp.height/myRect.height];

  • Can one copy a text layer's content to the clipboard?

    I have searched for this but have been unsuccessful in doing so...I want to be able to either;
       a: copy the contents of a text layer to the clipboard so that when saving a file I can simply paste and save or...
       b: save a file by the contents in a text layer.
    My sole purpose is to make it so I don't have to type the name of a document that is created through data sets. What I have seen so far is that through scripting one cannot copy these things to the clipboard. Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you and I hope that I have been thorough enough.

    You should be able to set up the data set so that the contents of the layer is the data set name. Then you can use File-Export-Data Sets as Files and have it save the files with the data set name.

  • Copy a text layer to another image in the same location

    I am trying to find a way to copy a text layer in one image to another image of the same size so that the text layer is in the exact same location.
    Basically I have two images for a rollover button for a website. What is the easiest way to copy a text layer to the other image so that it will be in the exact same location to create the rollover effect?

    Right click on the layer, Duplicate Layer, set destination to the other image file in the dropdown.

Maybe you are looking for