Log in when hit enter

Hello group,
I have a log in form on my website that was built mostly in
I want to set the form so when someone enters a username and
password and hits enter it submits. Currently it just refreshes the
I am guessing this is easy to do, but I am not a programmer
and am trying to figure out the best way to add this

Ordinarily, hitting Enter *will* submit the form. Can we see
the code on
your page, please?
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
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"jtousignant" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:ft5quj$m6m$[email protected]..
> Hello group,
> I have a log in form on my website that was built mostly
in asp
> I want to set the form so when someone enters a username
and password and
> hits
> enter it submits. Currently it just refreshes the page.
> I am guessing this is easy to do, but I am not a
programmer and am trying
> to
> figure out the best way to add this function.

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                            <a href="Ken" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Ken">mailto:[email protected]">Ken Hedden Sr.</a></p>
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                          <p><strong>GOSPEL RIDERS </strong><br>
    Boyertown, PA <br>
    <a href="Fred" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Fred">mailto:[email protected]">Fred McClincy</a></p>
                          <p><a href="www.gospelriders.com" target="new">www.gospelriders.com</a></p>
                          <p><strong>MASON DIXON GOSPEL RIDERS</strong><br>
                            Fayetteville, PA <br>
                            Ron King <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Contact%20through%20go2mjm.com"> <br></a><a href="Ron" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Ron">mailto:[email protected]">Ron King</a></p>
                          <p><strong>RIDERS FOR THE SON</strong><br>
                            Glenside, PA<br>
                            <a href="Curtis" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Curtis">mailto:[email protected]">Curtis Jones</a><br>
                            <a href="www.mjmridersfortheson.com" target="new">www.mjmridersfortheson.com</a></p>
                          <p><strong>ROLLING SAINTS</strong><br>
                            Gettysburg, PA <br>
                            Dan Shinners <br>
                            717-634-6682 <br>
                            <a href="Rolling" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Rolling">mailto:[email protected]" >Rolling Saints</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a><br>
                            <a href="http://www.mjm-rollingsaints.com" target="_blank" class="links">www.mjm-rollingsaints.com</a></p>
                          <p><em><strong>VERMONT: </strong></em></p>
                          <p> <strong>VERMONT CHRISTIAN RIDERS</strong><br>
                            Pittsford, VT <br>
                            <a href="Phil" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Phil">mailto:[email protected]">Phil Guica</a><a href="http://www.ourchurch.com/member/b/BikersForJesus" target="_blank"> <br>
                              <span class="links">www.ourchurch.com/</span></a></p>
                          <p> <em class="page_subtitle1"><strong>VIRGINIA: </strong></em></p>
                          <p> <strong>KING&rsquo;S RIDERS</strong><br>
                            Richmond, VA<br>
                            Gary Cobb 1-804-270-5548 </p></td>
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  • I cannot get my text to advance to the next line when hitting enter???

    I cannot get my text to advance to the next line when hitting enter.
    Any suggestions??

    When I open Keyboard Shortcuts, the name field under Set: is highlighted in dark blue.  I cannot type a name in it.  The button NEW SET remains ungray.  When I click on the button no change happens to allow me to create new set.
    I also noticed that I am unable to scroll down in the InDesign document using scroll off mouse.
    So I have to click and drag to get around not using the up/down arrows when moving the illustrations.
    If I have to enter text I will use storybook.
    If I have to delete text I will use the InDesign document.
    Very limited with the functionality - I was better off using Adobe InDesign 2.0!
    Will need more time to investigate why the keyboard and mouse are not being recognized.  At this time I will have to use the work-arounds to meet deadlines and revisit later.

  • Sy-ucomm problem when hitting enter button

    Hello all,
    I am implementing a user exit for CO11N screen and i want the control after hitting save button so i made a control for sy-ucomm and i gave an error message. But when i hit enter button after this error message, sy-ucomm still equal to BU so it gives error message again. How can i prevent this?

    Im not creating blank message
    i use the a term but the problem is, when i first hit save button and see the error message,than  i hit enter button to pass the message and make the input fields editable again. But sy-ucomm is still equal to BU so it show the message again and again and i cant return to normal input screen. And if i make the message type 'S' i cant block the saving process.
    I have to option first i will use type E message but i have to get over the problem above, or i will use type 'S' message but i have to stop the transaction after this message. I used type E like S or type S like E. They didnt work.

  • When hitting enter on some web pages(after entering information), the page just reloads. How can I fix this? It worked before, but no longer does.

    When I go to certain web sites, and enter in my information(like my Bank website), I hit enter, and the page just reloads.
    Or when I finish making a post to my blog, and I hit "Post Entry", the page just reloads.
    I did not have this problem until a few days ago. I've been using the same Firefox browser, and have deleted my cookies/history...ect.
    But nothing works.

    The Passwords Editor extension includes a feature which allows you to manually add passwords. <br />

  • ME21N - system erase the plant code when hit enter on PO creation

    Dear friends,
    When we are in the Purchase order (ME21N) and we enter , vendor, material code, plant etc and hit Enter, the system erases the field PLANT, and set it to BLANK and issue a message ME083 - Enter plant.
    The plant exists in the table T001W.
    does anyone saw something like this in the past ?
    best regards,

    Dear Diwakar
    You are 100% right, the plant is without address number.
    After create the address in OX10 the problem is now solved.

  • Jdev11.1.1.3 - SelectManyChoise loosing last chosen value when hit ENTER

    I have a QBE on a table and for one column I used a selectManyChoice component. When user selects a set of values from the selectManyChoice and hits "enter" IMMEDIATELY , the last chosen value in the list of values chosen is lost and filter is being applied on the remaining values. The same usecase is working fine, if user selects a set of values from the selectManyChoice and highlights either the filter input area or some other area on the UI - technically when he tabs out of the lov.
    I do have autoSubmit property set to true. Debugged using valueChangeListener, even that is getting fired only when I tab out or hit enter. I am only concerned abt the case where in user hits enter immediately without tabbing out of selectManyChoice. In this case, even the valueChangeEvent shows me that the last chosen value is already lost. Also I observed that valueChangeListener is getting fired only after tabbing out or hitting enter. Is it not possible to listen to every event of selection/deselection in selectManyChoice ?
    Any pointers plz ?

    First of all "I installed in windows 7 ultimate OS", it is not a supported OS so if you want assistance problem solving you should stick with a supported OS.
    It also looks like you have installed a whole range of products some requiring additional configuration and the requirement of SOA.
    I recommend starting with a support OS and only install products that are required.

  • Run function when hit enter

    Hi Guys,
       According to the "How To…Run Planning Sequences on Save and other events (WEB)" paper we can run functions when click save button or open the layout. Anybody know how to  make the function run when the user hit enter key. We had done this at my previous clint, but forget the detail.

    Hi JW,
    To run functions on save, do the following:
    1. define your planning function or planning sequence (which is a Function Pushbutton) in the web interface builder,
    2. On the Planning Layout, equate "Function After Data Change" to the planning function defined above.
    Trust this is what you are looking for.

  • When hit "Enter" the "LoginButton" be clicked...

    I have a longin page with code to work. But I have to manually click on "LogIn_btn" to go to next page if the username & password is correct.
    Instead, when I enter username & password and hit the "Enter" Key on keyboard, it should process the request.
    How can I write code for this?
    Thanks for any help.

    loginBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loginFunction);
    function pageChange(evt:KeyboardEvent)
              if(evt.keyCode == '13')
                        if(username.text == "Administrator" && password.text == "Admin")
    function loginFunction(e:MouseEvent):void{
    if(username.text == "Administrator" && password.text == "Admin"){
      var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
      fmt.color = 0xff0000;
      statusTxt.text = "Incorrect Username or Password";

  • When I try to log in to a site i trust, the page just stays blank after i enter password and hit enter?

    I am on a website and can move around but when I try to log into my account I put the password in and hit enter. The page then just stays white and doesn't load. Could this be an issue with the settings I have in Mozilla? IE brower works fine

    Try loging in manually instead of using the saved details. Review the saved details do they seem correct ?
    * see [[username and password not remembered]]
    * and [[how do i make firefox remember my usernames and passwords?]]

  • Firefox stops responding for about 30 seconds after hitting Enter on any website's search bar, even the built in Google search or when signing into Facebook.

    As the title says, I run Firefox Beta 6 and just reinstalled Windows 7 Professional on my system due to seriously messed up Windows update, and when I downloaded and installed Firefox, I noticed every time I searched using the Google search next to the URL bar, FF would freeze for about 30 seconds to a minute, with nothing running in the background and no other programs running. I also disabled all Add-Ons and it still continues to act up, so that leads me to believe it's a FF issue, but even on every other website when using the search bar as soon as I hit enter, it locks up and stops responding then goes back to normal about 30 secs later, or if I sign into Facebook it does the same, and even when I had the FF 5 Beta before I had to reinstall I never had a problem.

    I managed to solve this problem as my computer has been giving me problems lately and completely froze on me the other day thanks to Game Booster Beta 3 and completely screwed with Windows 7 to the point I almost had to reinstall again, but I managed to fix all my problems and if you would just follow my link here over to my post on Seven Forums then it would be easier then explaining it again.
    http://www.sevenforums.com/system-security/180714-windows-7-professional-64-bit-logs-but-almost-frozen-3.html#post1550277 The reason for this is if you shut down your computer while running Firefox, it's possible you corrupted your User Profile for FF and if you follow my instructions you can repair it instead of making a new, so just follow the link, read my post and if you have anymore problems just message me on Seven Forums. Have a nice day and hopefully you get it all fixed. :b

  • Please can anyone help me to download some apps for my iphone .. i am simply not able to log in to the itunes store , when i enter my apple id it says that it has not yet been used with the itunes store

    please can anyone help me to download some apps for my iphone .. i am simply not able to log in to the itunes store , when i enter my apple id it says that it has not yet been used with the itunes store

    Ok, you should generally only get this when you are converting your ID to an iTS account for the first time.
    Sign into iTunes with your Apple ID and you should get this.... IRC once you agree or accept it's now an iTS account and you wont get that again.

  • When I enter a web address, hitting enter does not bring it up. I have to use my mouse and click "go to address" arrow. This only recently started. How do I fix this?

    when I enter a web address, hitting enter does not bring it up. I have to use my mouse and click "go to address" arrow. This only recently started. How do I fix this?
    When I open firefox my home page comes right up, but, anything I enter after that does not open by hitting enter.
    Please advice,

    Probably caused by an extension that you have installed. <br />

  • I am trying to set up my newly purchased Apple TV but when I enter my network password while setting up, I am not able to enter the Submit button, any idea how to hit the visible submit button that is visible on screen but not responding?

    I am trying to set up my newly purchased Apple TV but when I enter my network password while setting up, I am not able to enter the Submit button, any idea how to hit the visible submit button that is visible on screen but not responding?

    You need to use the right arrow on the remote to go all the way to the right. The submit button will be highlighted and you can then press select on the remote to proceed.

  • When I type an address in the location bar and hit Enter nothing happens. I must click the arrow button at the end of the location bar. How do I fix it so that the Enter key works?

    When I type a web address in the location bar and hit enter nothing happens. In order to go to the website I've typed in, I must click the arrow button at the end of the location bar. How do I make it so that hitting the enter key takes me to the web page.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Since Firefox 4 Beta installed an update

    The AVG addon seems to have caused the problem for me. I had it disabled and everything worked. Then I updated to AVG 2011 and the problem occurred. It seems to have reenabled itself after the update.
    Just disabling it solved the problem.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Z10 user having problem with Facebook app.....

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  • JEditorPane +html generation

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  • Why can't i see my reader docs?

    when i click a link i get the windows frame & the dark grey box. when i click a scanned document i can't see anything but the border of the frame. if i leave the box open long enough i get this message There is a problem with adobe acrobat/reader. if