Logging out of secure zone in business catalyst

Is it possible to do this? I've not found any information on it anywhere so far.
Thanks you.

Hi Grant
Documented in the online documentation: http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/134/bc_1345.html#main_Secure_Zones_Modules
You can also use the url manually to create your own link and style as you want as well.

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    Dreamweaver is automatically logging me into my default Adobe ID - which is different from the Business Catalyst login I need to use. I am not the administrator for the BC account I need to login, so the "login to the Business Catalyst web administration console" link is unhelpful. How can I log out?

    This should help you - http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-1994

  • Is it a way to find out which secure zone user belong to?

    So we have three secure zones on website.
    Basic User
    Intermediate User
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    Currently we have a module to find out if  ANY USER has logged in or not - {module_isloggedin}. Is there similar type of module or functionality to find out which secure zone this user belong to - something like {module_securezonebelongto}, which returns an ID for secure zone using which and with some help of JS we could manipulate user menu options.
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    The only thing you have is {module_subscriptions}\
    show_expiry - shows or hides the expiry date of the secure zone (true/false; default:true)
    show_prices - shows or hides the cost of the subscription to that secure zone (true/false; default:true)
    render_json - Will render the secure zone information in Json format which can be manually parsed (true/false)

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    You might want to look into customer service zones which allows customers once logged in to see their case, order and own details. 
    - http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/133/bc_133.html
    - http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/kb/customer-service-area-orders.html
    - http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/kb/allowing-customers-view-update-crm.html
    Kind regards,

  • Logging Changes to Security Zones

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  • Repeated logging out of secure site when trying to navigate around the site

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    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache.
    * Clear the Cache
    Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    * Remove Cookies
    '''''Warning ! ! '' This will log you out of all sites you're logged in to.'''
    Press the '''Alt''' or '''F10''' key to bring up the tool bar.
    Followed by;
    Windows; '''Tools > Options'''
    Linux; '''Edit > Preferences'''
    Mac; ''application name'' '''> Preferences'''
    Then '''Privacy.'''
    Under '''History''', select Firefox will '''Use Custom Settings'''.
    There is a button on the right side called '''Show Cookies'''.
    If there is still a problem,
    '''[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/troubleshoot-firefox-issues-using-safe-mode Start Firefox in Safe Mode]''' {web link}
    While you are in safe mode;
    Press the '''Alt''' or '''F10''' key to bring up the tool bar.
    Followed by;
    Windows; '''Tools > Options'''
    Linux; '''Edit > Preferences'''
    Mac; ''application name'' '''> Preferences'''
    Then '''Advanced > General.'''
    Look for and turn off '''Use Hardware Acceleration'''.
    Poke around safe web sites. Are there any problems?. Then restart.

  • Help with Business Catalyst Web forms and Adobe Muse.

    I created a websform to log into a secure zone using business catalyst. I pasted the webform's html into Adobe Muse. After publishing my site. The websform I created in business catalyst is deleted, but I can see all of the forms that I created using Muse in the webform section. Is there a fix for this problem? Thanks
    This is the page with the forms. http://www.highestgoodclothing.com/login.html

    There is a workaround. It takes a little more work, but it is definitely worth it and will solve your problem. I subscribed and learned from tutorials on the www(.)trainsimple(.)com. They have a video series called "Muse CC Business Catalyst Integration" which was very helpful. The issue that everyone on here is referring to is covered in the 3 videos labelled, "Email Sign Up Checkbox", "Moving Muse Webforms to Business Catalyst" and "Email Marketing".
    Essentially, what you want to do is create a form in Business Catalyst, turn that form into a module, assign a tag to that module, then put the tag into Muse using Object > Insert HTML. This will solve Muse deleting the web forms everytime.

  • Muse + BC, adding a sign up form in a secure zone, and a individual my account secured page

    I having a lot of trouble in the following task I need to do in Adobe Muse and integrate in Business Catalyst.
    1) I need to create a contact form page (with username and login)
    2) I need that this contact form integrates with BC to store my subscribers infos
    3) Then, I need to create a login and username page that when my client logs in, the info that he previously filled in appears to him (as a My Account page).
    4) Of course, this My account page must a in a secure zone area, but each client should have his own personal My account page.
    Is this possible? I think it is. (Muse Theme site is an example)
    Thanks you for the help!!

    Hi Carlos
    Answering the questions :
    1) Publish the site to BC and then create a form on BC end , assign to a secure zone ( which you will have to create ).
    2) You can register users in your site using same form.
    3) Use login form in page where user can login , landing page for secure zone can be made as web app page. Web app needs to be created for customer accounts and in layout you can use different tags to show cases information which user has submitted etc.
    4) Web app is the way out.

  • Learning curve for a non techie-Business Catalyst. Two specific questions.

    Hello everyone,
    Thanks for reading. I am a non techie who is looking at website development as a secondary skill.ie. having the know how to atleast relay my ideas to web developers and ideally to be able to tweak and in the end able to create my own websites.
    In this regard, I feel Business Catalyst is an excellent tool, for people like me which mitiagtes the knowledge of coding to an certain extent. I am currently going through some of the content listed in the forums. Is there a book that provides end to end detailed steps of all the implementation to complete a fully functioning website and how much is the learning curve in this regard?
    Business Catalyst offers all in one features, is it possible to use 3rd party in place of default tools for specific function, say use wordpress for blog and a different email marketing service?
    Have a good one.

    I personally would tend to prefer wordpress for a small non-commercial website/blog. Its ecosystem of plugins is far more diverse than BCs and you get direct access to the code if you want. BC's blog and forum modules seem somewhat like afterthoughts designed by marketers for marketing, and there's some unevenness to the way they implement what HTML and templates you have access to and what you don't in different context, so to a degree wordpress gives you more fine-grain control over a site.
    The transverse of this is that with open source software you don't necessarily have the quality control or guarantee of long-term maintenance that you might with BC. Business Catalyst is far more initially optimized for business (obviously) and its servers can likely experience a higher load and greater uptime than you might get on a typical hosting service with wordpress.
    Wordpress is kind of notorious for being hackable, mostly because of its ubiquity, although if you work on it it can be secured to a reasonable degree I think -- I'm not aware of any security issues regarding Business Catalyst, apart from recent issues with the captcha and spam which might have been resolved with Akismet and Recaptcha (both of which you can also get on Wordpress obviously) but personally I don't like having all of my accounts linked with a single Adobe username/password.
    But then again, I have to trust that Adobe has their **** together and there isn't some festering zero-day sitting at the heart of all of it because the price you pay for playing in BC's sandbox is just that -- it's their sandbox. They're not releasing the code. If you can't change it with an existing module setting or can't hack around with with javascript then complaining until they fix it's your only option.
    In short, I think it depends on your needs. Neither is entirely the wrong answer, and both have their issues. I've been just as frustrated with some of the rendering bugs and limitations in BC as I have with the way Wordpress (IMHO) overdoes abstraction while simultaneously sticking with its horrendous code-and-content mixing template style. If you have inventory and need to push stock and don't really care about mucking around with server-side code or anything really complex than BC will probably work for you, and of course there are always sites like bcgurus and these forums to help out with edge cases.

  • Single form for secure zone registration and web app submission?

    Is it possible to setup a form where a user can simultaneously register for a secure zone and submit a web app entry? The knowledge base / tutorials describe a two step process (web form for secure zone registration and web app input form for web app submission), but I would like users to be able to do both with a single form
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions

    In order to have a customer create a web app item they must be logged into the secure zone already.  I've seen some instructions on how to let users submit web app items outside a secure zone but that requires creating a dummy anonymous user and logging them into the secure zone via javascript.  You could use this method and once it's submitted you'll have to manually attach the web app item to the correct user in the BC Admin.  That might not work for you but you can read more about that at http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-1784
    You can't use the above solution with the current user's username and password because those tags are only available when the user is logged into a secure zone already.  If your signup form needs to be filled out first, the user isn't logged in.
    Your best bet is to have the public signup form redirect the user after submission to an "Add item" form you have created. Maks sure that form is in a secure zone so when they add the item it is attached to their account.
    If you don't want to redirect them to a secure zone and want it more seamless you could try to use some javascript/ajax to submit the form via javascript and after the form is submitted, use the javascript code in the above to log them in (be careful to use the https://yoursite.worldsecuresystems.com url if you are passing username and password info gathered from your form to log them in via javascript/ajax).  Once they are logged in via the javascript you can use more ajax to fetch a page's HTML that resides in a secure zone.  This HTML returned from the javascript can be your "add web app item" form and since they were logged in via javascript (securely, right?) this HTML should contain the right information.  Insert this returned HTML into your form container that held the original signup form and they can continue to add a web app item without having to log in.
    This is theory and might work but you'll have to start experimenting with it via javascript.  I haven't actually tried to do this so hopefully some other community members who might have tried this can weigh in here as well.
    Good luck!

  • Secure Zone Login Reporting

    I have searched but can not find anyway to do this.  I have a school site that has sent out secure zone passwords to all the parents.  They would like to know which parents have actually logged in to check out the secure zone.  Is there anyway to run a report on this?
    I know this info shows up in the live feed but only recent activity shows there so that is not much help.  Any ideas?
    There is no way you can view who is logging in other than in the live feed or recent activity in the customer tab. However you can view the secure zone usage which is under the secure zone action box.

    Inspect the form and you'll see that it draws its style from ModuleStyleSheets.css. Update those styles in any way you want: http://goo.gl/T0We6
    Kind Regards,
    Alex Pavelescu

  • Extracting secure zone expiration date to be used for webapps

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to extract the secure zone expiration date and use it to set the expiration date for webapps? I see that the expiration date of secure zones can be extracted through the email section, and not other places. globals.user doesn't output the expiration date either.
    All that I need is the number of days so that i can automatically put the day into the Set Webapp to Expire in __ days.
    Unless the webapps automatically deletes itself when users are booted out of secure zones?

    I've found the module which gives the expiry date of the secure zone ie. {module_subscriptions render="collection" collection="subscriptions"}.
    The output is:
      "moduleName": "subscriptions",
      "moduleDescriptor": {
      "templatePath": null,
      "parameters": "render=\"collection\",collection=\"subscriptions\"",
      "apiEndpoint": "/api/v3/subscriptions",
      "objectType": "-1",
      "objectId": "-1",
      "adminUrl": ""
      "items": [
      "entityId": 11421300,
      "zoneId": 51,
      "zoneName": "Member Only Area",
      "expiryDate": "2015-04-30T00:00:00",
      "sellAccess": "false",
      "costPerPeriod": 0.0,
      "cycleType": ""
      "params": {
      "render": "collection",
      "collection": "subscriptions"
    When I use {{subscriptions.items.expiryDate}}, it doesnt output any value. I suspect that this is due to the [] encasing the items sub-information. How can I extract this information for use?

  • Business Catalyst Question

    Hello. I am very new to making websites and I was asked to make one for a charity. They sell items to raise money for their cause. Anyway, I signed up to use the Business Catalyst and I know what I want to do. How to I use these templates? I see a box that says "hover over what you want to edit and click", but I can't edit anything. For example, changing the text on the template. Can I even do that? Is that what these templates are for? Is there a link to a more in depth tutorial that I am not finding? The ones on here don't answer my questions.

    Hi leeee,
    See Creating and Editing your Business Catalyst Website Using Dreamweaver CS6 | Learn Business Catalyst | Adobe TV. Also check out the tutorials for BC Business Catalyst Learn & Support

  • As a new Creative Cloud subscriber, I can't quite grasp Business Catalyst.

    So I recently ditched my stand alone software for a Creative Cloud membership.  So far I absolutely love it.  I've been a bit overwhelmed with all the new software I never used before and, while I doubt I need most of it, I've at least been trying things out.  The thing about Business Catalyst is that I can't seem to seperate the basics of what it is from the advertising rhetoric.  Besides being a "solution for businesses" or some other tag line, can someone fill me in on the details some?
    From what I have grasped so far it is simple web hosting with added tools for businesses and I know that I get 5 free sites with my CC subscription. 
    Now can I upload anything I want to these sites or do they have to be business oriented?
    Could I host my portfolio using Business Catalyst?  What about snapshots from my summer vacation? 
    My test site URL was http://sitename.businesscatalyst.com    Is this also the permanent URL?  Will I have register a domain name elsewhere or is that included when I push the site live? 
    I've noticed BC doesn't support PHP code, does that mean I will not be able to run web apps such as Wordpress?
    I'm sure others have asked these questions before, but its so hard to sort out the useful data from the sales pitches. 

    First welcome aboard!
    Now can I upload anything I want to these sites or do they have to be business oriented?
    Yes you can upload anything you want your site doesn't need to be business related.
    Could I host my portfolio using Business Catalyst? What about snapshots from my summer vacation?
    Yes, images, files what you want you can host within your site in BC you can upload using FTP, Dreamweaver or the admin panel of your site (yoursite.com/admin)
    My test site URL was http://sitename.businesscatalyst.com    Is this also the permanent URL?  Will I have register a domain name elsewhere or is that included when I push the site live? 
    This is your system URL that is provided to all sites.  Once you add your custom domain that you've purchased through a registrar (godaddy.com, etc) the site will then reflect the added domain instead.
    I've noticed BC doesn't support PHP code, does that mean I will not be able to run web apps such as Wordpress?
    Correct we do not allow server-side scripts within BC.  WP cannot be hosted within BC you can instead import your blog post into BC or use Live Writer to possibly manage.
    - http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/247/bc_2474.html (Live Writer)
    - http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/kb/importing-data.html#id_90134 (Blog post import)
    For more help information on BC...
    http://helpx.adobe.com/business-catalyst/topics.html (Help Articles)
    http://bcgurus.com/hero (Help Videos)
    Hope this helps!

  • Mobile - Secure zone login issues

    Hi All,
    I'm able to log in to BC sites with secure zones using a samsung galaxy s1 and iphone pretty consistently however when using a samsung galaxy s2
    I can't login - tested over 3 sites so I know it's not the code on the page interfering with login.
    Anyone else have issues logging in to secure zones with mobiles?

    Using the Default browser on
    Samsung Galaxy s2
    firmware version : PDA:LP8 / PHONE:LPS / CSC:LP4 (XSA)
    firmware version : PDA:LPW / PHONE:LQ6 / CSC:LP6 (XSA) upgraded to see if it would help but no luck
    1. Click the link to login (either on login form or just clicking on a link to a page within the zone I'm trying to log in to).
    2. Enter correct username and password (multiple testings and changes of password have been tested)
    3. In either case, URL will change to /Default.aspx?PageID=######
    Sometimes it will show /Default.aspx?PageID=######&Error=Thank+you+for+logging+in.
    On some of the websites I've tried - Creating a new customer on the samsung galaxy s2 will register the new user for the zone - but the form will not allow the user to be logged directly in on submission - error page " We're not able to log you in "  appears however the user is created, assigned to zone and can be used fine on a desktop.
    Content that should be accessible once logged in - isn't (example. Login changes to logout, customer name "Hi Firstname lastname" won't display etc. because it's just not logging in.)
    Zone subscription is checked, works on Samsung Galaxy s1 as it should.
    Galaxy S
    Operating System
    Linux Android
    Screen Resolution
    800 x 1130
    Web Browser
    Android Webkit 4.0
    Browser Size
    800 x 1130
    IP Address
    Color Depth
    Flash Version
    User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-au; GT-I9000 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
    Galaxy S2
    Operating System
    Android Android4.0.4
    Screen Resolution
    480 x 800
    Web Browser
    Android Webkit Browser --
    Browser Size
    320 x 456
    IP Address
    Color Depth
    Flash Version
    User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; en-au; GT-I9100 Build/IMM76D) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30

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