Looking to replace the original 6 Gig HD

Hi everyone
Jim tells me that there are a few folks out here, who may be provide a some tips in replacing the old original 6 gig HD.
I was warned to that a very large capacity HD wouldn't be conducive to an OS 9.1 format. So I'll need to get something not too large.
I also want to make certain that a 7200 RPM, ATA-type HD would work ok?
I know from experience that when I bought a new 2nd internal drive for my G5, that most of the drives I was shopping for were all pre-formatted for 'WINDOWS', so I had to utilize OS 10.4's erase and format ultility which worked fine.
Can you guys provide a tip here in regard to OS 9.1?
Thanx all

Hi Mac Man (Jim)
Hi Don
Jim was right
It's very nice to see how some folks still love their old G3's, and how helpful eveyone is
Ok Don looks like:
(B&W G3) Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 logic boards are similar. To differentiate, check the number printed on the CMD chip at location U1. The CMD chip on Rev. 1 logic boards is PCI646U2 and on Rev. 2 logic boards is 646U2-402.
With this I should get started - although on 2nd thought, I really wasn't gonna get anything bigger than about a 40-60 Gig anyway.
And yes this new drive will be the main HD (I already have a 2nd 20 Gig drive)
With a bigger main HD drive capacity, and some additional RAM, I was hoping to pep up the performance a bit....
Ok - I'll look for an ATA-type 7200 RPM 40-60 Gig HD (perhaps from New Egg)?
And then - here's my plan - but don't know if it's correct:
Put the Apple OS 9.1 disc in the CD ROM (it's the full retail boot disc)
Boot down, take the old 6 gig HD drive out, and replace it with a new 60 Gig HD
Boot back up by pressing the power button, and holding down the C key for a format from the OS 9.1 disc in the CD ROM?
Look for any prompts to get me into the Drive Set Up Utility?
(or perhaps this will automatically come up when I initially boot up)?
Thanx so much Don

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    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'
    Serial tester.llb ‏196 KB

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