Looping Batch Sequences

I am running a 10 week soak test with 16 sockets (1 per UUT) using a batch process model.  The test sequence itself takes 10 minutes for each socket (all run sequentionally as they are sharing a piece of test equipment).  I would like the batch to start over on its own continuously over the 10 week test cycle once the 16th socket completes without re-entering the serial number information.  Another issue is that I have to terminate sockets for failed equipment to pull out for investigation while not disturbing the other sockets.
Any advice on how to achieve this?

Hey Cam,
Will you be switching out the sockets after each 10 minute soak?  Or will each socket be soaking for multiple soaks in the 10 week period?  And if one does fail and needs to be switched out will the replacing socket just finish out the 10 week stint that the other one couldn't complete? 
If you aren't going to switch the sockets out then it's best to loop within the sequence.  That way you don't have the overhead of dealing with serial numbers.  Just use the Lock step to prevent multiple threads from trying to get the equipment at once.  So the sequence would look something like this:
Create Lock
A Label step for looping
Non equipment steps
Lock Eqipment
Run soak test
Unlock Equipment
Examine Pass fail and determine if socket needs to be replaced.  If so then either skip to the end or wait until part is replaced.
Post test steps that need to be executed for each iteration
Goto step that jumps back to the Label step above
Hopefully that makes sense.  If it doesn't then let me know which version of TS you are running and I'll throw together a simple example.
~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    The following includes some smaple code for something similar: http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/JS_API_AcroJS.88.435.html
    You just need to edit it so you only add one button, so get rid of the loop, and set the setAction code would be:
    f.setAction("MouseUp", "closeDoc()");

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    Date of what? Do you mean the file's creation date?
    If so, that's not possible. You can access the file's creation date in a script, but a script can't OCR a file.
    The best way would be to create an input folder and paste into it the files you want to OCR.

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    Thank you, try67, for that insight.
    Here is the "List all Bookmarks" batch sequence from the Acrobat 5 CD:
    /* List all Bookmarks */
    /* Recursively work through bookmark tree  */
    function PrintBookmarks(bm, nLevel)
        if (nLevel != 0) { // don't print the root
        if (bm.children != null)
              for (var i = 0; i < bm.children.length; i++)
                PrintBookmarks(bm.children[i], nLevel + 1);                          
    bmTab = 20;
    bmReport = new Report();
    bmReport.size = 2;
    bmReport.writeText(" ");
    bmReport.size = 1.5;
    bmReport.writeText("Listing of Bookmarks");
    bmReport.writeText(" ");
    bmReport.size = 1;
    PrintBookmarks(this.bookmarkRoot, 0);
    global.bmRep = bmReport;  // make global
    global.wrtDoc = app.setInterval(
        'try {'
        +'       reportDoc = global.bmRep.open("Listing of Bookmarks");'
        +'       console.println("Executed Report.open");'
        +'       app.clearInterval(global.wrtDoc);'
        +'       delete global.wrtDoc;'
        +'       console.println("Executed App.clearInterval");'
        +'       reportDoc.info.title = "Bookmark Listings";'
        +'       reportDoc.info.Author = "A. C. Robat";'
        +'} catch (e) {console.println("Waiting...: " + e);}'
        , 100);
    I am not a programmer, and so would be grateful if you would advise how that sequence should be modified to incorporate your suggestion.

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    /* Extract single pages to c:/Adobe */
    // Regular expression used to acquire the base name of file
    var re = /\.pdf$/i;
    // filename is the base name of the file Acrobat is working on
    var filename = this.documentFileName.replace(re,"");
    try {for (var i = 0; i < this.numPages; i++)
    nStart: i,
    cPath: "C:\\Adobe\\"+filename+"_" + i +".pdf"
    } catch (e) { console.println("Aborted: " + e) }
    Any Clues?

    Thanks for the speedy response. I tried this and the problem is still there.
    I did some further testing and the original script, and the new one modified to include your correction, both work if the PDF only has one page.
    With more than one page Acrobat 'has stopped working'

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    File > Export >  Export Multiple Files will work as well.
    You can choose your conversion settings in Edit > Preferences > General > Convert from PDF.

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    Many thanks,

    You rock!! That made it all go.
    I was mistaken befeore thought, its the JavaScript Editor that's coming up on the screen when I run the sequence. I have to close it with the OK button before the sequence finishes. It comes up for each file I process. Trouble is I can't imagine what I've changed that would cause that to start happening.
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    //Collapses all bookmarks and shows the bookmarks panel
    function BookmarksCollapse(bkm, nLevel)
    var s = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < nLevel; i++);
    if (bkm.children != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < bkm.children.length; i++)
            BookmarksCollapse(bkm.children[i], nLevel + 1);
    BookmarksCollapse(this.bookmarkRoot, 0);

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    2.)  Select the files upon whic to run the batch sequence.
    3.)  Click Start.
    4.)  The text of the script appears on the screen, highlighted.
    5.)  Click OK to close the script editor and run the script on the first file.
    6.) The text of the script appears on the screen, highlighted.
    7.)  Click OK to close the script editor and run the script on the first file.
    8.) The text of the script appears on the screen, highlighted.
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    Click the commands you added to the Action and make sure that none of them has the "Prompt User" check-box underneath it ticked.

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       Thank you.  Though I would have preferred something a bit simpler, the import/export method you suggest is indeed simpler than the process I was using.  It still has its warts and wrinkles, but with practice I am sure I can find ways to minimize those minor irritants.

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    In Acrobat 8 Professional the PDF Optimizer is available in the output options of the batch sequence. You don't need the scripting forum.

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    It's not possible to just add running text to a PDF using a batch process or a script. What you can do is insert a field with text and then flatten it.
    This will have a result similar to adding text to the document, but it will not be an integral part of the running text (ie the text you add will not "push" the rest of the text forward).

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    Thanks much.

    Thanks, try67. For anyone else looking for this (and perhaps having no idea what the JS console is or how to access it, as I didn't), the batch sequences path for a a standard Win7 installation and AA 9 appears to be:

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    Actually George I found a solution. They are dynamic xfa forms. I realized that the pdf printer settings has an option to suppress the save as dialog and default the output flat pdfs to a location of my choosing. I just set the pdf printer as my default printer and run a batch sequence to print the dynamic pdfs.
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    I appreciate your response.

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    If the doc-level Javascript names are not known in advance, then the only way I found to remove all of the Javascripts is with doc.extractPages(), which will create a new doc object, and then newDoc.saveAs() followed by newDoc.closeDoc().
    I don't do this in a batch sequence but in a .Net app, so I'm not entirely sure how you would write this in a batch sequence.  Here's a code snippet that shows the basic logic:
                    object AcroJS = AcroPDDoc.GetJSObject();
                    string PdfFullPath = "C:\\filename.pdf";
                    Type T = AcroJS.GetType();
                    object newDoc = T.InvokeMember("extractPages", InvokeMethodFlags, null, AcroJS, null);
                    AcroJS = null;
                    object[] saveAsDataParam = { PdfFullPath };
                    T.InvokeMember("saveAs", InvokeMethodFlags, null, newDoc, saveAsDataParam);
                    T.InvokeMember("closeDoc", InvokeMethodFlags, null, newDoc, null);
                    newDoc = null;
                    AcroJS = AcroPDDoc.GetJSObject();
    This can also be used to create a new doc GUID.

  • Example of running a batch sequence without Evermap

    Good afternoon
    I am trying to run a batch sequence in Acrobat X from a button on a form in MS Access.
    I am aware that it is not possible to run a batch sequence (action) from the command line - you need to purchase Adobe's partner Evermap's AutoBatch to do this - but is it possible to recreate all of the menu selections etc. using the SDK?
    I know that Evermap provides this facility but has anyone else created the code to do this?
    It seems like it would be a really useful tool for Adobe to add to Acrobat but then I am not aware of the reasons why they have chosen to leave it out.
    Many thanks,

    Okay, but Evermap (the Adobe Solutions Partner) have developed and are selling a plugin that allows people to run batch sequences from the command line.
    Why do Adobe allow a plugin that allows enhanced command line options but then not incorporate the option as part of Acrobat as standard?
    On the one hand I hear Adobe saying that you cannot run enhanced command line options due to technical and legal issues but then on the other we see Adobe's Soutions Partner selling a plugin to do exactly that.
    Can you please unconfuse me?

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