Lose customer downloads when you rebuild app?

Hi fellow DPSers
I have a free multi-folio app on the app store (not newsstand as it's not supported)
I will be building and submitting a free multi-folio app once the support is announced (using the same folio content though)
Once the new version is on newsstand, what happens to the old one? Does it automatically get replaced by the new one?
Also, what about the users who downloaded the original (non newsstand app) - will they get updates of the future issues of the newsstand app or are they effectively 'lost'?

Hi Bob. Sorry, one other questions.
When you say convert the app (from multi-free, just on app store, to multi-free subs on newststand), am I right in thinking that you have to rebuild the viewer app from scratch, as you’re changing the subscription type?
As a test, I tried to edit the current viewer app (in viewer builder) hoping to keep the same app details. The subscription type was greyed out, suggesting it can’t be changed once it’s set/submitted. Or I am missing something (very likely)!
Thanks again for your help

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    Please follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned in the KB : http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/aam-lists-removed-apps-date.html

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