Loss of Master Images

I've been loosing my master images from Aperature. Almost like a virus has hit it. Anyone have any ideas what would make this happen?

Thanks for your replies. Here's some more information.
The error meaage I get when trying to edit, email, or export images is that Aperature cannot find the master image or the master is offline. This happens whether I am working with a version I created through editing or whether I am trying to work with the original image itself.
The problem seems to grow each time I open and use Aperature. For example I was working with an image from a 10k race my wife and I did at halloween. I was able to access the mast and edit and save the new version last evening. Later when I went back to it to email I got the error message. Likewise two projects from just last weekend, which were fine until yesterday started giving me the same message.
I can literally scroll through my projects and watch the little warning icon (yellow triangle)appear in the browser window.
I'm using the Nik Complete collection with Aperature. I also have a trial version of Photoshop installed but its expired and I don't use it. My aperature library is on an external drive since my MacBook doesn't have enough storage.

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    Your internal HDD. by default, is named 'Macintosh HD'. From what information you supplied, it looks like there is already a Lightroom catalog installed on you local (internal) HDD using the standard naming convention Adobe uses as well as a Lightroom catalog on your external drive which you created. To be sure of which catalog Lightroom is loading when it starts up, To do this, start Lightroom as you normally would. After it starts, select the Lightroom menu item, then select the Catalog Preferences item and finally, navigate to the General tab. The Location information will tell you exactly what catalog Lightroom is opening by default. This will likely be the Photography Mac Book Pro Versions catalog on your external HDD. Once that is confirmed, you are ready to proceed. As an additional test/verification, you can shut down Lightroom and, this time, start Lightroom while holding down the ALT/OPTION key. This will cause Lightroom to pause and display a screen which will allow you to chose a different catalog to open. Navigate to the /Users/[user name]/Pictures/Lightroom folder and select the Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat file. When Lightroom comes up, there should be no previews or folders as this catalog should be empty. Now you can be certain which catalog is being used and which catalog has all your data and you are ready to migrate your current catalog. Shut down Lightroom.
    To migrate your current catalog, use Finder to locate your Photography Mac Book Pro Versions folder on your external drive. Select the folder and select COPY from the context menu. Next, use Finder to navigate to the /Users/[user name]/Pictures/Lightroom folder on you internal HDD. You can start at the Macintosh HD level and work your way down by opening each level (Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Pictures). Select the /Pictures folder and then select PASTE... from the context menu. When the COPY/PASTE is complete, you should see the following files on the Macintosh HD:
    Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Pictures/Lightroom/ and
    Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Pictures/Photography Mac Book Pro Versions
    The Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Pictures/Lightroom folder will contain the empty default catalog the Adobe created when Lightroom was installed and Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Pictures/Photography Mac Book Pro Versions will contain a copy of the catalog you created on your external HDD.
    You are almost done now. Make sure your external drive is still attached for this step. Restart Lightroom using the ALT/OPTION key again. When the Select Catalog screen appears, select the Choose a Different Catalog button (lower left side). When you do, a Finder window will open to allow you to navigate to a catalog of your choosing. Navigate to Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Pictures/Photography Mac Book Pro Versions and select the file Photography Mac Book Pro Version.lrcat. This is the copy you just created. Select the Open button and Lightroom should start. You should see all of your previews and settings just as before. Also, in the left hand panel, all of your folder should show up and none of them should be dimmed and none of your previews should display a small exclamation point badge. Either a dimmed folder name or an exclamation point badge indicates that Lightroom can't find the associated image file. If everything looks good, go to the Lightroom menu, select Preferences and then select the General tab. Under Default Catalog, select an option to either load the LAST catalog opened or select the Users/[user name]/Pictures/Photography Mac Book Pro Versions catalog from the drop down. Shut down Lightroom and then restart it normally. This time, when Lightroom starts, you should be viewing the new copy of your catalog. You can confirm this by looking at the General tab on the Catalog Preferences screen (Lightroom/Catalog Preferences menu items). Shut down Lightroom once again and this time, eject your external drive before restarting. This time, your folders in the left hand panel will be dimmed but you should be able to work with your smart previews. If Lightroom should display a Select Catalog screen with the external drive detached, double check your settings as it indicates Lightroom is still looking at the copy of the catalog on the external drive rather than the new copy you made.
    Finally, if you are seeing dimmed folders and/or exclamation point badges with the external drive attached, this indicates a problem. You can select any folder and select Update Folder Location from the context menu. This will allow you to navigate to the copy on the external drive and select it. Lightroom will then update the catalog (select to synchronize the content). This will not only clear the dimmed folder problem but also remove the exclamation point badges for all photos in that missing folder. However, it may indicate that not all went well with the copy of the catalog so make sure to verify all went well. You can use the Get Info option on the two folders. You should see the same number of files/folders for both the copy on the internal drive as well as on the external drive but you can't rely on the byte count because of the possibility of differences between the geometry of the two drives. Hope this all helps!

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    Thank you

    Hi Harriet,
    Thanks for the message. I'm sure as time goes on new features will be introduced but it's a bit of a shame that the widget library is a little basic, oh, and at times it's just that little bit buggy. So far I'm really impressed by Muse despite being ever so slightly disappointed by some of it's limitations. I'd like to see more image gallery options, the ability to set up a client login area or a client ftp within a site, I also tried embedding video but as I'm no programmer the result looked clumsy so some focus on this would be a help. Considering that a good number of people benefiting from a Muse site will be online retailers a zoom function should have been there from the start.
    Best regards

  • Master image not found

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    You may find also this usefull   https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3741280
    Or, if you have really lost your masters  , you may still recover a lower quality  image from your Preview  here

  • Use Referenced Masters To Avoid Accidentally Deleting A Master Image File

    If you use Managed images it is possible to delete the master file accidentally.  If you delete versions of an image using File -> Delete Version and the version you are deleting is the last remaining version for that image, Aperture 3 will delete both the version and the master image.  If you subsequently empty Aperture Trash and then System Trash that master image file is gone forever.  In Aperture 3 there is no warning that you are about to delete a master image. 
    A workaround (although a weak workaround) is to use Referenced Image Masters.  Then when you delete the last version which includes the master image from Aperture, you can uncheck the box "Move referenced file to system trash." and no master image file will be deleted.  The downside to this workaround is that when you really want to delete a master image file, it must be done via Finder.
    The best solution would be for Apple to fix this bug so that when you select "Delete Version" it only deletes the version image and reverts to the master image.  That way the master image can only be delete via the command "Delete Master Image and All Versions."

    There is no bug there.
    I had some trouble wrapping my mind around the file-Master-Version-Image-(Preview) complex that flows, sand-like, through the entire working of Aperture.  (I like a thing to be represented by itself and itself alone, and to exist in one place and one place alone.  I was comfortable with the seeming precision of the location-based "file+path" metaphor for the existence of these virtual things.  Aperture quite cleverly moves beyond that.)  Two things helped me move forward:
    - understanding the difference between Projects and Albums, and
    - separating my Library into a storage area and an output area.
    Projects are, for me, storage containers.  (I have said elsewhere that the mis-naming of "Projects" is the single worst interface decision made in Aperture.)  They have a privileged relationship with your Images:  every Image must "live" in a Project, and "lives" in only one Project.  It may help you to think of "Image+Project{Path}" as functionaly equivalent, within the Aperture Library, to the file directory "file+path" mentioned above.
    Albums are, for me, output containers.  I create Albums every time I know I will output a set of Images.
    In practice, I work on Images in each.  In general, I develop my digital captures in the Project that holds them (and I rigorously stick to "One Project = One shoot"), I create Versions and add them to Albums as needed for output (they are automatically made the Album Pick), and I tweak them for output and then output them from Albums.
    You may be wondering (if you've read this far) -- "What has this got to do with deleting Masters?"  A lot.  Note the difference in the context-menu between a Version in a Project and a Version in an Album.  The menu for the Album contains two delete commands: "Delete Version", and "Remove from Album".  The Versions live in Projects, and only visit Albums.  As Terence correctly points out, if you delete the last Version, your expectation should be that you are deleting that Image from your Library.  My suggestion is that you adopt something similar to what I've set up, and delete Versions from ONLY Projects (never from Albums).  This way you will never unknowingly delete the last Version (because Images can be in only one Project, and if you delete the last Version from that Project you know you are expunging that Image from your Library).

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    i have checked the following options: 'maintain previews for project' for my project, and 'share previews with ilife and iwork' in the general preferences. i have then altered the colours of an image in an album for this project and the thumbnail and image in aperture update OK, but nothing changes in finder, and when i open the image in preview it it is still the same as the master image, rather than the image with changed colour. am i doing something wrong?

  • Where Are My Missing Master Images?

    I keep my Aperture Library as a "managed" library rather than "referenced, so every master image is kept inside the Aperture Library icon.
    Today I decided to look inside my Aperture Library (by selecting Show Package Contents), and I can only find master images from the past five years. The "Master" folder contains folders for projects I've titled 2012, 2011, and back to 2008. None of the earlier images that I keep in Aperture, 2007 through 2003, appear in the "Master" folder in the Aperture Library, and there are no folders for 2007 and earlier.
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    There are also no folders inside Preview for those earlier years, or inside Thumbnails.
    And yet...
    And yet when I'm in the Aperture application, I can Export any of the images, all the way back to 2003. So the master images are obviously available to Aperture somewhere. They exist. And I checked -- those earlier missing images not Referenced, they're Managed, just like the whole library.
    So where are they??
    I dug through other folders inside the Aperture Library package but didn't find a thing.

    But I'm digging around inside the package and still puzzled -- images inside the folder Aperture Library.aplibrary -> Masters -> 2009 -> 06 -> 14 -> 20090614-214439/ were indeed shot on June 14, 2009. So it appears that those various level folder names reflect image creation date, not the import date.
    these various level folder names reflect what Aperture thinks are the import dates.
    The "Import Session" is one of the Aperture specific Metadata tags. You can display it in the Info/Metadata pane of the Inspector Panel, if you add it to one of the presets, and then you'll know, where to search, if you absolutely must to sleep well .
    You can also use this tag to search or to define a smart album. For example, the image below has been captured in 2003, but was imported in 2010, and will be found in a 2010 folder.

  • Project management and multiple master images

    Anyone here making use of 2 or more projects with the same master image in each project?
    scenario is:
    project 1 "blah shoot" <-- contains all images from shoot
    project 2 "portfolio" <-- will contain some of the images from the shoot
    The problem im having at the moment is when i drag any master image from project 1 into project 2, it removes the master file from project 1
    Surely i can have multiple images in multiple projects?

    You can copy the master image to your portfolio by
    clicking and dragging with the option key held down.
    I don't know of a way to link these images so that
    changes in one are carried over to the other though.
    If someone does know, please let me know, it'd make
    my life easier...
    If you drag an image from one project into an album under another project, it will not move the master - it puts only that version in the album, linked back to changes made in the original project.
    if you export that project, the master that version is based on will be copied at that time and pushed out into the exported project. So if you export a project and then re-import you will no longer have a link but a copied master. To get around that you can manually copy the project with the album holding links out of the Aperture library to elsewhere to make backups or move a set of projects together,

  • Can't locate master images

    I can plainly see the photo in a folder I want to export but I get the message that Aperture cannot locate the master image...I have checked both external hard drives and that folder doesn't exist.
    Is there any way I can export or copy this one image...

    I don't get it....I used the "relocate masters" tool to put all my images on one hard drive. I created a folder on my new 2TB drive and "relocated" all the masters to this folder...
    Okay, so when I try to edit an image I have relocated, with the drive still plugged in, I get the message that master images cannot be located....
    This is getting a little nuts...

  • Unavailable Master Images are present

    Trying to relocate masters to an external drive using Aperture 2.1. Project with many albums which I am relocating to folders with the same name as the album on an external drive. Most of the albums I was able to relocate. There are 4 where I get the "unavailable master images cannot be relocated" message. When I select and image to show in finder, it shows its location on my internal drive. I have rebuilt the library and still get the same message. I have gone to Manage referenced files and located all the images in the bottom window then click reconnect all. Still get the same message about unavailable masters. What am I missing?

    I am having the same problem. I had all my master images stored in one folder on an external 300gb hard drive. However, I noticed that in aperture, it said I had only 15,000 images while in the folder showed ~17,000 masters. What were these extra 2,000 images? I decided to try to separate these "unconnected" images from the real masters by relocating all my master images into another folder. All went well until I got the following warning:
    "Unavailable master images cannot be relocated. The selected master image is either offline or not found. Please reconnect it and try again."
    I was able to move most of the masters, but Aperture says I still have 3,009 masters in the original folder (which if I navigate to in the finder contains ~5,000 images). The strange thing is that if I right click on one of these images in aperture and select "show in finder" it finds them with no problem. It can't find them thought when trying to relocate.
    I have tried rebuilding the aperture library, manually moving the images into another folder and then attempting to relocate, and copying the masters to another hard disk and linking aperture to those masters. All with the same result.
    I am using Aperture 2.1.
    Any help here would be great.

  • Exporting master images WITH adjustments

    I have a simple question about exporting images.
    Let's say I have imported a bunch of raw images into my Aperture Library (but they are referenced files, located in the folder specified by me). Then I have worked on them. And now I want to backup my work - all my adjustements. But I don't want to export them as new versions (jpgs), but just export the raw files together with adjustments I have just made.
    How do I do that?
    Any help would be really appreciated.
    Best greetings,
    iMac G5 17'' Flat Panel   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    This is where the Adobe DNG could shine.
    Worth the read ... this can save the changes that one
    DNG does NOT help in this case.
    There is a huge misunderstanding that this is part of what DNG can or should do.
    But if you think about it, what good are the adjustments being stored in DNG if you have to use a particular program to open it anyway?
    Think about Aperture's Edge Sharpen for a second. Lets say you store that value in a DNG. Fine, what other program is going to able to reproduce that result EXACTLY to how you were previewing it at 100% on your monitor?
    Lighroom is trying to do something along these lines by passing editing commands off to Bridge through DNG. But here you run into another problem - it constrains what editing any one program can do. If Lightroom is limited to only ever having editing commands that are the same as what Bridge offers, and no other program on earth supports them, then what have you really accomplished? Will unknown editing commands simply be dropped without warning?
    That's why I think simply exporting projects, which hold master images alongside sidecar files (very like XMP) that describe edits are about as good as you are going to get. If you want to truly preserve editing work and you care about quality, nothing beats a TIFF file where 100% of the pixels are exactly as you reviewed them during editing. I personally trust Aperture enough to back up master images along with edits, and am fine with that.

  • How can I possible lose my entire photo library/ referenced master image file if I have downloaded all my images directly onto Aperture?

    How can I possible lose my entire photo library/ referenced master image file if I have downloaded all my images directly onto Aperture?

    CeliaJane, you need to distinguish between the Aperture Library and the Aperture Application.
    Aperture stores your images in a database, and it is this database that we have to find and probably to repair, not the application (hopefully). And since you do not see any images, I suspect that Aperture created a new, empty Aperture Library,and you are now viewing this empty library. Usully the library sits in your Pictures fiolder.
    Look into your Pictures folder, if you see a file with a colorful icon with three pictures, called something.aplibrary, as shown above. And also enter ".applibrary" into the "Spotlight" searchfield in the upper right corner of your screen. If you have more than one Library, you should be able to find them this way.
    The largest file you find will probably be the correct library.
    When you have found the correct file called aperturexxxx.aplibrary, try to open it in "First Aid" mode.
    Select the Library and press down "command" and "option" key at the same time, while you double click the library.
    Now the First Aid dialogue should appear:
    Select: Repair Permissions" and see if you can open the Library again. If it did not help, try the other two options in turn.

  • Creating Windows 8.1 master image with MDT 2013,cannot capture .WIM

    I am having an issue with creating a master image with Windows 8.1 and MDT 2013.  
    I have followed extensive tutorials on how to create a master image using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. my goal is to have a fully configured windows 8.1 image which I can deploy through Windows Deployment Services. I have been relatively successful thus far,
    except for one issue I have run into, which is successfully capturing this image as a .WIM.
    I have successfully created a task sequence and the task sequence is able to run all the way through until the final step. Essentially the task sequence is supposed to install Windows and Office, then suspend the task sequence to allow me to make customisations
    to the start screen and desktop background, and I simply click resume task sequence, and the task sequence should sysprep reboot and capture the machine image as a .WIM file.
    the task sequence is able to sysprep the machine, but upon rebooting it boots into out of box experience, and does not create a wim file. I receive an error saying: "cannot find script file C:\ltibootstrap.Vbs" after the machine completes OOBE 
    I am using Windows Server 2012 r2, creating my Master machine image using hyper-v, and my master image is running Windows 8.1.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I'm not sure about the sequence of steps here. Try taking your captured.wim file and deploying it using MDT again, or at least to another machine. MDT sometimes leaves extra files around on the captured machine, so simply rebooting it may not get a accurate
    test results.
    IF you are getting the ltibootstrap.vbs it is most likely because there is a stray unattend.xml file somewhere in your image that is looking for this file. Crack open your Wim file and search for any unattend.xml files.
    Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -

  • How to determine which photos in library are missing their master images

    I recently consolidated referenced images into my library. It said some of those images were missing the masters. How do I figure out which ones are missing the master images?

    You can do a filter on your library with "File Status" is "Missing". The "File Status" query is not available by default, but you can add it by clicking the upper-right button in the filter window.

  • Aperture 3- Calls Master image version 2 ????

    Downloaded the trial of Aperture 3. Started playing around with it and noticed that the master image is being called version 2 and the actual adjusted version is not even labeled as a version. If I create multiple other versions of the image they are being labeled correctly as 3, 4 etc...
    This is very odd to me. Possibly a BIG problem when deleting versions. Might end up trashing the master image since it's labeled as version-2.
    Anyone else notice this?

    Thank you both.
    Of course I'm still confused though. Thought I knew Aperture, ha!
    What I find in Aperture2 is that when I look at my viewer with all versions unstacked there always is one image in the stack that is indeed an image without any adjustments to it (what I thought to be my master). If I try to delete this image I get a warning that I am about to delete a master image.
    In Aperture3 I do see what you are saying about them all being versions. I guess the question I have then is that when I do delete all the images in the stack where is my master image? When I turn off the "create new version" preference things seem more 'normal' to me as compared with Aperture2 but I still don't see an unadjusted 'version' of the image like I used to.
    In Aperture2 when I had say 4 versions of an image and I didn't want or like any of them I could delete all the versions of an image in a stack and there was the unadjusted image there still viewable. I'd start adjusting away again and then my new version would be created.
    There must be some preference somewhere that I'm not seeing to accomplish this all.
    Thanks again! I think I've got too many versions of this question in my head.

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