Lossless Audio Editing

I have Apple Lossless audio format files to edit. Just simple trim, cut, copy, and paste. I do have QuickTime 7 pro for the job, but it doesn't export to any lossless format.
Does Soundtrack would be able to do what I need?

QuickTime itself doesn't do what STP does. STP is a sound-for-picture mixing and sweetening environment.
In your particular instance there is no advantage to using STP over QuickTime unless you wanted to make additional changes such as compression/limitation, reverb, etc.

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    There was a rumour going around a while back that it could be in the pipeline.
    Apple usually does not give any information about upcoming changes.
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    In the export settings click on any video format then open the audio tab, there you will see which type of audio is supported.
    AVI being one of them.

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    iTunes 1.0.2 is +at least+ eight years old.
    The current version is 9.2, and it's free.
    If that was a typo, and you're using something more current:
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    Do the same for Render All:

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    The Ducking feature will suppress every other track by the percentage you specify. For this reason, you don't want to Duck two clips at the same time.
    It would be more straightforward for you to just adjust the volume levels rather than use the ducking.
    As of iMovie 11, you can select a range within your audio clip and apply a volume (rather than apply the volume to the whole clip).  So I would do it that way.
    See the video at this link called "All new audio editing".

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    andynick wrote:
    … I find this rather klunky - the keyframes are never in the right place for me using the Range Tool.
    funny - I find your method more than complicated: switching to the range tool is a single click operation, and then just dragging - done.
    precision is accomplished a) by magnification, b) by setting in/out traditionally with I and O, c) shifting the 'rough selection' manually, or, at last d) first setting Markers and snap the Range Tool to it.
    don't miss Marc Spencer's advice on this topic
    5:15 shows the Range tool in action ......

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    How do you plan to use the file?  Which lossless codec do you wish to use?  Is lossless audio appropriate for how the file will be distributed?  Are you looking for best quality or is there a different, specific reason that you wish to use lossless encoding?  (Also, what version of Adobe Media Encoder are you using?)
    The list of available codecs for the MPEG formats can change depending on the Multiplexing setting you choose.  However, make sure that the multiplexing setting you choose is appropriate to how you intend to distribute the file.  For example, 3GPP multiplexing creates a file optimized for delivery to mobile devices.  And note that the None multiplexing option creates separate audio and video files.
    Adobe Media Encoder only offers multiplexed AAC encoding for MPEG4 and H.264 files.  Although not lossless, the quality of AAC can be very high and is the general standard for the MPEG4 container format.  Lossless encoding is not common for the MPEG4 container format, though it is legal per the MPEG4 Part 14 specifications.  Again, you should match your export settings to the intended use of the video file.
    -=Adobe After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder QE

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    No Apple Lossless Codec in the settings?
    Does anyone know how to create ALAC files

    Thomas A. wrote:
    This setting generates a QuickTime file with the extension .mov
    Of course it does. Why would that be a problem? "Apple Lossless" is not a file format, it's a codec.
    OK, if I change the extension manually to m4a it seems to be an ALAC file, but I am not sure if it a "correct" one in regard to the specifications.
    There is no "ALAC" file format specification. What are you going to use the files for?
    ALAC isn't specified at all. The audio codec is called "Apple Lossless", and it is a set of algorithms to encode audio data, and a specification for a bitstream of audio data encoded such. It can be put in various containers, the most common being MPEG-4 and Apple Quicktime, but nothing will stop you from using AVI, .mkv, .ogg or anything else as the container format.
    If you're unhappy with Compressor, which only seems to offer the QuickTime container format for Apple Lossless-encoded audio, there might be other tools that will transfer it into another container while leaving the actual encoded data untouched.
    Since the Apple Lossless codec is now free, mencoder might work, even for the encoding itself. I haven't checked MPEG Streamclip, Handbrake, VLC or others, which might also offer such options.
    Quick tests didn't yield any success, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't work.
    An alternative for lessless encoding is the "FLAC" (free lossless audio codec), which is usually stored in an ogg container file. I don't think Compressor offers that, although VLC does.
    It seems that the exact thing you want is not readily available (i. e. mpeg-4 audio-only with Apple Lossless audio codec.)

  • Record Audio Editing Software

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    software, which while in use, plays back audio clips as you play
    different segments of a sound clip. When I try recording a
    demonstration, I can record my voice from my microphone, but I
    cannot capture the audio generated by the audio software. Anyone
    have any recommendations for how to capture the audio from the
    editing software?

    Apparently my sound card fits into the same category as
    yours, even though my system exceeds the system requirements for
    Captivate 3 (below). Have you seen any information on sound
    requirements for Captivate 3?
    System Requirements
    ● Intel® Pentium 4, Intel Centrino®, Intel
    Xeon®, or Intel Core™ Duo (or compatible) processor
    ● Microsoft® Windows XP with Service Pack 2,
    Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2, or Windows Vista™ Home
    Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit
    ● 512 MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
    ● 700 MB of available hard-disk space (additional free
    space required during installation)
    ● DVD-ROM drive
    ● 800 X 600 screen resolution (1,024 x 768 recommended)
    ● Internet or phone connection required for product

  • Seemingly Simple Audio Edits Driving Me Nuts

    I have asked about this before, thought I had the proper answer, but alas it would seem not.
    After joining audio (in most cases for music transitions) into Connected Storyline, I am often then unable to apply a Transition of perform a Roll Edit because it seems there is a space in there somewhere.  I have tried the suggested remedy of Zooming in, using Position Tool to trim both sides of the edit, then deleting the space in between.  It was explained the problem invovles sub frames which aren't always visible.  Sometimes this works.  It seems like there should be a quicker solution (it's especially cumbersome if your edit is otherwise well timed, and you have to re-tweak it once you pull the edges back,) but if it worked consistently I could live with it. 
    However, far too frequently, the process is not working, and I am redoing it over and over and over again until somehow it manages to take.  I can end up spending 5 to 10 minutes on a simple audio edit, and needless to say, this is just unacceptable. 
    Can anyone tell me a reliable way to deal with this, or suggest what I might be doing wrong or something different I can try, because this is making me crazy.  There has got to be an easier way.  Any help appreciated. 

    dont think ive ever been able to get cross dissolves on audio to work. I now use FCPX as I would Logic or ProTools and I overlap audio clips and put manual fades on them. Actually its worth the extra work coz the joins are usually better. and you have ore control.

  • Trasferring Audio Edits as AAF from Premiere to Nuendo and back

    Hello everybody,
    I'm a Sound Designer for video games, and also deal with cinematic sequences. I use Nuendo for audio editing / sound design, while the video editors work with Premiere. We share the same audio footage that is stored on our internal server, and we copy the footage manually (or over Perforce) on our local PCs. Basically to make sure we're always dealing with the same footage in a fixed and locked format during the entire production chain from capture to final render. This obviously makes an AAF with 'embedded' audio obsolete and in fact unwanted, as well as any other "work-in-progress" audio render from one platform to another.
    Situation 1: Premiere -> Nuendo
    In Premiere we have several Stereo audio tracks with stereo footage.
    AAF is exported from Premiere
    AAF is then imported into Nuendo
    Stereo tracks are imported wrong, because split into mono, which naturally duplicates the amount of tracks.
    Stereo footage is now duplicated too due to duplication of track amount.
    Stereo footage is still stereo, because manually copied from server.
    Stereo tracks should remain stereo without splitting or duplicating tracks.
    Situation 2: Nuendo -> Premiere
    In Nuendo there are several Stereo audio tracks with stereo footage.
    AAF is exported from Nuendo
    AAF is then imported into Premiere
    Stereo tracks are imported as Mono tracks (this time without duplicating the track number)
    Stereo footage is not accepted, due to mismatch with track format (Mono)
    Stereo tracks should remain stereo which then accept stereo footage
    It's really important for us that the audio footage doesn't change format during the production chain. So for instance splitting stereo into mono left / mono right is not a good option as we want the original footage to remain untouched from capture to final render. So we need stereo tracks to remain stereo and mono tracks to remain mono, just as the original edit.
    Using OMF instead of AAF causes the same problem, and adds more problems with the naming of the footage. So AAF is currently the best yet buggy method we have.
    In the past I have transferred AAF files from Protools into Nuendo, and it worked fine, which makes me tend to believe the solution has to be somewhere in Premiere.
    Any hints, tips and useful experiences are very welcome. Thanks a lot!

    This may be the kind of situation that can only be resolevd with a Feature Request.

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