Lost all my Podcast artwork

Yesterday iTunes decided to delete all my podcast artwork. How can I get it back?

We're having the same problem with ours new Nanos.
We are very disappointed by this move. We recently became part of iTunes U and have been recommending the enhanced podcast format as an alternative to video with our faculty. We had planned on rolling out several of the nanos out to faculty and student assistants, but if they are unable to properly see their own enhanced podcast, I'm not seeing much need for them.

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    If all of these missing podcasts are still in iTunes, simply reconfigure them to sync to your iPod via the iPod's Podcast configuration pane in iTunes. To access this tab, plug your iPod in and click on it from under Devices in the left hand pane. Over to the right, in the main window pane of iTunes, look for the Podcasts tab along the top and select it.
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    The artwork is stored in the music files. When your hard disk crashed and you lost your music, the artwork went with it.
    Unless you have put the artwork back into your music files after the loss, it is gone. Sorry.
    And yes people should always keep their stuff backed up.
    Not just before doing an upgrade, but all the time because sometimes a disk can fail and give little warning.

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    Hello, Cpugliese.
    Thank you for the question.  If your album art is attached to all your media on your computer, then processing a sync should allow the album art to return.  If it does not, deselect the sync music preference in iTunes then hit apply.  Once this sync completes, select sync music again, apply and let it process.  If all album art is missing from your computer, see the articles below. 
    iTunes: Album art may not download properly
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Add artwork to songs and other items
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Add artwork to songs and other items
    Hope this helps,
    Jason H. 

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    iTunes uses information in the ID3 tags when organizing the library. If the artist tag is blank then the files are classified as unknown when iTunes is arranging library.
    That bit if info will not help you though. The default setting for iTunes is to copy your files into the iTunes folder and arrange into folders this way artist>album>track. There may be a folder for compilation albums that will be compilation>album>track. There will be separate folders for podcasts, movies, and tv shows also, with subfolders as needed.
    You can turn off the option for iTunes to copy files to iTunes folder. When this is done files are left where they are.
    As for undoing changes, you will have to do that yourself. IF you had iTunes set to copy then your original files and arrangement should still be there.

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    Most podcasts only have a limited number of them listed at the iTMS.
    Older episodes often (but not always) are available at the website of the creator.
    Click on the arrow of the podcast (next to the name).
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    You might now be able to download the missing ones.
    After adding them to iTunes, they won't show up in the Podcast section however. A special flag is set when you download them via the iTMS subscribtion.
    Downloading them directly off the creators' website does not set this flag.
    I don't know of any tool for Windows to set this flag, but they might exist.
    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

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    As I said, *Some podcast providers fail to embed artwork in all their files.*
    The store pages are basically scripted web pages with text, artwork & links to other pages. Any artwork shown is completely seperate from any that may or may not be included in a file you eventually download. Even though the iTunes store may have an image to associate with a Podcast, this is separate from the system which provides art for store downloads. Podcasts are generally downloaded from the 3rd party supplier not iTMS and, as far as I'm aware, only display art that has been explicity embedded in the tag.

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    I love the new version of Grid view but some of the other changes feel like they still need some fine tuning. And I miss cover flow even if I didn't use it that often...
    You can restore much of the look & feel of the previous version with these shortcuts:
    Ctrl+B to turn on the menu bar
    Ctrl+S to turn on the sidebar
    Ctrl+/ to turn on the status bar
    Click the magnifying glass top right and untick Search Entire Library to restore the old search behaviour
    Use View > Hide <Media Kind> in the cloud or Edit > Preferences > Store and untick Show iTunes in the cloud purchases to hide the cloud items. The second method eliminates the cloud status column (and may let iTunes start up more quickly)
    Should you still feel the need to roll back to iTunes 10.7 first download a copy of the 32 bit installer or 64 bit installer as appropriate, uninstall iTunes and suppporting software, i.e. Apple Application Support & Apple Mobile Device Support. Reboot. Restore the pre-upgrade version of your library database as per the diagram below, then install iTunes 10.7.
    Perhaps your podcasts are still there but you've yet to explore the new interface? If iTunes "forgot" some of your content, e.g. your podcasts & subscriptions, during the upgrade to iTunes 11 then replacing the library as above should also work to restore your library to iTunes 11 without you needing to downgrade the software.
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    You'll have to restore the iPod to factory settings.  Then sync all your content from your iTunes library back over to it.

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    Use the form on this page to request a free redownload, or use the Transfer Purchases feature if applicable. If neither of these works, you will need to purchase the songs and other content again to get them back; Apple needs to pay the copyright holders for each download from the iTunes Store other than podcasts and album artwork.

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    Hey there MotherMarthaMayhem,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    This article provides information and troubleshooting tips that may help you find the media that recently went missing from iTunes on your MacBook Pro.
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads - Apple Support

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