Lost Audiobooks when "syncing"

I downloaded an audiobook in iTunes that wouldn't transfer to my iPhone.  To try and solve the problem, I tried to "Sync Audiobook" under the "Devices", "Books" category.  Now, the new audiobook is on my iphone but all the other audiobooks have been deleted on both my iphone and itunes.  Is there any way to get them back?

ok, I've now found the missing Audiobooks with my Music. The problem now is that I have no way to choose which Audiobook...the only box selects all the Audiobooks. Has anyone else encountered this?

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    You're welcome.
    You obviously don't know what a run-on sentence is and there are only two questions.
    I'll try to be more precise or put this in a way you can understand.
    There is not an iTunes contact list.
    iTunes does not store contacts.
    iTunes serves as the sync conduit for syncing contacts with a supported address book app on your computer only.
    This must be manually selected under the Info tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes.
    This cannot be selected all by itself. 
    If this was the first time you connected your iPhone to iTunes on your computer, the syncing did not start all by itself.
    If you want to transfer music via the iTunes sync process, this is selected under the Music tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes.
    Contacts are included with your iPhone's backup which is updated by iTunes as the first step during the iTunes sync process. You can try restoring your iPhone with iTunes from your iPhone's backup. Do not sync your iPhone with iTunes again before doing so and when prompted to update your iPhone's backup as the first step after selecting Restore, decline the prompt or your iPhone's backup will be overwritten and the contacts lost.

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    http://ww2.cs.fsu.edu/~rosentha/linux/ wrote:
    ATA bus error means that data corruption occurred during transmission over ATA bus (SATA or PATA). This type of errors can be indicated by
    ICRC or ABRT error as described in the section called “ATA/ATAPI device error (non-NCQ / non-CHECK CONDITION)”.
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