Lost Contact's Undo Syncing

I have just lost all my contacts and outlook 2003 when I tried to sync them. How can I get them back.

First, put a least one contact in Outlook, it can be fake, doesn't matter.
Next, under preferences in itunes, and I beleive that in windows preferences is in the Edit menu, make sure that auto sync when an ipod/iphone is connected is disabled.
Next, when you connect your phone, with itunes running, right click it in the device pane on the right side, select "reset warnings".
Next, sync your phone. A popup should appear regarding your contacts, asking to "replace" or "merge".
Select merge.

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    Hi Everyone,
    I've had an iPhone 4 for a while. The wife just took delivery of an iPhone 4S. We both use the same MacBook. We also both share the same Apple ID Account. I Sync'd my contacts with the Macbook sometime ago. When my wife changed over from her old iPhone 3G to her new 4S she sync'd contacts. Then she set up her new 4S and sync'd again. She got all her contacts and my old contacts! We both had iCloud Contacts enabled. The wife then went into her contacts on her iPhone and deleted all the unwanted contacts (My Contacts!). Now all I have left on my iPhone are her contacts! I've lost all mine!!! They Don't even appear in the Contacts App on the Macbook! Please help!
    Many thanks.

    I just got off of the phone with Apple support.  The one option they identified was to see if there was device back-up in iTunes.  Here is how:
    Open iTunes
    Click on the iTunes in toolbar (top left of computer)
    Open preferences
    Open Devices
    This should show the back-up compressed files by date
    I had one from my original sync with the new 4S.  Now, we did not go through the process as I may have another option to obtain my contacts through the Exchange server as this is my business phone.  You can contact support and work with them as they were extremely helpful, and it was easy to schedule a meeting time.
    I hope this helps.

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    Its a easy fix,it will take too much time to type out all of the steps,
    Check your email account. see if they are their, You can then import them on your DAV card, The best thing to is add them to icoud then they will be safe.
    Apple support can talk you through it.

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    After the last post,I went to the local ATT for some feedback. The manager there, Stephen, was helpful and spent a long time, even after i had gotten the abbreviated list of contacts I had constructed from the 3GS to the 4S by an iTunes sync with the correct options selected. This however, would not sync notes. I took screen pix of my many stock symbols for future reference, and got them to transfer with Bump (as photos, in case I want to refresh my memory on some of the symbols added previously). I emailed myself copies of 28 notes i did not want to lose, because the iCloud back up would not initially work. After what seemed like years, I finally was able to get it working, following repeated refusal to Merge because of "not enough space available" @5GB even though everything was turned off except contacts and calendar.
    My old phone is finally backed up to the cloud after I turned off location service on new phone, and a bunch of apps and photo data showed up for the first time, as icons to be turned off on the old phone in the  Manage Storage window. It said it was going to back up 8 GB of photos when the photo backup had been turned off on the prior screen. (The screws are loose, and the worm has turned on this software at Apple.)
    Backup for notes, a few contacts, and calendar, over high speed wifi, took 25 minutes to complete without photos.
    I have never seen anything this troublesome in the Apple OS!
    You will need to set your own Apple ID and a .me email ID if you want to use the cloud. My recommendation and that of the store manager for the first time is don't back up any photos, let it erase the photo stream if it wants to. The camera roll should be ok.
    Backing up to the iCloud removed all my stocks from the old phone! It wasn't supposed to. Be sure to select leave data on phone at every opportunity- even so, there they went. It did not remove contacts or calendar when backing up, though the IOS 5 upgrade had lost my years of contacts since I had not specified that they should be saved when I hit the simple sync in iTunes the first time and since Googlesync failed to connect properly for me over wifi as noted above.
    All in all it appears nothing is going to clone your phone or preserve all the data through a IOS 4.x to 5 migration, though I did not do it right the first time with iTunes, and complicated matters by starting with a new ID instead of my old iTunes account and password, living in a small town, away from any Apple store, though if you can't be there at an Apple store with both phones in hand, they probably can't help much unless they walk you through each option in iTunes and you are very attentive. The store genius I saw did not do this, though I had yet to order the phone at that point.
    Good Luck!
    Message was edited by: richardfromel dorado

  • Iphone contacts won't sync to mac

    Very new to mac but have searched for this; too many answers with too much variance so I have to ask myself, sorry.
    I've had an iphone 4 for 2 years, always syncing contacts with outlook on my old PC. Everything worked fine until icloud; I then found that any new contacts weren't syncing to outlook, I'm assuming because the phone was only syncing to icloud?
    No matter, decided not to worry as I wanted to buy a mac, having worked with them recently.
    So my issue now is (very similar to before) that I can't sync my contacts from my iphone to my mac, again because it insists the phone is backing up to icloud. I tried this morning; it prompted me that the phone was 'on' icloud and therefore not syncing with mac etc; I checked the box to sync contacts, hit apply and merge in the hopes I could get my contacts from my phone onto the mac. Instead it's created another phone book on my iphone with just the three contacts that were on the mac?!
    Now when I go to contacts on my iphone it has three groups: All contacts, all on my iphone and all icloud. The first and last have all my contacts in; the all on my iphone has zero. I know the transition to something new isn't always easy, but I'm now really confused.
    The Mac is on Snow Leopard, and my understanding of browsing the forums is that only lion will work with icloud. I haven't bought any software yet, so I'm not concerned about compatibilty if I upgrade. I AM however concerned as to how icloud will work if I do upgrade?
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    What's the difference between backup, sync and icloud?
    So many questions I know; really hope I'm not shot down in flames as my first time on here. Any advice about this appreciated.

    iCloud is a second attempt at dealing with making data available among devices - MobileMe was the first and was limited to just a few things, contacts and calendar events. iCloud goes much further. It isn't easy to meld two or more databases. The first think to keep in mind is that iCloud holds the truth - that is the data that is pushed out everywhere else. If you log on to icloud.com you can see the addressbook and calendar that will be sent to all your devices. The devices' job is to send new data or edited data to the cloud.
    With that in mind, I simply upgraded my computer from Snow Leopard to Lion - after turning my phone off. My thinking was that if disaster struck I could delete the computer calendar & addressbook database. Then I could log onto iCloud and make sure my calendar and addressbook was okay and then let the cloud fix the computer. And it true disaster struck I could delete everything in the cloud and turn the iPhone back on which would repopulate the cloud and then my computer.
    What actually happened is that after I upgraded to Lion I wound up with an addressbook that had 'on my Mac' and 'on the cloud' which had the same stuff. I deleted the 'on my mac' stuff. My calendar, if I recall right, just had what I expected. I tested by making an event and fact contact on the phone - they appeared on my computer. Did the same on my computer - they appeared on my phone.
    Why all the hub-bub over Lion? A couple things. First, there's always an outcry of Mac OS XYZ broke my computer! Not every upgrade goes smoothly. Do a search here for Kappy's upgrade advice, follow it, and your chances of a successful upgrade are pretty good. Second, we've had quite a few OS upgrades in the last 5 years that brought small changes and new services. Lion was different, it really shook things up and lots of people don't like it when their cheese is moved. Third, Lion isn't compatible with old software written before Apple switched to Intel processors and lots of people just don't read before they upgrade.
    Should you upgrade? Since SL lost the ability to sync with iOS devices iCloud alone is worth the price of admission. The changes between OS versions always mean that developers stop supporting the older OS at some point and I suspect that Lion changes things enough that SL users are going to find less software being made for the OS pretty rapidly.

  • Errors when saving contacts locally and syncing them between MacBook and iCloud

    Last night I detected that the synchronisation of contacts between my MacBookPro (Yosemite, 13" Retina, late 2013) and iCloud is no longer working. Sync between iCloud and iOS devices (with iOS 8.1) works fine.
    The problem effects the exchange of information from MBP to iCloud as well as the other way around. However, the issues are slightly different.
    No matter what changes (changing existing contacts, creating new ones or creating/changing groups) I do directly in iCloud (which I usually don't do – I was just testing), none of them get synced to my MBP (though they do sync to all iOS devices).
    If I do work on my MBP the situation is a bit different:
    If I change any existing contact, those changes are not synced.
    If I create a new contact in the "all contacts" group, it syncs to iCloud. If I make changes to that newly created contact, they are again not synced.
    If I create a new contact in any other group, the contact does not sync.
    If I create a new group, that group is displayed in iCloud as "new group", i.e. the name I gave it is lost on the way... If I add contacts to this group (again on the MPB), they do not sync.
    If I create a new group using the option "create group from selected contacts" those contacts are synced to iCloud but the name of the group is again only "new group". Contacts added later to that group also don't sync.
    Worst of all, everything that does not sync to iCloud, is lost once I close the Contacts app, meaning this information is not even stored on my MPB. OS X does not display any error messages. However, looking into the console, I found this message repeatedly whenever I was making changes to contacts etc (not only upon closing the app):
    21.10.14 17:12:46,786 Contacts[532]: Error saving address book: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=1560 "Bei der Überprüfung sind mehrere Fehler aufgetreten." [TRANSLATION: "Multiple errors occurred during verification"] UserInfo=0x600002e75500 {NSDetailedErrors=(
        "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=1570 \"originalLine ist ein erforderlicher Wert.\" [TRANSLATION: "originalLine is a required value"] UserInfo=0x600003072180 {NSValidationErrorKey=originalLine, NSLocalizedDescription=originalLine ist ein erforderlicher Wert., [TRANSLATION: NSLocalizedDescription=originalLine is a required value.] NSValidationErrorObject=<NSManagedObject: 0x600000ab6ec0> (entity: ABCDUnknownProperty; id: 0x60000102b9e0 <x-coredata:///ABCDUnknownProperty/tFFBA3874-332E-45E1-AD9D-C743B61BD9148226> ; data: {\n    originalLine = nil;\n    owner = \"0x56b4002ab <x-coredata://606A6059-A9DE-42A2-91C2-BBCDADB20C77/ABCDContact/p5549>\";\n    propertyName = \"X-MS-OL-DESIGN\";\n})}",
        "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=1570 \"originalLine ist ein erforderlicher Wert.\" [TRANSLATION: "originalLine is a required value"] UserInfo=0x600003462f40 {NSValidationErrorKey=originalLine, NSLocalizedDescription=originalLine ist ein erforderlicher Wert., [TRANSLATION: NSLocalizedDescription=originalLine is a required value.] NSValidationErrorObject=<NSManagedObject: 0x6000006bede0> (entity: ABCDUnknownProperty; id: 0x600000c3d300 <x-coredata:///ABCDUnknownProperty/tFFBA3874-332E-45E1-AD9D-C743B61BD9148152> ; data: {\n    originalLine = nil;\n    owner = \"0x56a0002ab <x-coredata://606A6059-A9DE-42A2-91C2-BBCDADB20C77/ABCDContact/p5544>\";\n    propertyName = \"X-MS-OL-DESIGN\";\n})}"
    21.10.14 17:12:46,788 Contacts[532]: -[ABAddressBook save] failed. (<ABAddressBook: 0x6080020c4130>)
    21.10.14 17:12:46,788 Contacts[532]: [CardDAVPlugin-ERROR] -doSyncWithServer: [syncAddressBook(<ABAddressBook: 0x6080020c4130>) save] FAILED
    Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
    I am not sure about the relevance of these error messages but I found them as well in the console:
    21.10.14 17:46:36,619 uxipm_ui[745]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    21.10.14 17:46:36,619 uxipm_ui[745]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff934f2dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    21.10.14 17:46:36,620 uxipm_ui[745]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff92302c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    21.10.14 17:46:36,620 uxipm_ui[745]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff92302b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    21.10.14 17:46:36,620 uxipm_ui[745]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff9349b4da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    21.10.14 17:46:36,620 uxipm_ui[745]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff9349b0c7 Gestalt + 144
    21.10.14 17:46:36,620 uxipm_ui[745]: 5   QtCore                              0x000000010c089496 _ZN9QInternal16registerCallbackENS_8CallbackEPFbPPvE + 194
    21.10.14 17:46:36,620 uxipm_ui[745]: 6   ???                                 0x00007fff64845ceb 0x0 + 140734879784171
    And also this one:
    21.10.14 17:46:35,098 CoreServicesUIAgent[322]: unexpected message <OS_xpc_error: <error: 0x7fff79579c60> { count = 1, contents =
      "XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff79579f70> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
    And this one:
    21.10.14 17:42:42,115 com.apple.iCloudHelper[737]: objc[737]: Class FALogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircl e and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/Versions/A/Famil yNotification. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    21.10.14 17:42:42,121 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    I have tried the troubleshooting listed here: Get help using iCloud Contacts (i.e. disabled and reenabled the sycn through iCloud in Preferences > iCloud and checked the login information etc)
    And I also do not exceed any of the limits for contacts listed here: iCloud: Limits for Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, and Bookmarks
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    I don't know if this is applicable for you, but this solved it for me.
    My initial situation was the following, Ipad, Iphone and iMac where syncing well. But not my Macbook Pro. So I did this Get help using iCloud Contacts - Apple Support and this Sync Services: Advanced troubleshooting for contact and calendar syncing - Apple Support . As result all my contacts, even the view I had where gone on my macbook. I tried rebooting and restartting but nothing helped.
    Then I did the following. I backuped all the cards from contacts on my imac (by moving them into a folder) and backuped them by export as archive.
    Afterwards I disconnected from icloud on my imac, then reconected and deleted all contacts from the addressbook. I double checked if they where gone on icloud.com too. Afterwards I just moved them back from the folder to the address book. again double checked on icloud.com and the my macbook started syncing properly.
    Which of the things I finally solved it, I don't know for sure. But I assume it was the one with deleting and restoring everything on another machine.

  • I found out that I have some lost contacts on my iphone 5s, they dont appear when I search but if the contact calls me I see their name. How can I get those contacts to be on the list?

    I found out that I have some lost contacts on my iphone 5s, they dont appear when I search but if the contact calls me I see their name. How can I get those contacts to be on the list?

    You could check settings > mail contacts and calandars and see if there are any accounts (like icloud gmail yahoo) listed and if they have contacts on. Its possible if contacts were synced to one of these accounts that turning them back on will recover the missing contacts.

  • Lost contacts in address book on iMac

    I have iMac w/OS X 10.7.5. When we upgraded to this version, it seems like I lost all of our contacts in the ADDRESS BOOK APPLICATION on our desktop. I do have an external hd that I use for time machine.  I went back to January 2011 to restore the ADDRESS BOOK and I got this error message:
    “Address Book” can’t be modified or deleted because it’s required by Mac OS X.
    I need some help in restoring ALL the contacts I had.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

    Could you please help me clarify which sequence I should be using to retrieve my backup Address Book data from? I, too, lost my contacts during a sync and am trying to retrieve them.
    Is the recovery sequence in Time Machine Backups this:
    1. Date-> Mac HD->Library-> Application Support->Address Book
    or is it this?
    2. Date-> Mac HD->Users->my name->Library->Application Support->Address Book
    After copying the backup Address Book folder to the Desktop and opening the Mac HD icon, do I go to the folder Library->Application Suppport or the folder Users->my name->Library->Application Support to trash the Address Book and reinstall the backup copy? I have been trying both w/o any luck recovering my contacts thus far.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Contacts are not syncing to MobileMe, iPod or laptop

    Tried syncing after the MobileMe switch, and my calendars and bookmarks updated fine, but my contacts did not. I could not get new and modified contacts from my MacPro to my MacBook or my iPod Touch, even after trying numerous times.
    I tried resetting the data on MobileMe from my MacPro using "Reset Sync Data" from the Advanced option on the Sync tab in System Prefs, to no avail.
    I then tried unregistering all computers, deleting the information for MobileMe, and resetting the Sync History in iSync itself, and starting from scratch and still nothing.
    I have 314 cards in my Address book on my desktop but no matter how many times and what I've tried on syncing MobileMe, this is still what I see when I go to /contacts on www.me.com:
    "You have no contacts.
    Click the 'New Contact' button in the toolbar or turn on Push on your iPhone or iPod touch and Sync on your Mac or PC. Learn more…"
    Even more frustrating is now that I've reset everything to try to force the sync data to reset, my contacts are only on my MacPro, and not on my iPod or laptop at all anymore where I really need them.
    (And now I notice that MobileMe is not updating changes I've made in iCal on the MacPro.)
    Any help will prevent me from going insane, destroying property and injuring myself or others. Thanks!
    (P.S.: Sync has always been a little flaky, so I'm posting this here as well as in the MobileMe forums in case it has to do with iSync and my system instead of MobileMe.)

    Where is my address book - cannot access contacts - unable to sync address book from .mac to mobile me - are they all lost??????? I understand "they" are working on this? when will I have access to my contacts, etc? VERY FRUSTRATING - I have not memorized my contacts!!!!!!!

  • I accidentally restored my iPhone and I lost contacts and pictures. How do I get these back?

    I accidentally restored my iPhone and I lost contacts and pictures. How do I get these back?

    Sync them back from whatever contact manager or cloud service you were syncing them with.

  • IPhone 4s lost contacts & won't restore

    I Recently lost all my contacts on my 4s & have tried 5 times to restore it but it continues to lock up.
    Last night I was able to retrieve some thru a partial restore ( locked up again so I rebooted the iPhone)
    to to find most contacts. Then not 5 mins later they where gone again just by hitting any key. I've tried
    sync again with no luck. Also tried icloud backup but no luck & it only has some of my contacts which
    doesnt make much sense. I also removed the SIM card & put it back in.
    I tried turning off/on contacts button that Didn't work either. Can anyone help or is this just a complete
    loss! Thx 4 reading

    You can try iPhone Data Recovery. You are provided three ways to restore contacts on iPhone, which are recovering them directly on iPhone, from an iPhone backup,and from iCloud backup files.What you have to do is very simple.
    Step 1.Install iPhone Data Recovery and connect your iPhone to your computer.
    Step 2. Choose a suitable mode to continue
    You can choose "Recover from iOS Device", "Recover Deleted contacts from iTunes" or "Restore Contacts from iCloud". You can choose a favorable mode to continue the progress.
    Step 3. Click "Scan" your iPhone
    Step 4. Preview the contacts and recover deleted them from iPhone
    I believe you can retrieve your lost contacts.

Maybe you are looking for