Lost Gradient editor

I have added some new gradients, and now the gradient editor won't come up.  I was working on a tutorial file with one of their images supplied on a disc, and discovered the editor wouldn't work, so I then tried one of my own thinking it was the image, and it still won't come up.   REALLY need help and I'm VERY new at PS!!!

John Joslin wrote:
While most of your posts are helpful some are just guesses – it is always better to check a solution before posting it.
And in cases of uncertainty, or where I have nothing concrete to say, I don't post anything.
In responding to posts in almost all cases there IS UNCERTAINTY.   In many cases the OP describes the problem inadequately,  incorrectly,  in a confusing manner, and you don't know how hardware/software problems affect the reported problem.   So yes, most posts are just guesses, otherwise there would be just one answer to each thread, and we don't usually see that.  In addition, in many cases the poster can not check out the solution before posting it as they don't have the problem on their screen.
In many cases it takes at least 6 posts by different people to get the problem solved, and each poster is offering a guess as to how to solve the problem.   This guess may trigger another thought, which brings up another guess.  If you have ever worked in real life that is how problems are solved, you take an idea, see if it works and then it if does not move to another idea.
Since there are so many variables in computers, users abilities, and ways of doing things in photoshop, there rarely is ONE single answer that is obviously correct.   Even a correct answer may not work for a user as the technique is too advanced for his level.  More simple, and less "correct" methods my work better for him.  Some of my answers fall this this category.
If no one posted because of uncertainty there would be no posts.  Even the smartest guy on the forum, or at Adobe, can answers the questions with certainty.  Otherwise we would have bug free software for every release.

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    Window> Color
    Change the type to a gradient and then you can edit.  It's pretty much the same as CS3, so perhaps I'm missing something in the question..

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    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form

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    When you restarted the app did you quit it first?
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    There is easy and very logical way.
    1. Open dialog Gradient Editor.
    2. Right click on gradient which you don't like/need.
    3. Choose Delete Gradient. Repeat if needed. Add some new if you want to.
    At that point you have gradients what you wanted. If you quit PS and start it again there will be no change in gradients editor dialog.
    But sometimes things happen. Like someone else switches to other preset or use Reset Gradients or you need to use temporaly different gradient preset.
    So to be able quickly set it your way.
    4. When done, press "Save..". Name it somehow somewhere.
    Now (after restarting PS) in at Presets list's bottom will apear your favorite gradient preset. Choose it and when it asks "Replace current gradients...." press "OK".
    That's it.

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    Start Adobe Photoshop CS3 and open an image from your files to which you want to apply a gradient map.
    Select the "Image" menu, point to "Adjustments" and click on "Gradient Map" to open the "Gradient Map" dialog box.
    Choose the gradient you want to use for the gradient map by clicking on the "Gradient Picker" drop-down box. Click on the gradient preset you want to use for the gradient mapping. You will see that in the background the gradient has been applied to your open image.
    Click on the gradient fill that you have chosen to open the "Gradient Editor" if you want to edit the gradient preset. Make any changes in this dialog box and click the "OK" button to close the box and return to your gradient map.
    Set any final options to apply to your gradient map. Check "Dither" under "Gradient Options" to add noise to smooth the bands of your gradient and/or "Reverse" to switch the direction of the gradient map.
    Use the "OK" button to close the "Gradient Map" dialog box and return your image to which the gradient map is now applied.
    Is that what you were asking?
    Hope it helps.

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