Lost library file

I lost all the files in my music library.  They no longer show up in iTunes, and I cannot find the correct file on my computer.  It may have happened during the last iTunes upgrade to 10.6 but not sure.  I was storing all these files on a pc running windows xp.  Can these be recovered/restored??  Most of the files reside on 3 or 4 devices.  Could the files be reloaded to generate the library again?  Another problem: the pc/iTunes is not recognizing some of the devices.  Please HELP!

Do you have such a file somewhere? You can start up itunes with the option key held down and it will let you select whatever library you wish. If your original one is truly missing why not put in the old copy where the new one should be and iTunes will think it is the missing file?

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    My internal drive died, which is where my library file seems to have been. My media folder was on an external drive. So, I have all of my stuff, but am wondering what the best way to set up a new library would be. I realize I've lost all my playlists and counts and such. I can live with that. But I don't want to have to create a new folder and copy over 300+ GB of stuff. Any thoughts?

    There 's a certain amount you can do if you have a backup of your library files, or an old iTunes library.
    https://discussions.apple.com/message/20401436 - turingtest2 11/2012 post on rebuilding empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash from previous iTunes library file.
    iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1451
    You can start iTunes, let it create a new, blank library file.  Configure it to save media to its current location on the external drive.  Drag a few files to the "Automatically add to iTunes" folder as a test.  Since the media foler location is on the external drive hopefully it won't try to copy to the external just to put it back on the external drive and hopefully it won't even try to move them on the external drive if they are in the correct structure already from the previous library.   If it seems to work properly then proceed with the rest (maybe don't do all 300GB in one go).  I don't use your version of iTunes, nor do I have your setup so I can't test this.

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    You can check out some 3rd-party applications that might do that.
    iPodRip Software
    PodUtil Software
    YamiPod Software
    PodPlus Software
    Just google on them and read if they can do that. Sorry I can't recommend one, but others have posted about them. As far as getting music off the iPod....I think they can get playlists, too, but not sure.

  • Lost library file renamed ____.jnk

    Help! I plugged in an external HDD that had a folder named itunes on it which included an old backup of my itunes folder from when I originally migrated my ipod to my home pc from my work pc a few months ago. This old folder is from before I had purchased anything on itunes. The HDD was already plugged in and I connected my ipod--lo and behold the thing starts doing something without any confirmation from me--I remember reading something about the library file and some other file being renamed ??????.jnk as backup, so I still have hope that I can rename the .jnk files and fix the problem. The good thing is that everything stayed on my ipod, but all of my playlists in the itunes program (with imported art!), and all of my purchased items (the little purchased items tab is gone too) dissappeared from the itunes program. itunes still shows my purchase history, but the tv shows, music vids, etc. that I had purchased don't seem to be found on the pc anymore. Can anyone help? Again, since everything is still on my ipod I am hoping that I can just rename the files that were changed to .jnk back to the original file extensions after deleting the current ones to get back my playlists and purchased items. Any thoughts on this issue?
    Why the heck does the thing start syncing automatically instead of asking you? I figured I would ask here before trying to call Apple....

    I have my regular itunes folder, but the duplicate with the older information was on a portable HDD---I think the reason it happened is because the folder was still called itunes.
    My real question is does anyone know about the .jnk files, and which ones would I have to restore/rename to get back to where I was (with my podcasts and purchased items and playlists in itunes, not just on the ipod itself)?

  • I have transfered all my library on an external hard disk and lost the itunes library files.

    I transfered all my library on an external hard disk and lost the itunes library files. Itunes created new ones but I lost all the playlists.
    How can I copy the playlists presents on the Iphone directly on Itunes ?
    If I want to syncronise now, I lost all playlists datas.

    I did the same XP to Windows 7 upgrade about 18 months ago.   I decided to keep iTunes permanently on the external drive than the c drive to save c: drive space. 
    ITunes database has pointers to MP3 files located in Artist's directories.  If you want to use a different location than the default C:\ drive for iTunes, then you need to recreate the Itunes database by deleting all songs in iTunes, then change the default location for iTunes files to your external drive.  Then import the MP3 files from the external drive into the empty iTunes database through the iTunes import facility.  
    If you screw up the timing of the import and find you have multiple iTunes directories (instead of just the default location), then iTunes has a new feature to consolidate all iTunes MP3 files back into the central default location.  In iTunes, FILE, LIBRARY, ORGANIZE LIBRARY, then CONSOLIDATE FILES.
    To change the default directory for MP3 files, in Tunes go to EDIT, PREFERENCES, ADVANCED and then CHANGE the location to where you want the Itunes MP3 files to be located (including the iTunes subdirectory under which all the artist directories are held.  Mine are on the F: drive or whatever your computer states is your drive assignment for the external drive.
    Note iTunes 10.5 has many problems that Apple hopefully are working on....we seem to have gone backwards on working components in this iCloud based release.  So maybe keep on using old computer until 10.6 is released.
    Steve Mc (Sydney AUSTRALIA)

  • TS1967 When trying to recover a lost iTunes library file, the programme moved all the normal contents of iTunes folder to the desktop. Now what must I do?

    When trying to recover a lost iTunes library file, the programme moved all the normal contents of iTunes folder to the desktop. Now what must I do? There is no iTunes Library.itl file. On the desktop it is labelled iTunes Library.xml. Several others files have appeared there too including iTunes Music Library.xml
    Before I can use the programme is it necessary to take another step?
    Thanks for advice.

    Don't worry. I'm all for caution. I guess I should have asked a little more about what steps you took while trying to recover your lost library?
    The permissions thing may be a red herring, but if there is a problem with file access rights to the designated media folder iTunes has been known to place files on the desktop instead since it can access this location. The most common cause for such problems is working with a folder on an NTFS drive via a differnt account or on a different computer. In the normal course of events folders created inside user profiles have limited rights for other users.
    Here are the typical layouts for the iTunes folders:
    Normally the iTunes folder will be created at <User's Music>\iTunes with the media folder inside it. The library files should all appear in the same place so your comment about there not being an iTunes Library.itl file is confusing. Is it just the case that the .itl extension is hidden? The two .xml files makes sense from the above and indicates that the active library is not in <User's Music>\iTunes, but you have a recovered file from when it was.
    If, in fact, the situation is that your desktop is acting as the main iTunes folder, and contains the library file, Album Artwork, iTunes Media and (optionally) Previous iTunes Libraries folders, with all other content being inside the iTunes Media folder, then it should be relativly easy to rearrange your into the correct shape and move them to the correct location.
    If things are more complex, with something other than a library folder containing a media folder, then reestablishing the normal order is more complicated. The iTunes consolidate function is used to bring copies of files stored outside of the media folder into the media folder. It may sometimes be needed as part of the process of tidying up, however it leaves behind originals. There are circumstances where there isn't room for two complete sets of the media files on the same drive which is why I suggested the script might be useful as it produces the same results for the library without leaving the originals for manual clear up.
    I think before you do anything however, we should get a clearer picture of exactly what is where. Could you perhaps take a screenshot of the desktop and post it here? Take a look at this post on making a split library portable. The same techniques I outline there can be used to lick your library into shape, it is just a question of working out which to use in which order for the best effect.

  • HELP! Library File won't save, Playlists lost, and Itunes behaviour erratic

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    However, today, I have had real problems with Itunes. First, it didn't want to open at all. Then, when it did open, I kept getting the dreaded 'Library file cannot be saved' message. I followed the instructions in the help articles, but as soon as I get to the stage where you move the library file to your desktop, it stopped Itunes working - it wouldn't load and gives me a message about some files missing.
    So I uninstalled Itunes and re-installed it. Well, the first time it said there was something wrong with the installation package and it wouldn't work. The second time it got stuck on the registration process. The third time it worked but couldn't connect to the ITunes Store. Next time, it worked, and all my music is there, but the playlists have vanished and it keeps telling me the library file can't be saved.
    Please help!!!!! (and no sarcastic comments about buying a Mac please...there's a recession on you know!)

    This issue persists whether the drive is accessed via AFP network or FireWire.

  • Library file crashed.  Lost access to some songs.

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    Dotted circles next to songs, won't...: Apple Support Communities
    What does the gray dotted circle in...: Apple Support Communities
    what does the dotted circle mean?: Apple Support Communities
    Next try:
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             

  • ITunes Library Lost, XML File Intact

    My iTunes library has been stored on an external USB drive. The drive just failed, in the middle of some other computer problems I'm having. The good news for me is that the XML file itself is still intact, so I'm hoping to bring my library back and restore it into the file system on a new external drive. Can anyone point to software that would restore from the ipod and use the XML file as a map to recreate the file system, or do most of them do that? Thanks.

    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    If iTunes is connecting to the file called iTunes Library (Damaged).itl instead of iTunes LIbrary.itl then you may need to hold down shift as you start iTunes so that you get a prompt to choose or create a library. You can then choose the correct file.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • HT1391 I have accidantally created anoth iTunes library file and ripped a lot of music in it. Than I discovered that this music was not arrived in one library file. Know I would like to merge all my music in one library file but don't see which library is

    Regarding my Itunes library:
    I'll try to explain my situation  (sorry for my english).
    I have a networkdrive where all my music is stored on. Itunes is installed on my macbook and I entered the network drive as my media file location. 
    I use my macbook to rip music and buy itunes music assuming it will all be placed in the media folder that I once entered.
    Recently I found out that itunes had changed the location of my media folder to the local drive.
    Since a time now (I can't exactly say when) I'm ripping many of my music collection to itunes.
    Today i discovered the change of my media file location by itunes after I ripped some collections. When clicking the info button on some of the ripped files I see that they are not stored on my networkdrive, very normal, since the location of the media file is changed to local computer.
    When I look in the finder I can find a local libray file (xml file) from 13 april and also one on my network drive but the date is from March. So this one is even older.
    I suppose that the libray file is updated each time I add a song in itunes. So there must be anonther library file somewhere?
    Is there a way to see which libarary file is used in itunes? I know you can start Itunes with the option key to select another library file but is it also possible to view in itunes which library file is used so I can consult the path of the library file in use?
    What should i do to put all the local music to to my network drive and update the correct library to the new location of these files?
    Why is there no alert when Itunes changes the location of the media files path?

    hi i had the same problem today when i updated my itunes to latest version. however, i have just found my songs in the 'itunes media' folder. this was accessed through 'my music'  then keep clicking through until you find itunes media and all my library songs were in there and i then just added these files to my library and all were restored however, i have lost all my playlists but at least my 700 songs are back. very dissapointed with apple that they have let this happen with their latest update, the previous version was miles better than this one . hope you find them. stevo

  • Trying to back up iPad to external hard drive, "iTunes library file cannot be saved. The disk you are attempting to use is full."

    This issue is somewhat complex so I will try to explain it as clearly as I can. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    It all began when I kept getting popups from my iPad saying that I had not backed up since May. I realized that was pretty dangerous so I decided to finally try syncing it to iTunes, though I had avoided doing so for so long because I knew that when I tried there was no room on the computer. I then remembered that I have an external hard drive with plenty of storage space, so I got that out and set it up with a folder to move iTunes and the backup into.
    On iTunes I went to the Advanced Preferences and changed iTunes Media Folder Location to the G: folder, with the keep organized box checked. I also copied the previous backups from the original C: drive to G: so that I could delete the ones on C:.
    I used Junction Link Magic to link my now empty MobileSync backup on C: to a new (JLM would not work unless it was empty) backup folder on external hard drive G:.
    I plugged in my iPad to iTunes to sync it, and while it was backing up I checked the new folder on G: to make sure that the backup was being put there. It was.
    However, about halfway through I got the message "iTunes library file cannot be saved. The disk you are attempting to use is full."
    My question is Why? If it is being made in a 1.5 terabyte hard drive now, and not the computer, why is there no disk space? My guess is that it must still somehow be saving to the computer. But how? And how can I get it to save solely on the G: drive where there is enough room?
    I am running Windows XP and the latest version of iTunes.
    An additional but not as crucial issue:
    Much of my music has been lost, with the being displayed next to the songs in the iTunes library, and only 50 (purchased) songs remain on my iPad. This was because those missing songs were stored on a different external hard drive ( I:). However, I copied many of the music folders on I: over to G: so that everything could be together. I am wondering if it is possible for me to get these songs back onto my iPad. But this is not my most important issue right now, because I believe that once I get the first issue solved I can simply plug in I: and G: at the same time while syncing the iPad, and get the songs back.
    Note: I have come to realize the iTunes program itself is still under Program Files in the C: drive. Does this have to do with anything?

    Short term, free up some disk space. Long term, move the library to a bigger drive.

  • How do I restore an iTunes library file?

    I recently recovered my music (which I thought was lost) back into iTunes. However it hasn't restored my personal song settings (volume adjustments, start/stop times etc). I have found a folder "Previous iTunes libraries" which contains a recent library file consisting of the data I want to restore. Does anyone know how I get this info back into iTunes? I've tried the "add file/folder..." options but it doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help?

    Get it out of the *Previous Itunes Libraries* folder and use these directions to open it.

  • How can I fix a (damaged) library file?

    I just upgraded to itunes 5 last week. I opened itunes yesterday and it said my library file had been damaged so it renamed it with (damaged)and gave me a new library file without any of my custom playlists, etc... I lost a playlist thats really special to me, is there any way for me to repair my .xml library. I've tried renaming the (damaged) library to the regular library and itunes finds it and says its damaged... Also, I don't think all of the songs in my music folder are showing up. I own alot of CDs and it's going to be a huge pain to go through my 6400 songs and make sure every album is showing up in my .xml file..
    Does anyone know a way to fix/debug my damaged .xml library?

    Liz hello,
    for your info....
    What are the iTunes 4 library files?
    The iTunes library is a database iTunes uses to organize your music. Two iTunes library files are created and maintained by iTunes for different purposes. They're both in the iTunes folder.
    iTunes 4. - 4.8
    /Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes 4 Music Library
    /Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
    iTunes 4.9 - 5.x
    /Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library
    /Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
    iTunes 4 Music Library/iTunes Library
    This file is a database of the songs in your library and the playlists you've created. Some song-specific data is saved in this file. If you delete the file, iTunes creates a new, empty copy when you open the application, but any playlists, song ratings, comments, or other information you created is lost. The iTunes 4 Music Library/iTunes Library file is only used by iTunes.
    iTunes Music Library.xml
    This file contains some (but not all) of the same information stored in the iTunes 4 Music Library/iTunes Library files. The purpose of the iTunes Music Library.xml file is to make your music and playlists available to other applications on your computer. In Mac OS X other iLife applications (like iPhoto, iDVD, and iMovie) use this file to make it easier for you to add music from your iTunes library to your projects.

  • Error message - "The iTunes Library file is full could not be saved" - Help

    Hi folks.
    I looked for current / recent chatter on this iss before creating this topic. Didn't see anything that addressed this issued recently. If I missed it, sorry, if not, here you go!
    I got an error message last night while using iTunes. It just popped up during use, not while using. The error message read "The iTunes Library File could not be saved." Now my hard drive is DEFINITELY not full. I have hundreds of gigs of unused space. This appears to be an issue strictly related to my library.xml file. Stupidly, I clicked the don't show me this again and closed the message. My concern now is that I'll rip new content that won't end up in my iTunes library even though it's on my hard drive, thus that content will not be findable by iTunes.
    I don't want to just rebuild the library from scratch as I have fixed tons of errors in how iTunes classifies my music over the years and all that work would be lost.
    Any ideas on how to get past this glitch?
    I noticed this problem also cropped up circa the original iPhone launch. I had that phone and did not experience this prob, and I just upgraded to the 3G four days ago. It makes no sense to me that the phone is causing this, but perhaps the upgrade to the iTunes version 7.7 (necessary to use the iPhone with my Windows computer) is the cause of the prob.
    I did erase a bunch of videos and unsubscribed to several video casts. That was one recommended solution way back when.
    My concern though is that since I chose the don't show me this error message again option, I won't know whether the problem persists or not.
    Oh the humanity...

    I have seen this a few times, usually when other 3rd-party applications are using itunes. Such as, lastfm & the Tivo remote music player.
    And, I've also seen it when I was copying a bunch of digital photos to the exHD in the background while playing music and the song changed. iTunes saves the playcount in the ITL file when the song ends.
    You might check this Microsoft article about "Enable write caching on the disk". I haven't seen that iTunes error since I turned mine back on for the exHD. The Tivo "delayed write failed" errors are back, but that's a different problem...
    Anyway, long story short, it gets saved OK later and I make frequent backups of that ITL file.

  • I have my iTunes media on an external drive but I would like to know if I keep the library file back to my internal hard drive so it gets backed up by Time Machine.

    I have all my media on an external drive for space. Is there a way I move the library file back to my internal had drive so that Timemachine will keepa  backup of the file. Recently my library file became damaged and I lost all my playlists and playcounts and all that good stuff. Thanks for your help.

    I never lost any media mind you just the library file that tell iTunes where everything lives.
    On this point, you can keep a copy of of the "Itunes Music Library.xml" file, which contains the itunes metadata for your music library (songs & playlists).
    Obviously, you would still need the files themselves for this to be of any worth, but if you ever find yourself in the same situation you can use the .xml file to recreate iTunes as it was. Keep in mind that you must import the .xml file into iTunes for this to work, you cannot simply move it via the finder. 

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