Lost Value in the Quotation

Hello everyone,
when I was trying to print out the quotation, I found the value for the finished goods is missing. The other four items are trading goods, I was wondering how to add a value for this item. Also, because it's a finished goods, so there is no specific vendor for it. Then how to create a PO, so I can 'Maintain a Request for Quotation' then add value in it.
Thank you!

Just a few possibilities from my experiences:
- is there some javascript that runs after a user fills in this text box? (validation of some sort). I once saw a text field that I would record data entry to, but on playback, it would simply not happen. It turned out that because by default ETester suppresses browser dialog boxes, some sort of data validation rule was triggered when I navigated off the field and as a result the javascript blanked the field. Try entering the data in the fields on the page outside of ETester in the same sequence ETester does it.
- I also had a situation where inexplicably a field I had recorded some action to was never played back. I was able to isolate this by opening up the address node of the page in ETester and right clicking the address node and looking at the properties. There is an action list for the navigations on this page. Is the action for setParameter for this specific field missing? If so, the good news is that you can just re-record that single action and move it to its expected place in the action list.

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    Sometime I need to go back to a bookmark and add extra GL accounts /or GL hierarchy node but I found that is often loses the original selection when I click the transfer button after select the new GL account/or GL hierarchy node. Is there any way to add a new value to the existing filter?
    Best Regards

    <FONT FACE = "Tahoma", Font Color = "Blue">
    1. Open the bookmark<br>
    2. Click on any field from the context menu and create another bookmark<br>
    3. Put additional filters and press the transfer button<br>
    4. The data will be displayed for (old + new) selections<br>
    5. Click on any field from the context menu and create another bookmark. Make a note of it<br>
    <br> Step 2 should not really be required but I'm assuming that your internet session was expired or similar problem. Please try this and let us know what happens.<br>
    Hope it helps.<br><br>
    Cheers Abhijit<br>
    </FONT><FONT FACE = "Verdana", Font Color = "Red">

  • How can i get the correct text from a string like it show in the original source with the quotation marks in the right place ?

    The text is in hebrew so the problem is that sometimes the quotation marks not in the right place.
    For example i have this text: תווית
    על בגד: ''תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה''
    This is the source original text you can see the quotations marks and they are not in the right place and all i did is copy paste.
    And this is a screenshot of how this text looks like in the website in the original:
    You can see now where the quotations marks should be.
    Now this is how i'm using the text in my program:
    First of all i'm using a webclient to download the page from the website and i'm also encoding it to windows-1255 since it's in hebrew.
    using (var webClient = new WebClient())
    webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)");
    byte[] myDataBuffer = webClient.DownloadData("http://rotter.net/scoopscache.html");
    page = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1255").GetString(myDataBuffer);
    Then i'm extracting the places i need by reading the html file lines and parsing the right text and it's link.
    string loc;
    List<string> metas = new List<string>();
    List<string> metas1 = new List<string>();
    List<string> lockedLinks1 = new List<string>();
    string text = "";
    string mys = "";
    public List<string> LockedThreads(string filename)
    lockedThreads = new List<string>();
    lockedLinks = new List<string>();
    Regex textRegex = new Regex("ToolTip.*?(?=','<)");
    string[] fall = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
    for (int i = 0; i < fall.Length; i++)
    if (fall[i].Contains("http://rotter.net") && fall[i].Contains("locked")||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_general") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_anchor") ||
    fall[i].Contains("icon_anchor") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_fire") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_sport") ||
    fall[i].Contains("locked_icon_camera") ||
    Regex linkParser = new Regex(@"\b(?:https?://|www\.)\S+\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    foreach (Match m in linkParser.Matches(fall[i + 2]))
    if (m.Value.Contains("><b"))
    loc = m.Value.Replace("\"><b", string.Empty);
    string txt = fall[i - 1];
    string text = textRegex.Match(txt).Value.Replace("ToolTip','", String.Empty);
    if (text.Contains("&rsquo;"))
    text = text.Replace("&rsquo;", string.Empty);
    Already here on the List lockedThreads you can see the quotation marks not in the right place as in the original:
    After i'm parsing the text and links and adding them to the Lists in another class i'm doing a comparison using this Lists:
    foreach (List<string> l_branch in ListsExtractions.responsers)
    TreeNode l_node = treeView1.Nodes.Add(l_branch[l_branch.Count - 1]);
    if (ListsExtractions.lockedThreads.Contains(l_node.Text))
    l_node.ImageIndex = 0;
    l_node.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
    for (int l_count = 0; l_count < l_branch.Count - 1; l_count++)
    TreeNode l_subnode = l_node.Nodes.Add(l_branch[l_count]);
    if (ListsExtractions.lockedThreads.Contains(l_subnode.Text))
    l_subnode.ImageIndex = 0;
    l_subnode.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
    The problem is in the line:
    if (ListsExtractions.lockedThreads.Contains(l_node.Text))
    When it's getting to the line with the quotation marks it's never equal.
    Now there are more quotation marks.
    In general the problem when comparing both text if it's having quotation marks it's not the same.
    So i have two options:
    1. To fix it somehow so the quotation marks will be the same in both variables when comparing and also the same like in the original as they show in the html page.
    2. To remove the quotation marks from both variables.
    What should i do ? And how ? I was prefer to use the original quotation marks like in the original since they have a meaning in the place they should be. The question is how can i do it ?
    This is example of the block from the html file where the text with the quotation marks is:
    <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP">&nbsp;<font size=-1 color=#ff9933><b>9418</b></font>&nbsp;</TD></TR><TR BGCOLOR="#eeeeee">
    <body onmousemove="overhere()">
    <a onmouseover="EnterContent('ToolTip','תווית על בגד: &rsquo;&rsquo;תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה&rsquo;&rsquo;','<u><span style=color:#000099;>כתב: Spook בתאריך: 08.03.15 שעה: 22:11</span></u><br>מחאת טוויטר קמה בעקבות תוויות שוביניסטיות שהדפיסה חברת אופנה באינדונזיה לפיהן תפקיד הכביסה מוטל על האישה. החברה התנצלה אך כנראה רק עשתה רק יותר נזק לע...'); Activate();" onmouseout="deActivate()" href="javascript:void(0)">
    <img src="http://rotter.net/forum/Images/new_locked_icon_general.gif" border="0"></a></TD><TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="55%">
    <FONT CLASS='text15bn'><FONT FACE="Arial">
    <a href="http://rotter.net/cgi-bin/forum/dcboard.cgi?az=read_count&om=189696&forum=scoops1"><b>
    <font color="898A8E">תווית על בגד: ''תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה''</b>

    Ok, it is unclear on what is happening here.
    Are you saying that when the webclient gets the data that it is not honoring the quote characters? Or the processing of the data buffer is causing issues?
    This is what I see the of your example text which is trying to be parse out:
    <a onmouseover="EnterContent('ToolTip','תווית על בגד: &rsquo;&rsquo;תן לאישה לכבס. זה תפקידה&rsquo;&rsquo;','<u><span style=color:#000099;>כתב: Spook בתאריך: 08.03.15 שעה: 22:11</span></u><br>מחאת טוויטר קמה בעקבות תוויות שוביניסטיות שהדפיסה חברת אופנה באינדונזיה לפיהן תפקיד הכביסה מוטל על האישה. החברה התנצלה אך כנראה רק עשתה רק יותר נזק לע...'); Activate();">";
    It appears to me that the  escapes `&rsquo;` does not have matching `&ldquo;` anywhere within the tooltip. So it appears that the page properly places left quotes in when processing the page, but the raw html has broken text.
    Hence a garbage in, garbage out situation.
    William Wegerson (www.OmegaCoder.Com)

  • Unable to get the value from the textfield in valueChangeEvent

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    How can i get the entered value from the textfield.? Is there any method to notify to do this?
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried to the value from coreInputText also. If i check the getValue method of the component, i am getting the last updated value. I have debug the FlowPhaseListsner also. And i found that this listener is calling before the updateModel phase. Due to that i am not getting the value from the Field.

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    The following are the problems which we are facing when navigating to the other BI report.
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    2)I have tried using the “Navigate to Web page” action. I am able to pass the values but the page is getting opened in another window. I want that page to be opened in the same window so that my presentation variable values are not lost.
    3)When I click on the bar graph, I am able to pass the values period and operating unit. But my presentation variable values are lost. I want to retain them.
    Please help me out in achieving this scenario.

    In the column properties give the navigation to other reports from the interaction tab and make a chart with the column and in the dashboard -->edit dashboard-->in the section where the report is placed--->give 'drill in place'.
    NOTE: Please mention if this resolved your problem/still facing and close the thread.

  • Lost values in DropDown List

    Hello Experts!
    I created a dynamic interactive form with a dynamic table. This table has two buttons. One to add a new row and one to delete
    the selected row. The row has field called EAN. This field is formatted as dropdown list. I created i the interface of the form a table and bind the table to this dropdown list field. With my print program i fill the table, generate my form and download it on my pc.
    Now my problem. After download, i open my form and the first row of my table has the first value as content in the field.
    Every thing is right. But if a create a new row, the field is empty. This is also correct. But if i will select a new value from my dropdown list, one value is missing and i got two new blank values in my dropdown list. This runs so on if i create a new row.
    I don´t understand why i lost my values in the dropdown list, when i create a new row.
    I hope anybody of you knows the solution for that.
    For your information, here is my coding to add the new row:
    data.#subform[0].FORM.DATA.DATA_ITEMS.I_DATA.STRUC.Teilformular1.Schaltfläche1::click - (JavaScript, client)
    // xfa.host.print(1, "0", (xfa.host.numPages -1).toString(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    var anInstanceManager = this.parent.parent.instanceManager;
    var newInstance = anInstanceManager.addInstance(1);
    var aToIndex = this.parent.parent.index + 1;
    var aFromIndex = newInstance.index;
        anInstanceManager.moveInstance(aFromIndex, aToIndex);}

    Hi Sanoosh!
    Thanks for your advice!
    I already bound the field for the dropdown list to a different node than the datatable.
    So that is also a fact that i don´t understand. When i have a different data node, why
    is it possible to fill or overwrite data from a different data node!

  • The selected signed file could not be authenticated. The file might have been tampered with or an error might have occured during download. Please verify the MD5 hash value against the Cisco Systems web site

    I am trying to load any 9.0.3 firmware on my UCM server. Every newer firmware I load throws the following error. I have verified the MD5 is correct and also downloaded the file several times with the same result. I can load the same firmware file on another UCM server and it loads fine. Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!
    Error Message:
    The selected signed file could not be authenticated. The file might have been  tampered with or an error might have occured during download. Please verify the  MD5 hash value against the Cisco Systems web site:  9b:b6:31:09:18:15:e7:c0:97:9f:e6:fe:9a:19:94:99
    Firmware File: cmterm-7970_7971-sccp.9-0-3.cop.sgn
    UCM version:

    Thanks for your reply. We have a lab environment where I maintain  UCM 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0 servers each running the latest released firmware for our QA testing team. I have downloaded and installed the latest device packages but find that if I try to install any firmware newer then 8.3.1 on either 5.0.4 or 6.0 i start getting MD5 hash authentication errors. It looks like 9.0.3 firmware should work on UCM 5.0 and 6.0 so I am lost as to why I can't seem to update any firmware for any model phone if it is newer then version 8.3.1 on either 5.0 or 6.0. while 5.1 and 6.1 work without issues. Maybe it is just a bug. I mostly wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this or if it is just me.

  • Lost value of a constant

    In the spec part of a package I define
    In a procedure in the body part I do:
    ( GTSEQU_INCI.nextval, p_id_DECE400, p_incidencia,
    p_codDeceNivi, c_GTCON50_S, NULL, NULL );
    Do you see? I INSERT that constant... But when I inspect what I have in the table, I can see that record but the field corresponding to the constant IS NULL ??????
    What's the reason for that "lost value" of a constant?
    This procedure of the package with that INSERT is executed by another package..
    I don't know if it is a clue...
    Edited by: pacoKAS on 31-mar-2010 14:13

    pacoKAS wrote:
    Thank you for your interest...
    But my CONSTANT is ONLY defined in the specification section of the package.... The "invoking" package has not defined a CONSTANT with the same name....A constant cannot be changed.
    SQL> create or replace package MyLibrary is
      3          MY_CONSTANT     constant varchar2(5) := 'fixed';
      5  end;
      6  /
    Package created.
    SQL> -- cannot change its value
    SQL> exec MyLibrary.MY_CONSTANT := 'gotya';
    BEGIN MyLibrary.MY_CONSTANT := 'gotya'; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 17:
    PLS-00363: expression 'MYLIBRARY.MY_CONSTANT' cannot be used as an assignment target
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    There is a reason for the "loss of value" of the constant...
    But I don't know that reason....It cannot loose the value. Not possible. As shown above, you cannot change the variable's value - the reserve word "+constant+" does not allow it.
    The only other explanation is scope - you think you are referring to that constant, but within the current code unit's scope, the reference is to another variable. And that's the value that you see.
    This is of course assuming that you are diagnosing the problem correctly. A trigger could be responsible for changing the row's column value set by that constant via the INSERT statement. There could be an error (constraint violation for example) that is suppressed - so it seems that a row with that constant value is inserted, when it is not the case. Etc.

  • JTable cell editor ..not able to delete value in the cell

    I have applied Cell Editor on the JTAble. I'm able to enter value initially in the cell.
    Once I tab out of that cell, go back to the same cell, edit the value again and tab out. It still shows me old value, not the updated one.
    I'm using putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE) to recognise the cell value without focus lost.
    Does this cause any problem ???
    Thanks in advance

    then what might be the problem of value not getting deleted ??
    Code is:
    public class MyTableCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor
    implements TableCellEditor {
    //This is the component that will handle the editing of the cell value
    private JTextField component = null;
    //This method is called when a cell value is edited by the user.
    public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
    boolean isSelected, int rowIndex, int vColIndex) {
    component = new JTextField();
    System.out.println("value*************** "+value);
    System.out.println("Component value*************** "+component.getText());
    if(value != null){
    // Return the configured component
    return component;
    // This method is called when editing is completed.
    // It must return the new value to be stored in the cell.
    public Object getCellEditorValue() {
    return component.getText();
    public boolean shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent) {
    return false;

  • Adobe cloud has lost connection with the server

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    *Adding new items/removing orphans*
    Try iTunes Folder Watch or iTunes Library Updater. Folder Watch is much faster on the adding files front, can be set to run in the background and includes a useful exclusion feature, however it’s slow at removing orphans. iTLU is better for this although doing it manually after looking at a list of proposed removals generated by Folder Watch is probably faster still. iTLU can also be set to update iTunes when you've used 3rd party tools to change tag info.
    You may need to amend the list of file types these programs look for. My list includes:
    .mp3 .mp4 .m4a .m4b .m4p .m4v .mov .wav .aif .mid .ipa .ipg .ite .itlp .m4r .pdf
    Note the last 6 types may not be recognised as already being in the library so should either be omitted from the search or you can add (at least for Folder Watch) individual exclusions for files you know are already in your library.

  • How to get multiple values from the list

    I've a list of an item which I queried it from the database. I also created a button that will takes a selected items from the list when it was clicked. I used javabean to get the data from database.
    <%     // clicked on Select District Button
    Vector vselectedDistrict = new Vector();
    Vector vdistrictID = new Vector();
    String tmpSelectDistrict = "";
    tmpSelectDistrict = request.getParameter("bSelectDistrict");
    if(tmpSelectDistrict != null)
         // get multiple values from the list
         String[] selectedDistrict = request.getParameterValues("usrTDistrict");
         if((selectedDistrict != null) && (selectedDistrict.length != 0))
                             for(int i=0;i<selectedDistrict.length;i++)
              vdistrictID = dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
              for(int i=0;i<vdistrictID.size();i++)
                   out.println("district = " + selectedDistrict[i]);                         out.println("district ID= " + vdistrictID.get(i).toString());
    // get vdistrict from the database here......
    <select name="usrTDistrict" size="5" multiple>
    <%     for(int i = 0; i< vdistrict.size(); i++)
         <option value="<%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%>"><%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%></option>
    <input type="submit" name="bSelectDistrict" value="Select District">
    Lets say the item that i selected from the list is 'Xplace' and I clicked on the Select District button,
    what I got is this error message:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string 'Xplace' to class java.util.Vector for attribute usrTDistrict: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager
    So where is going wrong and what the message means?. Any help very much appreciated. Thanks

    These are just guesses that might hopefully steer you in directions you haven't looked in yet.
    I presume you used triangle brackets (< >) to avoid having the Jive Forum think it was the "italics" tag?
    Are you certain this: dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
    expects a Vector as its second parameter? And returns a Vector?
    I don't believe you've shown how you use the javabean, or its code? Perhaps it should be rewritten to accept an array of strings instead of a Vector?

  • F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST - how can I return all values from the line?

    I'm using FM F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to show a pop-up with my internal table values.  The internal table has 3 fields, ATINN, ATZHL and a description field ATWTB.  ATINN and ATZHL are needed to complete the unique table key, however this FM will only return the value of one field in any line I select.
    How can I see all the values in the line I select in the return table?
    My code is as follows:
      DATA: tbl_cawnt LIKE cawnt OCCURS 0,
            wa_cawnt LIKE cawnt,
            BEGIN OF tbl_list OCCURS 0,
              atinn LIKE cawnt-atinn,
              atzhl LIKE cawnt-atzhl,
              atwtb LIKE cawnt-atwtb,
            END OF tbl_list,
            wa_list LIKE tbl_list,
            tbl_return LIKE ddshretval OCCURS 0,
            wa_return LIKE ddshretval,
            tbl_fields LIKE dfies OCCURS 0,
            tbl_dynp LIKE dselc OCCURS 0.
      REFRESH: tbl_list, tbl_cawnt.
      SELECT atinn atzhl atwtb
        FROM cawnt
        WHERE spras EQ sy-langu.
      LOOP AT tbl_cawnt INTO wa_cawnt.
        CLEAR wa_list.
        MOVE: wa_cawnt-atwtb TO wa_list-atwtb,
              wa_cawnt-atinn TO wa_list-atinn,
              wa_cawnt-atzhl TO wa_list-atzhl.
        APPEND wa_list TO tbl_list.
          retfield        = 'ATWTB'
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = tbl_list
          return_tab      = tbl_return
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      Use the structure DYNPFLD_MAPPING
    With this internal table you can easily define that you want to return
    other columns of the hit list in addition to field RETFIELD to the
    In this IT you can MAP the screen fields to the serch help screen fields this has three fields
    FLDNAME this is the field anme from the search help
    FLDINH This has to be blank which would be field with the field value that you want to map
    DYFLDNAME THis is the screen field name.
    So here you can get the values for the other fields that you want which are on the search help just populate the name of the fields in FLDNAME.

  • How can i get the all values from the Property file to Hashtable?

    how can i get the all values from the Property file to Hashtable?
    ok,consider my property file name is pro.PROPERTIES
    and it contain
    8326=sun developer
    4306=sun java developer
    3943=java developer
    how can i get the all keys & values from the pro.PROPERTIES to hashtable
    plz help guys..............

    The Properties class is already a subclass of Hashtable. So if you have a Properties object, you already have a Hashtable. So all you need to do is the first part of that:Properties props = new Properties();
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream("tivoli.properties");

  • Job scheduling(passing the values to the child program)

    when i'm trying to schedule a background job(using job_open job_submit and job_close) i'm passing the values of the selection screen(parent program) to my child program using set parameter id. And trying to get the values using get parameter id in the cild program.
    But the values of the parent program are not being passed to the child program what may be the cause for it?

    Why con't you use
    [WITH <sel> <criterion>]
    [WITH FREE SELECTIONS <freesel>]
    When you start an executable program, the standard selection screen normally appears, containing the selection criteria and parameters of both the logical database connected to the program and of the program itself (see Direct Execution - Reports). When you start an executable program using SUBMIT, there are various additions that you can use to fill the input fields on the selection screen:
    [WITH <sel> <criterion>]
    [WITH FREE SELECTIONS <freesel>]
    These options have the following effects:
    The selection screen of the called executable program (report) appears. If you transfer values to the program using one or more of the other options, the corresponding input fields in the selections screen are filled. The user can change these values. By default, the system does not display a selection screen after SUBMIT.
    This option tells the system to start the called program with the variant <var>.
    WITH <sel> <criterion>
    Use this option to fill individual elements <sel> of the selection screen (selection tables and parameters). Use one of the elements <criterion>:
    <op> <f> [SIGN <s>], for single value selection
    If <sel> is a selection criterion, use <op> to fill the OPTION field, <f> to fill the LOW field, and <s> to fill the SIGN field of the selection table <sel> in the called program.
    If <sel> is a parameter, you can use any operator for <op>. The parameter <sel> is always filled with <f>.
    [NOT] BETWEEN <f1> AND <f2> [SIGN <s>], for interval selection
    <f1> is transferred into the LOW field, <f2> into the HIGH field, and <s> into the SIGN field of the selection table <sel> in the called program. If you omit the NOT option, the system places the value BT into the OPTION field; if you use NOT, the system fills OPTION with NB.
    IN <seltab>, transferring a selection table
    This addition fills the selection table <sel> in the called program with the values of the table <seltab> in the calling program. Table <seltab> must have the structure of a selection table. Use the RANGES statement to create selection tables.
    WITH FREE SELECTION <freesel>, user dialog for dynamic selections
    To use this option, the called program must be connected to a logical database that supports dynamic selections. In the calling program, use the function modules FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT and FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG. They allow the user to enter dynamic selections on a selection screen. One export parameter of these function modules has structure RSDS_TEXPR from the RSDS type group. Transfer the values of this export parameter by means of the internal table <freesel> of the same structure to the called report.
    WITH SELECTION-TABLE <rspar>, dynamic transfer of values
    You need an internal table <rspar> with the Dictionary structure RSPARAMS. The table then consists of the following six fields:
    SELNAME (type C, length 8) for the name of the selection criterion or parameter
    KIND (type C, length 1) for the selection type (S for selection criterion, P for parameter)
    SIGN, OPTION, LOW, HIGH as in a normal selection table, except that LOW and HIGH both have type C and length 45.
    This table can be filled dynamically in the calling program with all of the required values for the selection screen of the called program. If the name of a selection criterion appears more than once, the system creates a multiple-line selection table for that criterion in the called program. If the name of a parameter appears more than once, the system uses the last value. Note that LOW and HIGH have type C, so that the system executes type conversions to the criteria of the called program. This is important for date fields, for example. Before your program is used in a live context, you should check it using the VIA SELECTION-SCREEN addition.
    Except for WITH SELECTION-TABLE, you can use any of the above options several times and in any combination within a SUBMIT statement. In particular, you can use the WITH <sel> option several times for one single criterion <sel>. In the called program, the system appends the corresponding lines to the selection tables used. For parameters, it uses the last value specified. The only combination possible for the WITH SELECTION-TABLE option is USING SELECTION-SET.
    If the input fields on the selection screen are linked to SPA/GPA parameters, you can also use this technique to pass values to the selection screen (see Passing Data Between Programs).
    The following executable program (report) creates a selection screen containing the parameter PARAMET and the selection criterion SELECTO:
    REPORT  demo_program_submit_rep1.
    DATA number TYPE i.
    PARAMETERS      paramet(14) TYPE c.
    SELECT-OPTIONS  selecto FOR number.
    The program DEMO_PROGRAM_SUBMIT_REP1 is called by the following program using various parameters:
    REPORT demo_program_submit_sel_screen NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING.
    DATA: int TYPE i,
          rspar TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
          wa_rspar LIKE LINE OF rspar.
    RANGES seltab FOR int.
    WRITE: 'Select a Selection!',
    WRITE: 'Selection 1',
         / 'Selection 2'.
      CASE sy-lilli.
        WHEN 4.
          seltab-sign = 'I'. seltab-option = 'BT'.
          seltab-low  = 1.   seltab-high   = 5.
          APPEND seltab.
          SUBMIT demo_program_submit_rep1 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN
                          WITH paramet eq 'Selection 1'
                          WITH selecto IN seltab
                          WITH selecto ne 3
                          AND RETURN.
        WHEN 5.
          wa_rspar-selname = 'SELECTO'. wa_rspar-kind = 'S'.
          wa_rspar-sign = 'E'. wa_rspar-option = 'BT'.
          wa_rspar-low  = 14.  wa_rspar-high = 17.
          APPEND wa_rspar TO rspar.
          wa_rspar-selname = 'PARAMET'. wa_rspar-kind = 'P'.
          wa_rspar-low  = 'Selection 2'.
          APPEND wa_rspar TO rspar.
          wa_rspar-selname = 'SELECTO'. wa_rspar-kind = 'S'.
          wa_rspar-sign = 'I'. wa_rspar-option = 'GT'.
          wa_rspar-low  = 10.
          APPEND wa_rspar TO rspar.
          SUBMIT demo_program_submit_rep1 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN
                          WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar
                          AND RETURN.
    Pls. reward if useful...

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