Lotus Notes Java Toolkit and J2ee

has anybody tried to use the IBM SameTime Java SDK from within J2EE instead of applets running on the client front-end? I would like to generate instant messages directly from applications (either servlet engine or WebDynpro) for alerting purposes.
Any feedback is welcome.
Vitaliano Trecca

it is correct that Lotus discontinued the availability of the JAVA/CORBA toolkit for R5.
please use the KM Repository Manager for Lotus Domino deliverd by Conet which is based on Lotus Domino R6 and higher. The product is SAP-certified.
For more information, please visit SAP TechED 2006 Session UPE106 or contact Conet at: http://www.youatweb.de/yaw/yaw_base.nsf/docs/repman_en
or by seaching for "Conet" in the SDN Portal Content portfolio: https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/developerareas/contentportfolio

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    Hi benlebvb,
    Are you running a 32- or 64-bit OS? Please see this thread: Acrobat 8 and Windows 7 Don't Work
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    13-Nov-2008 08:11 PM
    konsulator wrote:
    Well, I think this is a problem that should be fixed in nokia pc suite. I have tried Oxygen Phone Manager II for Nokia phones, and I have no problem to read sms-messages from the phone (Nokia 6111 and 6300 works 100% in Oxygen's software)
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    Good day Lisa,
    Are you using Adobe Acrobat to create your PDF files or are you looking to use our CreatePDF service?  If you're trying to use the CreatePDF service, I'm sorry, but we can't change the 100MB file size limit.
    Kind regards,

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    Best regards,

    Hi All,
    Problem is solved... I created a new local replica of my calendar. Without Encryption. Now it works.

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    B.  This URL (http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/products/coldfusion/pdfs/cf1 0/coldfusion10-support-matrix.pdf) states:
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    I'm not sure about the design you've followed for the web based application. The easiest way to solve the problem is to create a stateless session bean as front controller then let the swing client interact with the front controller. From the front controller , controll can be diverted to different business services as per your need.

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         Session notesSession=NotesFactory.createSession();
         Database mailDatabase=notesSession.getDatabase
    Document mailDoc=mailDatabase.createDocument();
         mailDoc.replaceItemValue("Subject","This is a test mail");
         mailDoc.replaceItemValue ("SendTo","[email protected]");          mailDoc.save(true,true);
         NotesThread.stermThread(); //Required to finish the session

    Hi Killasimba,
    Were you able to solve the problem?
    If so, please post here the solution on how to avoid this prompting for password.
    Pasting the link of course never occurred to you. It
    must be a wonderful feeling helping people solve
    problems. Maybe that's why there are so many posts of
    the same questions over and over again coz nobody
    HELPS them. Anyway for anybody else looking for the
    Notes R5 API documentation, it's at :

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    I got 2 questions with regards to content in portal...
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Geethika,
    1. IF documents are on your local computer, Netweaver Portal has a KMC Addon (Knowledge Management and Collaboration). Within KM it is possible to run a Document Management Scenario. You can Create Folders within KM, give Access Rights to Users, Create an Iview to browse KM Folder then add that Iview to a Page or Role so users can access it.
    For this, please chech the online documentation via http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/20/b46d42ea0b3654e10000000a155106/content.htm
    2. For Lotus Notes Integration, your Lotus Notes Server must be running on Windows Platform.
    For the rest configuration please check the following:
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    I've the latest version of SAP Ticket Verifier, if you couldn't find it, I can send it to you.

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    I have resigned myself to the fact I can only do a one way push from Lotus Notes to the BB...PERIOD.  I will get rid of BB when my contract is up, or sooner if it continues to make me crazy.  I love that RIM just unleashes software on the world and expects us to test it for them.  This is not rocket science.  I work in the software industry and this type of "release and let the world test it" mentality has got to stop.  Calendar sync is not that big of a deal.  I was a previous Active Sync user and I NEVER had an issue with this basic functionality.  RIM needs to either fix the BB DM or force IntelliSync to fix the sync program or write their own sync software and quit depending on a 3rd party.  Either way, I have had it.

    I have checked this in Outlook, imported holidays of X country and even those holidays got installed in Outlook, but when i synched those holidays with Nokia N 79, those holidays were not synched with Nokia N 79 inspite of those entries are there in Outlook, same goes with Lotus Notes 6.5 [i don't have Lotus Notes 8.x], So its seems to be a limitation on sync side

  • I went to log into a Lotus Notes website and got this message: Warning: mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server: rebel in /usr/home/comingsoon/lib/searchlibdac.php on line 23 Database failed to respond.

    I'm using a Mac and have been able to access my Lotus Notes account email and database even though it says it's not supported. Today I received this warning message and I've never seen it before. Does anyone know what this means?

    We only have 1 single domain, 1 domain forest, no subdomains, only alias. I had replied to the other post as well. But I am happy to paste it here in case anyone want to read it.
    So, after a few months of testing, capture and sending logs back and forth to Apple Engineers, we found out there is a setting in AD, under User Account that prevent us to log into AD from Mountain Lion. If you would go to your AD server, open up a user account properties, then go to Account tab, the "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" option is checked. As soon as I uncheck that option, immediately I was able to log into AD on the Mac client. Apple engineers copied all my AD settings and setup a test environment on their end and match exact mine AD environment. They was able to reproduce this issue.
    The bad part about this is... our environment required the "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" is checked in AD, in order for our users to login into some of our Unix and Linux services. Which mean that it is impossible for us to remove that check mark because most, if not all of them some way or another require to login into applications that run on Unix and Linux. Apple is working to see if they can come up with a fix. Apparently, no one has report this issue except us. I believe most of you out there don't have that check mark checked in your environment... Anyone out there have any suggestion to by pass or have a work around for this?

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    In our application, we are reading emails from Lotus Domino server. We are currently using "Lotus notes java agent" as a scheduler based agent to read the emails and retrieve document notes url as
    Now we plan to use JavaMail to retrieve emails from Lotus Domino server using "IMAP" protocol.
    Please suggest is anyway can we retrieve document notes url as mentioned above. I can retrieve "subject","bodycontent","from" etc... through IMAP

    Just use Google to check if there are the Java API's available for that and make use of them. If it isn't available, then write it yourself.

  • Indexing Lotus Notes databases: missing LCPPN30.DLL

    I'm trying to get MOSS 2007 to index some Lotus Notes databases. I've read through some blogs on how to do this (here, here and here) and also read the relevant chapter on page 227 from Patrick Tisseghem and Lars Fastrup's brandnew book "Inside the Index and Search Engines: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007" (which I think is a must-have for anyone involved in SharePoint Search).
    However, I cannot get past the stage where you have to run NotesSetup.exe (which is located in the SharePoint install directory). This executable depends on "LCPPN30.DLL", a DLL from IBM that according to documentation I mentioned above should be distributed with IBM's Lotus C++ API download. However, I've downloaded all Lotus C++ API versions from the IBM site (there were three at the time of writing), but they don't contain this DLL. The DLLs I found were "LCPPN30i.DLL", "LCPPN70.DLL" and "LCPPN80.DLL".
    Looking at the filenames it looks like those DLLs I downloaded are all newer versions of the DLL I need. The version to which NotesSetup.exe is built doesn't seem to be available anymore. Is there any solution to this? I've already tried renaming the DLLs, but (as expected) this crashed NotesSetup.exe.

    Yep, really hard to find! :(  The version that contains the file is
    Lotus C++ API Toolkit Release 3.0 for Windows English US
    Finally found it on
    https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/reg/download.do?source=ESD-SUPPORT&S_PKG=CR3DNNA&S_TACT=104CBW71&lang=en_US&cp=UTF-8 thanks to Mei Ying's Tech blog
    http://meiyinglim.blogspot.com.es/2008/07/link-to-download-lotus-notes-c-toolkit.html :)

  • How do I add a Lotus Notes account to Entourage?

    Hi there,
    Our company uses Lotus Notes for email, and we recently got Lotus Notes Traveler set up on our iOS devices for email access via iPad/iPhones through Mail.
    I'd like to know if it's possible to set up access to my Lotus Notes account through Entourage 2008. I'm guessing that it uses either IMAP or Exchange, but I haven't been able to find the right combination of settings to make it works. Before I spend too much time on this, I'd first like to know if it's even possible.
    If it is, how would I go about doing it? My series of questions below:
    1. How do I find out whether it's IMAP or Exchange? Please note that I CANNOT ask my administrator about anything in this message, so that is not an option.
    2. Do I have to be on my company's domain to make this work? My Mac Lotus Notes client works fine and I'm currently not on the domain.
    3. In the settings on my iPad (screenshot below - actual server names removed for obvious reasons), it says "Exchange Account" at the top, the under Server is lists "server.company.com/servlet/traveler and under Email is lists : "Firstname [email protected]/servlet/traveler" (space included on the name). Are these settings of any use in Entourage? Seems odd to me that the "Email" field isn't actually my email address (which is [email protected]).
    4. If the settings ARE of use in Entourage, where would I insert them?
    Any help or insight on this would be much appreciated.

    It could potentially be a glitch with the servers when you have tried adding it. Although it may seem a silly suggestion have you done a battery pull (remove battery, wait 30 seconds and reinsert) - this may clear the problem.
    A security wipe of the phone may also work but ensure you do a backup before hand. Otherwise a call to your mobile carrier to see if they can assist might be worth a try.

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