Loud Fans 10.4.6, what gives?

I run two systems on my G5 Dual 2.5- 10.3.9 and 10.4.6.
No loud fan noise on Panther but lots on Tiger. Is anyone
experiencing the same prob. I've searched the forums and
have seen no real answers. Anyone having similar problems?

hey jonathan--
here is an article which describes the nature of firmware, which is like something which is in between software and hardware. it doesn't "reset" automatically because it doesn't really have a default state. it communicates to external hardware devices and to components inside the computer itself. because these devices and components can change, the firmware can also be changed by updating the information in the chip. the firmware is like a component between software and hardware. it's very important. if you think of a task performed on computer as being like a person doing something with a tool, then firmware is like the hand holding the tool. it takes instructions from the "idea", or software, and then communicates them to the "tool", which would be the hardware.

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    I have a Rev b just like you and light use the temp of the cpu is 65-68º C while the hard drive is about 53º C. This is the temp as I am using two browsers, with iTunes and MS word open and running.
    For a temp program you can try Temperature Monitor at this link:
    You can also try the very handy iStat Pro Widget (Of which the temps I gave you above came from). It has a lot of very useful data, from CPU to Memory usage, from CPU to Hard Drive temps---and even the speed of all three fans. You can find that here:
    Hope this helps.

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    Could be over-heating. Try cleaning out the air vents.

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    Please Help!
    My computer has been making very LOUD fan noises. I know this cant be normal. How can I fix this issue?
    This has been going on for a while now. As soon as I turn on the computer....the noise starts.

    Go check out Activity Monitor on your Mac.  It will show you which programs are running, and how heavy their use of your CPU is.
    When mine does this, for some reason, I have a bunch of "Managed Clients" running at once.  I use Act. Mon. to shut them down, and my Mac runs normally.

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    My question is what could've messed up the Kingston Card Reader? It was working fine before the power supply replacement.

    There's no telling.
    Only cause that came to mind is a lightning hit last week that sounded very close by where all it did was cause the lights in my home to blink. The computer didn't. However, this might have fried the Kingston card reader.
    To give an idea of the resilience of the former power supply, about a year and half ago I had the back off with the iMac sitting upright on a towel on the table while I played a YouTube video to see if I could cool this thing down. Instead of cooling it I overheated it by blocking the vents to where suddenly the iMac just shutdown. I could detect a strong smell of melted plastic from the power supply.
    Put the iMac back on its stand and restarted without a hitch and I've never had any problems until several weeks ago when it just started shutting down for no reason. It passed the LED light test as it still does now with the new power supply.
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    Thanks in advance
    Quad Mac OS X (10.4.6)
    Quad Mac OS X (10.4.6)

    The LED explanation is here - (for what it's worth)
    Personally I would hang on to the system discs - or get a signature - in blood, preferably.
    This is probably a good moment to consider cloning to an external firewire drive. If you don't have an external firewire drive, it's probably a good moment to consider investing in one.
    Everyone will have a recommendation for which firewire drive to get - I use a previous version of this
    You can clone your system, including applications, to an external firewire drive with CCC
    or SuperDuper
    (you should disconnect any iSight during cloning and test the clone several times for 'bootability')
    Not only will it be useful in your current situation, it means that you have an alternative boot if you have, or suspect, problems with your internal boot drive in the future. You can re-clone to the external before updating OS X, or anything else, so that you can get up and running again in the [unlikely...] event of problems; you can also clone the external boot back to your internal, after formatting and writing zeros, which gives you a clean internal drive, and also tidies the file system up a bit.
    How you partition the external depends on how much you have on your internal. Today, for ease and peace of mind, you may wish to make it one partition/volume, and clone the whole internal to it. Later on, when the dust has settled, you could partition it into one volume large enough for the system and applications and a larger volume for Users. You can select which parts of your internal drive are to be cloned in the cloning utility. Plus your usual backups, of course.
    You can check the sizes on your internal drive with Whatsize
    or OmniDiskSweeper
    Please post again if any of this isn't clear or you have a supplementary. Good Luck.

  • IMac 27" (Late 2012) Loud Fan and Overheating Issues, causing Hard Drive Failure

    Hi all,
    I'm having some serious overheating issues with my new iMac. Any help to help me solve this problem would be gladly appreciated since it's really beginning to bug me. Here's what's has happened:
    I noticed in the first few hours of switching the iMac on that there was a short burst of very loud fan noise. This has been happening about once every two days since and every time I haven't been doing any heavy processing with the system. I've noticed that the main fan will spin, on average, at 1200rpm. Is that normal? The iMac is very well ventilated and sits right next to a window...
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    As this occurred about six times whilst I was testing my iMac's performance, I think my hard drive has now begun to fail - sometimes I will hear the hard drive make a click noise, about once every 5 seconds. Sometimes, the clicking noise causes OS X and Windows to run very slowly (even though minimal RAM is being used and nothing too intensive (Safari, Mail etc.) is being processed). Running Repair Disk and Repair Disk Permissions under OS X's recovery mode as well as a repair in chkdsk in Windows suggests that there were no problems with the hard drive. All I can do is wait a while for the clicking noise to stop, and then performance will increase. I have backed up everything externally.
    I have also performed a reset of the SMC as well as the PRAM, which hasn't really helped.
    Any help will be appreciated. I will gladly provide any extra logs etc. if they're needed.
    Thanks so much,

    Alex Cummaudo wrote:
    I've noticed that the main fan will spin, on average, at 1200rpm. Is that normal? The iMac is very well ventilated and sits right next to a window...
    That's the default fan speed on iMacs, so there isn't any problem with this.
    Alex Cummaudo wrote:
    I have also boot camped the iMac with a copy of Windows 8 so I could run some fairly power-hungry games. I intentionally purchased a high end iMac (27" display, Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, Nvidia GeForce 680MX Graphics, 1TB Fusion drive) and expected the iMac to run games flawlessly. However, after a few days, I noticed that the CPU and GPU had shot up to a worrying 80°C whenever I ran power-hungry games, with a very loud hissing noise from the fan. After running games for about 10 minutes, the fan will stop hissing, causing the GPU and CPU to increase to 100°C. The iMac then fails and switches off unexpectedly without any warning. After analysing the Windows event logs, I received an event ID 41: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
    You must know that Boot Camp isn't compatible with Windows 8 and that Apple hasn't released drivers for Windows 8, so it can fail. Install Windows 7 inmediately until Apple launches updated drivers.
    As it looks like the hard disk is damaged, I would take the Mac to an Apple Store. It's in warranty, so it should be repaired for free or you should receive a new one

  • Mac Pro will not boot, constant loud fan noise and nothing else

    earlier tonight,i put my mac pro on sleep, then later on, when i wanted to take it off sleep and use it, it made the loud fan noise, which it always does but goes away, but this time it the fan wount slow down and the loud noise stays and i dont see anything on the screen. im guessing the fan noise is the ATI x1900 card...
    any help please..i just bought it 2 months ago...

    Hi, here are the steps I would go through. I would unplug the Mac Pro completely from everything and look at the video card's fan intake to make sure it isn't plugged and just make sure everything "looks" correct. I would then plug the machine back into one monitor/keyboard/mouse (leave all the other peripherals disconnected. Once that is done push the power button. Does anything happen? If not then if you have another mac and an external hard drive, make a copy of the OS on the drive and see if you can get the Mac Pro to boot off that drive. If the video card doesn't work then it will not show anything when booting off an external drive. If the external boot does work then I would suspect that you have a bad hard drive (or it crashed). At that point I hope you have a back up of all your data and such.
    Mind you these are steps I would go through. What a nightmare. One other thing to check, make sure your monitor didn't die.
    Message was edited by: jlseattle74

  • Mac Mini - Flashing Folder Icon / No boot / Loud fans

    I recently got my Mac Mini back after 8 months of it being 'elsewhere' (someone had it, tried to gain access, failed because I have filevault).
    When I first got it back yesterday I turned it on, booted and then logged in, noticed no sound, and system was saying there was no sound card. The computer wasn't lagging or freezing whatsoever, so I reset it and still no sound.
    I open it up and what do you know, someones opened it (I assume to get to the HDD) and had unclipped the sound card ribbon. Reseated that and put it back together, turn it on and finally a chime, but then nothing, White screen, and fans turn on full blast. I reset it, same thing. Reset it about 10 times, only thing I noticed was half the time my mouse cursor would show and let me move the cursor around.
    So I take it apart again, check all connections, restart, same symptoms.
    Pull it apart again and try installing 1 RAM chip at a time, same symptoms.
    I tried booting it with resetting PRAM, NVRAM, I tried starting holding option, pressing c, everything, and nothing happens! Same symptoms. I tried holding down power for 10 seconds, hear a long beep, then chime, same symptoms!
    So I take it apart again, take out hard drive, check connections (all ok), put it back in, same symptoms.
    Anyway I got angry so i turned it on and left it doing it's White screen business. Come back 45 minutes later, flashing folder icon with '?'
    I reboot, wait 15 again, same folder icon, loud fan, nothing else.
    This doesn't make sense, HDD was fine 5 minutes before, no noises at all, no lag, no errors. I didn't touch the hard drive previously to the problem, and now nothing is helping. I've had the hard drive replaced 2 years ago due to near failure, but saved all data by cloning the disk, the HDD isn't old!
    I just bought an external HDD enclosure, should arrive soon, and a new HDD, issue is this disk is filevaulted, I'm scared my data is going to be lost for good.
    What can I do? I've lost my OS X disc, but judging by the computer being unresponsive to other commands at boot I doubt it would boot a CD anyway.
    Please help.

    Whew, what a bad ride.
    Does it also have Firmware password protection in Mac OS X ...
    It would block usage of all the startup keys, like C, N, T, D, CMD+s, CMD+Option+p+r, CMD +v, Option, and Shift, as well as booting from anything but the Hard Drive.
    Force Removing Password Protection
    1) Add or remove DIMMs to change the total amount of RAM in the computer.
    2) Then, the PRAM must be reset 3 times. (Command + Option + P + R).
    Does it boot to Single User Mode, CMD+s keys at bootup, if so try...
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    Repeat until it shows no errors fixed.
    (Space between fsck AND -fy important).
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck...

  • Loud fan and metal cracking noise on Macbook Pro 13''?

    I have the late 2011 model Macbook Pro 13''. The problem started out with just a loud fan, the computer started to operate really slowly and just yesterday I started to hear loud metal rattling on the inside. At first it was just when I turned the computer but now it will do it periodically while it's sitting completely still while running. It also is heating up a lot. I've already gone to Activity Monitor and killed all activities using too  much CPU and the fan doesn't stop.

    I have the same model and accidentally dropped mine off my bed today.
    I looked around for a while to see what the noise could have been and found this
    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1935?viewlocale=en_US which seems to explain the problem, even if you haven't dropped yours. My fan has also been loud lately but it seems unrelated.
    I'd suggest you try turning off the SMS and then back on.
    I did that with mine and it hasn't made any more noise since. If that doesn't help, it's never a bad idea to go to the apple store to have it looked at. Especially for how expensive the computer is.

  • Ati & vaio = overheat &loud fan

    since a few months I was very annoyed with the loud fan and overheated laptop (70-90º). reboot to windows and all normally. i try everything.. believeme..
    yesterday, while moving teamviewer's wine window with Mod4key (windows' super key) and mouse (dwm's way) fan speed came slow and temperature went down. i really don't know what's happening here...
    any clue?
    catalyst hd5650 sony vpceb x86_64
    tried oss driver, same

    Same behaviour for me.
    If you keep a key pressed and simultaneously a finger on the touchpad it will further decrease the fan speed. Oddly this also occurs on Windows. The same trick almost stops the fan!

  • New logic board...now LOUD fans

    hi everyone.. i have a MBP 15". I had my logic board replaced last week due to graphics and power problems that i was experiencing. Ever since, the fans turn on to full blast (6000+ rpm) for the littlest things. If i open itunes, fans on, open word, fans on, sync iphone, fans on. Im in law school and its crazy how loud they can get in a quiet class room. my fans never were audible before this logic board replacement. anyone else have loud fans? i have owned 2 MBP's, a few Powerbook G4's, and never had fans like this. any advice would be appreciated, i dont know if apply would service it again for these fans, but its embarrassingly loud.

    for the first time, i am honestly disappointed with apple. when i first arrived, i put on itunes and played a song to show the tech that the fans were at ~5700 RPM. he took it in back, came back 5 mins later, and said that he made a test account, the fans were silent, therefore its not a hardware problem but a software one with something im running. (pretty interesting because it NEVER did this until last week, and the only thing that has changed is hardware)
    so i explained to him yes, it is silent with nothing except for the OS is running, but the second you open any applications, the fans jump to 2k, then to 3k and eventually to 4. his response: word and safari are VERY resource intensive, people are surprised how resource intensive they are. needless to say i was upset, especially since my 2500 laptop never sounded like a small cessna about to take off.
    next, i showed him that the logic board didnt fix the black spot i had on my 4 month old sreen, as the previous tech said it would. his response: these glossy screens damage easily when you close them, its normal wear and tear. thats good to know, buy a $2,499 laptop, screen can damage within 4 months due to "closing it", who would have thought anyone would attempt to close a crazy laptop. sounds like 1) breach of warranty, express and implied and 2) breach of fitness of merchantability.
    i love apple, but im disappointed. what am i supposed to do now? he said he would sent it off to the depo, but it takes a week and implied that since their hardware tests didnt show any problems, the depos wouldn't either.

  • MacBook Pro Not turning on, loud fan

    My friends 13in MacBook Pro won't turn on. The light on the bottom near the remote reciever is on and there is a very loud fan noise.

    If the light is on and the fan is running then the system is on, even though you can't see anythinig on the screen.
    Press and hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds to shut the system down. Once that light goes off and the fans stop spinning try to start it again by just pressing the power button once. If you get the startup chime and something on the screen then it might be ok and it was just hunge. If there is nothing on the screen and it doesn't give the startup chime thenn the system needs to be taken to apple to be looked at and diagnosed as to the problems with it.

  • IMac from 2009. Suddenly making noise like a loud fan.

    My IMac from 2009 is suddenly making noise like a very loud fan, or a little like a vacuum cleaner. The sound seems to becoming from the IMac, not my speakers.  Could this be from any of the wires or connections plugged into it?  Restarting the computer did not stop this. I think this happened once before a long time ago. Anything I can do?

    Before I saw Mike Sombrio's post:
    I restarted the IMac without unplugging the power cord, but the noise was still there when the IMac came back on.  Then I repeated this about 10 minutes later, (restarting the computer without unplugging the power cord). This time the noise was no longer there. I don't know what's going on. I hope this problem does not return. Any explanations? Is this a sign that my IMac is having serious problems? Any advice?

  • Updated to Mavericks and loud fan noise

    Just done a clean install of Mac OS X Mavericks, updated fine, everything went well.
    however most of the time, my macbook pro fan noise would go really loud for 5-10mins even in idle or if im on the internet just browsing.
    this has not happened ever on mountain lion.
    its really weird.
    Does anybody know how to fix this? or is this a bug and would i have to wait for a software update?

    Hello all,
    I am having the same issue, constant loud fan noise in my Mac book pro. Below are the specs:
    "MacBook Pro
    13-inch, Mid 2010
    Processor  2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory  4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
    Software  OS X 10.9 (13A603)"
    And CPU is 90% idle.
    I tried to reset the SMC using the steps:
    1. Shut down the computer.
    2. Plug your Mac in, if not already plugged in.
    3. Press (left side) Shift-Control-Option & the power button at the same time.
    4. Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    5. Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Inaddition, i have reinstalled OS and reset PRAM memory but the problem still exists.
    It really feels annoying with the fan sound. Could someone give a fix.

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