Lowe's 7-10 day decision

My TU FICO8 is 757 with no baddies at all.  I do have 11 inquiries over the past year and several new accounts this year, but no derogs I just applied for a LOWEs card and received a message that I would receive a decision in 7-10 days and there was a reference number it asked me to write down or print. Anyway have this before? Is there a number I can call to find out more information or should I just wait for the letter?

Anomalous wrote:
2b2rich wrote:
CreditCuriousity wrote:Call back and recon and ask for 35k.  Not joking.  Call I believe Credit Solutions..  It is in the stick thread.Credit Solutions 877-379-8173They should counter... Say you doing a whole kitchen remodel or something if they ask why, which they won't...  And you don't want to have over x percent utilization etc...  Shouldnt even get that far, they will counter.Someone will correct me if this isn't the right # as I don't have a lowe's card nor ever dealth with credit solutions, just know they take care of the vast majority of the Sync. Bank card which lowes is.. Ony thing I ever reconned from Sync. Bank is Care Credit and that is a different beast in itself.  Best of luck and hope that is the number, which I believe it is!Thank you!!  That definitely worked!  There was only one problem, (not for me though).  It was difficult to understand the rep (his accent, my bad hearing) and somehow there was confustion because he thought I asked for $10K, when I never got to a chance to request any amount. He said he had to review my credit report and a minute or two later told me I had been approved for the $10K I requested. I just let it go because I'm happy with that, and didn't want to press my luck with the communication barrier!  Thank you again, CreditCuriosity!!Congratulations!10k is certainly decent and not as if it wont continue to grow so def congrats on the recon.

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    clear : e_t_range,
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    try this.
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          Line Attenuation        20.5 db            12.2 db       
          Noise Margin              30.1 db             6.2 db             
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    Go to Solution.

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    Mode:   ADSL2+
    Channel:  Fast
    Trellis:  UN /DN
    Line Status:  No Defect
    Training Status: Showtime
      Down  Up
    SNR (dB): 29.8  6.1
    Attn(dB): 20.5  12.2
    Pwr(dBm): 0.0  12.9
    Max(Kbps): 20268  1224
    Rate (Kbps): 4543  1223
       G.dmt framing
    K:  142(0)  38
    R:  0  0
    S:  1  1
    D:  1  1
       ADSL2 framing
    MSGc:  59  12
    B:  141  37
    M:  1  1
    T:  1  4
    R:  0  0
    S:  0.9930  0.9870
    L:  1144  308
    D:  1  1
    SF:  32632  30885
    SFErr:  0  0
    RS:  0  0
    RSCorr:  0  0
    RSUnCorr: 0  0
    HEC:  0  0
    OCD:  0  0
    LCD:  0  0
    Total Cells: 5643388  878425
    Data Cells: 20956  2695
    Drop Cells: 0
    Bit Errors: 0  0
    ES:  2  0
    SES:  2  0
    UAS:  183  0
    AS:  527
    INP:  0.00  0.00
    PER:  16.13  17.76
    delay:  0.24  0.24
    OR:  32.22  8.10
    Bitswap: 55  0
    Total time = 9 hours 2 min 8 sec
    SF  = 1997251
    CRC = 908
    LOS = 2
    LOF = 18
    ES  = 2
    Latest 1 day time = 9 hours 2 min 8 sec
    SF  = 1997251
    CRC = 908
    LOS = 2
    LOF = 18
    ES  = 2
    Latest 15 minutes time = 2 min 8 sec
    SF  = 7956
    CRC = 0
    LOS = 0
    LOF = 0
    ES  = 0
    Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
    SF  = 47736
    CRC = 433
    LOS = 1
    LOF = 9
    ES  = 1
    Previous 1 day time = 0 sec
    SF  = 0
    CRC = 0
    LOS = 0
    LOF = 0
    ES  = 0
    15 minutes interval [-30 min to -15 min] time = 15 min 0 sec
    SF  = 55818
    CRC = 0
    LOS = 0
    LOF = 0
    ES  = 0
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    CRC = 475
    LOS = 1
    LOF = 9
    ES  = 1
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    SF  = 55755
    CRC = 0
    LOS = 0
    LOF = 0
    ES  = 0
    Showtime Drop Reason: 8000
    Last Retrain Reason: 8000
    ChipSet Vendor Id: 
    ChipSet VersionNumber: 
    ChipSet SerialNumber: 

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    REPORT  ztest08.
    DATA: prog TYPE sy-repid.
    CASE p.
      WHEN '1'.
      WHEN '2'.
      WHEN '3'.
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    Does someone of you already experienced with Decision Maker using PROCESS_PARAMETER operands?
    Thank you very much and best regards,
    Edited by: Stefano Bertuzzi on Nov 28, 2009 5:19 PM

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    And here is the sample spreadsheet if you want to check it:
    Counting in DAX
    The current calculated fields are:
    Max CLOSE 1 Week:
     =IF([Sum of CLOSE]=BLANK(),BLANK(),(CALCULATE(MAX(FactTable[CLOSE]),DATESINPERIOD(Calendar[FullDate],LASTDATE(Calendar[FullDate])-1,-7,DAY))))
    1 Week New High:
     =IF(SUM(FactTable[CLOSE])>[Max CLOSE 1 Week],1)
    1) On table 1 we need to add a calculated field that counts the trading days to the last "1" that appeared on "1 Week  New High", as noted in the example.
    2) On table 2 we need to count the symbols for each date context that have a 1 week new high price, but for some reason the counting doesn´t work.
    Can you please help?

    well, from my understanding the definition of your "1 Week New High" measure is wrong.
    try this one:
    1 Week New High:=IF(
    [Max CLOSE 1 Week]>CALCULATE([Max CLOSE 1 Week], DATEADD(Calendar[FullDate],-1, DAY)),
    it compares the current [Max CLOSE 1 Week] with the [Max CLOSE 1 Week] of the day before
    you might want to change the ">" to "<>" but thats up to your definition
    this makes a difference if one value is the [Max CLOSE 1 Week] for a whole week and runs out afterwards. [Max CLOSE 1 Week] would be a lower value then the day before - dont know if you want to flag this as a [1 Week New High] then
    Gerhard Brueckl
    blogging @ http://blog.gbrueckl.at
    working @ http://www.pmOne.com

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    This works on an iPod Touch, OS 6.1.6.
    Basically you need to
    - turn off "change with buttons" in Settings->Sounds->Ringer and alerts
    - turn on "do not disturb" in Settings.
    This way
    - the lateral buttons will only affect the music sound;
    - all notifications, lock, and unlock will be silent
    - but the alarm overruns this, and can still be heard (at the same volume as the music was last left to, I presume).
    So you can listen to Bon Iver withouth emails swooshing in and out, and you don't need to remember changing the volume before going to sleep and after waking up I have to say: pretty cumbersome to figure out, Apple!

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    When usb'd into my computer it occasionally must flciker into life because it asks me if I want to import my photos. If I press cancel that is the end of it. If I press import (or upload?) it says I can't becasuse the ipad is locked.
    I've tried all theusual things like pressing home button and the other button together. No response at all.
    Is there a way of unlocking it somehow from my laptop?
    Any help appreciated!

    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTunes (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
    3. Plug USB cable into computer's USB port
    4. Hold Home button down and plug the other end of cable into docking port.
    DO NOT RELEASE BUTTON until you see picture of iTunes and plug
    5. Release Home button.
    6. iTunes has detected iPad in recovery mode. You must restore this iPad before it can be used with iTunes.
    7. Select "Restore iPad"...
    1. Data will be lost if you do not have backup
    2. You must follow step 1 to step 4 VERY CLOSELY.

  • IPhone 5 will not connect to brand new MBA/iTunes. Error message is "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. Could not connect to the device."

    I've had my iPhone 5 for just over a year now, and I haven't really had any problems since iOS7 was installed. I had a PC, with no connectivity problems between any of my Apple devices. Then FINALLY, I purchased my very first Macbook Air 13". I set it all up, updated all the apps, and made sure it was good to go. My iPhone was really low on battery one day, and I just happened to have my USB for it handy and thought I would just plug it into my computer to charge it. I figured I worry about syncing it later as I hadn't really had time to set it all up with iTunes on the new computer.
    MY PHONE WENT CRAZY. It just started vibrating all over the table. Looking at the battery icon, it was flipping between charging and not charging, and occasionally the "do you trust this device" window would pop up on the screen, but it was still going crazy. iTunes opened up and these alerts saying "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. Could not connect to the device." and "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. This device is no longer connected." All it was doing at this point was using up even more battery. But then the iPhoto app opened by itself on my shiny new Macbook and the vibrating stopped. It was charging and syncing! But not having iPhotos before on a computer weirded me out i hadn't decided exactly what I wanted to do with it, I closed the app. The phone went nuts again. ***. On a different day, I was trying to sync it again, and it worked. But only long enough to back it up on the macbook. W.T.F.
    Plugging into any PC is no problem at all. The phone just connects and starts charging.
    I've tried just about everything. All of my software is up to date, both on the mac and iphone. The USB cord is fine. I've reset the macbook with it plugged in and not plugged in. I have uninstalled, and reinstalled iTunes with the phone plugged in and not plugged in. I've reset all the contents and settings on my iPhone, as well as did a hard reset with it plugged in and not plugged in. My iPad has no problem connecting and it also has iOS7. It's just so weird though, that it starts connecting/disconnecting interchangeably as soon as I plug it into the computer, even when all my apps are closed. All this is leading me to believe that it must be some sort of issue between the devices' communication to each other. But I'm not sure if it's an iPhone, MacBook, or iTunes issue!

    I had this same problem with my new MBP 15", but only with the USB port on the left side. The USB port on the right side worked fine. Perhaps the ports on the left don't have enough signal energy for the iPhone.
    Anyway, try using a different USB port, and if that doesn't work, perhaps you could try a powered USB hub.

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    You sound like you have tried everything possible ,the only thing left is to go to a apple store

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    We currently use EIC in ERP, and have an issue with sending large emails/attachments as the maximum file-size appears to be only 2MB. This is set in the IMG activity Employee Interaction Center (EIC) -> Interaction Center Web-Client -> Communication Channels ->E-Mail -> Define E-Mail Profiles, the attachment maximum size is set to a maximum of 2,147,483 bytes.
    I have tried searching for anyone else having a similar problem, but haven't found anything. I would imagine many customers would have EIC users in a Shared Services environment sending attachments over 2 meg; so before we log a call with SAP, has anyone else had this issue and how did you resolve it?
    Thanks very much.

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    We are implementing SAP BI with BO for a Retail Chain and the user wants to do reporting on store level for peak traffic hrs in a day and peak sales hrs in a day.
    So the format using flat files will be
    Date | Hour | Store | Footfalls | No. of Cash Memos
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    like H1 will be mapped to 9:00 am to 10: am, H2 - 10:01 am to 11:00 am assumig store starts at 9:00 am.
    Is this kind of reporting possible in SAP BI.
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    Is it possible to do this kind of Analysis in SAP BI and also can be alternately use BO to pull this data directly from SAP ERP. Data in the format above will be loaded to SAP ERP from each store daily and we will extract data from there.

    You can create 2 Key figures, ztimefrom and ztimeto, both are of Time Data type.
    You can fill the time range in these 2 KFs.
    I am not sure about BO.

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