Lower vibration frequency?

I just got a replacement iPhone yesterday and have noticed that the vibration is at a significantly lower frequency than my old phone. The buzz it makes is lower pitch and the actual vibration frequency is lower. Not sure if this new phone is a bad apple or if this is some kind of battery saving feature.... Your thoughts?

To measure vibration, you will want an accelerometer (or two) and signal conditioning for the accelerometer.  The NI 9234 is the most cost effective data acquisition device for accelerometers, though we do offer signal conditioning for standard data acquisition boards. 
What NI hardware are you using now?
Preston Johnson
Principal Sales Engineer
Condition Monitoring Systems
Vibration Analyst III - www.vibinst.org, www.mobiusinstitute.com
National Instruments
[email protected]

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    Jesus Miguel,
    To use Acquire N Scans Digital Trig.vi you should become familiar with the description of this VI. (I know it is hard to comprehend. I also find it hard to read.) It explains the function of the VI, how to connect the signals, and what the controls of the front panel do. There are step by step instructions for you to follow.
    I suggested this VI because it can do the following:
    It can start and stop acquisition based on an external signal (for example the same signal that starts and stops the hammer).
    It will acquire the signal from the sensor into a buffer and create an array of values that you can then analyse using other tools in LabVIEW.
    You must tell the VI how to acquire the data. You must know the frequency of vibrations that interest you.
    I would use an oscilloscope to examine the vibrating system first, although you could do this with LV using a continuous analog input VI (use search examples to find). or you could use an oscilloscope from the DAQ solutions.
    Suppose you see that your vibration is 1MHz. Then you must sample the signal according to Nyquist. If you want only to accurately gauge frequency then you must scan at a rate at least two times this frequency. If you wish to look closely at the shape of the 1MHz vibration you must sample at at least ten times the signal frequency. You need to know the duration of the vibration. Will you strike the structure once and sample the ringing as the system disipates energy? You need to decide how long to sample this data. The number of scans to acquire is the sample rate times the time of acquisition. Pretrigger scans allows you to sample data prior to the trigger.
    The output of this VI is a screen representation of the data (waveform graph), and a "bundle" containing the data and t0 and dt (the intial time of the graph and the increment of time between data). You can strip off (unbundle) the t0 and dt and use only the array that remains for analysis purposes. What exactly do you wish to do with the results of this acquisition? FFT?
    One of your main concerns will be signal conditioning. You must know the characteristics of the output from the accelerometer amplifier. In MAX you will prepare a channel to sense a signal of this type. Then you can enter the channel name in the channels control of the VI. You should review the requirements of you DAQ card so that you know the levels of input that can be allowed. You must not exceed the limits or you can damage the DAQ card. Unfortunately, I have never used SCXI so I will be of little help in that regard.
    Typically you want to condition your input from the sensor system so that it uses the entire range of input resolution. For example, if you have 24 bit resolution from 0V to 10V, you would not want your input to vary from 0V to 1V. You would only have 1/24bits of resolution in this range. Gain can be set using SCXI tand MAX to prepare the channel properly.
    Most importantly, you must start using the equipment and software. Once you have conditioned the signal so that the DAQ system is protected from damage, you should begin by trying out VI's to familiarize yourself with the system.
    Stay in contact and ill try to be helpful,
    Jesus Miguel wrote>>
    I have to display the structure vibration frequency using MAX, how can I perform the impact test if I'm using an impact hammer and accelerometer
    I looked VI Adquire N Scans Digital Trig.vi but I didn't know how to
    use it. I connected the accelerometer output to one channel (CHANNEL 0)
    input of the amplifier (NEXUS by Br�el&Kjaer) and the amplifier output
    to the input (CHANNEL 0) of SCXI-1140. The hammer output is connected
    to the NEXUS input (CHANNEL 1) and the amplifier output to the input
    (CHANNEL 1) of SCXI-1140 (CHANNEL 1).
    I use LabVIEW 6.1 version, but LabVIEW is new for me and I can't use it properly yet. Is possible to use any DAQ solutions (or any modification) to display the structure vibration frequency to perform the impact test if I'm using an impact hammer and accelerometer?
    I connected the accelerometer output to one channel(CHANNEL 0) input of the amplifier (NEXUS by Br�el&Kjaer) and the amplifier output to the input (CHANNEL 0) of SCXI-1140. The hammer output is connected to the NEXUS input (CHANNEL 1) and the amplifier output to the input (CHANNEL 1) of SCXI-1140 (CHANNEL 1).
    end quote>>

  • Vibration Frequency

    I am currently working on a robotic project which involves a locomotive autonomous robot.
    I have a few DC motors attached to the robot. One of them spins at about 7000rpm. As a result it causes massive vibration.
    Thus I would like to find out how to measure the vibration and plot its frequency response to obtain the maximum vibration frequency.
    This would help me in purchasing the correct vibration dampener.
    Can anyone suggest how I can accomplish the above?

    To measure vibration, you will want an accelerometer (or two) and signal conditioning for the accelerometer.  The NI 9234 is the most cost effective data acquisition device for accelerometers, though we do offer signal conditioning for standard data acquisition boards. 
    What NI hardware are you using now?
    Preston Johnson
    Principal Sales Engineer
    Condition Monitoring Systems
    Vibration Analyst III - www.vibinst.org, www.mobiusinstitute.com
    National Instruments
    [email protected]

  • Low vibration when plugged into a 220v outlet

    Has anyone ever experienced a low vibration coming from their macbook pro when plugged into/ charging from a 220v source?

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    So, if you're charging/operating other things/devices from the same adaptor (power source) as you're charging your MB from, then try unplugging these and just leaving the MB to charge form this power source on its own... see if that makes any difference.
    It stopped the vibration for me anyway.

  • Mechanical vibration frequency

    Important Details before I ask my Question:
    1. I need to do an experiment that would generally get the frequency of the mechanical vibration response (frequency of the vibration) of a material when stimulated (possibly by impact, tap, and other methods) so I can do analysis on it (Frequency Analysis, Time Frequency Analysis, Wavelet Analysis, etc)
    2. Available tools are:
              a) 3-axis accelerometer
              b) Labview Full Development System Version 8.6.1
              c) NI PCI-6251 DAQ
              d) NI PCI-5114
    3. This is my first exposure to Labview. I have no experience with this and I'm new to this. So I'm here to ask for support from you guys. I reall need your help.
    4. I would have tried learning as much as I can about Labview first before posting a question here but my time is limited for this specific experiment so I had to "dive in" and ask you guys first hand to get a general idea on how to approach this. I am really very unsure how to do this but I think that it is possible to conduct this experiment with Labview because I've read other posts and papers here that have done something very similar to what I need to do.
    When I was trying out Labview, I found that it had an NI Sound an Vibration Assistant. But when I tried to open it, it wouldn't open. What are the possible reasons for this?
    Can I do the experiment with the given available tools or is the Sound and Vibration Toolkit necessary for it to work?
    With my initial readings, I found that the PCI-6251 is what I should use for getting signal.
    What VI available from the Labview 8.6.1 Full Development System can I use to:
     -acquire the vibration data and convert it to power spectrum
     -acquire the vibration data and do frequency analysis on it.
    I could really use any help I could get right now.
    With kind regards,
    Jason Ray Crispo

    Thanks LV_Pro for your resonse.
    "The sound and vibration toolkit is an add-on, you may not have a license for it, in which case it would not activate, or at best, activate for a trial period."
      -yes, i think that explains it. I could probably look for a way to make it work for a trial period - that is if this is necessary for the experiment. I'm actually trying out the Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite for a 30-day trial period. Still not sure of which VI to use though.
    "basically look at the documentation for your DAQ device, and try and determine how to connect to the accelerameter. That is the first challenge. What is the output of the accel? Analog levels, digital messages (not as likely, but who knows these days), what. If analog, what are the expected levels, how should it be hooked up (signal lines, power to the unit, etc.) "
     -I already connected the accelerometer to the DAQ device. The output is analog..voltage. I'll go look it up right now and give you the details of the set up in a while and also some details about the accelerometer.
    "Then, with that sort of done we can look at how the DAQ needs to be configured to get the best resolution measurement, both in signal level and sampling rate. You will want a moderately high sampling rate, if possible, as you are looking for transient signals and under the Nyquist thereom you need to sample at least twice as fast as the highest frequency expected. Remember, that while your stimulus may be fairly low frequency, what you are probably looking for will be much higher frequency components."
    -This is where I could really use some help. I'm not so sure how to configure the DAQ for this certain experiment. I do agree that a moderately, or even high if possible, sampling rate would be used since as of now I can't predict range of frequencies of the transient signal. Though the sampling rate could probably be adjusted on the course of the experiment if necessary?
    With kind regards,
    Jason Ray I. Crispo

  • Human vibration frequency weightings

    Sound and vibration toolset includes audio weighting filters (A, B, C etc). I need human vibration filters, Wk, Wd, Wb, Wh etc to apply in the time domain to raw acceleration signals. I have the parameters required to specify the filters in the s-plane. They are broken up into high and low pass butterworth (I can cope with that) but I don't know where to start for the 'a-v transition' and 'upward step'. Any tips would be gratefully received!
    Thanks a lot for the help,

    I'm not sure about the a-v transition or upward step but you could use either the fourier transform or inverse fourier transform VIs to get your signals in the same domain.

  • Nokia 5230 Very low vibration

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    i don't want to put vibration off cos' i used to travel a lot and sometimes when i put my phone on table its really disturbing during incoming call or sms.
    But if yours is not upto to expectation, compare it with other's phone(same model).
    If its lower than others take it to nokia care centre. I don't think in setting, there is a way to change intensity of vibration

  • OK, what is the best way to lower specific frequencies in edit view

    Listen guys, yes I do happen to know about "frequencies" and that you can't fully remove an instrument without effecting another in that same file that plays at the same time, this is pretty basic stuff.
    However, partially removing frequencies is one of the main things AA3 is intended for: "editing" the sound is it's main function.
    There must be some better answers out there about the best way of going about this in AA3.
    Do people use the spectral analysis with the different colors representing different frequencies? I have no idea how to use this.
    Do most people not get into this type of stuff?  I don't get it, seems like this is what the program was designed for (partially) so there must be more techniques out there.

    As mentioned, using the Graphic EQ or Parametric EQs, are the most common tools to adjust the energy around specific frequencies.
    The Graphic EQ provides between 10-30 bands and uses fixed values and widths.  (A slider for 1000 Hz will adjust the sound around 1000 Hz +/- a few hundred Hz in both directions.)
    The Parametric EQ offers fewer bands, but allows for greater control over the frequencies being adjusted and the affect on surrounding frequencies.
    The Notch Filter allows very tight, specific adjustments and is best used for removing artifacts like a 50/60Hz hum or high-pitched buzz.
    Spectral Frequency View makes it easy to see the frequency patterns and find precise frequencies of problem audio.  The editing tools allow you to perform many of the same functions mentioned, but visually in a paint-style application.  The frequency range of the file is displayed vertically, with 1Hz at the bottom and 22KHz (for a 44.1K file) at the top.  Each column represents a particular slice of time and displays the energy level of each frequency band via brightness and color.  The brighter a particular blob is, the louder that frequency range is at that particular point in time.
    There are other spectral views that give different viewpoints of your audio.  For example, the Spectral Pan Display shows a sort of birds-eye view of the audio's stereo-field.  Instruments that are panned further to the left, for example, will display brighter blobs on the left.  Using the selection tools, you can isolate these sounds from the rest of the stereo field and remove, copy, or add effects to the selection without affecting the rest of the audio.

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    I have updated BIOS to latest version, but no success.
    Is there some way to set memory frequency to 1600?

    I see that, that is because it is AMD memory designed for AMD systems.
    You will need to manually set the speed and timings although it SHOULD work even though it is not ment for intel.
    Do you need help with this?
    How to manually set the memory to it's spec (as stated on thier website)
    Enter UEFI/Bios
    Click OC
    Goto DRAM FREQUENCY: AUTO  and change this to 1600
    (At this point you can try to save and exit, but i prefer to set the timings manually.)
    Change the Dram Timing Mode to either Link or Unlink either one will work.
    Click on advanced dram configuration
    Set the timings as follows:
    tCL: 9
    save and exit
    It is possible that these settings will not work, if your system won't boot after doing this, you will need to clear the cmos and start over.
    >>Clear CMOS Guide<<

  • Y510P Insanely low ram frequency

    Hi There, Just today I upgraded my Y510P with 16GB HyperX Impact DDR3 2x8GB CL11 1866MHz 1.35V. The original RAM ran on 1600MHz but the new HyperX memory doesn't run like that. I'm getting a fixed 932.2MHz and that chenges nothing at all even with ram heavy applications. With AIDA64 benchmarking the read/write/copy/delete tests are getting nearly identical ~28000MB/sec speeds with a nice 56.5ns latency. My y510p is upgraded to 3.08 BIOS version and of course it doesn't let me do anything regarding dram frequency. Anyone else experienced similar?Btw I tested the ram modules with memtest and they're completely fine so it's not related to faulty dram. Why is the system turning them so down and what can I do about it? I mean DDR3 UNDER 1333MHz? Really? I'd expect AT LEAST 1600MHZ but obviously over that since the modules are 1866MHz.

    Hi There, Just today I upgraded my Y510P with 16GB HyperX Impact DDR3 2x8GB CL11 1866MHz 1.35V. The original RAM ran on 1600MHz but the new HyperX memory doesn't run like that. I'm getting a fixed 932.2MHz and that chenges nothing at all even with ram heavy applications. With AIDA64 benchmarking the read/write/copy/delete tests are getting nearly identical ~28000MB/sec speeds with a nice 56.5ns latency. My y510p is upgraded to 3.08 BIOS version and of course it doesn't let me do anything regarding dram frequency. Anyone else experienced similar?Btw I tested the ram modules with memtest and they're completely fine so it's not related to faulty dram. Why is the system turning them so down and what can I do about it? I mean DDR3 UNDER 1333MHz? Really? I'd expect AT LEAST 1600MHZ but obviously over that since the modules are 1866MHz.

  • 3rd Generation Low volume ■Frequency response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz

    Hi - My slightly used EBAY Purchased IPod Nano 3rd Generation plays some songs to my cars volume capacity; and most songs in very low volume {no matter what I do in settings/EQ, ect}. 
    Could this have something to do with how I purchased the song in ITunes?  What exactly is bitrate ACC on the sync menu and how do I know to choose that option.
    Side Note:  I have a Harmon Kardon system in a Landrover LR3~ which means this 43 year old mom of 2 should be able to feel the beat when driving.  The automobile radio/CD/XM can perform, why can't my IPOD?
    Humbly Needing to Groove While a Cruise,

    Having been an audiophile for decades I can tell you specs lie. Cheap audio equipment often has specs that ON PAPER best units costing literally 100 times as much. It's best to read trusted sources for reviews and use your own ears. I learned about the "arms race" in specsmanship back in the 70's when I was in and out of high end audio salons for years, replacing components in my home system. I finally got what I really like when I got, among other things, a Mark Levinson amp. NOTHING beats listening and since our ears have short term memory, the best way to know which of several pieces of equipment are best for you is to do a carefully controlled A/B test. A/B tests CAN be biased, but done fairly (no salesman shenigans) they are the best way to know which item to buy (presuming your pocketbook matches the quality of your hearing)
    Message was edited by: David.
    Message was edited by: David.

  • Presario CQ56, AMD V140, low core frequency

    I have Compaq Presario notebook CQ56 with AMD V140 CPU.
    It started to work extremely slow recently.
    I checked with CPU-Z the system settings, and it shows the following:
    core speed ~800MHz
    bus speed  ~200MHz
    multiplier: 4
    Dram frequency 536MHz
    NB Frequency ~1600 MHz
    Is it possible that somehow the frequency went down?
    I updated the BIOS - did not help

    Those temperatures are a bit high, but still well within normal range. We see a lot of people reporting temperatures in the 90C ranges. The beep is a mystery to me.  

  • New Macbook Low Vibration-like Noise

    Hi everyone,
    I can Notice a very subtle and annoying buzz coming from behind\under the keyboard.
    Something like a trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Does someone have the same issue?
    Is there a solution?
    Should I take my macbook to the hospital?

    I have the same issue. From what I've heard it's due to the Core 2 Duo. See if it buzzes while you play a video. If it doesn't, it's likely the the processor. I'm not sure why it buzzes while idle though. If it's under apple care/warranty it may be replaceable.
    Good luck!
    Message was edited by: macminiwannabe

  • Frequency response at low frequency

    I'm working on a bandpass filter, and I'd like to get the frequency response showing that the frequencies outside the lower and higher cutoff frequencies are being cut off. However, the correct plot is shown only when my cutoff frequencies are high (roughly from 1000-8000 hertz). When I use low cutoff frequences(roughly 4-5 hertz), the plot is incorrect. So how can I get the frequency response to my low cutoff frequencies? Thanks.
    P.S. In the code, some parts are irrelevent. In the front panel, the only relevent part is the frequency response plot at the lower right corner, and the specs above it; in the block diagram, only the upper half(with IIR and FRF) is relevent. Thanks.
    BME_Pressure_Sensor_V1.00.vi ‏591 KB

    Hi Manson
    There is a bug in your diagram since you connected the number of samples where you should have connected the sampling frequency.
    The sampling frequency is related to the pace at which you take the measurement.
    Usually, Fs = 1 / dT
    where Fs is the sampling frequency and dT is the time interval.
    It should work better.
    In any case, to have a better resolution in the low frequency range of your spectrum computations, you have to increase the number of points of your data because there exist the following relationship between dF (space between 2 points in you spectrum), dT, and N (number of data points) :
    dF = 1 / (2 x dT x N)
    Please take time to rate this answer

  • MSI GE70 - possible to lower turbo boost frequency (becouse of heating issue) ?

    Hey guyz.
    is it possible to lower TB frequency ? Now TB is at 3,4GHZ and I will really appreciate if I could set TB frequency to 2,8GHZ or something like that.... my bios options are disabled and intel tweaking tool doesnt work :/ everything locked by manufacturer i think... any ideas ?

    Quote from: James D on 13-November-13, 01:03:27
    Nah, Turboboost is important. Maybe you should install TurboBoost Monitor version 1 (single gadget) to see when it works?
    Speaking about cores. You can disable cores going to Win+R, type msconfig, then Enter, Go to advanced Boot options and set maximum processor count to 6 (3 cores) or 4 (2 cores).
    However I just suggest you to do a repaste job with MX4 or clean the fan's grill, or buy notebook cooler.
    During normal use, ie browsing the web, watching videos, is a pretty meaningless time to really have Turboboost. Yes, it does get used, but when you have 8 cores, it doesn't matter overall, especially in a notebook such as this.
    During gaming, it might be used for 5 minutes, but once it heats up, it's never used. At that point it is in fact, useless. Fully using the PC will cause Turboboost to be meaningless. That's the point, yes it can help in lighter tasks that might only need 1 or 2 cores, but something that uses all the cores? Never used.
    Getting back on topic here.....
    The OP can do what he likes. I'm just not really sure WHY someone would want to lower the TB frequency? I can't really understand the logic here to be honest, since you obviously still want turboboost, but don't want it to boost as much.
    Does the OP have a 3rd generation i7 or a 4th generation i7? He never makes mention of the exact model of the notebook, so we can't really tell.
    Repasting on the 4th generation i7's won't have much, if any, effect. They run hotter, much hotter, than the 3rd generation. Most 4th generations idle in the 50C range, and during a game could hit 90C depending on the game and how intense it is.
    The 3rd generation i7's tended to be pasted badly on the production line, with many users needing to repaste the CPU/GPU in order to get good heat dissipation from the notebook. But these notebooks, after being pasted properly, would normally idle at around 40C, and in games would be around 65C or so.

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