Lumia 925 getting hot

after Cyan update My lumia gets hot during charing or using data network or using Wi-Fi. even playing games it heated a lot. during charging time it difficult to hold at the upper end. if some one have solution please let me know.

hi mate definitely not normal behaviour. have you checked that you are up to date also with the latest Nokia system app updates from the Store? also try performing a soft reset. failing the above, you will need to perform a hard reset

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    And even if there are few background apps, isnt it abnormal that the phone is warm almost all the time. It has become an irritation. What should I do??

    Hi Bags003! Welcome to Nokia Support Discussions!
    In certain situations where multiple high performing applications are used, the phone may warm up and there is nothing unusual about this. Warming may also happen during charging or when listening to music for a longer time, for example. The environmental temperature may also result in warming up. However, all Nokia phones are tested for heat tolerance in accordance with industry and government standards. All models meet industry standards before they are offered for sale. Only Nokia models that meet heat tolerance standards are on the market and the heat level on all Nokia models are within the safe range.
    If you think that the hotness of the phone is beyond normal, it will be best to have it checked by our technicians.
    To know your nearest local Nokia Care Point, visit:
    You can read more here: 
    Battery life tips are provided on the above link. You can also check the below link and we hope this would be of help to you.

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    Nokia, please help!
    Best regards Argonaught
    Nokia Lumia 925 on Three UK.
    OS version 8.0.10328.78
    Firmware: 3049.0000.1330.0004

    I think Andy meant to say "Care Centre". Your local Nokia Care Point sould be able to have a look at this for you. Rest assured I have no such problems with any of my 925's and 1020.  

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    Moderator's note: We have provided a subject-related title to help other forum users easily view and respond to this post.

    Hi, pravinkprince. Sorry for the late response. Let's focus on your 1st concern. When do you usually experience this? Can you still tolerate the hotness of the phone? It is normal for the phone to feel warm when being charged or when multi-tasking. It will cool down after awhile.
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    Thanking you
    Unhappy Customer

    Hi, Babuska. Welcome to our community! Sorry to hear your story. However, since this is a peer-to-peer community, we suggest reaching out to your local contact center for further assistance regarding this matter. 
    Thank you for understanding us!

  • How to switch off 'Cell Info' in Lumia 925

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    Please guide me how to set the Cell Info off, or I will have to discard this Lumia 925

    Thanks everybody for the suggestions!
    a) I tried with SIM of other service provider : There were no troublesome flash messages. b) I contacted my service provider: Airtel: After trying for tremendous patience with support number 121, somehow I could convey the message about what was happening. My call was transferred to a senior person, who promised me that these 'Flash' messages would stop in half an hour. It did not happen. Once again through 121, once again the promises, nothing happens. I personally visited Airtel support centre. Again nothing happens. c) I tried my old E 63 & switched off Cell Info with the same SIM. I am not able to use Lumia 925 because of Flash messages accumulating every few seconds.
    Conclusions: I have to change my service provider Or Phone Or Both. – Now I may go for the last option with frustrations.

  • Nokia Lumia 925 Windows phone keeps shutting down

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         I am thinking that this has to be a setting or an app that I use (and few others do) that is causing the shutdown since I have only seen a few other similar issues in the forums. Here are some of the basic facts about my situation and some of the actions I have taken:
                  - I have wiped the phones repeatedly (3 phones wiped a total of 3 or 4 times not including the initial setup of the replacement phones, which is getting really old--really fast).
                   - I have tried turning off NFC, but that obviously  wasn't the issue because NFC was off this morning when it shut off.
                    - I have tried trimming the screen protector/screen guard I installed as suggested in one of the other forums even though that seemed ridiculous (I think that was a different model phone too, but I gave it a shot)
    I have not noticed any common occurrence such as
                               --when a certain app is running
                               --when it is on/off charger,
                               -- When the battery is full or low (it was 24% this morning).
                   -I have 2 chargers, 3 if you include the car charger that I have never had to use due to great battery life. 
                   - I have called tech support several times, all AT&T can tell me is that this is not a known issue and I should wipe it again. Nokia says the same and that I should send it back to them for repairs. That seems fruitless to me because I have had 3 different phones, what are they going to repair that a new phone won't fix?
           It takes me 3 hours to reinstall and set up my apps, I am getting very frustrated. I really love the way this phone functions, the software is good, the screen is brilliant and very sensitive, the camera is great (although a bit slow), and the size and feel are perfect for me...I hope that someone here on the forums can help.
    Thanks for your help in advance...

    Hello, mariaadamsky.
    We appreciate you reaching out to our community regarding your concern. You are using a Lumia 925 as well, correct? Did something happen to your phone that possibly caused such behavior? Did you try doing fixes on it? 
    Latest software released for Lumia phones is the Lumia Cyan. To confirm that you have it installed on your phone, go to Settings> extras+info. You can also try going to Settings> phone update> check for updates to check if there's an available update. Are your system apps also updated? While connected to WiFi, go to Store> ...> downloads to check for pending updates. Let's hope that the phone will not shut down while doing this process.
    By the way, we can try other fixes that could help us identify the real cause of the issue. In case you wish to have it repaired in a Nokia Care Point, warranty claim may vary per region and Nokia does not have an international warranty. Also, creating a backup is a must to avoid data loss. Where did you buy the phone and where are you located right now? To know about the manufacturer's limited warranty, go here: 
    We look forward to your reply.

  • Nokia Lumia 925 with Black update - When low light...

    The ambient light sensor doesn't seem to be correctly used in low light conditions.
    In low light, with the phone "locked", just push the middle unlock button. The screen show the usual unlock screen, but at high brightness, for what seems to be a variable time (every time I do this), but not longer than 100-200 ms. Then the ambient light sensor starts to work, and reduces the display brightness.
    This has only started since the black update. My Lumia 925 was working fine before, and now this display brightness problem has started. It only happens in low light conditions. If there is enough light (eg. daylight), the screen doesn't start with max brightness to begin with.
    It doesn't matter if I'm using "glance" either. With this feature turned on or off, in low light conditions, this problem is the same.
    I am now not using glance (I wasn't really using it before the update anyway), and I've set my screen brightness to a set value as a workaround.
    OS version 8.0.10517.150
    Frimware: 3051.40000.1345.1001
    Radio: 3.2.04047.1
    SOC: 8960
    Go to Solution.

    So I've played with my phone more ... and I don't think there is a big problem. If I move to a room that is darker, and wait a few seconds, the phone unlock screen isn't bright when I hit the unlock button. It seems the phone now needs longer time to get used to the light conditions it is in.
    Maybe the Lumia was always like this, or maybe the ambient light sensor has a slower response time now, and isn't polled as often for its reading, like it was before. More likely is that as I have been playing with the glance screen, I've been locking and unlocking quickly, while walking around. The phone hasn't had enough time to update the ambient light settings.
    Interestingly, with the glance set to interval, I can still wake up the interval screen when placing my hands on the screen. I had left my phone for sometime on its own, then I lifted it up. Either my fingers or the movement triggered the glance screen to turn on. Or its has a timer as such, and just happened to turn on at this point in time ! Who knows (well I'll search for more info about the new glance settings now).
    So it looks like there is no problem. Either its always been like this, and I'm testing the ambient sensor polling to the limits by pressing the unlock button often. Or the polling rate has been reduced (maybe to help increase battery life).

  • Nokia Lumia 925 Display Problems

    I was playing on pc when i saw that the screen on my lumia 925 just broke kind of i will put some pictures and i try to restore it but it didnt work is the same .... i never drop it in any place or put it near water or st dangerous it was in case all the time plz can you tell me is a display issu or a soft problem ??
    IMG_0041.JPG ‏1305 KB

    That looks like display issue. You need to take it to Nokia care center and get the display replaced.
    If a reply has solved your problem click Accept as solution button, doing it will help others know the solution. Thanks.

  • Nokia Lumia 925 No Display After Switch On

    When I switch my Nokia Lumia 925 off and then turn it back on again I get no display.
    I know its on because I can press the on/off/ button and the soft keys will vibrate when touched.
    I can even take a picture using the camera key, confirmed with a flash but I have no display whatsoever.
    Anyone else experienced this issue? Soft reset seems to the the trick but I get the same issue everytime I turn my phone off and turn it back on again.
    I love the phone to pieces but this issues are starting to dwell on me and whether I made the right choice.
    My OS info if it helps is:
    OS: 8.0.10328.78
    Firmware: 3047.0000.1326.2005
    Chip SOC version 8960

    In the light of this, my advice is to take it back to where you bought it from. There's clearly something wrong with your unit.
    The Lumia 925 is a great phone. Don't let this bad experience change your opinion of the model. You may have had bad luck with yours, but it doesn't mean that *every* Lumis 925 suffers from the same fault!
    Have it looked at by your nearest Nokia care point or, if you got it from an operator, contact them instead for the procedure to follow. They might even be able to give you further advice and things to try that could fix it for you without having to send it off.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Update query for lumia 925

    Hi All,
    I'm using Lumia 925, recently got an update option for my phone and I updated it.
    Its now showing lumia black.
    But even after the update I'm not able to get the option for call+sms setting (for call block feature)
    Can someone help me with this??
    Aman Mehra

    Hi mehraaman,
    Kindly Update all System Apps on your phone. Follow the instruction here: WP8 System Apps.

  • Lumia 925 cyan update problem

          Hi , i updated to windows 8.1 official version on my lumia 925  and the problem im facing is the battery. It wont get me through a day of normal usage. Pls dont tell me to close wifi, glance etc. becouse i followed every single battery saving trick.
    Thank you.

    have you tried performing a soft reset, and checking you are up to date with the latest Nokia system app updates from the Store? else a hard reset may be in orde.r

  • Nokia Lumia 925 display acting strange?

    I am not really sure if this is some sort of hardware bug or not ! But I dont think it is normal, I will try to describe it as good as I possibly can but English its not my native language, I will try to take it on video though.
    I got my Lumia 925 few days ago (coming from L800 btw) and noticed that the display is acting little werid. Everytime I unlock the screen OR I tap the "back" button from any APP and I want to swipe the screen down/up/bottom/or else it is not responding. So everytime I close the app and I want to swipe display or click on some app (emails for example) I must wait like 1 or 1,5 second or the display wont register my touch. I dont think this is normal because I didnt have any similiar issue with L800 and thats way slower phone. I dont think that problem is me being too fast. The display is simply not registering first touch if its done too fast after unlocking or going back or multitasking.
    I tried soft reset but the problem still persist. Its not a big deal though but its really annoying cause sometimes I need to swipe really fast and the phone is just ignoring the first touch and only reacts on the second one when I need to get off the finger and touch it again.
    Any clues?
    I found a guy on forum describing similiar problem, I qoute:
    "The problem is now that when I hit the unlock button, it takes maybe a second or two for the touch screen to start working. I swipe up but nothing happens then a second later I swipe again and it works. If I lock the phone and then unlock immediately the screen normally starts working immediately but if I lock it, wait a minute and then unlock it I have to wait a second or two for the screen to start working.
    Really weird and definitely a software issue. Its not a huge issue, but is quite frustrating."

    You could try a hard reset if you like or if not send the device to a nokia care point or to point of purchase.
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • Nokia lumia 925 display problem

    Hi everyone,
    I have owned Lumia 925 and having trouble with its display as it gets low in din light. It gets lie even greater than the phone's default low level.

    It's the same on my 920 and 1020. When brightness is set to automatic the screen does dim down to a level below the phones low brightness level when in a dark or dimly lit room.
    There isn't anything that can be done about this other than setting the brightness level to one of the manual settings and disabling automatic brightness.

Maybe you are looking for