Mac G5 startup Failure.........

In my mac g5 i have a startup problem, every time i start my g5 the led in the power button blinks and the fans inside spins a little but nothing happens then. Help me urgently to solve this issue........

You don't have a Mac G5 or a PowerMac if you have Mac OS X 10.7.1.  
All Mac Pros that work with Lion (10.7.x), look like:
The PowerMac G5 towers which look like, and only support up to Mac OS X 10.5.8: explains the light behavior of the on/off switch if you have a Mac Pro.
If you have a PowerMac G5, you may hear a series of tones at startup in addition to the light behavior:

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    Issue resolved with the help of Adobe Support (Mercer).  My problem had been seen in another machine, there were empty folders in the Fonts Folder (Hard Drive>Library>Fonts) that the installer could not reconcile or delete, that was hanging up the Installer.
    My fix was to delete the following empty folders from the Fonts Folder:
    And then re-run the installer (be sure to empty the trash).
    My advice would be to first read the installer log and look for names of font folders that could not be resolved, then dump those.  Another way would be to dump any empty folders in the Fonts Folder, empty the trash, then re-sun the installer.

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    Select the icon of your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you renamed it) in the Finder and open the Info window. What value is shown for Available (space)?

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    PapaCarl wrote:
    I get the error message "Mac OS Startup disk has no more space available."    I have run the resolution suggested on support helpsite.  Still running very slow. 
    Also have a look on the right side of this page under 'More Like This'.

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    Hello again:
    If DW cannot repair the problem, you need to either reinstall OS X (if you are able, I would use an archive and install) or take the computer to either an Apple store or to an Apple-certified technician for help.

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    1. Start up in Safe Mode.
    2. Empty Trash.
    3. Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Hold the option key down and click "Go" menu in the Finder menu bar.
        Select "Library" from the dropdown.
        Library > Mail > V2 > Mailboxes
        Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Empty Trash. Restart.
    4. Delete old iOS Devices Backup.
        iTunes > Preferences > Devices
        Highlight the old Backups , press “Delete Backup” and then “OK”.
    5. Re-index Macintosh HD
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy

  • IMac Memory Issues: "Your Mac OSX Startup Disk Has No More Space Available"

    Hi all,
    I've done some extensive searching on my issue, and haven't been able to find a solid solution.  I was hoping that if I shared my specific problem, it might shed some light on what is going on.  My OS is current:  10.8.2  with plenty of HD space (over 250 GB) and 4 GB ram.
    Over the past couple of days, my iMac has become very slow and laggy.  Most times I will eventually get the message:  "Your Mac OSX Startup Disk Has No More Space Available".  This is after it has been lagging for quite a while, sometimes several hours.
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    Here's some steps I've taken so far:
    -  Checked the activity monitor and system memory seems fine.  No single app takes up more than 7% or so of memory at any given time.  1.65 GB active, 1.64 GB inactive, about 700 MB wired, free about 4 MB.  VM size is 247 GB, CPU also seems OK:  (%user around 10-20%, %System around 10%, Idle around 70-80%).  No single app seems to be taking up an excessive amount of Real Memory.
    -  Permissions repair (It found some things to fix, but never completely finished, seemed to freeze after several hours, tried it several times)
    -  Checked disk for repair (no problems found), did the S.M.A.R.T check and ran tests again using Onyx.
    -  Re-indexed Macintosh HD
    -  I saw a suggestion to reset the PRAM, so I did that.
    I do have the system backed up via Time Machine.  Suggestions for further action are very much appreciated!

    Ok, thanks.  Here's a screenshot from during when it was running to a near halt (took me a while even to take the screenshot):
    Here's a second screenshot after restart.  All I did was open Chrome to post this:
    At this exact moment I have about 500MB of memory free, but I have been watching it slowly count down starting from 2GB free when I first restarted.  So far it is running smoothly, but I am guessing that it will start to lag again once the free memory dials down.
    In case there is any correlation:  I happened to have a strange issue with my internet connection.  My router seems to be working fine, and I have wi-fi connected around the house.  However, I did have my iMac connected via ethernet cable, and the wired connection was not working (was not finding a DNS address), but when I go to Wi-fi, it works.  Again, could be totally unrelated, but it started just before the slowdown.

  • "Your Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory" - uploading files problem

    Hi everyone,
    I'm running a late-2012 27 inch iMac - 3.4GHz Intel Core i7, 32GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with the 3TB fusion drive, OS 10.8.4. At present there is 1.92TB of available storage.
    I have received this message "Your Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory" just before a full on crash multiple times in the past couple of days whilst using WeTransfer to send over some large files (500MB+). The applications I have had open at the time have been: Activity Monitor, App Store, Firefox, and Finder. Over the course of uploading the files, the active system memory has gone from 1.04GB and steadily increased until it more or less maxes out around 29GB, at which point the Page Outs rocket up to around 40GB/s and the swap memory fills up pretty quickly until the computer basically can't take any more and blacks out.
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    Does anyone know what might be the issue and how it could possibly be resolved?
    Really appreciate any help, I'm in the middle of a fairly sizeable project and the deadlines are just around the corner.

    There is excessive swapping of data between physical memory and virtual memory. That can happen for two reasons:
    You have a long-running process with a memory leak (i.e., a bug), or
    You don't have enough memory installed for your usage pattern.
    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    When you notice the swap activity, open the Activity Monitor application and select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
    View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding "kernel_task") is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The process named "Safari Web Content" renders web pages for Safari and other applications. It uses a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider it a prime suspect.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command: 
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

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    After installing the mountain lion on my Mac at startup a stop sign appears and i cant loguin or do anything.. What should i do?

    If you mean the "no entry" sign, a circle with a slash through it, then you need to reinstall Mountain Lion.
    Boot into the Recovery HD by holding down cmd-r at startup tone until gray screen.
    From there, reinstall Mountain Lion.

  • Disk Warrior - Mac OS Services Failure

    Having used DW 4.4 on a Mountain Lion Macbook I am unable to replace the rebuilt directory with the above warning.  Any ideas how to combat this?

    Try this, from a post on another site:
    If an application on OS X has damaged the Journaling data, then when you try to run Disk Warrior, you may get this error:the new directory cannot replace the original directory due to a mac os services failure. You may be able to work around this problem by temporarily turning off Journaling via Disk Utility: 
    Open Disk Utility
    Select the Volume of the drive
    Hold down the Option key on the keyboard
    Go to the File menu – select Disable Journaling
    Now run Disk Warrior again. Afterwards, you can turn back journaling.
    If you continue to have problems, you may need to clone or backup the drive to an external, reformat the internal drive, and clone back or reinstall Mac OS X and restore your data. Alsoft may have additional suggestions.

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    Hi, any help would be appreciated.
    Dreamweaver CS4 Mac – non-startup – Error: 150:30
    "Licensing for this product has stopped working". Transferred to new computer via Time Machine back-up.

    See if anything here helps:

  • "your mac osx startup disk has no more space"

    I getting the following message constantly: "your mac osx startup disk has no more space". It pops up the "force quit" menu and displays this message at the top.
    I'm getting this error on an iMac that has a brand new HD installed by Apple. I restored from a Time Capsule, Time Machine backup.
    The 500GB hard drive has 388.28GB of free space left.
    Updated to OSX 10.6.6.
    Might have been running either 10.5.? or 10.6.? before the old HD crashed.
    Both the Time Capsule and iMac are using wired gigabit ethernet to connect to our network.
    I did check the startup disk using Disk Utility, it passed.
    I also ran Fix Permissions and got quite a bit of ACL errors, but they all seem to be the ones on the "ignore" list from a different forum posting I found.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Tahoe Tech Group wrote:
    I getting the following message constantly: "your mac osx startup disk has no more space". It pops up the "force quit" menu and displays this message at the top.
    That's quite odd.
    Do you get this immediately after startup, or only after running for a while?
    If after running for a while, what was running?
    Have you done any backups since reinstalling? If so, were there any problems?
    Is there only a single partition on the Startup disk?
    I did check the startup disk using Disk Utility, it passed.
    You mean you did a +*Verify Disk,+* right?
    Does it show Verified for the S.M.A.R.T. status?

  • How to fix windows 7 startup failure? Windows startup repair cannot help

    Recently, my laptop have problem with the startup and unfortunately it is showing crash dump error as well.
    This is the error mesage for startup issues: c000021a fatal system error, intial session process or system process terminate
    and this is error message for crash dump: STOP: 0x0000000A (0xFFFFF80003BEDE60, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000008, 0xFFFFF80003BEDE60)
    So, when i start my laptop it comes up with the startup c000021a fatal system error. I tried to go to startup repair and chose the "Last Known Good Configuration (advanced)" after that it shown system crash dump error message.
    Unfortunately, I did not make the restore point. I want to reinstall my windows but it cant boot from CD/DVD due to startup failure. I already choose the booting sequence to CD/DVD as first sequences but it still does not work.
    Anyone can help me with this issues?

    Hi Arie K,
    Please explain a bit about the following question for better analyzation:
    1. What changes have you made before this issue?
    2. Do you receive the same error message when we use the normal boot, safe mode and Last Known Good Configuration? If no please share it with us.
    3. What error messages do you receive when we try to boot from CD/DVD?
    We could try to use the USB driver to performance the system restore or reinstall.
    For more information, please refer to the following article.
    How to Build a Bootable USB Drive? or How to Install an Operating System from a USB Device?
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Mac Pro 2008 startup failure

    I've replaced failed logic board in my Mac Pro 2008, but it's still not working.
    When I press power button, all fans spins, GPU fan spins, but there is no chime and display.
    DIAG LED shows only yellow STBY and green PWRG.
    Please help !

    They age, stress, heat fatigue.
    You just need to use RMA and warranty once you know which pairs.
    And you should be seeing errors or wrong amount or something in Memory tab in System Profile.
    Apple Hardware Test will spot parity error DIMMs and some hardware issues with RAM or Risers
    Rember can try to look for errors but harder with ECC.
    Don't. You can end up with corrujpt files, corrupt system, corrupt directory.
    All of which takes more time to find and correct.
    And you may need to do a clean install and go from there.
    FBDIMMs should have lifetime warranty and buy from a reputable Mac source (Crucial, OWC, Kingston etc) that says "Mac Pro certified"

  • Mac Pro [2006] startup failure

    I have a Mac Pro 2.0 Ghz system which will not power up correctly. I have browsed various topics here and searched using google in the hope of finding an answer. Some of this has been helpful and I am now at the stage of replacing either the logic board or the power supply using spare parts from another chassis. Unfortunately the status of these parts is also unknown. I don't want to swap parts from my one working system and risk ending up with three dead machines!
    Anyway I have tried the SMC reset procedures, reset the RTC and replaced the battery, changed RAM riser cards and so forth to no avail. The situation still is that the machine responds to power button presses with a slight "click", the front-panel LED glows steadilly and the fans run but accelerate to very high speed over a minute or so after applying power.
    The onboard diagnostic LEDs are all extinguished and pressing the diagnostics switch results in only LED1 [trickle power] lighting up. No LED's are illuminated on the RAM risers or graphics card.
    There is no system chime.
    Keyboard appears dead but the mouse will light up if plugged into a USB port on the chassis instead of one of the ports on the keyboard.
    My spare logic board has no CPUs installed and so it will be a major job to do the changeover.
    Questions then are:
    Is there enough info here to say positively whether it is a PSU or a logic board problem?
    Are there other possibilities? Thermal sensors? GPU? Cabling faults?
    Is there any way to test a logic board or PSU in isolation from a complete system? Can the logic board be tested without CPUs installed?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    We have a 2.66 MacPro 1,1 still running fine at present, the original graphics card was replaced by Apple as part of a known issue. This was over 4 years ago, close to the end of the cutoff period for the known issue IIRC.
    I'd suggest you contact Apple & see if you can sweet talk them into doing something about the graphics card, even if it's just arranging a better price on a replacement. I recollect at the time of the exchange Apple was switching cards based on the installed OS. Having 10.6 installed meant we got a NVIDIA 8800GT, earlier OS's meant other cards were offered instead. I think it came with a NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT (but I could be wrong - ask me to dig out details if you want to know for sure).
    Assuming the disk doesn't contain your user data, shutdown & remove your second HD to see if it runs any better, I find that the OS will wait for what feels like a lifetime when requesting data from a disk that has gone to sleep. SSD's change your perception, booting from one will freshen up the Mac, but won't fix the no graphics at boot issue, sorry.

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